I understand that some people want only those that contributed something to the site should be able to enter certain giveaways. What I do not understand is why do some people make it as high as possible. I'll give an example. If you have a contributor value of $100, I understand wanting others to have given at least that same about. However, if you go for $200, by your own rule, you could not enter your own giveaway. (I know you can never enter your own giveaways, so don't bring that part up.) If you did not give that much, then what is the reason behind requiring others to do so?

12 years ago*

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Because they don't want people like you winning.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Couldn't say it any better. Thank you.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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You did not have to put me down. My level is only $66, so by the example, the $100 value would leave me out. I understand that and left it alone. It is why even excluding yourself is what I wanted to know. Going for more than yourself is what I wanted to know. If it was me, requiring others to give $132 makes no sense to me. I just wanted to know why I would make it that even I can not enter my own giveaways.

12 years ago

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You're an ass purely trying your hardest to give away as much free or (as close as possible to) free shit to boost your contrib value so you can join more lower entry giveaways, instead of seeing your contib value as an indication of what you've given away. And you're complaining about people not liking you?

12 years ago

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I have to agree it's pretty lulzy to complain about contributor value having given away 12 Dota 2 keys and The Ship during the times when they were worth practically nothing.

12 years ago

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You're the only ass here. He's not arguing contributor giveaways, he's arguing that we should not be allowed to make contributor giveaways over what our actual contribution value is listed at. Currently you are allowed to make a giveaway require DOUBLE what your own contributor value is...that's ridiculous and it should be changed.

12 years ago

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  1. He wasn't arguing for or against anything, just musing on the "why" some people might have for making giveaways with contrib. values they theoretically wouldn't be able to enter. Learn to read.
  2. "..that's ridiculous and it should be changed.." ? WHY? That doesn't make sense whatsoever. If someone's using the contrib value as something to use to reward contributors, surely he or she should be able to decide exactly which level of contributor they wish to reward, any time? Whether they've given away just as much, or not. However, looking at your giveaways, it's clear you purely see contrib value as something to be farmed so you can enter more giveaways, making your statement all the more logical. Let me correct it for you, though:

" Currently you are allowed to make a giveaway require DOUBLE what your own contributor value is... That makes for more giveaways with too high contrib value for me to enter, so it's ridiculous and it should be changed."

There, fixed!

12 years ago

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Hmmmm. Can't tell if you're naive, stupid, or just a troll.

12 years ago

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Which is an absolutely flawed and shitty way of filtering out contrib boosters / leechers etc (such as - as you correctly pointed out - OP), also locking out otherwise good people who might be simply down on their luck and not HAVE that much money to give away. You know, people who actually are among the most deserving of some wins and a lucky break, logically speaking, if real generosity is your main reason for doing giveaways, instead of e-peen or gaining entry to higher contrib. value giveaways.

Uh huh, great system.

This shit's retarded and flawed to high heaven. Rewarding altruism and generosity with the tangible reward of lower entry, more exclusive giveaways is stinted, unfair, shouldn't be what giving stuff away is about, and ultimately a horrible idea, from even the most basic beginnings of ethical thinking. It's even led to more contrib boosters, leechers, and other undesirables being attracted to the site in droves to try and game the system, rather than actually want to give some games away, and maybe win some.

12 years ago

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"It's even led to more contrib boosters, leechers, and other undesirables being attracted to the site in droves to try and game the system, rather than actually want to give some games away, and maybe win some."

Absolutely, and if you give away a bundle key you get accused of that regardless. I've been pondering recently whether or not to create a thread entitled "Do you think the contributor system is working as intended?" or words to that effect. In the end I decided not to bother, because despite being able to present my argument in a coherent and rational way I expect nothing more than a "fuck you OP" from most quarters, including a certain member of the support team. Oh well.

12 years ago

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Uh-humm, yes. Now, to reply.

You make more good points, indeed. Give away a bundle game, be seen as a dick, yup. Which is BALLS. And yeah, making a thread like that would be 100% useless, as you'd get 100%, bonafide grade A retard responses from

  • ass-kissing leeches of high contrib people (you know, the kind who brainlessly defend anything any high contrib type does)
  • support
  • people with no more brain capacity than to form crude, generalising arguments lacking any form of nuance or reason, rather being their own biased views espoused through dumb fuck wording lain under a magnifying lens of ego-based "I CAN YELL THE LOUDEST" type posts - you know, the average forum goer.

You can argue this point of contrib value over and over and over, but any basic study of ethics and group behavior will say, simply, that rewarding positive, wanted modes of behavior / mindsets such as generosity, in any community or group, with tangible rewards, is a bad thing, and can only lead to shit. Shit like what we're thinking of now, what you've just posted, and more.

The damage that infernal stat has done to the site is many-fold and not just the cause of immediate effects such as good people being locked out of giveaways, but also trickled down, less visible, insiduous effects that have taken place over time and you can only see clearly once you take a step back and really look at what's going on, such as people's general lack of faith in the site and its' community, people's mistrust / wariness when meeting new people from the site, higher contrib people being harassed by leechers / invite beggers, etc, higher contrib people turning in to elitist fucks, and more. All those examples are a sign of the really negative vibe present now as a dark cloud over the site and community at large. A site which should have a pretty neat, positive vibe about it.

12 years ago

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"also locking out otherwise good people who might be simply down on their luck and not HAVE that much money to give away."

Not gonna bother with the rest of your points, cause I frankly just dont care, but this one irks me.

If you are down on your luck, you need food, shelter, necessities. YOU DONT NEED VIDEO GAMES. Stop trying to start a pity party for these people. There are a metric fuck ton of free games on Steam and on the rest of the web. If these people want to play 'video games' it costs them nothing extra already. If you are that down on your luck that you can't afford a game that is 90% off and give it away, then pawn your computer, cancel the internet access, and get your priorities straight. Why are these people MORE deserving of giveaways? Fucking spare me the down on your luck argument. Boo hoo hoo, I can't afford Skyrim, someone just give it to me cause I am poor. I am sure there are plenty of non-contributing members who have won games that they never played, people who never go into chat or hang out on the forums, or do anything else but click <enter giveaway> and move on. Explain to me again why they are more deserving than the person who's given away $1000+, runs games in chat, puzzles in the forum? Oh, that's right, cause your argument is that person has money, so fuck em right?

I am all about altruism when it comes to giving someone basic needs. Video games aint a basic need, get off your high horse and realize how dumb your argument is.

12 years ago

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I see what you're saying. But you're over polarising my argument to aid your own. In fact, your whole post is quite black and white, makes handy (and idiotic) assumptions to back your own shit up, and doesn't factor any kind of nuance in. I see you do that all over the forums and chats, though, so no surprise there..

For example, I didn't say "Oh, that's right, cause your argument is that person has money, so fuck em right?" at all. I said, when I make a giveaway, I prefer someone winning who might not have enough cash to buy a lot for themselves. And purely logically speaking, if you've got enough cash to give away 150 bucks' worth a month to others, surely, you really don't need that free Far Cry 3 win to be able to play the game, do you?

Your attitude of "If you are down on your luck, you need food, shelter, necessities" is so absolutely polarised and puts so many words in my mouth, I can't even begin to fathom the way your mind works. You know, there's many shades of grey between being almost destitute and homeless, and having enough to buy your own - entirely arbitrary and not necessary for survival - games as well as a bunch for other people. Having a roof over your head and food to eat doesn't automatically mean you can afford most games. There's also many reasons for people to be in some financial worries, and even more reasons for them to maybe not be able to get out of those worries easily or in any way to do with them selling their PC, or any of the other stuff you said. People can still today be the victim of circumstance, you know.

"Boo hoo hoo, I can't afford Skyrim, someone just give it to me cause I am poor." Again, polarised, harsh nonsense. I didn't say that anywhere, ever, at all. You conveniently filled that in for me. Just sounds like you're a dick with no empathy here, honestly.

Sure, games aren't life necessities. That's entirely irrelevant and moot, though. Winning a game once in a while is a nice little pleasure to have, like anything else you do besides eating, sleeping, breathing. Besides, gaming is a hobby, something to do with your life that you enjoy spending time on. Doesn't mean you need to act like everyone who enjoys winning a game, or playing one, has their priorities all wrong, no matter what their current station in life, or by proxy is someone who thinks they need games to live. A free game off a generous person is always a nice thing. Especially if through the gift, you make new friends maybe, or find some new gaming partners. Your station in life has absolutely 0%, nothing, to do with that.

EDIT: I agree with you that scummy types that insta-enter all they see, don't really wanna play their wins, don't ever comment, aren't in any way active in the community, etc, real leeches, are inherently undeserving of wins, but that doesn't mean all low contrib members are such types, thus making it entirely warranted and OK for you to bunch them all together and say shit like "Why are these people" or "Explain to me again why they..", at all. Anyway, I can flip that around, too, and say that plenty of high contrib members are absolutely undeserving tools and trolls that treat others like shit, and a bunch of them see people with somewhat lower contrib value as "all leeches, all bad" etc. Which is just as deplorable. In the end, always go for knowing the people you're giving to - use group / priv. giveaways and blacklists, simple.

12 years ago

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The kind of people that give away 12 copies of Dota 2? It doesn't count towards your contrib value though, right?

12 years ago

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They used to count though I think

12 years ago

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There have been and still are legions of flaws in the system.

12 years ago

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Couldn't say better.

12 years ago

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In order to thank "high contributors"?

12 years ago

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Drugs are bad, mkey!

12 years ago

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You mean... really bad?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Holy sh*t.

12 years ago

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how? if someone contributed like a 1000$, he propably have a lot of games, and enough money to buy everything he wants to :) so why should he bother about wining Titan Quest for example :P

12 years ago

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It's not wrong to thank people who give freely to the community..

12 years ago

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Wait what are you trying to tell me that its not wrong to give gifts to people who give tons of gifts other people :-P?

Don't leave cookies out for Santa logic.

12 years ago

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It is wrong to reward those simply fortunate enough to have the cash to burn with more exclusive giveaways and other tangible rewards purely for burning that cash in what's supposed to be a gesture of altruistic generosity and kindness.

If I made more money, I'd give more away, simple. And I honestly wouldn't give 2 shits about my contrib value and gaining access to lower entry giveaways. In fact, I'd probably even enter waaaaay less giveaways as I could afford a bunch more, myself. I try my best to scrounge enough cash together to do some giveaways, and try to do games not given away that often / not owned by people in the groups I do giveaways for / actually wanted little gems. The way I see it, I'm an example of a decent chap on the site, as far as intentions and character go.

But I still regularly see absolute idiot trolls of people who are absolute assholes to others get away with harassing others, insulting others, being disruptive dicks in general, give stuff away for e-peen / with absolutely no feelings of generosity, and be rewarded with favoritism (in all kinds of situations including, but not limited to, decisions to punish by support or not) even and high contrib, low entry giveaways, purely because of their high contrib value. Which is a bunch of fucking bullshit. And the last bit of that sentence also sounds a bit weird to me.. "People who give away loads, meaning they HAVE money / games to give away, get the highest chances of winning more free stuff! As the more poor people watch them in their elitist little circle-jerk clubs patting each other on the back with more and more free games they don't need."

Yeah, no.

12 years ago

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But you do realize those giveaways are being made specifically to thank the high contributors, right? If I want to thank someone who's given more than me, that's my prerogative. That specific giveaway was created for that specific purpose. It's not right or wrong.

God's honest truth is I don't have much money to toss at giveaways, either. Right now I honestly don't have any, because all my cash is going towards gas, bills, car repairs, and my spare money is going towards christmas gifts (oh, and lets not forget the douche who scammed me out of $60 + $40 in fees for his credit card company just because I wanted to help him get something he couldn't get himself... still trying to break even there and fight that). Even so, I -get- why people want to make giveaways with high contrib value. It just logically makes sense.

Yes, the primary function of this place should be to gift out of the goodness of your heart, and for people who truly deserve the games to get them. And for the biggest part, I think this site does that. But there's nothing inherently wrong with contributor giveaways as well. It's not like every giveaway on the main page is a contributor-only giveaway.

To address your other point, some people just cannot afford to give away games, but others could and are just leechers. I mean, just about anyone (with the ability to buy online or purchase a steamwallet card) can buy a $1-$2 game on sale and give it away, to get SOME contrib value, so they don't come across as a leecher. The disrespect to those who don't give is because it seems the most are just leechers. Yeah, some people take it too far, being total douches and thinking they're better than everyone else because that value is higher. And that is wrong. But you're ALWAYS going to find people like that, in every walk of life, no matter what. Even if contributor value wasn't in place, they'd find some other way to be jerks.

Also, a person doesn't have to give away a game for the sake of being generous. They can do it for any reason they desire.

12 years ago

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"But you do realize those giveaways are being made specifically to thank the high contributors, right? If I want to thank someone who's given more than me, that's my prerogative. That specific giveaway was created for that specific purpose. It's not right or wrong."

Let me correct you there. "But you do realize those giveaways are being made specifically to thank people with a good enough character to want to invest so much of their income in giveaways, right?"

Indeed, and this is totally fine, but if this is really what you're going for, then actually get to know people in person and make a private group for these very altruistic people, and make giveaways for that group, the group being purely to reward good spirited people for their altruistic generosity, not some say-nothing number stat.

The same concept goes both ways - stats alone say nothing about a person's true character, which is, by your own admission, what high contrib giveaways try and supposedly reward. Low contrib value is a sign of nothing other than someone having some reason to not give away stuff. That can mean anything,- them being leechy fucks, or simply poor and down on their luck.

Gating your "reward good people" giveaways through the hard limit of a contrib value is an elitist contrivance that is a) unnecessary, b) unfairly limiting to others, c) absolutely counter-intuitive considering what I said before - it should make more sense to want to give to those less fortunate than people with a lot to spend.

End of the day, the best route is to go for private groups, and actually knowing the people you're gifting to. No matter what. As, again, low / high contrib stats alone say nothing about a person.

"Also, a person doesn't have to give away a game for the sake of being generous. They can do it for any reason they desire." - Agreed, in part. The reasons people have for gifting can be many and varied, sure, but the general intent with which something's given away should be altruism and generosity, not self-gain, surely? In my opinion, if you're not doing giveaways with that mindset, you should fuck off the site entirely. (not YOU you, the figurative "you" ;) )

12 years ago

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I'll just start by saying I don't totally disagree with your points. My whole thing is that if someone's making a giveaway with high contrib value, they don't want people who haven't given to enter that specific giveaway, which, as I said before, should be fine since these giveaways don't make up all that much of the site.

While giving away games so people less fortunate can receive them does make sense, and should be the primary reason people make giveaways, if they want to give away so they can add to their contrib value, it really shouldn't matter too much, because even then, more games are being given away. My problem comes in when these people just give away freebie games or cheap things (Dota2 comes to mind). If they're giving away decent stuff, then despite the reason why they are, I don't have too big a problem with it. It keeps the site active, and brings more chances to win.

A private group for such things isn't a bad idea, but at the same time, the high contrib value does the same thing (only anyone with that value can enter, versus a select handful of people. I guess the usefulness of it depends on the purpose of the giveaway). The big difference aside from control over who enters is that everyone sees the high contrib giveaway. I guess that leads to people feeling left out, but they can just move on to the next giveaway. They aren't being hurt necessarily. I don't really agree about it always being elitism. Sometimes it is, sure, and that's stupid. But it isn't always that case. If I were to make a high contrib giveaway, for example, it'd be because I want to thank EVERYONE who has given away x-dollars worth of games.

I do feel for those people who are poor and down on their luck, but even then, most contrib value is set at $1 or less (leech-guard, if you will), and like I said, it's not hard to come across a $1 game to give just so you have some proof you're not a douchy leech (like you said, the figurative "you" lol)

And like I said, I do agree that the general intent should be "I want to help people out and let someone play a game they wouldn't have been able to otherwise". That's why I give away games (that and hosting a puzzle can be fun ;) ), and it's why I do give away things both on here and off.

I do admire your passion about this, but I'm just saying it's not so black and white, and overall, the contrib value just isn't a big deal considering they make up so few of the giveaways. Some people act elitist about it and I'm against that, but as I said in my other post - you'll always find that in life, contrib values or not.

EDIT: We need a contributor/morality value. So, $1000/Pure vs $1000/Corrupt. lol

12 years ago

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A private group for such things isn't a bad idea, but at the same time, the high contrib value does the same thing. The big difference aside from control over who enters is that everyone sees the high contrib giveaway.

If I were to make a high contrib giveaway, for example, it'd be because I want to thank EVERYONE who has given away x-dollars worth of games.


12 years ago

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Please see my reply to "Describe".

12 years ago

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  • "I don't really agree about it always being elitism." Never said it was..
  • most contrib value is set at $1 or less (leech-guard, if you will). Again, contrib value should not equate to an anti-leecher system. Knowing the people you're giving away to is an anti-leecher system. Using groups is an anti-leecher system.

My real problem with the contrib system is detailed better in my other posts on this page, please ctrl-f and read them, save me the trouble of copy-pasting :P. The scope of damage done isn't merely me missing out on some high contrib giveaways. It goes way, way farther than that alone. I've also posted a response to "Describe" addressing exactly what you say here - "A private group for such things isn't a bad idea, but at the same time, the high contrib value does the same thing.." it doesn't do the same thing whatsoever, as you'll see when you see my response to the user "Describe".

And yeah, you'll always find dicks in all walks of life, but that isn't a valid counter-point to anything we're discussing here, really. It's no reason to be OK with instilling a flawed system that brings out the worst in people, and draws in the worst from the internet community at large, anyway.

12 years ago

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"Gating your "reward good people" giveaways through the hard limit of a contrib value is an elitist contrivance" I was quoting from there. :p

I'll take a look around. No need to copy/paste lots of responses lol.

I'll agree that the system brings out the worst in some people, but I wouldn't think it'd be such a large majority that it would be a big problem.

I do think the system could use some work, but it's not so terrible that it needs work right away in my eyes. I don't think we're going to come to a complete agreement here, but I do totally see where you're coming from with your argument :)

But seriously, can we somehow implement a contrib/morality system? Maybe where people rank other people based on a goodness-douchehat status, and giveaways are created where you need a $100 value and a 9 on the scale? It's ridiculous sounding, but would help a little, possibly.

12 years ago

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My bad, you're right with that quote there.

Anyway, yeah, it would solve the issue of "but contrib value is no indicator of character", but then you'd rely on community feedback for that, which can also be heavily swayed by favoritism, butthurt, trolling, and other such biased crap :/. I love the idea though, it's just not feasible :/.

I see you've been here for 11 months.. Long enough to have seen various trends and sways on here. You have GOT to admit that there's been an absolute deluge of scummy types registering here from about the summer sale onwards, come on now dude. That's not conjecture or opinion, that's fact. I can get a whole gagglefuck of people to attest to that..

12 years ago

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Yeah, I hate that the idea falls apart when you think about how it would work from a practical standpoint.

I won't deny that I've seen more favoritism/general crap since then. I can't. But I feel like, to some extent, those types are going to pop up anyway. And we've gotten more decent people also, so there's that at least! But yeah, by that point, the jerks had heard about here and the system, and came to exploit it.. I can't deny that's happened.

12 years ago

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Also, kudos on being able to form a well reasoned argument. I respect that, for what it's worth.

12 years ago

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"since these giveaways don't make up all that much of the site"
"contrib value just isn't a big deal considering they make up so few of the giveaways"

You're correct, except that same contributor value is also responsible for the majority of complaining, whinging, and negativity on this site. No matter how people try and dress it up (see: complaining over bundle keys), what it really comes down to, is people getting all bent out of shape over some numerical value and access to giveaways that don't even exist (seriously, there really aren't many AAA game contributor-only giveaways). The thought occurred to me a while back, regarding a matter I can no longer remember, "Would this bother me if the contributor system didn't exist?" and the answer was a resounding "no".

"these people just give away freebie games or cheap things"

What's wrong with this exactly? Assuming that these giveaways still have entries then people want the game in question. Of course, abusing a promotion shouldn't be allowed or encouraged but there'd be significantly less instances of this occurring if there were no "benefits" to follow. Everything would go back to how it was before - people gifting because they want to, or in the worst case, gifting because there's nothing else they can do with their CD-key.

12 years ago

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I won't deny that people whine because of the system. But by the same logic, people are going to complain about any system put into place, no matter what it is. It's just a fact of life (unfortunately). I'm honestly not sure why people get bent out of shape over the bundle keys (unless it's a situation like Humble Bundle where the keys are for the buyer's use only). There's a $30 limit set on that, right? I've read mumblings about how you get a fixed percentage added to your contrib value based on the game's cost after that, but I'm not sure of the technicals there. With that in place, it's not too big a deal to give out bundle keys. I don't like the negative stigma attached to giving those out, though.

What's wrong with giving away games you got for free depends on several things, like exploitation, if it's given away solely to add to contrib value (Dota2 giveaways?), or if you won it from someone else/a group and it's supposed to be for your own use. Yeah, there'd definitely be less of those cases if the system wasn't there, but I don't see that being a good enough reason to dismiss it altogether.

And like I've said before, I'm a big proponent of gifting out of the goodness of your heart and/or because you don't want x game anymore. But those aren't the only reason to give.

12 years ago

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If I have a high requirement it's to give those who've donated a LOT a better chance at winning since they give back more, it only makes sense they should get more out of the site.

12 years ago

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People like to get high.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I think the idea is to reward those members of the site that have contributed more significantly. For example, I might want to say thanks to the people that have gifted significantly more than I have gifted and do that by making a high contribution requirement.

Personally I never have contributor requirements because I like to give to the community as a whole but I don't really care if others have high requirements.

12 years ago

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What logic?

12 years ago

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Fuck, you beat me by half a minute. points down [stupid bandaid, all my typing D:]

12 years ago

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All your answers you've received are the exact same. Think before you speak. It's obviously to give games to people who give more games. LOGIC IS TOO FUCKING HARD GOTTA USE FORUMS.

12 years ago

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Because generous people deserve to get more. ( ^ ɯ ^)

12 years ago

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^this too. Although I dont fully agree

12 years ago

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Disagree 100%. Generosity should be about ALTRUISM and the only reward you should want is SEEING SOMEONE ENJOY THEIR WIN. PERIOD.

12 years ago

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Maybe it should, but I don't believe this site works purely based on people's good hearts. True, some people want to give away games because they want to make others happy, but I think the majority of the gifters just want to earn contributor value to enter giveaways with better chances. They don't care if the people who receives the gift even wants that game or if they even ever play it. People spend money on the games they give away, so I think it's not unreasonable if they expect to gain something from it.

12 years ago

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.. You're saying that it's a good idea, by any stretch of the imagination, to have people on a site about giveaways, with an attitude of "hey I gave stuff away, I want my reward!"?

As for the rest of your post, it's simply an observation of what's going on now on the site - like that's all good.. -_-

12 years ago

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Wrong, its about giving to get more. Keep your high horse in the stable...

12 years ago

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I hope you're being sarcastic. Otherwise, ---.

12 years ago

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Nope, people can do what they want with their money. The more you give, then more higher end giveaways you can enter that others can't so your chances increase. Its not rocket science. Plus, it weeds out leechers that don't have any intention of giving back. I almost wish every giveaway was required to have a value, even if it was just $0.01, that way no leech and dupe accounts could win.

12 years ago

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So you're saying people purely trying to game the system for their own profit are a good thing this site should want, purely for the giveaways these people make? That would be OK, were it not for the fact that (supposedly), this is a site meant to be about a community-based approach to giveaways, not some "log in, get free shit, log out again" type of affair such as Playblink.

Then again, seeing your given away games, your posts make perfect sense. You are here purely for free games. Your decision. Just not what I thought was the general intent of the site.

Please just read my other posts on here, they respond to and effectively out-argue what you're saying here anyway.

12 years ago

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High contributors usually treat other high contributors with games that require high contribution , I respect that and that's totally cool.

12 years ago

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I've given $150 but made a giveaway for Skyrim for $250 purely because it's an expensive game and I want it to go to someone who has been really generous. Whether I'd be able to enter my own giveaway or not is not the point. The point is I want to be generous to people who have shown even more generosity than me in the past if that makes sense. They deserve it more.

12 years ago

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Disagree 100%. They don't deserve it more whatsoever. Their generosity should be about ALTRUISM and the only reward they should want is SEEING SOMEONE ENJOY THEIR WIN. PERIOD.

Also, if anything, they "deserve" it less. I'd prefer someone who's broke-ass and couldn't afford to get the game to win it, rather than either someone who's got loads of cash to burn or someone who purely tried to give away as much as possible to raise their contrib value.

12 years ago

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Whilst you have a point, I don't think that thanking the higher contributors is a bad thing. It's like.. a charity worker being randomly selected from a handful of other charity workers to a night out at a lovely restaurant as a thank you for their contribution and devotion. It's a nice thing to do once in a while.

12 years ago

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No, it's grabbing the whole organisation of charity workers (and let's say they're saving people from the rubble of some building, compared to making giveaways), including scummy ones, and saying "FREE STUFF FOR WHOEVER SHOWS THE MOST ID's OF PEOPLE THEY'VE SAVED!", thereby encouraging favoritism, elitism, trying to scam the system for self-gain (by getting the most ID's, which shows nothing about the how and why of the saving), and saving people for all the wrong reasons to begin with.

Please ctrl-f my other posts in here to see a far better way to really reward purely high contrib people (which, in my mind, still doesn't really make sense as they're all people who can buy their own games and shouldn't really care about wins as much as other users).

12 years ago

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Deserve might have been the wrong word. Sorry about that.

However, I disagree with your generalisation of people who have contributed a high value. I've not been here that long but I've given what I can up til now and intend on giving a lot more because I do enjoy seeing people win, not because of a silly number on my profile page which has no value in real life (I'm not rich - I work 9-5 in a job I'm overqualified for and earn a decent wage but not enough to move out). Most of my giveaways are set at $30.01 contrib value to filter out pure leechers or even sometimes nothing at all, so a large proportion of people have been able to enter my previous giveaways and I have happily given them that chance.

Skyrim cost me a lot more than most of the games being given away here, and I stand by my decision to make it contributor-only to allow those who have been a little more generous than I to be rewarded. It's not set at a crazy amount (I've seen giveaways set at over $2000 on here, and disagree with those). It's a one-off "treat" for those who have given back to the community.

Fact of the matter is - contributions are what keeps this site running and there has to be some sort of incentive to increase giveaways. It doesn't matter whether the person giving it away is super-rich and contrib-value obsessed. Without their giveaways, I reckon all you'd see on here were bundle keys.

12 years ago

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Umm miss, I didn't fully generalise anywhere? I merely said people with high contrib value either a) have a lot of money to burn (saying nothing about their character, still, makes sense, no?), or b) are trying to boost their contrib value for self-gain.

I've replied to other things you've said here in other posts I've made on this thread. Ctrl-f my nick, and you'll see. I don't think it's wrong to want to give a one-off reward to high contribs, but it can be done far better. Again, please ctrl-f, if you will, as otherwise I'd have to just copypasta stuff here :P

12 years ago

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So how else would you suggest I reward them? As far as I know the only way I can do that on here is via a giveaway... Not interested in making a private group. I don't spend enough time on Steam to maintain anything like that / not self-centred enough / don't know enough people on here. Will consider any other suggestions for next time.

12 years ago

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Having your own group has nothing to do with self-centered-ness, and I don't really see why you'd leap to that thought? I have my own giveaway group for people I know, has about 60 members now, and am in about 7 or 8 other, active groups, where I know the people, and would be happy for any of them to win my giveaways.

And again, please see my response to "Describe" and my post that was replied to by "Fandango" to see the issue with how shit goes down now.

12 years ago

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Not self-centred as in I love myself, but having the power to control who can enter my giveaways, setting rules, putting my name to a group etc. doesn't appeal to me. I'd rather leave it to chance. And as I said, I don't know many people on here so it'd be a totally useless idea. I'd have like 2 members lol.

I do understand your point and I do get that the system here is flawed but as someone else here mentioned - no such thing as a selfless act. As I said above, without such incentives, there wouldn't be much on offer on here. Sad fact but true.

12 years ago

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I see what you're saying, but disagree with "..no such thing as a selfless act. As I said above, without such incentives, there wouldn't be much on offer on here. Sad fact but true."

  1. There most surely is such a thing as a selfless act.
  2. The whole reason for the site being turned to something needing such incentives is the whole damn contrib value system to begin with. Without it, people would still be giving away games. In fact, there might be more giveaways due to there not being so many scumbags on here, and people thus having more faith in the site / community as a whole, and people would still be doing it all for all the right reasons. The average user's perspective has shifted and been perverted by how the site's been run and the community has gone to pot over the past few months.
12 years ago

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  1. We could probably debate all day/night about that, so let's agree to disagree. But when it comes down to giving away something that has monetary value for free, I really don't think there is such thing.

  2. I do see what you mean, but I reckon the majority of giveaways would be bundle or low-value games if that were the case. It would be interesting to change the system up for a week or two and see what happens though.

12 years ago

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  1. Agreed. This is a point of philosophical contention that can be argued indefinitely, as it boils down to opinion. Although I will say this - "when it comes down to giving away something that has monetary value for free, I really don't think there is such thing" makes no sense to me. Surely, if you've put something as simple to see as having value as money into something, and give it away, with no gain to yourself other than maybe a sense of empathetic happiness for another person, that's self-less? That's what I do for my giveaways, at least. I give a chunk of money I actually can't miss (money woes here) away, in the form of games. All I expect is gratitude, and even then, not to stroke my own ego, but because I don't want free stuff to be given to unappreciative fucks, by me or anyone else.
  2. The majority of games being given away being bundle games etc is because of the contrib value. Everyone knows that. Also, changing the system up now, all of a sudden, wouldn't be an accurate reflection of the effect of not having this system to begin with, but a reflection of the effect of changing the way things run now, in the site's current dynamic, and with its' current userbase. Each situation is unique, don't forget.
12 years ago

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  1. Giving something of value to someone for nothing isn't selfless when it makes you feel better. You might not be getting something physical back but you are getting something in return emotionally, eg. happiness for the winner, the feeling that you've done something worthwhile, expectation of gratitude. Same idea can be applied to donations to charity. I agree with you, it's philosophical (touched on this at university), but in my view, without getting anything back - physical or emotional - very few human beings will give.

  2. True, the system has been up for too long to really know. But I still think that for example, if the site had launched with the idea that people give games away for free for others to win with zero incentive to do so - just an act of kindness, it'd be a nice idea and all, but very few people would be willing to give away games over £15/$20 (or perhaps even less than that) for nothing other than a "Thanks dude". Between friends maybe, but for random strangers, I really don't see it happening. Plus the inability to filter out leechers would inevitably lead to lots of topics in the forum complaining about them and asking for some sort of contributor value/status! Again, I guess we can agree to disagree on this :)

12 years ago

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You are wrong theren if you let ke several minutes I'll make a fully answer. I do agree wuth you in some parts though

12 years ago

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well, since nobody has pointed out the most important thing - it's probably to reward those who contributed even more than you... ;P

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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i will now forever give away games at my max contrib limit.

12 years ago

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Because people here don't want GIVE games, they want only contributors points to have a chance to enter AAA games giveaway from people who have too much money (and very big ego, read this http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/zCA4r/leaving) and offer games such as Far Cry 3. From the day when contributors system appeared this site is dead.
Only small private groups here. You want to give the game - then give to all members.

12 years ago

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If this site is dead, then why are you still here (from someone who apparently has "too much money and very big ego") -__-

12 years ago

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he's too busy giving away games to get more contributor points so he can win those triple a games. Isnt it obvious?

12 years ago

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As I told many times here: I don't want any games from such people as Weehamster.

12 years ago

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Well, up to now I have never had a black list. So congratz on being the first. 12 year olds like you trying to make a argument, it is really sad to watch. Now go back to your mammy.

12 years ago

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I'm crying. Very bed Weehamser don't like me. And I'm 29.

12 years ago

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29, lol. Really? Well you fooled me. I could have sworn you were 12 :-D

12 years ago

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Yeesh, I guess age doesn't determine adulthood.

12 years ago

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Umm, you fukkin moron, let me pitch in here. While I do see the base of your argument holding merit,

  1. Weehamster is an AWESOME person, very nice, and really gives games away to make others happy, nothing more - as it SHOULD be. Do you actually know Weehamster? No, so, shut your dumb mouth, maybe?
  2. I agree with your point about the contrib. system being bad, and there being a LOT of contrib boosters interested in nothing but lower entry giveaways, but that doesn't mean you can then form such a generalising, idiotic stance and attitude as yours, especially at an age of 29. You'd expect better critical thinking / reasoning skills at that age.
  3. Your post: "Maybe is good, but check who win my last giveaway (Men of War: Condemned Heroes - 0 points for me, see I don't care contributions points) saxxybowl - private profile, he win 2 Metro 2033, 2 Magicka and 6 DOTA. He activate game from me? I don/' know. Maybe sold, I would like to know." - do you even know this is against site rules? Did you bother reporting him? Do you even know the site's various rules? Did you bother taking the time to read through them? Hmm... Well no matter, I'll report him now.
12 years ago

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Don't insult me. I reported many people and many giveaways. And administration do nothing. I can't describe the full critique, because I don't know English grammar (and I don't need English to happiness).

12 years ago

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I'm insulting you in defense of someone for something you said, unlike you - insulting someone else you know nothing about.

Again, I get the base of your critique, and agree. Contrib value = bullshit, and yes, I too don't agree with the way the site's run. No need, though, to be so generalising / biased.

12 years ago

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well said.

12 years ago

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Because I like lotteries. Why you have a private Steam profile? You have something to hide?

12 years ago

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So you try to turn/deflect this argument around by focusing on my private profile which has nothing to do with your point. Are you training to be a politician?

12 years ago

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who cares that his profile is private? what does that change? just looking at his steamgifts profile - its obvious he's donated a lot. He's (she?) more generous then most.

12 years ago

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+1 plus privacy is a right we have on this site and steam, its a good thing.

12 years ago

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Maybe is good, but check who win my last giveaway (Men of War: Condemned Heroes - 0 points for me, see I don't care contributions points) saxxybowl - private profile, he win 2 Metro 2033, 2 Magicka and 6 DOTA. He activate game from me? I don't know. Maybe sold, I would like to know.

12 years ago

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Then go to support.......

12 years ago

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No one before report him?

12 years ago

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How would I know.

12 years ago

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its obv...he's trying to get c points to be able to enter AAA games giveaway's

12 years ago

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Yeah. That's why I highly appreciate high contributor limits. They prevent people like you from entering.

12 years ago

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Ha ha. Next pathetic SG members. Ottah - "I'm your God, I'm give you games, on your knees and thank me". I don't need your mercy.

12 years ago

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Could you please stop posting bs?This website gives you the chance to win some steam games for free.There are hundreds of giveaways you can enter with no contributor limit and you are complaining?If you don't like it then why are you here?I just don't get it....

12 years ago

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I'm not complaining. Really. Because I don't care if I win anything here. But I don't like people who think they are better than others just because they born and live in the "right" country and the games from Steam are cheap for them.

12 years ago

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Did you actually see any comments where someone was claiming to be "better" than others?Most of the people who give so many games do it because they like the feeling you get when you make someone's day by gifting him a game.Without those people,this site would not exist...try to realize that.

12 years ago

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You are blind? http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/zCA4r/leaving, "Because they don't want people like you winning." Etc. etc. etc.

12 years ago

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Yes. People who complain about everything and don't appreciate a free gift. We are not speaking about people who have no money to buy games.

12 years ago

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And can you please point out for use where this "better than others just because they born and live in the "right" country and the games from Steam are cheap for them." evidence is.

BTW, I'm in EU1, which is famous for their "cheap" games. May I ask what region are you in?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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No. Russia - heaven on earth with Steam price (rubles).

12 years ago

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you realize your a hypocrite right? " You want to give the game - then give to all members." -> yet you've given two games to groups. You are the very cancer of SG and i haven't even been here long enough to really have a right to say that.

you're absolutely ridiculous and don't deserve the generosity of anyone

12 years ago

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First giveaway - for people who never won. Second - PUBLIC group, anyone can join.

12 years ago

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I don't give you any games, that's why I mostly create group and private giveaways. That quote is invalid. You can call me god anyway if you want. :-)

12 years ago

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Then tell me: you want GIVE games or not? Or maybe you want, but only for specific people, better people? What is this PRIVATE SteamGifts? Ok. Next SG update - giveaways only for groups and private. Why not?

12 years ago

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I spend my money. I choose who gets it. Simple.

12 years ago

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You're right. Your money, your business. But where is true generosity if you categorizes people?

12 years ago

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Im not trully generous if I give 10 bucks to a friend instead of a random guy in the street?

12 years ago

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Other than what people have said already, there's basic economics. Because people do this, then there is incentive to contribute more, which keeps the site working like it currently does.

12 years ago

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they want to seek attention

12 years ago

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...did you steal my pic?

12 years ago

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Doesn't look like it. Yours has that sexy hat. lol

12 years ago

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Look again.

12 years ago

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And apparently I'm blind. I must have clicked on someone else's, because all I found was a close up of the head.

12 years ago

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i was thinking the same thing

12 years ago

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First of all promotes contributing more games to the community. Second of all, and the more obvious answer, they're giving back to the people to contribute so much.

12 years ago

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Because some people got their contribution by giving away shitload of Dotas. Oh...

12 years ago

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It's almost as though you've looked at undox's profile...

12 years ago

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The only times when I'm made at high contrib reqs is when you're like 1-2 cents off.

12 years ago

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+1. That always sucks lol

12 years ago

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We are all here to win free games and give away games for free(there are some that give way more than others).. So what does it matter who wins these games or who has a chance to win them? We all have a chance at winning free games, so I can't understand the logic in complaining about the nature in which games are given away free.

the key feature to this site is all wins are free just enjoy what you are able to get and dont bite the hand that feeds you.

12 years ago

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The higher the better, that's that I always say! The same might be said for contributor value as well...

Also it helps to weed out leechers, and give back to those who actually contribute as well!

12 years ago

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We hate people

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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OMG, I want that game!

12 years ago

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i lolled

12 years ago

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$2,000.00 for $1.00 game, fair enough.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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I find the giving for the sake of giving argument flawed. I realize I am cynical, but I think no matter how righteous the intention there is still selfishness attached. Even if it is just a selfish desire to feel good.

12 years ago

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Agreed. Anything and everything you do can be traced back to a selfish desire or to personal profit.

12 years ago

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The ones I don't understand are the $1000+ contributor value only giveaways, I mean c'mon lol it's just a game

12 years ago

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I mean c'mon lol its just a value

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Them's fightin' words http://s2.favim.com/orig/28/adventure-adventure-time-finn-funny-gif-Favim.com-239341.gif

Nah but in all honesty, $1000+? Are you prestige? Are we getting a golden duck with that too?

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by undox.