A game I really loved as a young teen was Monster Lab, the closest comparison to it is Medabots, with turn-based combat, a gameboard movement grid, and minigames, haha. It came out for PS2, Wii, and the DS from what I recall.

So to craft each type of limb (head, torso, arm, leg), for each type of part (mechanical, alchemical, biological, and something else I think) there would be a different mini-game, the better you do the better the quality of the part. And you build your monster out of these parts (Medabots-like), each part would have its own ability, or passive, as well as its own stats. You then moved on a gameboard-like map in areas to fight other monsters and progress the story.

I don't think I've seen anything else like this. I thought it would be cool to make a discussion thread where people can mention and explain some very unique games they've played or seen :).

10 months ago

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There are a bunch of games that are very unique, but also very popular, so mentioning them isn't very interesting. From the top of my head: Portal (1 & 2), Rocket League, Baba is You ....

10 months ago

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Portal I'd say has lost its "Unique" Status as there's at least a handful of games that attempt to replicate it
Namely: Magrunner, Quantum Conundrum, Q.U.B.E 1&2, Superliminal, and more recently The Entropy Centre
Rocket League is quite unique as well, haven't seen another game like it (apart from no effort indies solely made to rip it off)

And Baba is You is really damn unique, think I've seen one other game recently that's similar to it, but yeh, that's a very unique game.

10 months ago

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Thanks, I didn't know any of the "Portal-likes", except for Superliminal.

10 months ago

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It's a pleasure :).

Superliminal is prob the furthest away from Portal compared to the other examples I mentioned (there's a thin line between "inspired by" and "copying", and some of those games are really blurry about which of those two they are haha)

10 months ago

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If you liked Baba Is You, and like first-person... Maybe try SUPER IS HOT?
A SUPERHOT x Baba Is You mashup gamejam submission.

I didn't try it myself yet, but the videos I saw look funny. A bit unpolished, but hey, it's a working game with two very interesting mechanics fused together.

10 months ago

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Oh no, Baba is You is hard enough by itself haha

10 months ago

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Yeah, I'm still struggling really hard on Baba Is You (40 hours in, still halfway through the main map). 😭

10 months ago

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In that aspect almost every first person puzzle game can be characterized as an attempt to replicate Portal.
Sure all the ones you mentioned got inspired by it, or to put it the opposite way: If it wasn't for Portal many similar games probably wouldn't exist. However Portal's main mechanic isn't there.

Personally I am grateful for the ripple effect that Portal caused in the puzzle genre and we got to experience so many interesting titles (as multiple different Portal mods, since Valve won't be bothered)

10 months ago*

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The concept of Portal came from game Narbacular Drop.
Another games with portal mechanics: Prey (2006), Splitgate.

10 months ago

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Unheared is a pretty unique one.
You try to figure out the solution to various crimes, which doesn't sound unique, but you can only do it by listening to the audio at the crime scene.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Don't recall seeing Ecco the Dolphin imitators over the years

What the hell is going on in They Breathe haha, sure looks unique with what's going on at least

Ah I forgot about Webbed, must check that out again

The Logging is also definitely a unique game with its concept being that it relies on real-world time

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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McPixel 1 & 3 are a lot of fun, if I'm not wrong the game the developers of Among Us made before Among Us was very McPixel like, "try actions to get to the next level, if you fail you die" type of setup

10 months ago

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They Breathe! yesss.....

10 months ago

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Watch Paint Dry is unique as it was released on Steam as a prank to showcase the many flaws the platform has and very few keys were given away by the "developer" making it the rarest game on Steam probably.

10 months ago

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Wait why the hell is it still getting updates haha

10 months ago*

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The one that comes to mind for me is Exanima. Very much a physics based game, very weird at first to control your character and weapons, but not that bad to get used to. Highly recommend it.

10 months ago

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Ah yeh! That's also a very unique game, sort off Diablo meets Dark Souls, meets QWOP from what I recall
QWOP isn't the best comparison point, but the physics and movement can sometimes be as janky as QWOPs movement

Wait! I got it, it's more Diablo meets Dark Souls, meets Octodad! I think Octodad is a better example of how the movement is (with the arms at least), and how you can easily trip and tumble over things

10 months ago

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Wow, this memory, i also played it on PS2 (still have), really unique indead, maybe a few ones that also have a unique concept :
SUPERHOT, really know one.
Rollers of the Realm, the only i know that mix Pinball & RPG, but a good one.
OMNIBUS, a 3d plateform with a bus, really unique level design, really unique.
Fortix 2, hard to describe it, really unique, a sort of "Conquering the territory", with a single men ...
CLUSTERTRUCK, Jean-Claude Van Demme, the game.

10 months ago

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I still have my Monster Lab copy as well, actually looking into emulating it, as there's no way in hell I'm plugging a PS into a converter and then into my 55" TV, it's going to look like ass then haha

All those games are also quite unique, the only exception is CLUSTERTRUCK, it's sort of like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a disregard for gravity, but forward instead of down. Sort of... haha

10 months ago

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Fortix's base idea is decades old - which proves how good it is, tbh, multiple games had a spin on the original formula, and yet end up with super memorable versions of the same idea.
Air Xonix did it 20+ years ago (loved this one, I may get it again, thanks for the reminder ^^ )
Volfied did it 30+ years ago (played so much of it on DOS ^^)
Qix started it 40+ years ago

I played a snake-and-spider version of it on win3.1, but besides the nice design didn't have much originality.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Oh damn!!! That looks awesome!
Would have loved to have owned this, daaaaaaaamn.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Although not unique per se (there are several games in the genre, just none of them hit the same) : fantasy life from 3ds.

Even the mini games grinds were ok to move on with skills

10 months ago

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The first that comes to mind:

10 months ago

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If you have been browsing internet on the y2k era, then you can't miss this one.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Knights in the Nightmare is always the first that comes to mind. Something I like doing whenever this topic gets brought up is to link this video


and ask the person if they can decipher what's going on.

What's going on is that the game is a mix of SRPG with bullet hell where enemies target your cursor instead of your units. You have to dodge attacks while you fiddle with the HUD and give your units commands. There's a timer for each turn and getting hit makes you lose time.

10 months ago

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My nomination would be the Katamari franchise. While it's not a singular, unique game, the "mishmash ball of everything that keeps growing as you roll it around" is still referred to as a Katamari in pop culture which shows its influence.
It's super memorable and has a very distinct identity, despite the mechanics being simple.

10 months ago

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Stacklands was unique. Honestly it was the first boardgame based RPG that worked. It had a lot of followups in terms of copycat or at least mimicing the style.

10 months ago

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Well, let's check my library. Those games I would call as somehow unique:

  • Puzzle Pirates: A multiplayer online game where you play as pirate. During your raids, there are multiple tasks to perform on board and the better each respective player performs the better your chances in beating your foes.
  • Crypt of the Necrodancer: Just keep moving to the beat.
  • La-Mulana: This brings exploration and the metroidvania experience to a whole new level. Play this without a guide and in you are in for a hell of experience. Technically, there is La-Mulana 2, so not "unique" per se. But shhh.
  • Before the Echo: It is a rhythm game. With a story. Where you need to synthesize items. And you need to pay attention to three different screens at the same time.
  • Element4I: A platformer? Just that you don't jump. You only trigger changes between different elemental states and with this you have to build momentum and complete the map.

I'll stop now. I have already glossed over a few where I would be on the fence if I would sort them to unique already or just an innovative variation of an existing genre. And I fear there are a lot more in my library ^^'

10 months ago

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And you build your monster out of these parts (Medabots-like), each part would have its own ability, or passive, as well as its own stats

that sounds like Zoids, although i don't think there is a minigame to craft the machine part. i think it was Zoids: Legacy that i played back then.

anyways, for unique games, i would say something like megaman battle network, but there have been similar games like that already so my nomination would be There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension. but wait, that's not a game.

10 months ago

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For me it would be The path , a game but not only that. A work of art in the form of a game.

I just quote the game description:

There is one rule in the game. And it needs to be broken. There is one goal. And when you attain it, you die.

10 months ago

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Wish I could remember its name, but I once played a free fps puzzle game where instead of shooting you had to position these glowing objects that changed the course of some missiles that were constantly being shot, so basically you had to guide a bunch of missiles through the level to solve puzzles. I remember that I never finished it because the later levels had so many missiles flying around that they completely tanked the performance on the shitty PC I had at the time. The game is probably like 15 years old at this point and I think it ran on a modified version of the Quake engine.

Other than that there's Yoku's Island Express which is a pinball-metroidvania hybrid, I don't think there's many of those.

10 months ago

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D-Life is the introduction to a new and exciting genre of video games. There is a unique world filled with electron-based life forms and your mission is to take pictures of them.

You can control the electronic life forms by utilizing their inherent mutating ability and the wind. Each electron has a specific color, and your score is determined by how well you can manipulate them to take a great picture.

Although D-Life is unprecedented in its design, you'll soon discover that this game is easy to understand, simple to play, yet also deep and challenging. It can be played with a mouse and keyboard, or a controller.

Yuriko Keino, who has worked on legendary Namco titles such as Dig Dug and XEVIOUS, is in charge of all sounds, from background music to jingles and sound effects!

D-Life is also compatible with the Nano KONTROL2, an electronic musical instrument manufactured by KORG. Make use of its knobs and sliders to control the electron-based life forms for added immersion.

Feel the electronic DNA and take great pictures!

10 months ago

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My suggestion for a unique game is Wandersong. Bit of a bias as I just finished the game recently, but there are so many great things about the game. You play as a bard in the game and your powers are singing and dancing! The unique mechanic of the game is the color wheel that you use to sing songs, solve puzzles, use in fights, and to generally interact with the world around you. I don't know of any other games that use this mechanic, so it was unique to me while playing.

The story is overall upbeat and has plenty of positive themes with lots of comedic elements thrown in. An eclectic cast of characters that you meet along the way, my favorite being the coffee drinking pirates, to help you in your journey to save the world. Add in a soundtrack that is ginormous and it is a really fun and enjoyable game.

10 months ago

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+1, Wandersong is great. Its achievements are very unique too.

10 months ago

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For some reason, The Cat Lady came to my mind.... the controls take some getting used to, but the general tone is rather unique, I think.

(In a sense, this is almost the polar opposite of Wandersong.... but both are great!)

Edit: wait, wait, wait -- Immortality is possibly one of the most unique... shit, not even sure if I say "game", but it is a really really memorable experience, and quite impossible to label. I found it enthralling, but I can see many people hating it with all their guts.

10 months ago*

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Creatures: The Albian Years very old game already but i has many unique features not seen in newer games (as far as i know) - like genetics and neural network, you can grow and learn your creatures a lot of things in a living and interactive world, I often recommended it and now it is even available also on steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1818340/Creatures_The_Albian_Years/ :)

10 months ago

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