I really like your avatar. But I am into hidden giveaways, thanks :D
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i can understand that
even more so since the groups you are a member of don't require giving back
the groups the require you to donate make little sense
its just people exchanging games
isint there better sites for that
or they could make one of there own
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Every time I did a public non contributor giveaway, people like you won.
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Considering how "often" they seem to update their informations I would not use that as a reference (Agriculture-2009, Disaster relief-2011, Economic empowerment-2009, Health-2009, HIV/AIDS-2010, Malaria-2011, Neglected tropical disease-2011, Surgery organizations-2010, Water-2010). And for quotation needed, here:
"The content we created in 2010 appears below. This content is likely to be no longer fully accurate, both with respect to the research it presents and with respect to what it implies about our views and positions."
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If he is questioning people who legitimately want to give, then I think he is out of line! However, he probably refers to the ones who give PURELY to increase their CV. I mean he is partly right......the most numerous giveaways depend upon which is the most recent bundle!
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i never understood this site either before.. but when i did start using it recently, i understood what its all about . I have recently started giving out some games, mostly bundle because tbh i cant spend much on games atm.. and when people win something because of you.. that feeling.. i don't have words for it. If i was earning good and had tons of spare money, believe me or not, you would see my name in top contributors of the month.. not because i get something for being in top contributor..
because it just feels so good. period.
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I certainly wish I had more money to do giveaways here; I'd probably spend way too much time making puzzles.
The vast majority of "extra" games I snag I end up giving away during my charity livestreams I do every couple months as incentives for people to donate and/or to reward people hanging out and keeping me company while I'm trying desperately to not sleep at the end of the 24 hours. XD
Does feel good to give stuff away!
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Contributor giveaways are bad implemented. They misrepresent the spirit of the site to the new users (as well as, incidentally, they aren't fair at all for some reasons). New users try to understand how this unusual site works, see the contributor giveaways and then think it's at least partially based on a pay to win model. They aren't aware the site was created without contributor giveaways and it worked very well.
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implementation doesn't have anything to do with it. Contributor giveaways are a choice. you don't have to do a contributor giveaway if you don't want to. that's a givers choice.
and yes, i joined this site and made giveaways before cv was introduced, i think i had $800 or so given away before cv shown.
i'm giving away for contributors only because they know how this site works. if i make a non-cv giveaway, there's a bigger chance some a*ole wins who doesn't mark as received, says it's invalid even if it's just bought or fukcing regifts his win. i have experienced all of these so i'm bloody sorry for not trusting non-givers, but it's true
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I don't give away games on a daily basis, but I am damn sure this is what I would do. It's saddening to restrict games to high CVs, but honestly, human nature is hard to control, the asshole side of people tends to win way too often for my taste.
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My only concern is when I see someone with a shit ton of giveaways with only one or two people entering. Otherwise, it is up to them how they want to create giveaways. As for creating giveaways at all, majority of the people that do it because they can. Generous people do exist, surprisingly.
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I just throw money at the monitor and whatever gets through ends up in here.
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Stop throwing your coins then. Only throw the 'paper' notes.
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Your eye has fallen out. I'd go and see someone about that.
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Some of the people you see with high cv got there either through abusing game sales (amazon has regularly done a huge sonic pack for like 90% off) to spend a fraction of the money to get there. There are also some people that do giveaways for copies provided by the game dev to promote the game. Last but definitely not least there are those who are just generous people, I know of one person on my steam friends list who will buy a game they don't own to give away on a regular basis.
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I understand your question, though, not saying I don't, but try to understand the gifters' points of view through the comments, you might just see why and get your answer.
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i understand some of the pepole here but when someone makes a fourm post about adding me to there blacklist becuse of this thread and then rants about how nice they are it pisses me off a little
the point of this post was to see there point of view and what i got was attacked
now when someones attacking you how easy is it to see there pov?
further maybe they should try to see it from others point of view too instead of just jumping on ever new person that comes on here
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lets break down your post
title $1000 (wow that tile looks just like mine just a conicadance)
This is stupid,(hyperlink to my post wow you must have acdentlay been sending pepole to my post talking about it being stupid) so take this instead ;)
Blacklist(wow with the new aditon of me!! for what reason? making a post asking a simple thing)
http://itstoohard.com/puzzle/ylQsSMAJ(and finaly the "reason" for this post no forget about 90% of the post)
thats like giving a speach that goes on and on about how much you hate person a and then at the end throwing in a i give last of us a 5 out of 5
and when person a asks why you go "if you think that me review of a game has something to do with you than you have serious problems"
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8,630 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Axelflox
196 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by LinustheBold
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109 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Cloverleaf
116 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by LinustheBold
ok is there some strategy people are using to get to these high totals or are the just rich and desired to blow there money giving games away?
becuse at that point why not just buy the games you want instead of trying to win it
its like buying $1,000 $5 lotory tickets when the winner will only get $1000 your only losing money
some of these people have donated just as many games as they own and have only one a tenth of the amount they put in
dont get me wrong. thanks i appreciate the generousness. thanks
but why dont you donate to charities and buy games for yourself
maybe put up duplicates on here?
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