Over the years, I've grown increasingly annoyed by those notifications as they usually break the immersion for me.
I've tried a steam skin modification that used to work but it no longer does.
Is there anything I can do beside disabling ther overlay? Thanks.

7 years ago

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Sadly I don't think there is.

7 years ago

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No, I think you can't. =(

7 years ago

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No, you can't. I tried to find a way when they were popping over a game's UI.

7 years ago

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You can also just disable the overlay per specific game if you don't want to disable it globally.

7 years ago

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If you dont want to see achievment popups, disable the steam overlay for the game you are playing. But that also disables ingame chat and screenshots.

7 years ago

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Should actually be in his interest as chatting and making screenshots are even more immersion breaking than a simple achievement icon. So disabling the steam overlay appears to be an ideal enough situation.

7 years ago

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You can actually disable the notification for screenshots and seeing as taking one is a button press its no more immersion breaking than anything else in the game.

7 years ago

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If the issue is immersion, then just disable the Steam overlay. It'll remove all the immersion ruining issues :)

7 years ago

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Thanks. I had a funny feeling that disabling the overlay was the only solution.

7 years ago

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im shocked you dont feel good about yourself when you get an achievement. thats the whole point. to make you feel like you did something with your life. i dont even play games if they dont have achievements.

i need that satisfaction of having done something important with my life

7 years ago

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"something important"
...but I know where you're coming from!

7 years ago

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I can't decide whether you're being serious or sarcastic...

7 years ago

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I couldn't figure that out either :)

I play games to enjoy the game, not to collect achievements so I can compare myself to other people. If the game is not enjoyable without having achievements then there is something wrong with that game and I do not want to play it.

I am not 100% against achievements though. Some games are designed with collecting achievements built in as the main part of the game. I do not play these kind of games, but if someone enjoys that, I guess that is fine. Also, I don't mind when a game acknowledges that you did something out of the ordinary that the average player would not do or something that is not part of the game, but breaks the 4th wall by showing that the developers thought of something that people may try to do, but they didn't incorporate into the story of the game. These types of achievements are rare though and it is not common to find them done well.

Edit: That was a very long run-on sentence, but I don't feel like fixing it.

7 years ago*

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well im serious. not sure why that would be sarcastic.

7 years ago

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I found a way in the past to disable all event notifications, but still leave the steam overlay working by editing the Steam Skin, but you say this no longer works. Were you downloading a skin that someone else made and that no longer works or were you editing the default skin? I haven't tried it in about 3 years, but maybe my instructions are different that what you were doing and they might still work.

I saved the thread where I posted instructions, but the link no longer works. I don't know if the thread was deleted or if they just changed the URL, but here is an archive of my post if you want to try it. Back when I did this, it disabled all steam popups while in game but you could still use the overlay.


7 years ago*

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I tried with the default skin and with the Air skin I'm using at the moment. But it seems I missed editing the "slide direction" setting.
Thanks for the heads up!

7 years ago

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Have you tried it yet, I'm not sure if that will fix it. With fade in, out, and display time all set to 0, the slide direction might not matter. I'm not sure if that was needed in the instructions.

7 years ago

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No yet. But I'll try later today. And for your work, you got a whitelist :)

7 years ago

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The hack with the slide direction set properly works. Thanks a lot!!!

7 years ago

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You're welcome. I'm surprised that made it work. It should disable all Steam in game popups, including messages from friends. You can still see the messages if you open the Steam overlay though. I personally don't like talking to people and just always leave my status as offline. Glad it still works :)

7 years ago

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There is another way.
Open some other game first like the f2p AdVenture Capitalist, minimize it and turn off the volume ingame (its a clicker game, really easy to do) then launch the game you want to play. The achievements unlock notifications will pop on the first game regardless in what game you got the achievement, but the overlays will stay independent.

7 years ago

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Thanks but I'd rather just disable the overlay.

7 years ago

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Huh! Really? I thought if you ran two games at once, it fucks things up. This is a nice little workaround, though.

7 years ago

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It works fine, but it has 2 drawbacks. First, the displayed game is the first game you launched and second, the "x played in past 2 weeks" increases twice as fast, that's how people get those ridiculous 3000h/2weeks numbers :D

7 years ago

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that's how people get those ridiculous 3000h/2weeks number

Idling software seems a more typical basis for that kind of playtime reporting; certainly, that's been the basis for my own instances of such.

7 years ago

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It can completely mess with Steam's "Time Played" records for each game (unlike Citro's seemingly consistent x2 experience, I find it's completely random on playtime recording, and more often than not doesn't record playtime for me at all), but I run multiple games at once all the time and have never had any other issues with it (at least, issues exclusive to that setup).

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago*

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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+1 Great gif for the occasion 😂

7 years ago

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The weird thing is I was just thinking about this scene the other day.

7 years ago

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