Can't be much help in switching hands, but have you checked Razer's mice? There's quite a few which are ambi-dextrous, iirc.
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I'm also a leftie, I do most things with my left hand, but since I was little I was thought to write with my right hand.
Because of this, I never had a problem using the computer with right hand on mouse left on keyboard.
Since this was when I just entered school, I guess it was easier for me to accommodate with it than it would be for you right now, but I really suggest you to try using right hand, it will get rid of small problems like this one.
It's just a matter of time / practice until you get used. It might be hard but you'll get used
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Well, ill be easier if you use your right hand for starters lol.
Just practice. When i played arcades, i always had the joystick on the left hand, but when playing the same games with emulators, the right hand is the one moving the character and left pressing the buttons.
So yeah, practice.
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As a lefty as well I would also recommend just breaking the habit of having the mouse on the left. It will seem awkward at first but you will get used to it fairly quickly. Even if you don't do it with games at first just use your right hand in daily computer work and once you are a bit used to it start working games in. I never had my mouse on the left growing up because I always shared my computers with my family (who were all right handed). It is the same recommendation I have to people who can't deal with not having Southpaw controls as an option on a controller. If you put in a bit of time you won't have to ever worry about it again and that effort is much better than constant frustration from now on about control schemes or hunting for a specific controller or mouse (that is normally more expensive).
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Once you get used to using the mouse right handed the wasd+ for me turned out to be much more natural than attempting to use the mouse left handed. I can also do much more on the keyboard with less effort except that blasted left control button, I always remap anything there as my pinky is fine with shift but hates control.
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Stick to your guns and keep your mouse in your left hand! I don't like WASD anyway, I like that the arrow keys are an island.
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Oh. For some reason I assume that all lefties play with the arrow keys, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I think that was the default when I started gaming and I just stuck to it.
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I'm not quite sure I understand these lefties that use their left hand for the mouse. I'm a leftie for pretty much everything except a mouse, because, well, it just makes more sense to have it on the right. I guess it's as mystifying to me as left handers in general are to right handers.
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I'm a leftie, I write with my left, fork in my left and stuff like that, but the majority of other stuff I do with my right hand. When I was a kid, my friends got mad at me when I had to take time to do things on the computer to rearrange things so that I could use it. Seeing as how I was the only leftie among my friends I figured I would just get used to using the mouse on the right.
When I went over to my uncles place he had the mouse on the left, would take me a few minutes to get used to using it with my left but after that few minutes I had no problems.
But as I mentioned I had no left handed friends as there was no other lefties in the area. So I used right handed gloves for baseball and batted right. I just got used to doing everything except for writing and eating with the right.
Your best bet would be to got to a store with a display of mice and actually put your hand on them to feel which ones feel the best to you in your right hand. Then just throw yourself into it. Force yourself to get used to using your right hand. It will take a while.
Personally I like my G500 Logitech mouse it is for right handers but as a few people have said there are a number of left handed gaming mice.
Hope all these help.
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Practice. Play simple games that only require mouse clicking to get you started. Point and clicks are good for that since you can take as much time as you like with each action (usually). Try on-rail shooters once you get used to it a bit so you can practice accuracy. Lots of flash game sites out there that will provide such games at no cost. There's nothing for it but practice.
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As a leftie I have a hard time finding good gaming mice and I just noticed that in Logitech keyboards the G keys are located on the left side so a gaming keyboard would also be pretty useless for me. I decided the best thing I can do is just switch to holding the mouse in my right hand, anything I can do to make this easier?
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