Lately there have been a rash of giveaways created by people who don't understand how the site works. Aside from annoying users, I actually somewhat feel sorry for the people who made them -- they don't understand the site, and as a result they're going to get in trouble (and might get suspended and never come back.)

Almost always, it's easy to see someone whose first giveaway is from someone who doesn't understand the site:

  1. It's a somewhat expensive game that they don't have in their own account.
  2. It's their first giveaway, of course.
  3. It's a non-bundle game that doesn't have very many other open giveaways at the moment (meaning that it's not on sale or anything, making it an odd game for someone to start with -- especially combined with the fact that they don't own it themselves.)

Therefore, I suggest that if someone's first giveaway meets these three criteria, they should be shown a warning page explaining how steamgifts works and have to check to confirm before they can finish posting it. It wouldn't solve everything -- unfortunately, I gather that a lot of these people have poor English -- but it'd be nice to try and cut down on these mistakes, for their sake as well as ours.

12 years ago*

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This has been suggested before, but it's impossible to force people to read something, isn't it?

Also- I've seen people who've made a giveaway for a sale game, and they already own it, and it's not their first giveaway, and it's still obviously fake.

All in all- I agree, but there really isn't an efficient way of doing this.

12 years ago

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registration should be thru PASSPORT/DNA check at local police departament.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Depends if you've been good. Otherwise the patdown is with a stick.

12 years ago

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can i ask for one?

12 years ago

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Maybe a pop-up message like TOS of software. Where you need to scroll further in order to hit "ok". This works. Right?

12 years ago

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Never actually read one of those.

12 years ago

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To be honest, if people can't read the FAQ or the warning box when creating a giveaway then maybe it's best if they leave and don't come back!

One less idiot never did a community any harm.

12 years ago

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Better, have a waiting period after joining before being able to make giveaways. It could be anything from 2 weeks to a month. It will force them to enter other giveaways and go to forum and read the rules. After that if they still make a fake giveaway they shouldn't be on the internet.

12 years ago

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What would that do? Many people are capable of reading the rules just fine on their first day and then they have to wait even longer. I joined this site because I had some codes to give from a sale bundle on Amazon to give away and would have been upset if I had to wait because people assumed I was dishonest.

Maybe instead ban people who create a fake for their first giveaway or don't allow giveaways above a certain value, maybe games that would be up to 20 points to enter can be made until you receive your first received feedback. That would allow most bundle games to be given away just fine and prevent the fakes. Though I can imagine that would be hard to program in.

12 years ago

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I like this idea, but at the same time it would harder to spot the fakes.

It's easy to avoid the "Black Ops II x3" giveaways.

12 years ago

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Yeah, the fakes seem easy enough to avoid. But something like a limit on the value of games given for a first giveaway may eliminate most of them. Have there ever been fake giveaways for games worth $20 or less even? It seems to be more often the games that are $50 or more.

I definitely disagree with the suggestion that you cannot give keys for a first giveaway. There's plenty of honest members here who have given keys for their first giveaway. Actually, most of my giveaways have been keys, with only one being a gift on Steam, since I like buying wherever good deals exist and places like Gamersgate and Amazon are going to give keys.

12 years ago

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It all comes down to the saying "You can take a horse to water, but you can't force him to drink it" You can do everything you want to make people read, but they often will not. Not just because they don't understand English either. Often the people who fail to read can read English just fine, they are just lazy. It doesn't matter how much you shove it in their face, how big and bold you make the text, you cannot force them to read it.

12 years ago

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Actually, forget your complicated criteria. Only have a warning pop up when someone tries to create a giveaway for any Call of Duty game. Even if it's not their first. And that's from someone who has CoD on their wishlist.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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It's an internet - if some window with warning pop up person who don't bother to read all the previous rules and announcments will probably simply click Next without reading anyway ;)

12 years ago

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Steamgifts should require newbies to answer an easy quiz before their first giveaway, with obvious questions like "Do you have the game you plan on giving away?". Some people don't seem to understand the simplest things, and quizzes like that would help a lot.

12 years ago

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Or before they can join/create giveaways, they have to do a quiz based on the FAQ.

12 years ago

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Lol they have to complete an Itstoohard puzzle before joining the site.

12 years ago

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They might just google the answers...

12 years ago

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But then they still had to read the question, search for it i.e. had to type it and find the correct answer. At this point they practically learned the right way of doing things on SG.

If they abide by it is another matter...

12 years ago

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I tend to think that new comers should always read the FAQ first, and that creating fake giveaways is not tolerable.

12 years ago

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Suppose everyone's tired of this topic. :)

As has been mentioned by many people, you can't force someone to read a FAQ. You can put it on their screen, but they will simply click on the "OK" or "I agree" button like they do everywhere else. :)

I can imagine an automated process... For my first giveaway, my inventory is checked. I can give away anything that's visible. So I can't give away Black Ops unless there's a Black Ops gift visible. Then, after I've managed that successfully, I can give away keys or whatever.

Of course, that would punish the guy who only has keys from amazon or somesuch. Don't know the solution...

12 years ago

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+1 This seems like the simplest most efficient way, but something would have to be done for people who have keys from other sites.

12 years ago

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that & there are people (albeit a minority) who make giveaways & don't buy the game they are giving away until the giveaway has ended.

12 years ago

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For my first giveaway, my inventory is checked. I can give away anything that's visible.

So no keys on your first giveaway? Also, a lot of people, especially generous gifters, like to keep their gift inventory private.

12 years ago

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Also, put a picture of a muffin up there in case they want one

12 years ago

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+1 xD

12 years ago

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either they will learn their lesson or get the Boot :D

12 years ago

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I have bought and given away copies of games that I don't have in my account, as have many others here

12 years ago

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It would be a lot better if there were a lot of warnings on the create a giveaway site.

something like "you have to give the game" in around 10 langugaes and 5 different colours.

12 years ago

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actually what i think SHOULD be done, is a quick questionnaire that they must get 100% correct before they can use the site, with such questions as 'when i am making a giveaway, i must "a: wish upon a star, b: lie through my teeth, c: give the game to the winner of my giveaway, etc..

this way they cant argue they dont understand, you make sure they can read and understand english, and that they hopefully understand that this website is not magical. also if people make fake giveaways, you can permaban them without worry of being unjust.

12 years ago

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Maybe they should have to type a sentence from an image for their first giveaway, saying something like, "I agree to gift this Steam game to the person who wins my giveaway through Steam or email within one week of the giveaway ending."

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Aquillion.