Enjoying the new event?
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You mean the event with the Red Herring badge, right? That we all assumed was leading up to a Half-Life 3 reveal?
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Regional prices + csgo keys = 90$ to reach badge lvl 2000 (steam level 200).
Basically, in US you get 100 points per dollar, but in Russia you get 333. And you can buy csgo keys from game, then sell them on marketplace, losing only 15% on comission. That means just $0.045 for each badge level.
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Honestly, being in 2nd or 3rd is where you want to be. Even then your odds are astronomically low, like buy a PowerBall low.
I would just go with Corgi since it's a guarantee for an extremely low chance to win something. The others only offer you a hope of an extremely low chance. Plus I imagine the other teams will fluctuate through the event with different teams grabbing 2nd and 3rd every day. That might actually lead to Corgi being a statistically better chance.
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"Plus I imagine the other teams will fluctuate through the event with different teams grabbing 2nd and 3rd every day. That might actually lead to Corgi being a statistically better chance."
This is a good point and one I hadn't considered, thank you for bringing it up.
Cockatiels look awesome though...
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I expect Valve to tweak things along the way so that Corgi team isn't the winner of every race. Otherwise the whole 'race' idea would be pretty pointless. Maybe they'll scale boost / attack power for each team based on the number of team members or something.
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That. I was ok with it until I realised that the boost capacity isn't really capacity ... it's one-time use. (I don't think it will reset every day, but as you said in the OP, that's the only thing that could salvage it.)
And yeah, I started with negative tokens. I don't even know why, I mean I know what I did but I don't know why I did it; I upgraded my level 1 Lunar Sale badge which I liked, to the level 3 one which I hate. (Some late night browsing of Steamgifts forums led to that :P).. How I wish I could undo that and have my level 1 badge back, if not also the 4600 tokens ...
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It is like that summer camp event they had in… uh, many years ago. Essentially, it is a question of which team has the moneybags who buy a lot and make the freeloaders hope to get the 0.00000001% chance to win a random 5-dollar the first game from their seventy-page long wishlist.
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"Three hundred users that contributed distance points to the first-place team will be randomly selected to receive the top game title ranked in their respective Steam Wishlists that is currently available for purchase at the time prizes are awarded"
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Ignore the "people on X team have a chance to win a game on their wishlist" as you said the chances are just not there.
What are you left with? backgrounds you cant trade, icons you cant trade, no cards.
Really? nothing else? oh yeah remember the chinese new years sale that if you spent X you got a discount? well now you have the same thing but behind a coinwall and you are forced to play games you may not like to get it.
Literally a downgrade to the chinese new years event.
Also can somebody explain to me why Dead Cells, at least according to steam.db has increase in price twice? Its not like its a new game or a fine wine that gains value overtime or theres a finite ammount. >.<
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What are you left with? backgrounds you cant trade, icons you cant trade, no cards.
Exactly. It's a big disappointment, for me at least :/
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if I win a game then a great event, if not the raging like: "Where are my few cents wallet free cards!" :-D
Not like my backlog need new games, but still, winning creates a nice feeling, but it will be nearly impossible during this sale with that only 300+200+100 daily winners while there are millions of steam account.
On other hands, it looks so it will be very easy to reach the -5eur voucher, if no huge restrictions on it like only on 30+eur purchases and can redeem more than once then it is a great event.
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Doesn't look very easy to me; looks more like "need to spend 100 EUR before I get the 5 EUR discount".
You get 100 capacity a day free, and another 121 capacity per EUR spend. That "capacity" is one-time use; once you filled it and boosted with it, it's gone. You need 15000 capacity total to reach the 5 EUR discount. Depending on your past spending and what you did in the lunar sale event, you might have started with some capacity, but for most this will be nowhere near enough to reach the 15k tokens, even if they didn't start with a negative number.
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got 8k coin after first day with 8 available boost, each had 1k capacity, probably because of past purchases but I also not spent much on steam, my games mostly from bundles and HB purchases etc so when I said "easy" it was based on my experience. Easy 5 eur for those, or more, no clue how much will second costs for those who spent a few hundred on steam in past.
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I just ignore this event, as I always do . Everyone should do the same
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Achievements looks like they give points that can use once / day, quests it seems they don't work actually.
But still i just don't understand how to get the additional 5$ extra-discount this time.
Playing any game doesn't seem to give more tokens to get it. It's confusing, i just feel puzzled.
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i've been playing both cs:go and tf2 for the whole past 2 days and still got Nothing from them , the event is broken af and my quests are not registering at all , boost capacity meter is not increasing and stays at 100 , and for the achievements i'm able to claim just 100 points from them Everyday and throw the rest away . this event is a big dissapointement that crushed my excitement for the sale and made me just wish i've spent the money i saved elswhere instead
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It's... Well, I joined team Tortoise because I looked at team Corgi and thought 'I have a fractionally higher chance of winning something if I don't join the team that obviously has everyone on it'. Team Tortoise is currently second, so we'll see if I win anything. Doubtful.
I cheesed the quests by loading my stardew valley save with a bunch of crops ready to harvest, harvesting them, and going back to the file select screen without saving. Around 1000 points per round. I hope Stardew is still in the quests tomorrow. (The point values are ridiculously unbalanced - Harvest one crop in Stardew Valley? 20 points. Kill one of the final bosses in Path of Exile? 100 points. Right.)
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Same, i tried multiple times but unfortunately doesn't work, all quests just stay to 0 points, probably broken.
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it didnt worked for me in stardew valley aswell ,but all other games with achievements worked .
every achievement unlocked in a game gives you points or even achievements you unlocked count if you play the game for more than 30min i think .(i dont know if i got any tokens for games ,because smite my most played game gave me 103k points and it says my capacity is already full ) so i guess some specific games overkill the system .
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Yeah but i just understood that because i burnt all my fuel tank (i didnt understand how to use it, i thought it was just to support team), i will no more be able to convert achievements points to tokens. So... This sale is basically over for me now that i did this mistake. My fault i know...
I would have liked to reach the 5$ discount but. Well as i just said, i know it's my fault.
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Thanks for nice message.
Oh i thought we only get back 100 fuel capacity every day ?
Ok i hope tonight will be a good surprise for everyone. :d
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I hope it's "+100" and not "100" everyday. But I have mixed feelings.
If it's +100, the whales who spent hundreds on first day will get a shitload of points everyday.
If it's 100, people who spent just few euros won't really get anything from the event.
We'll see in 8 hours.
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Well now we know... unfortunately it's just 100/day. So extra 5€/$ discount is unreachable.
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I played Stardew Valley too, but chose to farm in the mines (needed to do it for a thing I have in mind anyways). In less than an hour, I have 25k points. But the thing is... it says I've just completed 37 quests. Then, there is no way I got 25k points doing so little quests. My best guess is I was rewarded that much points just because it loaded my played hours (461hs) and converted it to tokens.
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And on top of this realization: I've also noticed that since writing the last comment, somehow my points have decreased, as I have now 12k points for Stardew Valley. It seems they also tweeked the amount of points you get for achievements of games in general. Just great.
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That's not true. Take however many points you have in this case 25000, subtract your current capacity, then divide by 100. Then spend that much money and Bang! You can use them (IE 25000 - 2000 capacity = 23000/ 100 = 230 = Spend $230
SO Easy! AND FUN! >.<
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I think it's a little broken - and definately a little confusing. I started off with 80 something boosts available - which seems more than most others? I chose tortoise team and ran a few team boosts, soon realising each boost gave me 1000 points. So I boosted 35 odd times, got 2x $5 discounts then spent them. Now the boost is greyed out, yet I have 43 boosts remaining. Daily cap?
Anyway, chose the wrong team it seems, because the Corgi is killing it.
No idea what's going on, but if it all stays like this, at least I got $10 of discounted games for free...
And now all my odometer points are back to 0 with greyed out boost button.
How many boosts did others start with?
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I don't think there is a minimum purchase required. I used the discount vouchers twice - once for just below the voucher value (by a few cents) - no change given. The 2nd time I added games a little over the value of the discount and topped up with a few wallet cents.
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Wow, you're lucky. I started with 1 boost and full daily cap. Boosted the team once, got some 700 tokens, can't do anything else. No chance in hell I'd ever reach the amount of tokens required for the discount >_< It's all so disappointing.
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I got most of the boosts from the section: "Play any game with Steam Achievements". It listed the last 4 games that I'd played with achievements (already completed before the event) and received 30000+ points - I had to claim them though. Did you claim any points under that section? Maybe that was a Steam mistake - no idea at this point!
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I noticed that I had some points from the three games with achievs I played prior to the event, but I couldn't claim them (because I was at max points?). Perhaps I'll be able to claim all those points eventually? Perhaps not? Who the hell knows at this point :D
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I also don't own any of the "participating" games. My points all came from the "Play any game with Steam Achievements" section. That listed 4 recently played games that I had significant achievements in (including some rare ones), and all I had to do was claim them (without playing them, or unlocking any more achievements). Not sure that was how they intended it to go - but it gave me 80+ boosts, and I claimed $10 of free games by using 35 or so boosts until boosts were locked.
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I started with 0 boosts available and 0 points available with no games listed in the Recent Games with Achievements section. Played a game with achievements (sat through 50 minutes of a visual novel) and earned 760 points. Spent 100 points on a single boost and now have "NO CAPACITY AVAILABLE", so unless I spend money on games ("Upgrade your Boost Meter's capacity") I have already earned all the points I can spend in the first week. I exchanged my 100 tokens for a badge, so if I want to accumulate enough tokens for a background, it will take 10 more days. It's all so exciting that I just don't know how I'll sleep tonight.
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They are claimed now, but when the event launched, it listed 4 games (although it says 5..) that I had already earned achievements. I clicked "claim points" (or words to that effect), and ended up with 80+ boosts available. Didn't think much of it until I saw every 15 boosts was a $5 token.
Not sure how much it helped, but I have quite a few rare achievements in the poker game.
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It says you can earn more by unlocking more achievements - but I don't know how many. Personally, I think it's glitched and I'm on the receiving end. I won't be upset if they remove the games later - I'm not trying to break or take advantage of it - just clicking stuff and seeing what happens :)
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Hey, I'm not begrudging you on your gainings, on the contrary. Good on you :)
I don't particularly like this event, I'm finding it way too complicated to bother with it. If there is an easy way to get a 5$ discount though, I wouldn't mind at all ;)
So thanks again, I'll see if I can find an easy achievement game, run it for half an hour and get to earning some of them to see what happens next.
Happy rest of Steam sale to you, C4pM, and may the tokens be with you XD
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Haha - thanks, you too :)
So from what I can see, I'd recently played games that I did already have good achievements on - just not sure I should have been able to claim on them, but it did let me. Maybe try a game today (one of the 5 recent) where you also have a few rare achievements and see what happens.
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Points from the Lunar New Year event converted over into this event, Did you have a bunch saved up from that event? I had about 13 boosts when I started.
"The size of your Boost Meter is determined by Steam purchases you’ve made on your account prior to and during the Steam Grand Prix Summer Sale. We’ve also converted unspent 2019 Lunar New Year tokens into Boost Meter capacity."
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Now that you mention it - I don't think I spent any points in the Lunar event, but did buy a bunch of games. Incidentally, my boost button just unlocked again, and was able to use it 29 times before it locked again. So that's now $15 of free discounted games, with just shy of a few hundred points of another $5 and enough boosts (when unlocked again) for another $5.
I don't get it - but not complaining. (So will have received $25+) without doing anymore than clicking boost 80 times.
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But these people did;
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I dont wanna be rude or anything but how do you want to boost if you have no points to spend? :D
ofc its greyed out if you dont have any. your daily cap is the points you can spend/1000 since you can boost max 1000points every time.
you play with games, get points, and boost
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Lol - no offense taken. I'm still trying to figure it out. All I have done so far, is claimed the points from games with achievements (without playing them), clicked boost till it would not let me any more - then claimed 2x $5 tokens and spent them. This morning, the boost button was unlocked again, clicked another 29 times until locked, claimed another $5 with 14800 points left and 16 boosts left. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's working. I won't be upset if it's a bug and they remove them again. Maybe I'm being rewarded for money spent over the last year or so... I also had a ton of Lunar points left over that might have helped.
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I see everyone getting a ton of boosts to start with and a huge or even decent point capacity.... Meanwhile, I stared with 0 everything, and i'm limited to 0 capacity. So... because 0 is 0, and i can't have more than 0.... there's no way that I can get tokens unless i spend money on the sale. -.-
I feel very unlucky, some friends that use steam far less than me got 2000 capacity and a ton of free boosts. Most already got the 5 Euro discount without spending a cent on the sale.... I get 0 everything, and even going missions gives me nothing because my capacity is limited to 0. :(
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It's a great event, objectives are fun BUT how the hell so many people chose... a DOG???? When there's a PIG team or a TURTLE !!!??? I can't understand this, I really can't.... And also I had to google "corgi" because it's really an uncommon kind of dog so I really don't understand why someone would pick this team over a funny or cool animal (and also the dog teams color is a weird/ugly yellow)
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That's what I want to know too, from what I understand is 1 usd for 100 points, what I would like to know is that if I wanted to redeem all 60k points I have for a game like warframe, I need to spend at least 600 dollars and then if I wanted to redeem more points I need to spend even more? Because that seems not well thought by Valve
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If you don't spend any money buying games, you get to use 100 points per day. Other than that, yes, it is my understanding that you are able to use 100 points per US dollar you spend in the Steam store, so if you want to use more than 60k points, you need to spend more than $600. I'm sure they thought it through - they want people to spend money, and as starwol points out, there are some people that will do it. There are a small number of people that will spend a lot of money, and these "whales" (high spending, problem/compulsive spenders/gamblers) are the people targeted by in-game microtransactions, the gambling industry, and now Valve. Statistically, only 1.5% of mobile gamers spend money regularly, and the top 10% of them, that is 0.15% of mobile gamers, account for 50% of all in-game revenue.
This is comparable to gambling statistics, with Australian research showing that "more than 40% of gambling expenditure by regular gamblers, aggregated across all activities, was accounted for by the 17% who experienced problems".
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Yeah, they should have brought Saliens back. It was a little fucked up too, but it was way, WAY better than this mess.
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I think we are going to get new items for them, just not during this sale. Perhaps they have something for the winter sale? I hope so, my salien must be getting lonely in his cryopod.
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This is quickly becoming one of the worst events in the history of Steam. If boost capacity doesn't reset daily there is no salvaging it.
But hey, at least we get a 1:20,000,000 chance to win a free game.
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