I'm not really, to much management and menial gameplay for me. I love the story of fallout, but I really can't stand playing the game for to long.
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Nope, wasn't a fan of 3 (sacrilege!!! I know) so I'm not looking forward to 4. I'm more looking forward to the release of Sakura Beach 2.
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Just like me. I traded with friend F3: New Vegas and I played it for an hour and just couldn't find interest playing more. I had much more fun with F3. I finished starting scene in vault, then made it out of vault and lost interest. Something killed me, I didn't know what to do... nah, Fallout is not for me.
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I had exactly the same with Fallout 3, bought it for the 360 back then but returned it to the store the next hour. Only to buy it again the next month and played the sh*t out of it. Give it a try, you might like it.
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I am also not really hyped and will also wait for the inevitable GOTY version.
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Undertale is the My Little Pony of gaming. SHUN THEM!
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"It will probably be the Fallout that gets the most people into the series, before the series dies in 5-10 years." Bold statement but idk unlikely imo. I've seen some play throughs and I'm more excited thinking of replaying Skyrim. Must be the setting. Couldn't get into NV too.
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Bethesda games are like single player mmos, maybe thats why, I could never get into any of them either. Bad combat, boring quests, a lot of pointless walking, and the stories to me seemed really boring. For me a singe player game has to either have great story, or good combat/tactical combat to keep me interested, not a fan of gather this and deliver quests, might be cause I played enough of mmos to be disgusted by it.
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I'm not sure if you're kidding or not. :O
There are tons of complicated, story/choice driven, quests in the Elder Scroll series - at least in Skyrim & Oblivion (and I think in Morrowind too but I don't remember). Bethesda open-worlds games are actually the reason people say MMOs suck (along with other reasons) - because their quests are boring and linear in comparison.
Combat can be argued to be good or bad (I think it's very good actually) but this is the first time I see anyone claim the questing system is bad.
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I'm not looking forward to it because I can't afford it! Damn expensive GAs shakes fist
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I think Fallout 4 wont be as good as Fallout 3 and New Vegas were so I'm not excited about it at all.
I watched a twitch streamer play Fallout 4 today and it didn't make me want to play the game, it didn't seem as interesting as previous games. I read Adam's article about it on Rock, Paper, Shotgun and also didn't feel like it's a game I'd love playing.
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Me too but different reasons. Since Bethesda is developing, it will possibly be a shooter with RPG elements rather than an Action-RPG (like Fallout 3) and it will be just a good shooter which will only be worth the money after buttload of mods (like TES V: Skyrim). So I'll wait till mods be released and game be discounted to buy and me be full of desire to mindless fun to play
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I wish I weren't as excited about it as I am. It'd be much easier for me to withhold trying to find some way to get it. But as it is, it's one I will be waiting to get down the road simply because I cannot justify trying to get it now. :)
There is no harm in not being hyped about it. That's the beauty of games. Not everybody loves every title, and that's great. Sometimes a second look can change your opinion, and sometimes a game just isn't for you. Both are just fine. :)
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I'm just pretty much immune to hype. No offense towards anyone, but after people are chanting " fallout 4! Fallout 4!" with the crazy shine in their eyes, and suddenly everyone's a veteran player because played a few hours of the one of the less-fallout 3rd one in the past 1-2 months... it's just disgusting. I never really understood the fanboy-fangirl effect, but it's pretty much real. ( I just feel sick of something when it's pushed into my face from every possible channel, angle and directions it's possible. Steam activity. SG. 9gag.Facebook. Friends. etc. I just can't take it)
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Sometimes I get turned off by a game because of the hype surrounding it. As more and more people gush about it, the more I dislike it.
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happens with everything. people starting to play witcher 3 and suddendly they are the #1 fans... wth, you didn't even play w1-2...
or people going to watch jurassic world:
but... you didn't see jurassic park 1-3... what are you talking about?
but... you just watched the trailers
hype for hypsters™
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I hate the hype machine as well and while I will say that sometimes it manage to make me excited (a good trailer can do that for example), that's as far as I go, I won't go into fanboy-mode and start talking about it like there's nothing else in the world.
Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj2lOeO9qy8
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I haven't played any game from the Fallout Series so i have no clue what to expect from this.
There is 1 thing though i know from my experience: If the gaming community says a game franchise is good then i give it a 99% chances that it really is. In that 1% i leave the games which have overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam but are in fact junk in my eyes like Binding of Isaac
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I've only played the first 2 entries in the series, although I do own the rest...many times over (digital and physical copies). I just can't bring myself to play 3 or New Vegas more than an hour or so.
Maybe it's the setting? -shrug- I dunno. I could never pin it down to an exact reason.
Maybe I'm more excited about other games coming out this year or early next year? Xenoblade Chronicles X is coming next month.
Maybe I'm in a gaming slump, where nothing appeals to me until I get out of it?
Have a consolation giveaway or two or three or four. Lv1+. Invite Only, 2 days.
Ok, so they aren't all that hidden. SUE ME.
Wild Season
The Forest
Franchise Hockey Manager 2
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