Thank you.:)
It is amazing how much they mean to you even if they aren't yours!
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Sometimes I wish we didn't have to feel sadness or loss, but then if we didn't, we wouldn't appreciate the moments of happiness and joy as much as we should!
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Aw, man, that sucks :(
Although, you did more than most people would even think of doing.
Stay strong
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Thank you. I appreciate that.:)
I just couldn't leave her there. It just didn't seem right. I've seen cats that have been hit before and wasn't able to do anything about, but I knew her, and had an emotional attachment to her as well.
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True and understandable, although, that somehow could make it even harder to act. A truly admirable deed you've done.
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Thank you.:) I will even accept hugs from Dr. Evil.:)
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So sorry to hear that. Literally cannot give you enough hugs for something like that. It is always a horrible thing to have to go through. Even if she wasn't your cat, she sounded like she may as well of been given how much you liked her. Losing pets, whether your own or someone you know's, to old age is bad enough, but to be taken away early like that is devestating. I know I am wracked with the constant fear of such a thing happening to my cats every single time that they go outside.
It was extremely strong and thoughtfull of you to take care of the remains. I can guess it definitely was not an easy thing to have to do. I can't say it will ever get easy. Sometimes it just doesn't unfortunatly. All we can hope is that the life she did live was one that made her happy and comfortable.
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Thank you very much.:)
I am positive that she was in a loving home, and that she was happy and comfortable. I don't think she would have had that loving disposition if she wasn't!
I am thankful that I got to know her (as much as anyone can really know a cat) for the time that she was here.
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Thank you.:) Wow. That one really got to me. Such a lovely image.:)
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Thank you.:)
Hugs are underrated. There can never be too many of them.:)
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Thank you.:)
I will gladly accept a hug from Gizmo (who is a beautiful cat!).:)
{{{hug for Gizmo}}} {{{hug for you}}}
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Thank you, Lenor.:) I apologize for making you (and anyone else that feels sad because of this thread) cry and sad.:(
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Thank you for the hugs, Baffi.:)
I will believe that she is in a happy place, and have all the catnip and tasty vittles she wants!:)
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Thank you very much, Mully.:)
One of my favourites artists there is.:)
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dang : ( thinking about you think back on the memories you had with Audrey is touching - she seemed like a very happy-go-lucky type of cat! Hopefully she didn't suffer.
It was good of you to do what you did - thinking about the kids coming home from school..
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Thank you.:)
I don't believe she suffered. She was gone after a few seconds, which I am thankful for. I don't know what I would have done (or even been able to do anything) otherwise.
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The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
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Wow! Thank you for that. Very touching!:) A shame the author is unknown, but they seem to have spoken from the heart.
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I have two cats, so I know how you feel.
I call them "The Wombles", hence my Steam Name. I call them Wombles because they wander around the place, marking everything, moving it, grabbing it and basically "owning" everything that isn't strictly speaking theirs, kinda like Wombles.
Animals, especially those who play an active part in our lives like cats and dogs, are so much more integral or right at the core of our lives than we sometimes realise. I have a family and friends who are also important of course, but animals can have an equally powerful influence on our lives and our happiness.
I can thank my parents for the fact that I have always had furry friends - too many to name here - as they had a dog when I was born and my godfather bought me a Rough Collie puppy when I was christened. I have never been without a pet(I was in the Royal Navy, so obviously my pets weren't with me at times) and I even had a cat at University, although she wasn't much of a student, she seemed to know it all already!!
I know a lot of people would not agree, which is fair enough, but my opinion in this respect is pretty much thus:
"I have never met an animal I actively disliked. As for people........."
So, have a hug from me, a hug from my big fat 12yr old B&W cat called Wenger and one from my extremely noisy Siamese cross called Bear.....she really loves a cuddle.
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Thank you.:)
The Wombles. I like that.:) Thank you for sharing that with me.:)
{{{hug to you}}} {{{hug to Wenger}}} and <<cuddles>> to Bear !:)
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YVW - I hope it, and everyone else's kind comments, have made you feel a tiny bit better....can't ask for more right now.
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It does. It is amazing, but reading the comments from people that literally span the globe really does help!:)
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{{hugs to you!}}
That is very nice of you to take care of that homeless cat. I am sure it appreciates the kindness you are showing it as well!:)
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forgot that i made some pics, heres one
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Thank you for the picture of that lovely cat!:)
I wish you both some fun times in the future!:)
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IT will soon get to know you, especially if you feed it, and slowly trust you a little more each time.
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Thank you.:)
I'm not sure, and I hope they won't have to handle it until they are as old as possible! It is tough enough losing pets (or even pets by proxy) as an adult. Thankfully, the only pet I lost when I was young was a goldfish that I had called Goldy. I know, I know. I wasn't very imaginative with that name. I only had Goldy a month, so I didn't have a huge attachment to him. But it still sucked.
I had also found a parakeet on the beach at Rondeau Park that must have escaped from its cage! I brought it home and was hopeful that it could have been nursed back to health, but it died the next day. I never even got a chance to bring it to the vet (I'm not sure if that would have made a difference, however. Parakeets are fragile creatures, emotionally, and are scared easily (as far as I know).
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Have a virtual hug. I'm glad you helped out and cleaned things up so the kids didn't have to deal with that extra layer of trauma, it must have been hard on you, and I doubt most people would have bothered for someone elses pet.
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Thank you for the hug.:)
I won't lie. It was hard. It is still hard. I can't get that image of her twisting around out of my mind, even though I am trying my damndest to do so. I want to remember her as the loving cat that ran into my house, and not her last moments. :(
It is cathargic typing this, so I am thankful to everyone that has posted in this thread.
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If anyone wanted to give out some hugs, I sure could use some right now.
The neighbour's cat (her name was Audrey) was hit by a car a couple of hours ago, and was killed. It feels like I've been punched in the stomach, as I really liked her even though she wasn't even mine! She was a super-friendly cat, and she even walked into my house once! I was talking with a friend that was on my front porch, and had my front door open a bit (it was around New Year's). My friend asked when I had gotten a cat, and I replied that I didn't know what he was talking about! I looked behind me, and sure enough she was strolling around my living room! I picked her up gently, and brought her back outside (she was both an indoors and outdoors cat).
I did the best I could with her remains, and washed the street as well. I didn't want their kids to see their pet like that.
I'm thinking back to Audrey grooming herself beside my Butterfly Bush about a 1/2 hour before it happened, and trying my best not to cry. Damn it! I loved that cat. :(
Rest In Peace, Audrey. I'll miss you, and the happiness you brought me when I saw you.:(
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