SteamOS. omg!

11 years ago*

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Gaben is like YOLO let's release Steam OS.. 10 years from now they are probably going to release the Matrix program where you can live like a God in the virtual world.

11 years ago

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  • you can live like Gabe in the virtual world.
11 years ago

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Yes, as long as you've bought the required DLC

11 years ago

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*Yes, as long as you've bought the required hat

11 years ago

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Valve and buying DLCs in the same sentence? wat.

11 years ago

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meh, this will be good only if it can run windows games natively, otherwise its worthless

11 years ago

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I'd suggest reading the entire page before commenting next time.

"You can play all your Windows and Mac games on your SteamOS machine, too. Just turn on your existing computer and run Steam as you always have - then your SteamOS machine can stream those games over your home network straight to your TV!"

It would be possible to write an interpreter to prevent the need to stream. With the amount of time it'd take along with the potential issues, it simply wouldn't be worth it. If it was a viable solution, you'd already see tons of interpreters for going between various architectures.

11 years ago

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Streaming from a home network is not the same as running. Don't be rude to others without a cause.

11 years ago

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I wish we could breath in space and it's theoretically possible using some inventions that don't exist yet. Due to the fact that it is possible, no one should criticize me!

The person clearly stated "if it can run", never used the word natively. The fact that you can click on the game and it'll play on the SteamOS means it is running in one way or another.

11 years ago

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yea something about streaming them... I don't fully understand that though.. is it like bootcamp in MacOS? Confusion 2000. So basically what I'm getting out of it is if your computer isn't in your living room you can wifi it to your tv streaming it? I don't really know.

11 years ago

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Correct on the wifi.

Basically you have steam running on a PC on your home network and then the SteamOS box will either be wired or wireless onto the same network and stream your games via a combination of genius and sorcery.

Why this is exciting is because you can take a cheap or older laptop, slap SteamOS on it and boom, gaming on the couch with the wife, or on the toilet or god forbid.. outside in the sun.

11 years ago

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Or gaming the wife on the toilet!

11 years ago

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or just buy nvidia shield. >.<

11 years ago

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Microsoft is crying right now :D

11 years ago

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I think they will be when PS4 comes out

11 years ago

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Then will cry once again :D

11 years ago

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Interesting, will definitely give it a try when it comes out!

11 years ago

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Announcement 1: SteamOS

Announcement 2: SteamBOX

Announcement 3: Half-Life 3 (Only available on SteamBOX while using SteamOS)

11 years ago

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Announcement 3: Exclusive SteamOS hat!

11 years ago

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That might be actually true...even if not as an announcement, but they will surely add a hat for SteamOS users :P

11 years ago

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I think more about Left 4 Dead 3, as you can't really put in-game shop in Half Life 3.

11 years ago

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why not?

11 years ago

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What can you sell in that kind of shop for SINGLE-PLAYER!!! game that modders won't give for free?

They tried with Portal and I don't hear about any Halloween Event for Portal 2 where you can spend $500 on new hats...

11 years ago

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Oh, Valve can put an in-game shop in anything.

Those fuckers.

11 years ago

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True. But there's no money from shop nobody ever visits. L4D3 with Fairy-Wings for Hunter - I'm sold (nope, not really, but enough people would be).

11 years ago

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but imagine a witch in a pink tutu, a tiara on her head, while waving a wand

11 years ago

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That's why L4D3 is more obvious route for todays-Valve, one that puts in-shops everywhere.

Only thing that is HL3 good point is much bigger hype machine, so it could sell SteamOS and SteamBoxes to console players better.

11 years ago

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They're trying to set themselves up to take on the next gen consoles. You could build a PC that plays all of your Steam games, and it'll cost you $300 less than it would normally because you don't need a copy of Windows. So maybe you can afford to build one specifically to leave it connected to your TV. Bam - XBox killer! And the irony is that you can play it with your XBox controller.

11 years ago

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Windows oem versions cost $100, i have seen them on sale for around $70 as well. But not all games will not support steam os so you will still need a windows pc to stream the games to the steam os pc unless you install windows on it as well which would defeat the entire purpose of building a pc for steam os to begin with.

11 years ago

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Truthfully I've never purchased a copy of Windows by itself, so thanks for the clarification. Still though you could save $100.

And yeah you won't be able to play non-Steam games on it, but I think they're offering you a convenience in hopes that you'll most likely buy Steam games over non-Steam games. Then your new PC is essentially a console replacement on which you can play games that you have already purchased. And since you have this PC you won't need to buy an XBox or a PS4.

It's just a theory, but Steam has been trying to get into your living room for a while. That's what Big Picture mode is all about, but it's kinda slow and clunky. I'm sure Steam OS will work much better.

11 years ago

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You can always install Wine, and use it to play Windows games on it, as it's just a customized Linux :)

11 years ago

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Music, TV and Movies? Well, fuck you steam, fuck you very much.

11 years ago

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...and that's how Gaben, after ending game piracy, solved the movie industries problem for good.

11 years ago

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Lol. Amazon has it's part on this too.

11 years ago

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Amazon only works in the US.

11 years ago

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Suddenly, I wish I had chosen another platform to build my entire PC gaming collection on...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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awesome :)

11 years ago

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As i still own a CRT TV in my livig room this is utterly usless for me

11 years ago

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I think you're probably beyond help. Sorry.

11 years ago

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WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT CAT MEANS!.... wait..... cat is a 3 letter word..... 3 = HL3


11 years ago

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The cat's out of the bag! SteamBag!

11 years ago

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You also have to consider how much easier this might make it for less technically minded players to get into "Lets Play" streaming, and integrated at the ground level. This is definitely an interesting move, and for once, I actually trust the company that is doing it.

11 years ago

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Do people still waste hours watching a stranger play video games for them?
I thought that was some stupid fad like emos and dubstep.

11 years ago

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It's a faster way to see how a game plays than pirating it, or relying on the pre-arranged demo scenarios. Plus the narrative can be pretty funny or insightful depending on who happened to run it. Hell, some people do it just for friends.

I'd say something about how being needlessly judgemental is a fad, but it isn't, it's the oldest, dumbest meme in human history.

11 years ago

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How do you still not have him tagged as fail troll?

11 years ago

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No need to be butt hurt, little lady.
Just expressing my opinion.

11 years ago

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because hey guess what

people have opinions¡


11 years ago

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something something point something something you

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Steam FTW

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I could be wrong, but I believe:

SteamOS = customised Linux distribution

Steambox = consolised gaming PC running aforementioned SteamOS

11 years ago

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Damn, looking forward to seeing more about the steambox!

11 years ago

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SteamOS combines the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience[..]

Well, as far as i know Linux = OpenGL.
Windows = DirectX.

All cool games are using DirectX.
Does SteamOS adds DirectX to Linux?

Honestly i'm expecting for this thing to fail...just like the ChromeOS

11 years ago

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It said its gonna stream play games from PC.

11 years ago

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There are at least 3 implementations of DirectX calls for Linux right now, but none of them stable. I really want to see how they'll handle it. =]

11 years ago

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ehh, you can play all games that are on steam, because you can stream game via router from computer to steamOS device

11 years ago

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And you won't be able to play any games while offline...Oh, and the fact that the entire OS relies on permanent internet connection doesn't seems that...nice to me.

Remember the "rage" when microsoft said that xbox one requires permanent internet connection?....

11 years ago

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stream game via router from computer to os?

So if i want to play a game, I stream it, via router, from my computer, to a steam device?!

lol ya, easier than the original software! Why not just boot pc and double click icon?

11 years ago

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But it might help Linux gain some popularity among major game developers (from a gamer's point of view).

There are a couple of devs releasing their games for all 3 major operating systems but measured on the overall number of developer studios and major publishers, that's just a drop in the bucket.

11 years ago

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I have to say... an hour and a half before the announcement, I was talking with my friend about the possibility of them announcing a steambox, and I said if they do, they have to also announce a Steam OS for those who like building PC's....... An hour and a half later, I realized I literally spoke the future!!!

11 years ago

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OMG Please tell me the winning Megaball lotto numbers for this Friday! :D

11 years ago

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SteamOS = another attempt to branch out. First few versions will be majorly flawed. Users may be forced to use multiple OS just to run a damn game.

I run every game on windows fine ATM. Why do i need a steam OS? Because steam told me to that's why? Now if i want to game i need to run multiple Operating Systems? I like having one OS installed for simplicity.

I can see the future now, everyone has their own OS, dedicated to their own branch of products.
Windows is obsolete and optional and we now have to install multiple OS's just to play the games we want. Now steam has their own OS, then EA, then every other follower. The user is left with selfish OS's dedicated to publisher's branch of gaming.

11 years ago

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"Users may be forced to use multiple OS just to run a damn game" What? ._.

11 years ago

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My opinion with foresight Was not stated anywhere as far as i know.

I doubt that they are going to create a brand new OS in there first try and it is compatible with every title. Some will require windows specifically.

In other words in the near future regular pc users will have multiple os's running like windows, linux, "steamOS"

11 years ago

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You sentence still doesn't make sense, how and why would a single game require multiple OSs to run? I suspect you might not know what's going on. SteamOS will be just (most likely) for SteamBox, as a console, not for PC. You know, just like all the other consoles up till now, so nothing new. And there is already bunch of different linux OSs, But the mainstream still uses and will keep using one same OS. And no company will create a product that requires multiple OSs as it isn't something easy to manage by the average person, which will drastically lower the sales on whatever product they sell, and no company would go for that.

11 years ago

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Nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. You can have a simple front-end load up via the BIOS. In other words, you choose which OS to boot into at launch. Or, if you have a disc, inserting it loads the appropriate OS automatically. Or, via the BIOS set your preferred OS and the computer will always boot into that one, with an option available to go back to the front-end if you wish.

Multiple OS's is preferable over the slow, unstable, resource sapping fatware we've been saddled with for close to twenty years (courtesy of Microsoft). In other words, OS competition will be good for the PC platform, in my opinion. Bad OS's will die (like GFWL is about to die). Good OS's will survive. Gamers win.

11 years ago

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Gabe just tries to develop new ways of tying the users to his platform. SteamOS doesn't give you real advantages over Windows, but when you use it, Gabe essentially dictates how you play

11 years ago

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That dictating how you play would be to use Steam to game. I do that anyway. It then tells me i can stream those games to a different room and also it would give me advantages to my gaming. I like the sound of that too. After playing i could boot my system into Windows and carry on as normal. It is also free and can be installed and uninstalled when you like. Hardware manufacturers can also use the OS to put in new products or add to existing ones. There is no dicatating.

11 years ago

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"Steam is coming to a new operating system"

This phrase makes absolutely no sense at all.

11 years ago

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SteamOS is linux, so only linux steam games can be played on it.
Windows and Mac games can only be streamed.
When Steam ports all the games i have to their OS without big frame losses i will say good bye to Windows, but just not yet....
Linux games have big frame losses compared to Windows versions, so Steam and game devs will have to do some hard work.
Don't get me wrong, i've been waiting for this for a long time!

EDIT: Btw, i have a 32" FullHD LED TV as my main monitor on my room and i have a 30" CRT TV on my living room, so buying a steam box or building another pc to put um my living room connected to an ancient piece of sh*t isn't going to happen.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Aneszej.