I have shared already 11 games, and my amount of shared $ has not gone up, even some games that are not bundle games. wtf?
i read and it said bundle games give 20% well i shared something that where and are not bundle games, yet it won't go past the 30$ mark. will it go up later? will it take time to update?

10 years ago*

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Incorrect. You get up to 20% of the value of your non bundle giveaways.

The first $25 of any bundle giveaways counts as non bundle value, and another 20% bundle value kicks that up to $30.

10 years ago

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As Delta said sharing only bundled games will give you a maximum of $30 CV (You can tell what has been bundled by the * next to their name on the list of games when creating a giveaway) To get higher than $30 CV you must giveaway any non-bundled game and complete the giveaway, Also CV isn't what you should think about when giving away games it should be about making someone happy :D

10 years ago

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You are correct. CV isn't what you should be thinking about. However, when people make contributor giveaways for $30.01, it's pretty clear what they are thinking about.

10 years ago

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share with someone who shared ?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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i'm almost half-year on SteamGifts and didn't knew about this...

10 years ago

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Ok let me see if i can help u with ur concern.
First the 20% for bundle games is till u reach the $30 in contribution once u reach u need to compensate same amount on non-bundles games, once u balance that u can publish GA with bundles again. At least that was what they told me when i raise a ticket couple weeks ago. have losted like $80 in games that never counted on my contribution, not doing it anymore since for ur contribution really means u need to cross like $200 maybe more, since too many ppl already surpass the $30 is basically the same that not having contribution at all. That's why in a first place they do this changes for prevent that, but for me that it was too late when they added this rule.
My advise put games if u want to give something, otherwise trade them or sell them, there are a lot of groups on steam where u can exchange games, and maybe u will won even more than if u try to make ur contribution higher here.
Just my though u know, at least for now, if things change i might change too, but seriously i doubt it will change again.

Hope to have been able to help u out with my opinion and own testimony.


10 years ago

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No giving away games and not receiving any CV DOES NOT mean you wasted them, The games will go to someone who hopefully wants them, CV shouldn't even be a factor in making giveaways it should be about the giving since CV is to reward people who gift often and also it's your fault for not reading the rules correctly.

10 years ago

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have i asked ur opinion of what is my opinion about it? No that i recall
I just give it to lovemehate MY PERSONAL THOUGHTS about it. I have the right to think the way i want.
But now that u already repply my post let me tell u that ok i'm with u when u say that CV shouldn't be the things to care when u make a GA, but then why feed lazy ppl who don't earn their own money for make GA or even for have those games? We do it for pleasure YES, but also for the CV and if someone here says the opposite then they are just hypocrite, if u only care of ppl getting some games, then i wount mind if u everytime u do a GA instead give me the game so i can do the GA and get that CV, after all someone who want the game will get it and as u don't want the CV i can have it that i do want it. What u think? NO? really? That's what i thought ;)

10 years ago

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Firstly whether or not you asked for my opinion you posted yours on a public forum meaning anyone can reply to what you say with their own opinion, Secondly I don't care about CV but what I do care about is making people happy because it makes me happy and makes me feel good to see it personally and give the game personally, The suggestion you said of letting you do the giveaway makes no sense ,I would never give the game to you because frankly I don't really like you, If one of my friends were to ask I would gladly do so. :D

10 years ago

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But if you let Montekrizt0 do the GA for you, you will make him happy. And you said: "(...) what I do care about is making people happy (...)" ;-)

10 years ago

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we have a zinger. It does raise a valid argument.

10 years ago

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also that is incorrect, it isn't even a slight argument, I would want to give the game to someone who wants to play it not to someone who just wants CV.

10 years ago

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When you say it like that sure. But still, the fact is that it would make him happy, which is what you wanted to do... make somebody happy.

"You can't please all of the people all of the time; and last night all of those people were at my show!"

I will totally agree with the fact that it's better to give a game to somebody who really wants to play it, rather than just to make somebody happy. Happiness will only last so long.

10 years ago

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No, I don't want to make him happy :P I've already said I don't like the guy, I want to make someone happy by giving them a game they want to play.

But let me just say this all doesn't matter, I wouldn't give a game I have to someone for them to make a giveaway since I like to do it personally, Only if it was a close friend maybe I would and I'm getting tired of discussing this.

10 years ago

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"I want people to be happy, but only the ones I pick, and I only want them to be happy in this one specific way that I choose. Otherwise, I totally lied about that making people happy bit" essentially?

10 years ago

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Why would anyone want to make a self-entitled asshat happy?

10 years ago

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"I would never give the game to you because frankly I don't really like you,"
and you missed out "because it makes me happy" giving him my game wouldn't make me happy but giving a game to someone who seems like they want to play it does.

10 years ago

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i doubt that most of the games go to someone who wants to play them...

10 years ago

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Well you just have to hope that they do :P I only enter giveaways for games I really want even if I'm at 300P a lot of the time.

10 years ago

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well I don't mind at all giving out games I don't want, I just figure you would get SOMETHING even a buck CV would be acceptable but nothing nothing? seems wrong

10 years ago

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The value is still there, but you won't get it without giving non bundle titles. Its too easy to get value with a bundle if they didn't put such a cap on it. When you give some non bundle games, just consider it 20% extra on your CV for them.

10 years ago

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If they didn't put a limit on it what would stop people from putting every Bundle game they don't want on and then getting tons of CV, Limiting CV causes people to giveaway games that aren't in bundles without it I'm sure we would see a huge decrease in variety of games as the pages would be filled with whatever games are in bundles even more so than they are now.

10 years ago

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It's because of the millennial reason for which we just can't have nice things: people abuse, exploit, etc.

10 years ago

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It seems wrong to me that people expect anything at all when it's a giveaway and not a "trade games for CV".

Even more wrong is that those who do expect something, expect more than they even paid! Seems wrong that someone would expect $1 CV for a single game when the entire bundle was only $1.

10 years ago

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So presumably you agree that CV should be abolished.

As for your second point, isn't that what happens anyway? People buy a game for $1 or $2, get $10 CV for it. So if SG does give CV, what's wrong with giving a much reduced CV for bundled games in any case?

10 years ago

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Yeah you broke the system...so wrong.

10 years ago

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did you give out 30$ for your 2 humble bundles that you splitted up and gave away? So is it right that you get 30$ and then complain about not getting 500$?

10 years ago

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About the games you say weren't from bundles, the site doesn't differentiate whether you got the game from an actual bundle or from Steam or anywhere - since there's no way to tell. If the game has previously been bundled, it will count as a bundle-game.

10 years ago

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Personally I think bundle games should just give like a dollar of CV (or maybe even only $0.50) If there's a bundle that features 5 games and 1 dollar for Steam keys, that comes out to an 80% discount at the 1 dollar CV level. It's a level where people are okay with giving away extra games that they already own for a little CV, but it's not so deep a discount as to cause people to keep farming CV from the bundle since it's better waiting for a 90% off sale to do that.

10 years ago

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The point of capping the CV for bundle games came at a time when bundle games weren't allowed altogether but it was becoming impossible to police with so many users, so many bundles and so little mods. The CV at that time was just a number on your profile and didn't actually mean anything. Then the CV giveaways came along and the formula in use was designed to allow people to get full value from their bundle giveaways as log as they're giving mostly non-bundle games. Giving a flat $1 CV for those would actually cause a drop in CV for many users who are giving mostly non-bundled games. (And may be spending money on previously bundled games they like so that more people get to play them.)

10 years ago

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Maybe a constant 10% or something. Not even up to the $30 mark just 10% of what the game is worth on steam which will be better than this system since people still get something for giving away a bundle but since most bundle games are at most $15 they won't be getting much CV and would have to give a lot of games out before even getting to $30.

10 years ago

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Why should the cv of users whose non-bundled game giveaways exceed their bundled giveaways, go down, just because some people don't want to giveaway non-bundled games?

CV means nothing unless someone wants to enter high cv giveaways, and if so they should contribute non-bundled games, cause I am sure that they are wanting to win non-bundled games.

10 years ago

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If bundle games gave you 20% CV then you'd have $21.40 CV right now. Instead you have $30 CV. You're $8.60 better off the way it is now.

How it works is that you get 100% CV from bundled games, but with 2 catches: the total CV you get from bundled games is capped at 20% of your non-bundle value, and $25 worth of bundle games counts as non-bundle to give you the benefit of the doubt. So your CV can go up to $30 just from bundled games and you need to give non-bundled games to get your CV any higher. If you give away Fortix (worth $1), for example, your CV will go up by $1.20.

10 years ago

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"If you give away Fortix (worth $1), for example, your CV will go up by $1.20."

I'm afraid not. Fortix has been in a bundle before.

10 years ago

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Oh dear. That throws everything off.

10 years ago

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I must admit, I really don't understand why this cap was put in place. It seems downright stupid to me.
The idea of the site is obviously to give away games. As a reward for giving away a game, you are awarded with a value tag for each game depending on what the game is worth.
However, making it so that bundled games are capped at 30 dollars pretty much makes sure nobody will give away their bundled games anymore once they've hit that mark. That totally defeats the purpose of giving away games. And don't give me that shit about it's about just giving away the game, because it's not. The site has made it so that the more you give away, the more exclusive entries you're allowed to make, effectively giving you better odds at winning games which are locked at a certain dollar amount. If they removed that, then yes it would be about just giving away games for the joy of others.

I just asked for clarification in the steam chat about how the points system worked, as it was a bit unclear to me after reading it, and got nothing but aggressive replies back from 10+ users. They even seemed to be proud of their elitist replies about "AMAGAWD WHY DON'T YOU READ" or other such dumb replies. One of them was even an admin (although he was SLIGHTLY more formal about it but still fairly aggressive in his replies). How terribly embarrassing for steamgifts to have such people running the show.
It has made sure I will not be giving away any further games on this site regardless of where I got it. I gave away 5 games before realizing only the first 2 would count. I had more games to give, and would be fine with it, if they just gave me like 40% or even 30% of their value I guess, but when the gain is nothing then what's the point.

I really dug the idea of getting some sort of value for giving away games I wouldn't bother playing myself. However, I might as well just go to the steam forum and randomly give away the game, or some other place.

10 years ago

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+1, +rep, upvoted, shared, liked, favorited, subscribed

I dont giveaway games here anymore either, the community is terrible. They care more about CV than anything. If you can get your CV that high you can just buy the games outright instead of entering a more exclusive giveaway for them.

10 years ago

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That's exactly right. If you have a few thousand dollars or whatever in CV, then this site is kinda pointless in terms of entering raffles as you can clearly afford whatever title you want on steam. For the rest of us who enter because we don't have endless money to spend, we are punished by having our games not count at all beyond a measly 30 dollars. I can't think of a single reason this is put in place that makes any sort of sense.
If it's really to stop a flood of bundled games then that's fairly retarded. What does it matter where the games come from. What's the difference in a 75-90% discount during sales on steam and a humble bundle thing which you bought for let's say 25 dollars (the price tag doesn't matter but just to quell whiners).
Why should it matter where the games were gotten, as long as it was legit.

10 years ago

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what are you doing here if the community is so terrible? And it seems it's you the one who cares about CV, since you are not giving games anymore because you're not getting CV.

10 years ago

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I am no SG staff member, but I regret the misunderstanding of the CV system.

It is explained in the FAQ (well, links from the FAQ). There are two values, call them X (value of bundled games) and Y (value of non-bundled games).

i) First: move (up to) $25 from X to Y; that is, the first $25 of bundled games actually count as non-bundled CV. Call the new numbers B (bundled value, after those $25 are removed) and NB (non-bundled value, including up to $25 from bundle stuff);

ii) Whatever is in the "NB" category counts fully to your CV; however, the value of "B" is capped at 20% of NB (which means, 1/6 of the total -- the phrasing in the FAQ isn't the best). So your CV value is actually NB+min(B,0.2NB).

That is why users which have only given bundled stuff are capped at $30 (when NB=$25 and B=Infinity, B counts only $5 towards your CV).

That means bundled games DO count, up to a limit which depends on the non-bundled stuff. This system is not intended to punish people which do only bundles -- but to avoid flooding the site with bundled stuff (which has happened in the past and was very annoying). Nothing personal!

I hope you stick around, as all the other people which give bundled stuff, since it is appreciated!


10 years ago

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The system is FULLY intended to punish people who only gives away bundled games. If I never give away a game I got which doesn't belong to a bundle then I will stay at 30 dollars forever. Nobody else gets "hurt". Just the people who want to give away games that happen to be included in a bundle somewhere.

I gave away Torchlight 1 around 7 months ago. It wasn't from a bundle, but as it was once listed in some bundle somewhere on the net (humble bundle 6 I was told) it was considered a bundled game. That didn't matter much to me, as I didn't have any other games to give away at the time. However, yesterday, I thought it was time to even the score, as I had gotten a few games from bundles by winning raffles on this site, so I bought a bundle and started giving them away here. Now I have 5 games left from that bundle which are just going to sit there and rot, because there's literally no point in giving them away here, as my value tag won't increase unless I start giving away games which aren't considered bundled games.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it though, Thexder. I'm glad not all users are toxic in their behavior.
However, what you're saying is that if I give away another 25 dollars worth of a game, I get an additional 5 dollars from the bundled games category, which means it's effectively pointless to bother giving away bundled games unless you're giving away non-bundled games in the thousands of dollars range, in which case you end up getting the full value for them.

Now tell me again that it's not intended to punish people who just wants to give away some games which happen to be bundled games.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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You've been credited for giving away around 2800 dollars worth of games, so that's kinda not true. You fall in the category of giving away so many games that whatever bundled games you choose to give away will give you the full value, no?

10 years ago

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Hey, Jinxtah. Here is how I think:

  1. I agree, CV matters. Low CV might indeed restrict your access to some giveaways...
  2. But, wait! Reading the forums (huh, fora?) matters too! Some private giveaways only show up there! The site is designed to punish people that do not read the forums!
  3. And what about Group Giveaways? I am shy, and do not get invited to groups often! The site is designed to punish people which are not outspoken!

See how your argument does not hold? Why aren't you asking to stop Group and Private giveaways which you (and I) do not have access to? IMHO, we should not, because folks which are giving stuff of course have the right to choose whatever criteria they want when selecting people for giveaways (just as much as you have the right to let your bundled games sit here and rot, if you wish). You are not being punished, you are not losing anything, you are just not gaining all you wanted to gain.

So, if you do not enjoy the CV system, just ignore it (many people here do, see the other comments). I sincerely suggest installing SteamGifts Plus and filtering out the "red" giveaways (I often do), there is a whole, excellent SG site out of the CV system.

Now, if you enjoy the CV system (I do), then play it. Check my profile: I have given games at 90% discount mostly to raise my CV (a good thing); I have also give bundled stuff which did not raise my CV (a good thing too, made people happy)! CV might matter if you care, but it is not the only point, unless you choose it to be.

By the way: as an actual investment, earning CV is a very bad idea (even if you give stuff at 90% discount at the time). I have $200+ in CV value, and there are very few extra giveaways I am able to enter at that level, and the chances of winning them are still small. So, if you think of this site as an investment, there is no point in trying to raise your CV, with bundled stuff or not.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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We will torture you... .with KITCHEN KNIV.... huh... Oh, you are immune...

So we will use....



10 years ago

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So you make giveaways just for the CV? That is rather sad. Good old times without any stupid CV.

10 years ago

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Everyone does or the system wouldn't be in place. You didn't read what I wrote fully, but I'll repeat it for you. If the site was just about giving away games with no rewards at all then that would be fine, and I'd be happy to give them away. However the site is constructed in such a way that you get a value tag for giving away games, which enables you to enter more exclusive raffles. This is why any sort of "just give away for the joy of giving" is bullshit.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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No that's not it. I am complaining because it should not matter where the games were gotten or for how much. What about the people who get games while on deep discount somewhere, or promotional games which are free, or what if their sugar daddy gives them a game or whatever other reason or way. How is that any different than bundled games. The users didn't pay full value in the above cases. I realize it's impossible to "police" that, but the question becomes, why does it matter at all if the game is from a bundle somewhere.

I'm not angry I can't reach some 5000 dollar cap. The people who are in that range shouldn't even need to enter raffles to get games as they can blatantly afford to get them themselves (or just ask their parents of whatever it is they do to get the games).

10 years ago

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[...] The people who are in that range shouldn't even need to enter raffles to get games as they can blatantly afford to get them themselves (or just ask their parents of whatever it is they do to get the games).
Common logical fallacy there. Plenty of the people that are super-generous here... really ought not to be. I know at least a few here that can barely afford it, but still rank up there because they enjoy gifting.

10 years ago

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I'm happy such people exist. However they are in the extreme minority I should think. And that was a reply to a theory about a magical 5000 dollar cap which is super exclusive. If people give away games in that cap range then it is no longer about giving away games for the joy of giving, it is about being elitist and just rewarding a small crowd if you're part of that circle yourself.
Any such caps should be removed and all games should just be 0 dollar entry. Then we can talk about being people super generous for the sake of being generous.

10 years ago

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I was here when the site was without CV and was making giveaways, I'm here now with CV introduced and I'm still making giveaways and I don't care about CV at all. Just because you don't "just give away for the joy of giving" and think it is bullshit, doesn't mean everyone else does too.

10 years ago

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"why this cap was put in place" -- initially, when it was just Humble Bundle, you could get Steam keys for less than a dollar. A large part of the reason for the treatment of bundles stems from that, and avoiding people exploiting Humble Bundle's generosity for their own benefit on this site.

10 years ago

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As long as people make contributor giveaways with a required CV value of $30.01 there will be people who complain about not getting value for their bundled game giveaways. Get rid of contributor giveaways and you greatly reduce the CV problem.

10 years ago

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How much you spend on that bundle? $1? $2? $5?

Now, how much CV you'd get from those 5 games? $50? $60? $100?

Does it sound right that $1 would give you $100 CV?

Besides, you only need to giveaway more not-bundled games and you will get bundled-CV, like for every non-bundled $5 you'll get $1 bundled CV.

10 years ago

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I've written this before in this topic, so I'll copy/paste it as a reply here.

"I am complaining because it should not matter where the games were gotten or for how much. What about the people who get games while on deep discount somewhere, or promotional games which are free, or what if their sugar daddy gives them a game or whatever other reason or way. How is that any different than bundled games. The users didn't pay full value in the above cases. I realize it's impossible to "police" that, but the question becomes, why does it matter at all if the game is from a bundle somewhere."

And from my original comment:

"I had more games to give, and would be fine with it, if they just gave me like 40% or even 30% of their value I guess, but when the gain is nothing then what's the point."

I'm not rich enough to go out and buy games at full value just to give them away. If I were, then this wouldn't be an issue at all. I don't have a sugar mommy either to give them to me, and I don't live in my parent's basement so that I might rely on them giving me games. Like I stated in my original post in this topic, I'd be ok with a lesser upfront value for so called bundled games, but to get nothing unless you give away games which aren't considered bundled games is dumb. And please don't feed me the line of "give away for the joy of giving", because then I might as well go on the steam forums and give it away, or some other gaming related place.

10 years ago

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You didn't answered - should $1 give $50 CV?

Besides, just giveaway not-bundled games and you'll get your CV.

10 years ago

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And you didn't read what I wrote.

10 years ago

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Yes I did.

I just want you to say "yes, $1 should give me $50 CV".

10 years ago

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No you blatantly did not. If you had, you wouldn't have written that nonsense to try to be clever.
Where is the difference in paying for a bundle or getting a DEEP discount for a game during a sale, or getting it for free from someone else.
In neither of these cases the full amount was not paid for the product being given away on this site. However only one of those are being rendered invalid and looked down upon. The other cases are highly encouraged and seems to be the way things are done here. Now you tell me, where is the difference. Games are being given away in all 3 cases. Is it a dollar amount minimum for you? If so, where's the limit? We both know it's not about a dollar minimum with either of the cases except for bundles, which apparently are the source of all evil around here, even though the site is about giving away games.

I look forward to seeing you reply.

10 years ago

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If game is known to be massively gave away for free, it becomes "bundled" - like Mafia 2 (was given away for free on GMG).

In the end, SG decided maximum CV you can get from $1 spend is around $10. That's the difference between bundled games and those with deep discounts (if they are discounted over 95% they become bundled).

Yes, some people are "punished" - if you bought Mafia II on some -75% sale and wanted to give it away, you're punished. But without that punishment, abusers who created 100 fake GMG accounts would receive around $3000 CV.

Yes, there are few lucky people who get games from developers or simply some free copies (for birthdays or something). But they are few and, just like in world, you must remember there is no equality between humans (if there is, why we don't see people parading because some random child is born, but whole world is wanking over some Royal Family kid?).

10 years ago

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And what about deep discounted games, like daily deals or season sales on GMG or steam, or humble store, etc. etc. where games are discounted up to 80% or more. What is the difference between bundled games and those?

Where is the line drawn in your mind. Is it a dollar amount for you? Is it more the idea of you disliking bundles as a whole? Because there is literally no difference with bundles and DEEP discounted games. In both cases, like I've written numerous times, the full amount was not paid for the game, but in 1 of those cases you get the full amount of CV for it on this site, where as you don't with the other.
You even mention yourself that you're being punished if you bought some game at a 75% discount which then after that falls into a bundle category due to some giveaway on GMG, but you've not paid the full amount for that game, yet expect to get the full CV for it. How does that work in your mind?

10 years ago

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Should a person get the full price of a game added to their contributor value when they bought it bundled or discounted? No, they shouldn't. In a perfect world contributor value would be based on what you are actually contributing (i.e. price paid). The reality is that it would be a logistical train wreck trying to manage without requiring users to provide receipts. Sales simply happen too often, and from too many sources. Adding games that go on sale to a permanent list would punish users who pay full price. Adjusting CV during sales would not prevent users from simply waiting until after a sale to make their giveaways. The next step of requiring receipts of some sort would discourage a large number of users from contributing while adding a huge amount of work to an already overworked volunteer staff.

The current system is far from perfect. There are a number of users who abuse that system in order to get their CV as high as possible while spending as little as possible. Limiting CV gained from bundles is simply a method to help curb that abuse. If there was a reasonable way to do the same with sales it would be done I'm sure. It's true that the community is too quick to turn hostile about things like this, but with the past abuse I can certainly see why.

10 years ago

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Hi Searoth,
Thanks for making the effort to make a coherent reply which isn't just a bunch of bullshit (no, really).
You're obviously correct in your assumptions regarding the logistical nightmares of keeping track of discounted games, but my point still stand that people giving away games are being punished by not getting any sort of CV while others who are abusing the hell out of the system gets full CV and a pat on the back.

If the staff here is totally ok with people abusing the CV system, then why in the world do they feel the need to punish others who just want to give away games. Like I said previously, I'd be happy if we just got like 20% or whatever upfront for a bundled game. We are still giving a game away. The price was discounted, but again, so were all the DEEP discounted games being given away here, yet they're getting full value, which is downright dumb.
The system which is in place makes sure that people who wouldn't previously have minded to give left over games from whatever bundle they bought, just won't bother.
Someone wrote here earlier that it was to prevent the flooding of the site with bundled games, but that to me is fkn crazy talk. It takes only a second or two to add a game to a filter using SG+ and even if you aren't running it, what is the problem in seeing more games being given away on a site that is about giving away games.

10 years ago

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Bundle floods (usually during offers that are completely free) have literally brought the site to a halt. Filters/SG+ only work client-side. They will do literally nothing to help against that issue.

10 years ago

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I like you, Junxtah. Most people who respond to you come off as butt hurt individuals who don't want to appreciate your opinion. In all honesty, the system really isn't effective and should be done away with.

I have around 200 dollars in CV value and the amount of giveaways that reward a person for having over $5 in CV are surprisingly few in numbers. That is, I am surprised by how many people give away games without putting a CV requirement for entries. It is their choice, but on that note, if hardly anyone gives a care about giving away games by adding a CV requirement, then why even have CV?

For this reason, I see CV as more detrimental than beneficial. As you said, it prevents people from giving away more games than they normally would. If game givers actually gave a care about CV when giving away (in the sense of how much the people entering have and not how much the giver will get for giving), which for the most part, they don't, then maybe the CV system should stay in place.

But since everyone gives games away allowing anyone to enter(no CV requirement), the CV system when abused does nothing but serve as a confidence booster (to the giver exploiting it), because the benefits of having a high CV are really surprisingly low if you ask me. Thus, I say let a person give away a million copies of Crazy Machines. There aren't that many high CV requirement giveaways for him to enter anyways.

10 years ago

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Woo another reply which isn't "AMAGAWD U SO MAD!!" or whatever. Happy days! :)
I've come to the same conclusion regarding the butts which appear to be hurt. I've yet to come across a counter point which made any sort of sense. It seems nobody can refute my point about the difference with bundle vs deep discount vs free, and CV. I guess I should have stopped expecting them to after the first few posts here, but I was fairly annoyed by the quite abrasive behavior of the so called community, and didn't feel like backing down without finding SOMEONE would could provide some sort of reply that would make sense.

I agree with the CV system being archaic. It should be redesigned or done away with and just have people be happy to give away games. I wouldn't have a problem with that at all if that was the point of the site. It might have been once, but I can't see that being the point anymore.

10 years ago

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80% sale - that's $5 for every $1 spent. Not like bundle, where it can be $50 CV for $1 spend.

Biggest problem is what you write in the end. I don't giveaway to get CV. I giveaway to giveaway, without expecting anything in return.

10 years ago

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The problem is that this not only discourages giving away bundled games, but also giving away games which were in a bundle once. It doesn't matter whether a game is at the top of the wish list, if it was in a bundle it's worth nothing. (Batman: Arkham City is a good example.)

10 years ago

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Every day there is a tread QQing about CV. How about we just get rid of it or those QQing about it?

10 years ago

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How about we just get rid of elitist pricks like you whining about people not getting value from their giveaways.

10 years ago

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Tell me, what makes me this "elitist prick"? CV is explained in FAQ and yet people still ask about it.

10 years ago

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It's not explained very well, just to put that out there. My impression was you'd get 20% of your bundle value, they don't say anything about a $30 cap if you only giveaway bundle games. Only when I ventured into the forums did I learn there is a cap. 20% is actually a lot, I wouldn't mind if you only got 5% of the game value for bundle games (no full value for first $25) as that is usually what the games in bundles are in reality worth (at least for fixed-price or BTA bundles). I'm sure even the smallest value like 1% would be favoured over this silly system.

Another thing I don't get is the whole concept of flooding the site with bundle giveaways. I mean sure if they all gave full value it'd get abused, but 5% wouldn't see such abuse, imho. I mostly enter giveaways here for bundles I missed, and would really like to see more giveaways for the older bundles, but people are so discouraged from giving away bundle games due to the bundle list! I'm not interested in CV, I'll give away my spare bundle games now and then to give back, but my biggest problem with this system is the lack of older bundle games being given away. Just thought you might like to see a different perspective to the argument.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Make the FAQ clearer. Because I just read it and couldn't find the information and asked a question and took a lot of shit for it and I don't think being treated like an idiot is really in keeping with the spirit of the site.

10 years ago

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Exactly. Listen, if people keep asking then maybe it's not clear enough, or not explained well enough for the majority. I don't get why people get pissy about questions regarding what the site is all about. OH NO SOMEONE WANTS TO GIVE AWAY A GAME BUT DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE FAQ. QUICK LET'S TREAT HIM LIKE A MORON.
How is that helping anyone.

10 years ago

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Yes. I'm new to the site but I'm not an idiot. I read the FAQ, didn't find the information I wanted, so I asked a question. One person was nice enough to answer but about five other people have said 'It's in the FAQ, you just didn't read it properly.'

It turns out the information I need is in a thread that's linked to from another thread that the FAQ links to. I don't consider that 'being in the FAQ'. I did click through to the first thread but missed the link to the second thread, which apparently makes me an idiot.

The answer I got from another user was two sentences long and very clear and concise. That information could be put on the main FAQ page, so no need to link to an entirely separate post, and then perhaps more people would find it.

Just think about it - if you have a problem with people asking the same question all the time, then how can you possibly not agree that maybe the FAQ isn't clear enough?

10 years ago

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"Just think about it - if you have a problem with people asking the same question all the time, then how can you possibly not agree that maybe the FAQ isn't clear enough?"

Because most people don't read FAQs. It's not a SG exclusive phenomenon.

10 years ago

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Look at all the butthurt bundle giveawayers expecting to get more CV than they actually spent. wow.

10 years ago

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Great community we have here, with people coming up with such toxic replies such as yours.

I came up with a longer reply originally, but I've deleted that and written this instead because it's just not worth getting upset over.

10 years ago

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You come up with invalid arguments on this topic. How about gaining some sense and see that you don't deserve more than the dollar that you spend on a bundle game? Be happy with what you are giving away, right?

10 years ago

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They are invalid because you can't refute them? I'll try one more time. How are bundled games any different from deep discount games or games someone got for free?
What's the difference there? All games are being given away, and none of them have been purchased for the full amount.

10 years ago

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Would love to see a coherent answer to this question.

10 years ago

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Wasn't hard.

10 years ago

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It's hard when you have to use logic which isn't flawed.

10 years ago

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The difference is you literally get it for 95%+ off, compared to people that only get other games for probably 50%-75% off.

You think that it is fair that we let kids spend 5 dollars in bundles and they get 200 dollars of CV compared to someone spending 100 to get that 200?

Come on dude, its not that hard.

10 years ago

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See this is where your logic fails you.
You can't determine their discount, so what happens if a game is discounted 75% or 80% or perhaps 90%. Your theory is that because it's a bundle the full value isn't paid for a game, and so they should be punished, but your theory falls apart if you add discounted games.
If it in your mind is ONLY about the price, then let's hear what a minimum is from you. Where is the line drawn. 2 dollars? 3? 4? 5? 6? Why does the minimum bother you. Isn't the point that the game wasn't paid for in full?

Is it a percentage minimum? If so that doesn't make any sort of sense either, since you've been babbling about bundles not paying the full amount, while discounted games are perfectly fine, though you never know what kind of discount, and even if you did, let's face it (and I'll write this again), there is literally no difference between a deep discount and a bundle. NEITHER have paid the full price, but 1 of them gets the full CV here, while the other one is fucked.

And what about games which were given to the person giving it away. That can't be policed, but here they got it for free.

If it's about the dollar amount paid, which let's face it is downright dumb due to the above mentioned reasons, then what about games bought with foreign currency. The Euros should then get more CV for their games than the Americans, since they always pay more value than Americans do. The same is true for the Brits I assume.

10 years ago

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I think the main problem is that some users (just like you did) think it's a "punishment" to receive less CV.

Noone is forcing you to increase your CV, noone will be ungrateful for the game he wins, whether it's bundled or non-bundled (at least I hope that winners are grateful in general).

True, the CV system is in place to encourage giveaways of non-bundled games, but you're forgetting the history of the site: bundled games had been disallowed at the beginning. It was only after the mods could no longer handle it that bundled games where allowed and with the bundled games came the bundle list and the change in the CV system.

There was a poll on steamgifts, asking every user if the CV system should be removed, but the majority wanted to keep it.

by the way, the CV system isn't that great at all, the better chances to win great games come from joining groups or solving puzzles. If someone is still not happy that some giveaways require $30.01 CV to enter, they are free to make a giveaway of a non-bundled game.

Edit: and while talking about the history of the site, the CV system wasn't always there, and people back then still did make giveaways. not for any reward like some CV, but for sharing the joy of gaming (or for whatever other reasons they had).

10 years ago

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Well it is a punishment. Why that is so, is something I've written a lot of times in this topic, and I'm getting a tad tired of repeating it in this single thread. I'm not trying to be dismissive of your post, but if you could go ahead and read a few of my other posts which deal with why it's indeed a punishment, that would be amazing. If not, I can go find it and link it to you in the next post if you really prefer.

I'm not forgetting the history at all. The system is outdated and doesn't make any sense anymore.

To finish this post, I'll respond to your last thing. I've said numerous times in this thread that I'd be happy to just give the games away if there was no CV, but that's not at all what this site is about. If it was, then there'd be no CV, OR you wouldn't be able to restrict who can enter your giveaways.

10 years ago

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Also, lets not forget. People that buy regular discounted games ARE NOT BREAKING A TOS.

People giving away bundled games when a bundle comes out are breaking the TOS of the bundle.

Seriously, why can't you be happy that you are giving away the game to someone that wants it? You also gave charity money for those bundles? Seriously how of an asshole can you be?

Just deal with it dude.

10 years ago

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Wait, so now I'm an asshole?
So you can't come up with a response to me, and then you just make insults instead?

I'm not breaking any TOS by giving away a bundled game.

From the bundle Stars FAQ:

I already own some of the games in the bundle, can I give these games to a friend?

Yes, you can pass on the individual Steamยฎ keys to a friend to redeem. Please remember that each Steamยฎ key can only be redeemed once.

I'm assuming you've run out of dumb things to say now. If not, then please leave insults out of it next time.

10 years ago

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Ok, I admit I was wrong about that. Most bundles have a TOS stating they are against that.

But the real thing is...

Why can't you just be happy with giving away games? You are giving people a gift that are grateful for it and you are being an ass (yes I said it, get mad) and you think you deserve something out of it?

I'm a firm believer of just removing bundle games from being given away because of people that complain all the time. I remember the good times when bundle games were never given away.

10 years ago

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Again with the insults. Have I insulted you once during our conversation? Why do you feel the need to insult me to make an argument?

I don't know why we're back to this again with just being happy giving games away. I've answered it numerous times. I'll say it one more time though, just for you.
The site stopped being about JUST giving away games as soon as CV was introduced as a reward for giving away games, and making it so that you're able to both restrict who can enter your giveaways and enter in those more exclusive high CV giveaways. Please spend 30 seconds on reading what I've written time and time again in this thread.

I am not being an ass to the people who have received games from me, so I'm not sure why you make that a "point".

Why are you so against bundled games. You treat them like they're the plague or something otherwise awful. Games are being given away. What does it matter to you how they were acquired or how much was paid for them.

It has become clear to me that you've run out of steam in your argument, as this is the second time you've resorted to insulting me, and haven't come up with any sort of counter argument to my points. Therefore, I do believe we're done with this little back and forth. Clearly you'll never answer my question about bundle vs discount/free, and if you continue trying to bait me into flaming you back, then the point of the whole discussion is lessened.

I will advise you to get some manners though. I'm not sure why you think it's totally fine to insult people just because we're not face to face.

10 years ago

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Easy there: there is a guideline! Stuff which is discounted 95% or more gets into the bundle list (see "Payday", for example, which got into the bundle list because it was discounted ninety-something% somewhere). Currently, stuff which is 90% discounted counts CV as usual.

10 years ago

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It's not a case of being 'butthurt'. Well maybe for some, but not for me. If I thought bundle games were worth anything I'd be trading them on SteamTrades or selling the keys on eBay. But the reality is simply that I pay, say, $5 for a bunch of games, keep the ones I want and then give away the others on here. I don't care about getting anything for them, but when I gave away my first lot I saw my CV shoot up from $0 to $30 after just a few games. I've since given away 5 more and it's still at $30. So I'm just wondering why. I wouldn't care if it was $1 per game or whatever I actually paid for them, but I thought it was odd that it stopped going up at all.

10 years ago

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because you didnt actually spend that amount worth. what do you expect?

Give some games that weren't bought for a dollar and do some real contribution.

10 years ago

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Like I said above, it would be nice if the way bundle value was calculated could be changed because of the lack of previously bundled games being given away due to the fact that they don't give CV. I could care less about entering more exclusive CV giveaways, I can enter exclusives through puzzles if I want. I just find it sad that many good games aren't being given away just because they were in previous bundles (someone above pointed out Batman: Arkham City as one).

10 years ago

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Lol, i just commented on another thread JUST about this question. Surely, you could have read one of the 241087236708237910รŸ4081047210934810413 other threads about this, but as it is still in my copy paste:
" The other is due to having too many bundle games given away. Your contributor value will be locked until you submit further giveaways that are not from bundles and will continue to rise gradually until the full value has been reached. " -- FAQ

10 years ago

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You could just exploit the CV system like everyone else seems to be okay doing.

10 years ago

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I remember on Jedi Academy when new players arrived in on the server, and had no idea about the rules enforced there, even though they were greeted by them upon connecting. They sometimes asked what the deal with some of those rules were, and then we would tell them to go fuck themselves and uninstall the game for missing out on such information. Ah, the good days.

Except shit like that never happened because that community didn't have retards thinking they're important by being a dickbag about directing someone to an explanatory force boon with the rules/FAQ section of the forum, or explaining the thing they're asking about.

10 years ago

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"even some games that are not bundle games"
If it's on bundle list then it doesn't matter whether you bought it in bundle or not, it will be treated as bundle game.

10 years ago

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Geez. This thread is full of PMS and jock itch.

10 years ago

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Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.

10 years ago

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i think its quite ironic how ppl go on about how important is to contribute to the website and that "if you giveaway for the cv your doing it for the wrong reason " and then come here crying about their CV,
hypocritical ppl ftw..
It doesnt really matter how much we sugarcoat it, the CV system as it is is broken. I think things should be the following way: or else give away just for the joy of giving or else dont give anything at all. The whole cv system is just encouraging ppl to get around the rules as much as they can so that they can grow their eepen size

10 years ago

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what im going to do is ... +1

10 years ago

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OP, looking at your giveaway history shows that you have given away only bundle games, so why do you complain? You know how this works.

10 years ago

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wow this is still active? I misread the fine-print, again....I don't mind giving out my games, I was just under the impression that u got 20% for bundle games (yes even after 30$ CV) but that was wrong...
while people's idea of "complaining" is very open to misinterpretation I was just asking for someone to explain it to me, which they have (thanks) but one or two of them I give away where before/after they where bundled so yeah. if your looking for a place to troll....try gamefaqs?

10 years ago

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OP, your safest best is to just edit your original post there.

I'd just change it to "Question Answered. Thanks."

Alternatively, as the OP, you can simply close the thread.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by lovemehate.