I speak for myself here,but getting to know a language and working with it makes me realize it's potential and see what i can do with it. In my first year of university i had a teacher who got us working with Visual Basic 6. He didn't teach us anything about how to use it except the interface,he just said that he wanted a game done in 4 months and i made it,with tutorials and reading but i did it and it was a great feeling that i've done it all by myself. Honestly it was a great teaching method
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One does not simply write a game in visual basic.
Srsly, try to learn something in a real programming language, try java is simple.
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It's easier to realize the progress you've made with a game than with other softwares, as it's one of the only kind of softs that use graphics. It's hard to realize what you've made so far when you're writing lines and lines of code that result in a few more characters on the screen.
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I'm not an indie developer but you can start with the easy to use tools like game maker or rpg maker or something similar. They're not difficult, you don't need to know programming languages, and there's tons of tutorials on them all over the place. Thanks to how easy to use it is you can quickly make a game and try out the mechanics and stuff to find out if it's actually fun and to practice putting your ideas to work. It's easier than spending tons of time coding just to find out that it doesn't represent your idea all that well.
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I don't know much about using Game Maker, but it has been used for some excellent games and if you're comfortable with using it, it's acceptable to consider it a solid(ish), finished-product-making tool rather than just a thing to practice with. RPG Maker is much more limited, but can be good for prototyping, or for a game where the story is more important than the mechanics and general feel.
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I did not suggest it's not up for making professional and sellable games. I said it's easy enough to use so you can try making games without knowledge of programming languages or without spending too much time coding when you need to practice actual game making if you've never made a game before.
Actually in my opinion, for a one man game making operation I'd definitely go with game maker or other easy to use software because making a game from scratch with lots of coding and without quick tools is too much of a hassle for a single person and it's too time consuming.
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If I have to give you a general tip of what to learn, it's this: forget about coding, learn art, learn narrative, and learn marketing and entrepreneurship.
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A great start would be to expand your knowledge of the language then. Eventually you would be well-advised to gather a group of others to work on your project with you, but each member needs to contribute to the workload as much as possible. It's the biggest stepping stone towards getting into the VG creation scene.
Before making a main project, you should keep expanding your knowledge of your preferred language and set yourself smaller mini-game projects to test yourself as you go.
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Great advice! I will go for it,but i kind of want to test other languages too. And in my country most jobs want you to know java,python, and other stuff..
Here's an example from a job offer:
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That looks like a job offer for web development. It's a good idea to know that stuff, of course - at some point you might need to make a website for your games, either just for advertising or for things like player profiles - but it's not immediately relevant for game development.
That is, however, not including the use of HTML5 for gaming. I don't know enough about that side of things to really comment on it, but it is a growing area.
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just another question, what's funnier for you? coding for hours, or designing systems for the game?
Anyways, best language for games as I said it's either C++, C# or JavaScript because Unity.
Also you might want to consider that if you learn another language like Phyton and do a 9 to 5 job it will take years to complete a full game on your own. So take that into consideration.
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I wanted to do everything at first too but I realized soon that I can't. So I maximized my skills (which aren't either coding or drawing since I find both boring) and I'm doing everything else except coding and drawing, though I know enough about those to help coders and artists who are on my projects.
If you want to code, PLEASE, PLEASE study some type of art or game design, read a couple books about it. I can't tell you how many failures I see everyday just because some coder had a "fun mechanic" but didn't care about all the other things that are important to a product.
Per example, these are (very rough list) jobs inside the industry: coder, artist, game designer, writer, producer, musician, sound engineer, marketing strategist, social media manager, publisher. There might be more, can't recall ATM, but as you see, coding is just a very small part of a game.
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Have you ever heard about Unity? Probably the best free game engine. It actually supports three programming languages
(C#, JScript, Boo) and it also makes available to communicate between the different classes, even if they're not written in the same language.
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Really? Please inform yourself a bit. HTML5 doesn't require plugins. Ever heard of Game Dev Tycoon? Guess which language it uses.
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Yes Unity does use JavaScript for example however it interpretes that language. If you want to make a JavaScript game for html well than be aware that people can just alter / copy your whole work.
If you know JavaScript already and than want to use Unity sure thats an option however if you do not know JavaScript pre start of your Unity project I would not recommend it as per said alter and copy "issue" with JavaScript outside of Unity.
In this case I would normally use C# that you can use for normal coding and is rather secure in regards of reverse engineering (c++ is better protected against that though).
And lastly, JavaScript ist not a programming language per se. It is a scripting language as the name already suggests.
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While not a perfect solution: https://jscrambler.com/
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Really? Please inform yourself a bit. HTML5 doesn't require plugins. Ever heard of Game Dev Tycoon? Guess which language it uses.
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html 5 sucks, the performance of game dev tycoon is TERRIBLE,
i have somehow decent fps, my brother gets slow motions (1 - 3 fps ) on the 3rd level. (he has a equal system to mine)
html5 flash player doesnt work really good most of the time either.
html5 is getting somehow near to a programming language but nah, its still just markup stuff with a nice new features.
C++ is the very best anyway, guess how many games where made in c++? more than just 1 example with pretty poor performance
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Partially agree. HTML5 and JavaScript in general still has a long way to go regarding performance. Remember that it was originally created to support websites, not games with tons of threads =P
But it's the one of the most future-proof languages along with C# and C++. If I had to choose one for today, C++ it's still the best and not just for games. But give it 5 years and you'll see the trend.
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Well, I'm not a pro, but here's my opinion.
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What kind of work will you be looking for in the future? Is indie game development a stepping stone towards working in a big studio or are you planning to go into an unrelated field? That would affect what you choose.
That said, thinking like this will get in the way of you being an indie developer. Just get a good game done, that should be better for a resume than any particular tool or language.
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winning strategy right here: just slap together most incomplete crap game you can come up with thats not really a 'game' at all and offer free keys to everyone that votes yes to get you a greenlight. profit.
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Watch out: it's only free for personal use. If you want to sell what you make with it, the minimum fee is $1,500 ex. VAT if I'm not mistaken.
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Try here for some decent software to look at.
Unity is definitely a good engine to use. It is relatively simple to pick up and get started with and there is a lot of documentation and help around if you get stuck. It is also flexible enough that you could do pretty much any type of game you wanted if you have the skill. You can use C# scripts in Unity (which personally I'd recommend over their javascript and python based options) which also seems like a fairly widely used language elsewhere if you want something that might be useful later.
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Well, try something for android. It's pretty easy to develop for(simple games that is), and it's even easier to get your game on the market :)
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i beg to differ, the best language is Esperanto :P
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+1 for LibGDX. It's nice as it wraps a lots of other libraries, zuch as Box2D, a binding of Bullet... and it supports both 2D and 3D. It's quite stable and more or less often updated, but you might have some problems with the doc. At least, it makes you think about it a little bit more.
Also, if you want to stick with Java, have a look at JMonkeyEngine. It also has a nice SDK.
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I recommend Esenthel Engine which I'm using, as both my first engine and starting point. Especially if you're using C++ which is best languages in performance.
Plus, it's very cheap subscription based, there's demo as well, although you need to subscripted for 11.40$/month if you want to start doing real game.
Also try check out GameDev for tips, tutorial or more engine choice.
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You need a good story before everything. You can start doing games for android or pc. I recommend you to use UDK (Unreal Development Kit). It is good, easy to manage the tools and really cool looking for graphics. You will also need to have a couple of money saved to reach your goals and to survive in the development.
My tip is if you want to develop video-games, change your degree to something related to video-game art or programming. Can be people on the college or university who you can meet related to that and create a team to start something cool. You can get more help there than asking here. If you can get a team will be way better. I Imagine that create a good videogame alone is a pain in the @ss for the first time.
MY BEST TIP: If you don't know nothing about game engines, or game art design. Or the development of a videogame. I will strong recommend you to abandon this idea mate :(... will be struggling for you trying to develop a videogame without experience on UDK or at least on Unity. As I read your post, I saw that you are on Informatics, you probably already know a little bit of this stuff. The key if you already have experience, is to bring a really good story to the table.
Best luck!
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If you have a look at Extra Credits' videos, he says that the gameplay fundamentals have to be prototyped before the story. Also, a story is optional, as there is quite a lot of games that don't have any story.
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PC is probably the easiest platform to develop games for but it really depends on the game.
Unity, 3ds Max, Substance Designer, Substance Painter, Photoshop, Acid Pro for music (all of which are expensive).There are other free programs similar to these but none of them really compare.
C++ but that will take year(s) to learn, go with C#, Java, both of which come with Unity free.
Unity is by far the best choice for indie developers, the community is huge, the asset store has tons of free stuff and professional assets for relatively cheap, cross platform development and best of all, the Pro version is only $1500 with no royalties. Whereas, I've heard anyway, UDK charges 25% of sales plus fees or $30k upfront.
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"If you create a games or commercial applications using UDK for sale or distribution to an end-user or client, or if you are providing services in connection with a UDK based game or application, the per-seat option does not apply. Instead the license terms for this arrangement are US$99 up-front, and a 0% royalty on you or your company’s first US$50,000 in UDK related revenue from all your UDK based games or commercial applications, and a 25% royalty on UDK related revenue from all your UDK based games or commercial applications above US$50,000. UDK related revenue includes, but is not limited to, monies earned from: sales, services, training, advertisements, sponsorships, endorsements, memberships, subscription fees, in-game transactions, rentals and pay-to-play. You or your company will only need one commercial license to cover all the UDK based games or commercial applications you develop."
Unity requires the $1500 only if your company makes over $100k a year, with no per title fees. UDK clearly charges 25% if you make more than $50k as well as a small upfront fee and per title fee.
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As a lightweight alternative to Unity, Phaser is a cracking little framework if you're interested in making truly cross platform mobile & desktop games. People have poo-poohed JavaScript quite a bit already, sillily suggesting it's just for websites, but Canvas can be very powerful.
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Depends on what kind of indie games you're building. In general, you're going to stick to either Windows or Android, seeing as it's practically free to develop and test for the two.
If you're a complete, total noob, try GameMaker. Unity is a bit more advanced. If you have a bit of cash both Unreal and Cryengine can be licensed for stuff. Modeling can be done in Maya, texturing in Photoshop/Illustrator, etc.
For Android, you'll be working in Java. For Windows you'll be working in Assembly if you're hardcore, but C and Visual Basic also work.
(edit: formatting)
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Hi there. First of all,let me tell you that i know i can find info about this by googling it , and i have a little bit of knowledge about this stuff ,i am on my second year at an informatics university.
But the thing is i know i'm not the only one out there who might ask this question and i would like to talk to some of you guys to hear your opinions and to know if you know some "life stories"
My questions are:
What platform is the best?
What software do you need?
What language is the best?
There may be more questions but for now i think those are enough
Hopefully we can come to a conclusion without arguing .Thanks in advance!
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