Do you find adventure games enjoyable?
They're not my usual go-to but here and there I do find ones that I enjoy. I played the first 3 Deponia games and liked them. I also have fond memories of Guybrush Threepwood and insult sword fights. Not sure if The Wolf Among Us would qualify as an adventure game or not but I really liked that one too.
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As much as I am concerned, it qualifies just right! :) These are all great from what I hear!
I had the chance to play all 4 Deponia games last year. Its a fun game with high production value, had a blast playing it! Although I was not thoroughly satisfied with the ending and some jokes were a bit off-putting, but they were definitely in the minority. Laughed more than I should have on the rest. xD My favourite was the 4th installment, but I am a sucker for time travel stuff, so I might be a bit biased. Wont spoil it for You any further (dont even know if this counts as spoiler as the whole premise of the last game is that), but IMO its worth playing trough. On sales its a few euros, I would recommend it!
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I won this one and Whispered world both in Playing Appreciated, and though you are not required to end games you don't like there, I finished both.
Though they are not bad, I found both of them dull and lacking something, I guess I ended them because I really like the genre. Deponia saga is far far superior in almost every aspect.
I love adventure games, one of the problem with these two from Daedalic is that the low number of screens you can go and items you can have allow you to brute force almost any puzzle.
You should try Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, I think is brilliant.
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I see. Will find out if my opinion will be the same. I've got Whispered World from Humble Trove and plan to play that too.
Deponia was great though, I can wholeheartedly agree on that. It made me laugh so much like few entertainment media was able to.
Indiana Jones? Thanks for the recommendation! I will make sure to play it sometime!
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Nice list! No wonder you remember them fondly! :) Have you played the sequels to The Longest Journey?
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I remember enjoying Simon the Sorcerer and Legend of Kyrandia back then, on my cousin's Amiga 500, but somehow I missed Loom and Monkey Island, which I plan on starting some day!
Later, on PC, I remember playing The Dig, Full Throttle, The Longest Journey and of course Syberia I and II.
I definitely miss some more, but a not-so-famous game that I remember enjoying was DreamWeb.
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Amiga? Wow, now that was some time ago! :o
Aside from The Dig, I had the chance to play the games you mentioned, all of them being great for different reasons!
DreamWeb? Thats also new to me, I may look into it!
Thanks for the contribution!
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The genre is pretty much alive.
I've played all the classics back in the day (LucasArts, Sierra, Revolution and others), but now there are a lot of really REALLY good modern adventure games, Both classic point and click (Fran Bow, Unavowed, Kathy Rain), and puzzle adventure with a twist (Oxenfree, Kentucky Route Zero, and one of the best games of this last decade, Return of the Obra Dinn)
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Yeah, they have a kind of renessaince if you will. On a smaller scale, but they do. As the market opened up with indie and crowdfunding gaining ground and game creating tools being more user friendly and available than ever, creators of adventure games dont have to rely on big publishers anymore. Sure, there are some from relatively big companies, but they are still not really in the mainstream as once they were.
Oxenfree was very enjoyable, I've played it trough like 2-3 times on GOG to get different endings and achivements. Its a big thing, because I dont usually care much about achievments.
You mentioned Obra Dinn, which is quite regularly recommended to me, but I still did not look into it. Could you please shortly tell me why its considered good?
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It is a very original take on the genre. The mechanic is something completely new. It will make you think (and feel very clever about it). But it's pen and paper think (not maths or drawing maps, but you will take notes)
Great nostalgic feel on the graphic style, surprising story (also, story emerges from gameplay, something rarelly made)
I don't want to spoil it to you. I think there is a free short demo, you can see if it's your cup of tea.
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Thank You for taking the time to answer! Appreciate the spolier-free approach! I will definitely check it out as I love creative game ideas and storytelling.
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Did you read the whole post? I've left a little hint there.
Tell me if its still not clear, I will help even before the GA ends!
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Have you found it? There is still 22 hours left. Let me know if you still need help!
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I was raised on Infocom text adventures (Zork, Trinity, Hitchhiker's Guide), then moved to Sierra (King's Quest II-VI), and later Myst. I had a Mac, so lots of the classic games weren't available to me. I later went back and played some of the classics on Steam (The Longest Journey, Broken Sword 1, Runaway, Monkey Island 1 and 2, Syberia 1 & 2, The Whispered World). I've also played some of the more recent point-and-clicks (Book of Unwritten Tales 1&2, Black Sails, Face Noir, Captain Morgane, Ceville, Deponia 1-3, Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, Jolly Rover, The Little Acre, Perils of Man, TSIOQUE, and yes, Anna's Quest). I've got 101 games in my backlog that I've classified as point-and-click, although not all of those are "classic" point-and-click.
Thanks for the thread!
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Text adventures! Now those were a different kind! I had no chance to try them yet, but I will surely find the time and occasion, just for the heck of it!
Thats an impressive list you got! And judging by the length of your backlog, there's still more to discover!
Can I ask, how was Tsique? Similarly to Anna's Quest, it seems interesting and fun by the trailer.
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I loved TSIOQUE! I actually backed it on Kickstarter, so I'm really happy to see it doing well, good reviews, etc. It isn't as dark as Anna's Quest-- which was more "Brothers Grimm" style. TSIOQUE was super-cute (but not "cutesy") with fun puzzles and characters, and really great animations. I liked both games, but probably liked TSIOQUE more.
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Thank you very much for answering my request! It definitely sounds like something I might enjoy!
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I'm a big fan of story rich games, so I'm a big fan of adventure games. I recommend checking out AdventureGamers:
They do news and reviews for all things adventure games. I'm also member of a steam group that is all about adventure games: Coalition of Point & Clickers. There you can find upcoming games as well as recent releases and some that are currently going through crowdfunding.
I guess I'm more into adventure games than I thought XD
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Thank you for the recommendations, I will keep them in mind!
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So, I saw this trailer a long time ago. Anna's Quest.
Bought the game on GoG. Did not play it yet but I will surely find time this year. Seems like a good game, rated nicely too, so I thought I'd offer this copy I just got by chance.
As for a topic, what do you think of adventure games? I am a big fan of the genre, although I still did not play some classics (Monkey Island for eg.) but thoroughly enjoyed others (The Longest Jounrey).
They induce a feeling of wonder, excitement and... adventure (DUH!) in me. I feel like Bilbo before starting out on his journey. :D
We get to explore strange realms, alien worlds, fairytale wonders, all while the pace is quite gentle. They are a bit like interactive novels (I also like to read a lot).
Adventure games were rather popular back in the 90's and early 2000's, but with time, the playerbase started to ebb away. More fast paced, action oriented games took the top places in popularity, as the calm, slow adventure games proved to be boring for many gamers of the new generations. As of now, much fewer adventure games are being produced. With the raise of indie games, the situation got better and quite regularly we get interesting, even quality games again, but the golden age of the genre is clearly behind us.
What do You think? Do You have a favourite in the genre?
Comments and discussions regarding adventure games are welcome!
Hint for those who need it:
You might want to inspect the videolink above! Not the one You get when You arrive on youtube, but the one I wrote!
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