If there would be any easier way to get money than a job, we all would be doing it. :P
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That's what I'm saying.
If you already have a job and it doesn't pay enough, try to find something else perhaps.
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Just U$S2 per week? What kind of job is that?!
I bet you will earn more wanking in front of the camera for old men.
Well... I guess that's my suggestion then. You can use something like Chaturbate.
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Sí, ya me leí el resto de los comentarios y vi de donde sos. Lamento tu situación. =(
Está complicada la cosa por esos lados. Tengo varios compañeros de trabajo Venezolanos que se han venido en estos últimos años.
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That's damn unfair and sad, I'm sorry. :( In Germany, we have a minimum wage since 01/01/2015 and it's 8.50€ per hour, about 9.36 USD. Fuck global disparities! I hope you will be able to earn more money somehow soon, things should change in Venezuela (and in many other countries...).
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Just because someone has a lot of games does not mean they have a lot of money. A lot of people spend money, but something ends up happening. Like this thread. You shouldn't EVER judge anyone's life style by what they have, it is very rude.
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Oh no, I'm not mad xD I just don't want you saying that to the wrong person. It's pretty common for people to think that, honestly. But it's just not a good thing to ask, that's all :p Didn't mean to come off rude at any sort :s
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I don't know if it is available in your country but there is oppurtunity earn money from Yandex. In Yandex Toloka, you are reviewing users searchs on internet and corresponding result, and see if the results satisfies user or not, sth like that. And you can earn some money if you have free time.
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If you're just looking for a way to earn a little slow money for fun on the side, there's always things like Bing and Swagbucks. Bing points earn much faster than Swagbucks, but if you're going to do one, you might as well do two.
I seem to earn a $5 Amazon gift card from Bing about every three weeks. Not much, I know, but it just takes a moment each day, and it slowly builds up for impulse purchases on Amazon. You can do other gift cards, of course.
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Too bad that Bing thing is region locked. I could use those Amazon fake monies.
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Lamentablemente, si, es lo único que hay :-/ justo estoy intentando con los sitios Paid To Click (PTC) pero es muy lento aun con referidos.
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I do traditional paintings and other art commissions for extra money. I also do some work for an agency that provides qualified sound engineers for various events, etc. You kinda need skills and qualifications for that stuff though, so I guess the moral is to learn useful skills and get practical qualifications...
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I feel sorry for you :( I live in Poland and people are raging that minimal wage here is about $400 per month while in Germany it's like three times more and say that we are third world country. They are so dumb. Hope it will get better for you and your homies!
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because that will be call paradise and we all already die and go to heaven
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+1 for common sense instead of stupid remarks
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I don't think getting payed only $2 is legal! You can always cut off the internet.
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Yeah police can't handle shit. Are you definitly sure that's the only job available?
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didn't mean to be rude.
if that is what really happened lately, yet you still have the time to play games?
btw, how much it cost for the internet?
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I dont have time to play games, and even if I had I wouldnt because none of my laptops can run a post-2005 game.
And yeah, thats really happening, he is pretty much the leader of a group of rebels or "opposition", as how they call it. They try to at least introduce a different political view in the goverment's political system (which completely filled with socialist guys)
He was basically jailed because the goverment hate him...
And I pay around 3-4$ every month for the internet (but the bill is divided in parts because I share the wifi with my neighbors to help me pay it so I really pay like 1$ every month). The bad thing about the internet is how incredibly slow it is. I download stuff at 10kb/s and it is the reason why I dont play multiplayer games
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What kind of job is it? That is so dumb! I'm not sure how it is there, but that's crazy.
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Have you tried looking for another job? Do you have minimum wage in your country, or anything around those lines?
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3rd world country here Currently not working, but if someone earns something like that where I live, he's basicaly dead.
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If it's edited within around the first couple of minutes it won't show an asterisk.
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It actually does if you edit it after like 10 minutes. I'm not sure exactly what the time limit is for it. Look at the comment you replied to, i just edited it, and now the asterisk shows :3
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No problem :p It's odd. I'd rather not see the asterisk at all xD
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Earnhoney is the best solution.It basically credits you for watching Advertisements.You can redeem your points for amazon gift cards or Paypal (Verified).The website is available in USA/Australia/Canda.You're allowed to use a VPN if u don't live there.Want further info.? contact me on steam if u need any-help i've been using the website for a month now or check r/earnhoney on reddit.There's also another subreddit you should check specified in earning money r/beermoney
Payment proof (Without using any referrals & not using the website on daily basis):
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yeeiser, lo único que se me ocurre es usar las Faucet de bitcoins, yo pasivamente saco un par de dólares a la semana sólo con referidos (pasivamente me refiero a que no lleno absolutamente ningún captcha). Si te pones a llenar los captcha obviamente puedes sacar mucho mas, y si trabajas duro para sacar más referidos, obviamente ganarás más. No es mucho, pero viendo tu situación creo que cada dólar hace la diferencia.
Podrías hacer un blog sobre cómo ganar dinero, explicas de qué trata cada método (PTC, faucet, etc) y luego colocas tu referido en cada post, obviamente no vas a hacerte rico de un día para otro, pero si haces un buen blog, lo actualizas seguido, tienes buena ortografía y sabes explicar bien, no tendrás problemas en conseguir visitas (y referidos, obviamente).
Sé que dijiste que no querías esos métodos de ver publicidad, pero mi consejo es no trabajar en eso, sino que trabajar en conseguir referidos para que ellos saquen la plata por ti :3.
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En realidad lo único relativamente viable es eso, buscar paginas de referidos y trabajar en base a ellas, pero eso si nunca se debe spamear, con blogs como bien ha dicho Sewaz. Yo alcance a hacer algo cuando el bitcoin valía unos 350$ pero ahora solo me quedan como 3 referidos activos xD.
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Yo usaba una pagina faucet que te daba BTC cada hora pero con la constante caida del precio de los BTC se volvio una perdida de tiempo. Tal vez lo vuelva hacer ya que la verdad ando desesperado por algo dinero pero en la medida trato de conseguir dinero fisico
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Its a lot of work but you could start your own website and get money through ads or an affiliate network, do some research on SEO ( Search engine optimization), there are many people making hundreds to thousands dollars a day by not doing anything because they built and ranked a website. It sounds great and all but you do need to actually build the website and set up a lot of traffic to it to start earning and that takes a lot of work, good luck with your 15+ Hour workdays for the first few weeks-months depending on how hard you work at it. Basically: research, work hard and get rewarded if you chose the right niche.
Or start a youtube channel and play minecraft lol.
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You can go to kickstarter and ppl might help. They might even help you to make ur own mini business
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I was writing put your money on the +2,5 goals in Guadalajara vs Santos Laguna but they did it right now xD I'm a football coach and in formation of kids we only get 150e per month but my work is so far away that i was paying to work. So just stay with sport bets if you understand that you can get good money.
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i do from time to time blood plasma donation, not because of the money, but it is payed. i don't know if this is offered in your country too, but here a some companies which buy your plasma for quite a lot of money. for one donation i get about 20 € and that's because i'm very skinny and not allowed to donate more. maybe you have companies in your country which do this too, even if you may get paid way less
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Hi guys, happens that this week my wage drastically dropped to 2USD every week and I need some extra money to maintain myself.
Any ideas? Please no "watch ads to get 20000000$ every minute", I'm not looking for that kind of money
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