I still use my iPhone 3gs too , and yeah is so slow now and crashes on some apps because they are optimised for the latest iPhone, If iTunes is being sucky try Pandora app Best app for music :D
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I'm a Windows Phone user and all I can say is that it's amazing. Has alot of nice features which other phones doesn't have. Only "problem" I see with the WP is the lack of apps & games. Otherwise I strongly recommend it.
(I have a Nokia Lumia 620 and I got it for around 150$)
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I was a WP8 (Lumia 520) user and I changed to a Nexus 4. I'm aware they're in different tiers and the higher tiers Lumias have some good features the 520 doesn't have. And the Lumia 520 had a really nice hardware for its price.
I like the appearance and fluidity of WP a lot! But there were some specific problems that made me change to the Nexus. The biggest of them all, for me, I guess, is the problems with notifications. Especially with Skype (which is now a MS product!!). Skype on WP is subpar compared to Android e iOS. I used Skype a lot and I would sometimes get no notifications and have new msgs on Skype. Or get the notifications, but when I opened Skype, the new msgs wouldn't be there. It would happen to a minor extent with Facebook as well. Anyway, the notification system is just a mess.
Another problem is the lack of some apps that we have in the other platforms, as some people mentioned. And what we have is somewhat inferior to their Android and iOS counterparts.
Also, the contacts... I used MSN Messenger and my account had lots of crazy contacts with only email. There's no way to filter contacts to show only people who had phone numbers. That made my contact list a big mess! You can only filter by account.
I'm really satisfied with the Nexus 4 now and wouldn't go back to WP.
In conclusion, I wouldn't recommend WP for a heavy smartphone user, but looking at the OP uses, I would recommend a WP, since he's only web browsing and listening to music. I recommend Nokia Music, it has really good streaming radios.
PS: I don't really like Apple, so I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
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I have a Lumia 920, I like the windows phone OS BUT It has its flaws, other than app and games the phone lacks some basic features, you can't attach files to a mail (except photos) you can't send pdf via bluetooth, no background image, some app do not work well (youtube, facebook, skype [you cannot send or receive files with skype]), ringtones are annoying to set, notification not always work, if you have a cheaper lumia phone it will turn off your wifi as soon as you lock the screen, there isn't an official app for recording sound nor for a stopwatch and more. I know those are little things but come on.
On the plus side:
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+1, but just one thing: I had a Lumia 520 (the cheapest WP8 there is?) and there's an option to keep wifi on when screen locked you could toggle.
On my post above I didn't talk too much about the benefits, and I can relate to everything you said. OMG, the keyboard is REALLY good.
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mmm Yeah there's that option on my phone as well and I've read around it was only for 820/920/925 I guess they were wrong :D
Now they are updating it and solving a lot of problemsthe "black" update just came out. We'll see how it will evolve in the future. My post might sound harsh but I probably would buy my 920 again, I'm happy with it.
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Freezing is more an issue with poor driver support from the manufacturer or poor hardware choice. Stick with a more mainstream model and you shouldn't have issues.
What country are you in and what does your budget look like? I ask because the Moto G is probably the best budget phone right now, runs 4.4.2, and is pretty new so it should get at least a few more updates.
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Let me qualify this with I don't personally own a smart phone, but I do work for a cell phone provider and take supervisor calls, so I know about what phones are reliable.
Because of this, I really can't recommend an iphone. With iphones you can't expand the memory with a SD card and once you go iphone, Apple will dig its claws into you and make you stay by making their stuff not work with any other phones. It's a pain to go from android to ios or ios to android as far as transferring your contacts and data goes. Also Apple phones depend on Apple for warranty and I've had customers with older iphones be unable to get a replacement in warranty. Also from the descriptions I've heard, it seems that the screens on iphones break a lot easier than on other phones.
Also really haven't heard a lot of good stuff about the Nokia Luminas. Mostly the 920 gets complaints, but a lot of people consider windows phones inferior. Avoid the 920 for sure, I definitely get calls on issues with those and they tend to have multiple replacements. That and the HTC One X are on my shit list, thankfully the HTC One X is no longer made. I also don't hear good reviews on Pantech phones. I have heard little on the Lumina 1020 or 520 and there's also a HTC Windows phone that I hear little on, but cannot say if that is because few people own them or because there are no major issues that tend to crop up.
My personal recommendations based on what gets the least amount of warranty exchange requests and customer experiences that I've heard would be about any Samsung Galaxy, LG G2, or Moto X.
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It's another one of those I haven't heard much on it so that could mean just few people have it or they have few issues. Blackberry phones do use their own operating system and it may take some getting used to is the major thing. And yes, the price is good. Least expensive phones are the galaxy S3 mini, z10 and iphone 4S 8GB.
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I use a iPhone 3gs and it sucks now, They optimize apps for the iPhone 5 meaning most are slow and crash or don't work at all for my phone so they pretty much force you to have the latest iPhone , But my screen isn't broken and I'm not exactly nice to my phone my power button did fall off however.
But yeah don't get an iPhone.
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Yep, they try to force you into getting a new phone and make it difficult to switch to android or Windows. Also when you look at the actual specs, all other phones win out over Apple ones. Like with Apple computers, you pay more for less as far as sheer capability goes. The lack of expandable memory also bothers me as well, and until iOS 7, they were also missing features that were defaults to any other phones and even my old Nokia flip phone could block calls, yet iPhones just got that capability with iOS 7.
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That was meant as a stopgap between the pre-iOS Windows Mobile 6 and Windows Phone 7. It's kind of the Windows Vista of mobile OS.
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The XCover was a very low end phone to begin with. It's not exactly the best showcase for an OS. If you're basing your impression of Android off that phone, then it's definitely skewed. A Nexus 5 would give you a much better experience.
If you really want to try a different OS, I suggest you look into either Windows Phone 8 (MS extended support from July 8th 2014 to January 12th, 2016) or Blackberry. Both systems have a limited number of apps but since it's not your priority it shouldn't be a problem for you. The new Blackberry devices can run Android apps though (you have to sideload them) so you could fill that apps void if there's something you really wanted.
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I had an iPhone 3G for several years (surprised it lasted that long) and only recently changed to Lumia 720. I've never had an Android phone so can't say anything about that.
iOS and iPhones suck. They are only decent after jailbreaking them and getting some features through that which should have existed in the first place. To be honest, my experience is only limited up to iOS 4.2.1, because that's the last version for the 3G. Apple pretty much wanted to make you buy a new one by locking the older models from getting app updates and any new apps. There was absolutely no reason why some apps wouldn't have worked on the older models except for the iOS 4.3 requirement.
My main problem with the iPhone was that it often got stuck on calls and crashed. Very common scenario was that I was listening to music and then got a call and could answer it and everything. But when the call ended, the phone would get stuck and I had to do a soft reset. Quite often I also couldn't answer a call for couple of seconds, because the UI element didn't work. Sometimes I wouldn't receive any calls or sms messages until I rebooted the phone.
Windows Phone has its problems too. Syncing the phone is really badly done. I couldn't even transfer a 470mb video from the phone to my PC due to an I/O error. I've also had the UI stop responding in a way that I couldn't open anything from the main menu until I rebooted the phone. That has happened couple of times. Aside from that, the UI feels smooth and feels more responsive than iOS' UI. The lack of apps doesn't really bother me since I found pretty much everything I needed. Some better music app would be great though.
TL;DR Never used Android, iOS sucks, WP is average.
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I'm not a phone expert, but your Galaxy XCover has basically the same specs of my Motorola Defy+ and I will tell you that, the phone is clumsy, even though Gingerbread was good, it is quite an old version of Android and from that to the newest ones (I'm using a modded 4.1.2 on my Defy+)... Man, the phone feels different.
You might be sad with Android but the reason might not be the OS, it probably is the phone. 512mb of RAM and a singlecore 800MHz CPU might be kinda slow. You can't take what you see from an iPhone and compare it to a Windows Phone or your experience with Android without getting devices with the same level of hardware.
I see myself as an Android lover. I do love that little system and I know a little bit about it. If I were to recommend you an android phone, I'd go with either a Samsung Galaxy S4, an HTC One, a Nexus 5 or, if you are going for cheaper phones, a Moto X or Moto G.
But well, that's what I would recommend, I'd totally read what the other guys said first. About iOS? I hate it for personal reasons and experiences. Windows Phone? I like it, great, clean, fast.
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Well, I've been using the XCover since its launch and even then it wasn't that cheap. I wasn't expecting a great performance in the first place, but the fact that it is waterproof and has a resistant screen made up for the lack of performance.
From then to now, the tech has evolved way too much but it still is quite expensive if you want to get a decent device. I made this post because I was hoping to get that "bang for your buck" from your suggestions, and now it seems to be going in the right direction.
Than you for your patience and your suggestions !
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That's the main reason I bought my Defy+ too, hahaha.
Something I learned from my Defy+ is that all this "being resistant" stuff is kinda worthless. Motorola said that the Defy's screen couldn't get scratched but my screen is all fucked up to be honest. "Oh, but what if your phone falls?" Well, people use cases and covers on phones, nothing to worry about, and you learn to be careful with time. Waterproof? I dunno why would someone use a smartphone near a pool or something.
Well, TODAY I'd totally change all of that for better performance, and I think you should also think of doing that! Look at some of those smartphones I told you about and look at Windows Phones, they are quite good, a friend of mine has a Nokia Lumia 520, he loves it and it's a good phone, fast and smooth.
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My screen is still impeccable. It doesn't have a single scratch and the phone still looks like it is brand new. I don't have a case to protect it and the phone hit the floor more times than I can count and it's still in one piece. This was the thing that I liked about it.
Other than that, it's just sh*t. The looks after a few years of using it do not make up for the flaws it began to develop. I've been totay to a shop and tried out the Lumia 520, the HTC 8s and the Blackberry Z10, but I still haven't made up my mind on what I'm going to buy next.
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Don't get iOS. I have an iPod Touch and just ugh, it has soo many problems, just don't get it. Though I would recommend the Nokia Lumia Series, really cheap, dosen't have many games, but it's good.
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iOS 7.0 is really buggy. I develop iOS apps, and our test iPads on 7.0 crash constantly. Hopefully most of those bugs will be fixed in 7.1, but Apple seems to have a recent history of releasing really buggy software with the mentality of "we'll fix it later".
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Depends on where you live.
In the U.S. a Moto G would be good enough (and really cheap too).
Anywhere else, probably Sony Xperia L or M. I'm not the biggest fan of budget Samsung devices.
Nokia Lumias are pretty good, get the Lumia 520 or 525 (I'm not really sure about WP8 sorry.)
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HTC One here, got it for Christmas. I love it, does nearly everything really fast, simple to use, and it's not by apple :P. I would say this, best battery I've seen since the old nokias.
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I got it for a $50 contract start. And S4 has a bad reputation about lighting up on fire and all this stuff, wouldn't take the risk.
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If you've been using the original Xcover, no wonder you think Android is crap. Well, I can assure you it's the phone, not the OS. If you want to do more with your phone than the occasional phonecall and some texting, get the S2 Plus. I'm currently using the original SGS2 and it is completely up to par what's being available today, haven't felt any need to upgrade for a newer one so far. If, on the other hand, you're only planning to use it for a call now and then, get a regular dumbphone. Wouldn't wish a Windows phone on my worst enemy. It's a cold breeze from the stone-age of smartphones.
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I´ve had two samsungs and both were rubbish. The samsung ace suddenly stopped working, then I bought the SIII and it stopped charging after a week. Maybe I´m just unlucky. For your needs i´d buy the nokia 525, I have the 520 and works like a charm so the newer version should be slightly better. Also, the price is great, you can get the 520 for 100€ or the 525 for 125-140€.
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I've been using the Galaxy XCover for some time but now it seems obsolete. Even more, the phone freezes from time to time, shuts itself down and there are times when I can't call anyone without receiving a call first. I press the dial key and the phone keeps displaying that the call is being made, but there is no dial tone.
I was thinking of changing it with something more recent, but I am kind of fed up with android, so I'm not to keen on going for an Android device again. I thought that I should try other OSs' like Windows or iOS, but I would firstly like to see a few opinions of their performance based on your experiences with your own devices.
So, if you have some spare time and wish to share your thoughts and recommend me a certain device, please do.
P.S. I only use my smartphone for light web-browsing and to listen to music while on the go. So there is no need to go through the most expensive gadgets on the market.
Thank you for your patience !
**#Edit: I have yet to make a decision between the "HTC Windows phone 8X" and the Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus. They seem to be pretty good and they have the same price now, which is fairly accessible.
There will be 4 lucky people in this thread that will receive a key via e-mail. The winners will be selected from those who left a relevant and helpful comment, sharing their experiences and recommendations.
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