It seems wardeathfun didn't wait for the answer. :P
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Yes. What the geopolitical ramifications of such choice would be?
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Don't vote? Are we all in favour of Lord Gabe's dictatorship rule then?
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How dare you! I do not approve of this blasphemy! GabeN is our true Lord and Savior, he has blessed us with divine deals and miraculous sales.
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vote for this thread to bumped every 30 seconds so everyone sees it!
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I know, but now they can't say they weren't warned and the rest of us will get a break from them.
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That's the point. The warning is there if they choose to ignore it or not read it then they face the consequences.
If you saw a sign saying "Cliff ahead" whilst driving, it's your choice to continue driving. But if you drive off the cliff don't go looking for sympathy.
When they ask why they were banned, the mods can point them to this thread.
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Meh, opinions are opinions.
I'd say it's just fine as is. It's getting bumped often enough and the thread has the {Staff} tag at the start so people should see it fine enough.
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So if you dont look the back of the sign post which says that you can go to jail if you cause damages to it you wont go to jail :D
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damn, now I feel bad. Thank you for not banning me, I will be more considerate next time.
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Pliz vote 4 my gamez. I maek list, you vote, no? Ok. I maek list.
It's still nothing more than popularity contest or "which game actually doesn't suck". Godus sucked balls and thus we got mighty RoR.
Welcome to Extinox Support Center.
To express your butthurt about me saying that Godus sucks - press 1.
To read user reviews about Godus - press 2.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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I wanted to buy EYE and give it away...
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EYE is a mediocre game (spent more than an hour and I still did not understand what the hell was going on and what was I supposed to do.
bulletstorm is well received..I know it's easier to giveaway a 90% off game, but quality > quantity sometime.
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the game is considered mediocre at best by a lot of people, the fact that I did not get what was my purpose while playing was merely a personal experience I had with the game.
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U are a mediocre person , sry . I cant even buy that crap Bulletstorm , region locked thing .
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you are judging the quality of the game solely based on the constraints it has. That's like saying a game sucks because your local game store doesn't have it on the shelves.
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If I can, When the votes were still being counted, didn't it say Bullet Storm would get 75% off, it it won the vote? Which it did, but only got 50% off?
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Bump for justice!!
It shows it at 75% off for me. Only $4.99.
I still haven't purchased a single game. Man... come on Steam, show me something tempting!
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I am totally up for reasoned arguments, though.
Did anyone else see Risk of Rain drop from 40% to 33% as the voting went on yesterday?
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I considered bring that up to. But I have only seen them in the giveaways not the threads. Of course I wasn't looking for them.
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The forum threads aren't as common as the sale voting threads, but when greenlight launched they were quite a bit more common.
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Sounds like a grinding axe in the mod suite. But hey. Everyone has something that bugs them more than others.
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We used to deal with those stupid threads as well, but our admin doesn't want us to appear like we're censoring people, so the stupidity reigns supreme. These threads are nothing but spam though.
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Perhaps your admin shouldn't send you on witch hunts for children if s/he doesn't truly want to give appearances of censorship.
But again. Whatever. Everyone has their own hangups. I guess this is theirs/y'all's.
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I shoulda voted for it so people would buy it even though it was in a bundle. Just like people have done before. lol
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Why? They don't hurt anyone and its not really spam just people giving their opinion about which of the 3 games they want people to vote for, If they put up good arguments as to why we should vote for that choice then I don't see any problem in a thread about it, I've only seen a few so far so its not too bad
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If this is spam, so are threads asking why there are so many giveaways of x game. So are threads asking what to buy. Vote threads are much more informative (even just as a reminder to vote) than the other two threads types I listed.
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Actually, asking why there are so many giveaways of X game are helpful. If I see a lot of giveaways I'm first going to wonder if it's on sale or is in a bundle and come to the forum and look to see if there's a new bundle or something. I've ended up with some nice deals that way.
Also found out via the one about Dungeon Siege III that it was in the CD Action magazine, I was assuming it was because of being the in the gift box on the Square Enix page and knew to check profiles before entering.
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Every time there is a strange number of giveaways for a game, there are multiple threads asking why x game is being given away so much. The first one may be helpful, but the others should be spam, no?
In terms of voting threads, there is less than one voting thread opened per day, and always for different votes.
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If you think those are spam, report them as such then.
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I don't think they are spam. But I do think they are more like spam than vote threads :P
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I'd actually agree that anything beyond the first one is spam, but the topic itself is not. I'm all for read before you post and see if your question is among other posts. At the very least look at page one and scroll to the bottom.
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Legend of Dungeon is interesting but my biggest gripe with it is that the Co-op is local only, which in my opinion is why Hammerwatch would be a better choice if you are looking for this type of game since it has online play. That said, I still think it's the best choice of the three and the only one that has yet to be bundled.
^^ I would have posted this in that thread to 'add meaningful content to it', but someone decided for the rest of us that there wasn't a worthy discussion to be had.
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3 days into the sale and there have been exactly 2 vote threads. In comparison, in the last 3 hours there have been the same number of "what should I buy?" threads. Do votes really piss you off that much?
During the summer sale there were 11 vote threads for 13 days of sales, less than one per day. I'm not going to look it up, but I'm willing to be that there were multiple times that threads asking what to buy.
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Just like when it gets slow for any police force, jatan, they have to make action for themselves somehow.
Quotas must be met. Heads must be cracked. Power must be exerted to be recognized as power.
Carry on. Nothing to see here lest ye be next. ;)
I'll stop now. I really don't care that much, but also wasn't even a tiny bit bothered by voting threads in the past versus videos of Gabe that've been posted 800 times. Lol.
There's no accounting for taste, as they say.
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Tolerable for whom, exactly?
Either way, KUTGW and carry on. Holidays upon (most of) us.
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A little bit of debate makes it so much livelier! Uh, I guess not for you guys though >_>
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I'm all for debate, but after so long doing this, a little debate for you (general you, not specific you) ends up as just yet another user complaining about every little decision that's made.
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You can't appease everyone! You just have to do what you have to do and I understand that.
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In comparison, maybe if you think those are spam, you should report them then? I haven't been on the forums for three hours, so I haven't paid attention to them. And ""vote for this game" "no, vote for this game"" is not only absolutely pointless and takes up forum space needlessly, but almost none of them have any content at all. I remember a time there were six of them open at once, three of them for one game, you tell me how that's helpful at all.
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I'm going to take a step back, off to dinner. I will refrain from posting in any other vote threads that get opened. I may have strong opinions about this, but if you truly believe that they are spam, go ahead and close and suspend. I don't think it's worth it for me to continue any longer, for both of our sakes. I'm quite sure I'm on the losing side based on what everyone posted anyways.
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Aaaaand it's gone.... Well that was fun. lol. :/ Lets hope the next one has actual "content" and reason for us voting for their chosen games.
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Well I told OP to either close it or add more info to appease everyone. I don't really feel like arguing about this anymore anyways. I know when I'm losing a debate :P
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The closing of the thread did appease the gods, your work is done. You may eat now...
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Jade, I'm trying to word this as nicely as I can but I think perhaps you could lighten up a little. It's holiday season man, I mean lady, whatever. I know it can sometimes be a stressful and hectic time but you should try not to let that spill over into your dealings with others. The other day I posted about a Steamgifts support issue (that I thought was a bug with the site) on your Steam wall and you snapped at me. I understood your response as well as where you were coming from but at the same time I also felt that you were unnecessarily rude. I hate to say it but I keep periodically getting that sort of impression from you.
Anyway, I did not end up creating a ticket on the issue because the manner of your response didn't really motivate anything other than apathy at that point. I'm sorry, I don't particularly like posting criticism of someone who I'm sure does a lot for this site, but I feel it may be a bit warranted in this case. And I would have preferred to have spoken to you more privately about this but you made it clear from before that you don't want posts on your Steam wall or people adding you... so I don't see what other recourse there is since there is no sort of private messaging system on here.
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I snapped at you because you are clearly incapable of reading. I want you to repeat, in your own words, what this means. "Please do not add me in regards to SteamGifts or SteamTrades issues. Your ticket will be put at the back of the queue." I'll give you a hint. It does not mean "Don't bother making a ticket at all, just bug me on my wall!" We have 927 tickets right now. What makes your issue so special you feel you need to PM a mod or post on their wall? If you didn't feel like making a ticket because I got a little miffed at you for a hopefully obvious reason, that's not my problem.
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Somehow I don't think anyone has ever accused you of having tact. I posted on your wall because I thought there was a chance that it was some sort of bug that could affect the functionality and user experience of the site if it were to replicate itself. As it turns out it was probably an isolated thing but I had no way of knowing that. That's the only reason I reported it. My concern was for the usability of the site for it users in general, and not because my issue was super duper special and would make me feel all warm inside or that I had any sort of vested interest in it. It really makes no difference to me from a personal standpoint to be quite honest. And if you don't see enough reason to care about that sort of thing then I guess neither do I.
Happy Christmas
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11,020 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by JMM72
29,458 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by marilynhanson
As happens every single sale, the "please vote for this game" threads have started. As happens every single sale, nobody cares. Make threads that explain the differences between the games and how good each sale would be, make threads with actual content. Simply asking people to vote for your favourite game will lead to your thread being closed and a one day suspension for spam.
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