Can you cook?
Someone please remind me to post something yummy when it isn't 2 in the morning?
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as it´s around two here also, somewhere in central europe.
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looks good, and i happen to have a bamboo steamer, so maybe a recipe?
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So, basic dough
1 glass(225-250ml) of water, 3-4 glass of flavour, one egg and teaspoon of salt.
I do it like this, but add one egg with water.
Then you should cut beef into small cubes like this
and chop one or two onions into small pieces. Combine beef, onion, salt, pepper and spices(usually coriander). Stuffing may be different, but i use this traditional variant. Somebody add potatos or carrot, there is even completely vegetarian recipes. But it's strange.
After all roll out the dough onto floured surface, cut it and fill.
something like this.
Then steam for 40-45 minutes and all done.
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i´m guessing it takes some time to fill them? and about how many will that make?
But looks interesting enough to try and not to hard ^^
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Depends on size. It takes less time to form big ones(3-4 enough for one person), but more time for steam. Turkish boiled mantis interesting, but i bored to death with it -_- Cause it's very similiar to pelmeni. Very popular in Russia. And yes, different taste, of course. My recipe is traditional for Central Asia. Some general info about.
These big ones have one wonderful feature. It has tasty bouillon inside, in fact it's stew inside dough. Nothing will be leaking, so it has to be juicy. With boiling it would be different.
And i forget something. I also add celery root in stuffing. Small cubes as well.
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Those mantıs are huge!
Try the Turkish mantı, ground beef is used, much smaller pieces, boiled not steamed, very different taste.
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BUT I WAS GONN-- Well, then this one instead.
Bulgur Pilaf
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hm, looks like it would go well with some smaller side dishes, definitly worth a try if i can get my hands on a good recipe
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The dish is very simple, but very tasty. I like an awful lot and I can eat a lot of it.Managed to find a video clip how to prepare. And these are the ingredients in order of display(I guess you will recognize them, but just in case).
Potatoes - 2 kg
Bulgarian cheese - 300 g
fresh mint
butter - 125 g
salt / pepper
Good luck and I hope to share whether you like it if you decide to prepare it.
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i was planning to try some of those recipes starting next Monday - will try to make some pictures and tell you what i thought about them if you want.
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Of course, it will be interesting for me. Just a little warning. Although it seems easy dish to prepare, I think it is difficult to achieve the characteristic taste of Smolyan.We tried several times to prepare, but has never been the same as what we eat in Smolyan, of course was very good, but not the same.The main reason I think is that they use home products - homemade cheese, potatoes are typical Smolyan potatoes, and eggs are from hens home viewed.
Sorry, the post became too long. Good luck and thanks again for the train. :)
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hm can´t beat homemade/homegrown ingredients, but i´ll try my best ^^
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Frozen blueberries and milk
Pour frozen blueberries in a bowl
Pour whole milk over them
Stir gently for 2- 3 minutes
The milk will freeze around the berries, and the berries will thaw a bit. You end up with basically the best blueberry ice cream ever.
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Nice, I might have to try this! Have you tried other frozen berries?
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Strawberries are too big for the freezing/thawing to work out well for eating. Blackberries/raspberries aren't dense enough, so they don't freeze enough for the milk to get all slushy. So, I stick with blueberries.
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It's incredibly simple, but my favorite meal to fix is a Garlic & Mushroom (mozzarella) cheeseburger.
Get a half-pound chunk of beef, mix in garlic salt, pepper, and parsley.
Slice the mushrooms and salt them with the garlic salt as well
Cook the beef and mushrooms in the same pan for 8 minutes/4 minutes per side (little longer if you don't want medium-rare)
Toast bread, slice some tomatoes, grab a small amount of lettuce, some mayo, little honey mustard, and the mozzarella cheese
Put everything on the toast and eat
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I really like
This one is really nice, you should try it :q
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Here, this is one of my older recipes I pastebin'd for others :
It's a very moist STEAMED (no relations to Gaben) chocolate cake :3
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so you put the bakin tin in a steamer and not into the oven right?
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wow - those all look really great, will have a look at the rest tomorrow after i get some sleep ^^
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Braised beef ribs.. any day...
Here... this is the way i end up doing them most of the time
(This will vary depending on amount of people) (You do need a dish that can go in the oven :P)
For 2 people (might be able to serve more... i do tend to eat a lot....)
Season ribs with salt and pepper and sear them in a pan at high temp until they get a nice brown colour on them, once this is done pull them out and set aside, turn the heat down and add the finely chopped onion/celery/carrot/garlic and cook until they start to soften and they are getting a bit golden/browning, add the glass of wine and keep it bubbling for about 20-30 secs so the alcohol burns off, add the ribs back into the pot (i sometimes do add a tiny bit of tomato paste for extra flavour) and add some water until the ribs are almost submerged (you can also add beef stock instead of just water, but the beef ribs are fairly beefy as it is :P) pop the lid on and put the whole thing in the oven (Preheated to about 170C) for 2-2:30 hours, do check every now and then for water level and to turn them around so they cook all over nicely.
Once thats done, take the ribs out (they should be falling off the bone at this point), and you can either serve the sauce/veg as they are (this is what i end up doing almost always because i can't wait to eat) or you can strain the sauce making sure you do squeeze those veg bits for all the flavour you can, and if you'd like it a bit more thick just put it on a pan and reduce until it looks good.
I usually have this with some buttery mashed potato
There... i think i covered it, its 1:25 and i am tired, so do let me know if something doesnt make sense
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my boyfriend loves the picture - so i absolutely have to make them soon xD
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I really like coffee jellies.
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My fav is Tourlou.
BLed, but it's ok as soon as you like food :)
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cant because im not a women HAHAHAHA
but srsly... never tried it... not fond of food my self so ill eat anything xd
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Hm, I've been trying to think of a regional thing I like but I'm blanking and now I saw you're from Germany as well, so you'd probably be familiar with it anyway. :) I might still come up with something in the morning. In the meantime, bump & thanks for the train!
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there are different dishes here as well, but yes i probably did try them already ^^
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Tortelli d'Erbetta ~ "herbs ravioli"
While there are many variants for these, this particular version is the one we eat the most in my city (Parma, Italy).
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to be honest i try to avoid making filled Pasta as it tends to be really time consuming. But it tastes soooooo good >.<
will probably try those anyway.
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Probably the simplest pancakes possible. :-) For two modest people or one hungry person, take about 380 ml of wheat flour, 400 ml of milk, 2 eggs, a bit of salt. Mix, pour onto a frying pan with a bit of oil so it doesn't stick. Flip with a spatula until you like the color, and use whatever toppings you like. :-)
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there is only one topping for pancakes - Cherry Marmelade ^^
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I also stumbled upon this thread close to 2 am :P (1.34). My favorite food is chocolate and I don't want any of that nonsense about it not being a food. :p
I can share a chocolate cake recipe or sth if you like. I have made this one before and I can attest to its soft decadence:
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those are the things why you learn to cook and bake - 1 o´clock in the morning and want a cake? jip, going to make one ^^
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I sometimes miss the chocolate because I've eaten all of it.. So no chocolate cake. :|
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I just made this yesterday (Thanksgiving, America, blah blah). My girlfriend and I watch European cooking shows quite often, as they're usually better than the American ones. She also lived in Australia for a while, so we've been watching Australian cooking shows too. Anyway, I love cooking and baking, but I don't consider myself very skilled. It's also hard because my girlfriend and I have very different taste preferences.
Anyway, here's the recipe!
Sweet Potato Casserole
Sweet Potato Souffle - forms the base layer of the dish, I use a bit less sugar than is listed, but it's up to taste. I love sweet potatoes as they are, others might want to include more sugar.
3c. cooked sweet potatoes
1 stick margarine, melted (I used butter)
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 c. regular milk
1 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup flour
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 stick margarine, cut into pieces (yesterday I cut thin, long pieces. the recipe didn't state, and I didn't feel like bothering the family member who usually makes it. You want it to cover everything evenly, as it gets added after the mixing, not during. I also used butter, as that's what I prefer. I've had it both ways and it's always fantastic.)
1 c. chopped nuts (optional) ((yesterday I used pecans. walnuts would also be great.))
Souffle Directions: Cook sweet potatoes; drain and mash with electric mixer. Add remaining souffle ingredients and mix with electric mixer. Put all mixture in a greased oblong Pyrex dish.
Topping Directions: Mix together flour and brown sugar; add nuts. Put over sweet potato mixture; cover well. Put cut up piecies of margarine over topping. Bake in a 350 degree oven afor 45 minutes.
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hm, never really had sweet potatoes, as i didn´t know what to do with them - and using them as the normal ones didn´t work (exception was the Mashed potatoes).
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oh, yeah, they're very different from regular potatoes. When I'm just making them for myself, I just boil them, mash them, and put in some butter and brown sugar to taste. The dish I made for Thursday was WAY sweeter than what I usually make.
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Octopus salad!
You must freeze a clean octopus for a day or two beforehand, then you boil it (still frozen) in a pot full of water: when the water is boiling, lower the flame and leave it for 40 minutes or so. Then let it cool in its cooking water.
Once it has cooled down, drain it from the water, chop it, add olives, sliced garlic, parsley leaves and vinegar to taste.
Serve it cool in a bowl.
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does it have to sit for long after you add spices and vinegar or is it ready to eat?
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You can consume it right away, but if you let it sit for an hour and stir it every now and then it's better. You can also add olive oil to taste. Store any leftovers in the fridge.
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I wrote all this out, then looked again at the topic. I don't have a favorite food, and I don't have a ready recipe for anything I'd dare to claim as my favorite. But I'm not losing what I already typed, so here you go:
Sometimes I make this cornbread, but I use half the sugar (because using sugar is frowned upon around here), and I don't add cayenne or jalapenos, because most people I know would rather eat it plain (though the original is good, although spicy, hence the name). I use (plain) yogurt instead of buttermilk, because I hate using buttermilk. Also, don't melt the butter--soften it. Also, using a little less baking powder doesn't affect the consistency too much, and I think it helps the flavor.
My roommate loves them, and sometimes I take them to get-togethers, because they're small, simple, and people eat them.
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I love cooking, although I'm not that great at it, especially pastries and meat, as I never eat them, so I rarely have a reason to cook them.
I don't really have a name for it, but my favorite food is baked salmon covered with Dijon mustard and brown sugar..
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Hi there ^^
I just realised that if we have a community from all over the world there must be people in here who can cook. As i really like to cook and try different recipes, i thought, maybe you can
a) tell me your favorite food (if possible from your country/region)
b) give me a recipe for it
That would be really awesome. Sure you can look on the net for some "original" recipes for this and that, but asking someone who lives where it comes from how he makes and what he uses as ingredients - that´s just soooo much better.
And now for the thing you really came here:
jip jip
startet today with cooking those recipes ^^
before after
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