I been trying to update a game its been an hour n change and its only at 32%. I'm installing it on an SSD and have 800mbps connection. It's like this with almost everything on this platform, from downloading a game to installing it. Everything takes so damn long. Not sure why when even Origin n Uplay don't lag like this for me.

2 years ago

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Which is faster Potato or Epic launcher?

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My potato runs 5g at light speed
Epic is just epic... fail

I highly recommend using Heroic Launcher (it can run Epic games) and forget about Epic's launcher unless you come across something you have problems running with Heroic.

2 years ago

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I use to use GOG galaxy launcher but it still has to boot up epic launcher to download n launch the games. I know some games you can just run the executable directly but I'm saying for downloading and updating its taking years for me. Since posting its only at 36% now.

oh I didn't realize throttle downloads was checked.. it's going a bit faster now.

2 years ago

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wow Heroic launcher doesn't use epic launcher? this is nice! thanks for the tip

2 years ago

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I haven't had any issues with downloading in EGS so far. Though its library is pretty laggy.

2 years ago

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Haven't had any issues with EGS, neither the library nor dl speeds.
Gog for example is much slower at startup taking minutes because of the library loading.

2 years ago

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If this is a constant issue on the EGS and nowhere else it could be due to several things. Do you have throttling enabled? Are you using a VPN? Are you using wireless?

There could be corruption in the EGS files. You may want to uninstall/reinstall the EGS and then see if you're still having the issue.

As far as net speeds go, just because you have up to 800mbps download that doesn't mean you'll get 800mbps all the time or steadily through a full download especially if it's a large one.

2 years ago*

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I think the throttling downloads in the settings was the issue. After unchecking it, my update finished nearly 5 mins later. So I think that was the issue but still the launcher has issues. Lags and doesn't allow you to properly view the store page of the game from your library. Like what a commenter posted earlier I downloaded Heroic launcher and it's amazing. Doesn't require Epic launcher to download or launch games unlike GOG Galaxy

2 years ago

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I'm glad to hear that your issue was cleared up. Yeah there's still some issues, and more than likely there will always be something. Fix one bug two more appear. lol That's just sort of how it is, not just with game clients, but games and other things of this nature.

I don't know if you use a VPN or not, but the reason I mentioned it is a VPN can definitely mess with using the EGS client. The EGS sometimes doesn't play nicely with them. If you are having issues with viewing some things on the EGS, it probably would be a good idea to reinstall it, as I mentioned there could be some corruption in the files which is causing issues.

I'm not familiar with the Heroic Launcher, if it's working well for you that's great news. I do hope that it's secure, that would probably be my biggest worry. There's a big influx of malware over the past few months that's specifically designed to steal game launcher login credentials.

2 years ago

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Yeah, I agree it takes really long to load up epic and it takes more to load a game's page in epic than in other launcher while it having way less functions, like not even reviews on the page. It just barely improved.

2 years ago

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