Are local currency purchases better on Steam over the Dollar?
There are some awesome packs and discounts there, but I buy most of my games on steam or on bundles. Our prices did not change much over time, but the Dollar currency is the culprit, so our prices seem to low now. Console games are suffering the Dollar problem, so a 60 dollar PS4 or xbox one game is costing 240 to 300 reais. And of course we pay a lot of money for 60 dollar games, even if it seems a lot less because of the dollar rate.
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I make research few days ago.. man... in my country (I'm from Bulgaria, and we use euro in steam) prices of the games are more than 50%. I saw games on regular prices to 70% cheapest then our, but all games that you buy are region locked right?
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yes, they are region-locked, and the prices are an illusion. The dollar rate went too high, and our prices remained the same. This is why they seem so cheap. And games like fallout 4 on pc or brand-new console games are still too expensive for us.
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Concordo. Melhor comprar pagando real do que dollar. Isso porque a Steam ainda segura os preços e os jogos na verdade são vendidos a 1 dollar =2 reais na Steam. Quando chegar a hora em que eles não conseguirem segurar mais, aí ferrou!
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Depends on where you live I guess. I am from the UK and when I see how much the same game costs in other regions I almost cry a little inside. Sometimes those super cheap games on sale are so cheap that I have a friend who can buy them for less than £0.01 in his local currency. For him the price is so small we don't even have an equivalent currency for it in the UK. lol
Thank you for the giveaway.
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Interesting take. I guess then having a stronger currency than the Dollar is your downfall...but in the long run, perhaps buying earning and buying in Pounds is better.
Every time I'd watch Top Gear and hear the price of some cars in the UK, even after converting, I cry a little.
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They add the damn tax when you pay your credit card bill, or when you (if you find an available method, which currently are scarce here) pay someway directly to Paypal to recharge it. Yeah, they are smart pants. I'm really wishing for a change on the local government on next weeks with the ballotage (second round) election. Otherwise, we have at least 12 years more guaranteed of this 100% BS here
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I will try to explain shortly our current political situation "here"
If Scioli wins = He is president for 4 years, under the shadow of the former one, and then in 4 more years she can get elected and reelected again for a total of 8 years. So it would be a 4 (puppet gov) + 8 years of the same hell. And maybe after those 12 years, with another "puppet"...who knows...
If Macri wins....oh well, anything can happen, at least this time I prefer something new because there is NOTHING good from the current gov here....
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Corruption is everywhere...even on Japan, the former Prime Minister had to renounce after the Fukushima's cover-up incident, and the new one decided to sent national troops to the war abolishing the same "anti-war self defense" laws promoted (or better said...imposed) in their own country by the USA...which is now the one which pushed again to change them to get better support from Japanese troops...all of this while lots of normally Japanese peaceful folks went to the streets in numbers you haven't seen since the incidents at the end of the '90s asking for NOT putting Japan in the middle of the international war and keep aside of this conflicts (remember in case anyone wants to call them cowards for that, they are always the second target on a strike from North Korea...) Oh, and they even dared to create a bigger, MOAR giant US base on Okinawa at the same time, as a final insult for the Japan nation
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If you look back throughout history and wars, there's always some sneaky hand in there somewhere that played apart in setting off a chain of events, some decades in the making, that trigger these wars. It's insane to keep track of each one until a war breaks out there, but most of the time it's a western nation that attempted to enforce their standards on another nation forcing policy changes and foreign relations, and once those guys leave and a war breaks out, it's as if they had nothing to do with it.
So much going on below the surface and behind the scenes...can't we all just get along and show some love? All of these world issues caused by greed and lack of compassion for our fellow man.
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I totally 100% agree with you there...but they lack of empathy, they only want power and to "live forever in prosperity while laughing at the misery of the others"....
Anyways, and just as a hint (don't even ask), if this "thing" of some shadow characters behind wars and schemes is so old...I ask you: is the "western" so old to match those indeed? Ahem, better-look-at-other-region-of-the-world cough cough
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2 last tips:
*The world (and hence the human society) is much older which may seems sometimes
*You seem to me (from your other comments) to be a very smart person and so intelligent enough to deduce by yourself what I'm pointing at...if we were playing "hide and seek an item" I would say "warmth, warmth" ;)
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Thanks for the compliment, and likewise for you.
Unfortunately for us, being smart and perceptive doesn't change much, but we all have to do our part.
I'm just glad I get the opportunity to be able to do so where I can and not also be suffering like the many.
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Actually I'm not 100% sure about what you meant by "second time" but if you refer to the ballotage, this is the first one actually, in the previous one the "winner" step down for political interests (it was an international shame) Bankruptcy? We are still on that one, even if they tell "officially" they pay to the international banks and groups...just come to visit us and then give your honest opinion about it, jut be sure to don't bring along your "mochila" (backpack) (facepalm)
I prefer Macri all the way, if you want someone getting the hell out on a helicopter, that should have been our actual Ms. President, or maybe Scioli if he can pilot it with only one hand n.n
Anyways, I don't care too much, thanks God I'm from Uruguay, I can return back to my country safe and sound at anytime if this ship sinks...
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I referred to the great depression in the 90s in Argentina, after a populist government made more efforts attempting to solidify its power for the upcoming decades and just throw money to the population buying sympathy, nearly ending in total bankruptcy even after they pretty much confiscated the savings of the population with the bank account freeze.
And now another populist government does it again, trying to act like it's the British or the current foreign enemy trying to attack their economy instead of accepting it's their own impotency.
It's interesting to see what the outcome will be because we are in a similar shoe currently.
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Oh! The "Menem" times....yeah....well I was basically a little small girl in those years and still living in my real country, but I hear a lot about those times...dark fact it was that same guy the one which step down in the previous allow the current idiots to win and consolidate into power for years....anyways, this time it will be a tough one for them...most of the population hate them, even the poor ones, in fact in the first round they took like FIVE HOURS to tell the first real "results" from the votes, all of this because they wanted to all cost to rig the election, but they couldn't, I just hope they will lose on second round, at least there are already some new winners where the old "I always win" was in an eternal position (like intendences, and in some provinces), and the Peronism is basically going down. "Don't cry for me Argentina....better take that usurper from the power now, she is stealing and using my name and prestige!" xD
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The GTA "real" version about it:
The "Cumbia" version (Picard's facepalm): <<< Notice it's an actual song made by "Ali Ba ba and the 40 thieves" productions, sold and all in CDs :$ Best proof about how our country goes...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE
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If you want somewhat comprehensive data, why even include a potato option?
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In my country everything is expensive and my currency is pegged to the €, before that for Deutsche Mark (in a few years € will become our currency, which is essentially good for various other reasons). Often things in €, £, $ are cheaper than in my local currency!!! If you live in a country with high standards, stable economy and when you have a job and money you can buy what you want and then you will not care whether someone paid somewhere a bit cheaper.
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I just want to add to what LVS84 said/yes, we live in the same country/, not only we pay in euros / this increases price further because $ 1 is not 1 euro/, but rate is increased too.
And in other places I pay in euros too, but only in Steam there is a difference between what they want and the official rate. Since our currency is linked to the euro.
This is why I am buying extremely rare from Steam.
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Euro € here. Is worse than dollar as € is more worth than $ but the numbers are the same, sometimes even higher.
One example: If something on Steam costs 50 US$ it will cost 50 € in the EU. € is since its existence more worth than US$ (at the moment 1 € = ~1.08 US$).
On top of that it sometimes is even more expensive. Take a look at the Steam controller and Steam link: 49.99$ / 54.99€. (Not to mention the exploding shipping costs to Europe). So the product itself costs almost 10$ more in the EU.
Thank you for the GA.
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But if I'm buying one item for myself and can't afford bulk, then I can't get away with it.
And the local store is more expensive because of import tax and markup.
If you remove shipping costs alone, there'd be a huge influx of online, overseas imports...and I think that's what they (government) don't want.
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Region is good for you but sucks to giveaways.
Region prices, by the way, rarely are the same when you convert currency.
As far as I know, region were created to sell for more acessible prices, considering regional currency.
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Yes, the prices of games (in many regions) are determined by the buying power of the region. For example, Russians do not make the large salaries of North Americans, so it makes sense that RU/CIS games are priced much lower than NA games.
However, RU/CIS games are region locked....this compensates for its lower price.
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Turkish Lira.
When Steam switched to local currency most of the prices went down. Some publishers doesn't change their prices though.
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and 2K and Ubisoft. Though it seems ubisoft lowered their prices.
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Activision and Bethesda are using almost the same price.
Konami, Square Enix and most indies are cheaper. (Though Square started to price its games higher.)
2K is using absolute bullshit rates (XCOM 2 is $76.57).
Ubisoft, Capcom and SEGA are inconsistent.
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Still no price for Stem hardware here. I am also curious about that.
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It could be good for us in SA. We might end up paying the equivalent price that other countries do instead of the US price according to unfavourable exchange rates. Even better if they decide that R1=$1 like they do for the Euro, but I don't think they'd go that far ;)
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In Egypt here Steam uses the US dollar, and saying that 1$ equals 8 Egyptian pounds. so an average 60$ game is sold for around 500 Egyptian pounds.
and since the average wage is 1000 Egyptian pounds (at least that's how much i make, working as a physician in a governmental hospital) , so if live in the street (no rent) and i don't eat or or or or or ,, i will be able to afford TWO AA games monthly :)
sadly there's no hope for a local currency to come to steam because 99.9% of gamers are pirates here, and i can't blame them, really :)
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All in us dollars, or the equal amount in the Egyptian pound "450 for a game or sth" that's why the market here is always non existent,
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Central Europe here. Euro is so much unfair for me. Even steam sales titles are not always cheap enough to justify buying stuff from steam.
I say, you don't want my money? Ok, i'll buy from local stores or local digital stores.
I don't even wanna mention the power of my currency. For west Europeans games are not that really expensive. But here where i live the purchasing power parity of my currency is low so games even in local stores are still more expensive, even though the prices looks dirt cheap for outsiders
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Although I'd much rather prefer to buy from the local guys to support them, they're often double the price than buying online.
I'm wondering if this change in currency will increase the gap even further and put those local re-sellers under even more strain.
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doesnt matter, you can always keep it in dollars no matter what.
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Settings. I normally live in UK but when i go to Bulgaria i change settings so that it keeps my money in Pounds
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Not saying you wont benefit, probably will because prices will drop depending on your currency and some games get discounts only on certain countries. Like fking russia has it ez with so many cheap games :D
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1 dollar = 16.7 mex pesos more or less.
With the change i have been able to get AAA games between 5 and 10 bucks cheaper.
On cheaper games, sometimes its like getting a discount on top of the steam discount. For instance, i believe double dragon its at 2-3 dollars right now since its been discounted, thats around 50-30 pesos if i had gotten it in USD. I got it for 10.
Dragon ball xenoverse cost around 40 bucks 650 pesos. got it for 350. Its a good thing steam is selling now dirt cheap, i can get more games directly from the store and dont have to rely on trades or wait for special sales.
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I live in Croatia, our native currency is called "Kuna". We pay in €s in the Store and 1 Euro= 7.57 Croatian Kuna.
I only wish we had prices in dollars since 1 US Dollar = 6.97 Croatian Kuna, but nope, we just have the 1$=1€ policy.
Also, just in case anyone was wondering, our VAT is 25% and the minimum wage (which way too many people live on) is 320€.
So, yeah, it's 85-90% discounts and bundle purchases for me xD
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It's funny. I voted no.
But I've changed my mind.
Game price should be relative to people's income. We've been shafted in NZ for decades with vast majority of games costing over $100 NZ which is over a day's wage at minimum wage after tax.
It's significantly cheaper in the US until steam came along with and NZ ccy and went the other way and made it cheaper. But ... I would rather we all just got a reasonable price in our local ccy. (yes that means no ROW trading). But just fair pricing.
Humble Bundle et al ++
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my silly goverment would never allow for that, if we get the prices from brazil i would be happy :,D, as it stand we get the US prices, but our games are NOT ROW >.<
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So I've received official communication from Valve that Steam will soon be offering purchases in my local currency, the South African Rand.
As it stands, the Rand-Dollar exchange isn't great, so the local gaming market has seen a spike in costs of everything related to games.
During this time, however, purchasing games from distributors like Steam, directly using the Dollar currency, made things easier when converting currencies, but I fear this may change.
Do you think this is a good or bad situation?
If you've experienced something similar in your country, please let us know if it worked out better or worse when changing to your local currency.
Almost forgot the GA: Enjoy!
Edit: Please don't forget to bump, I'd appreciate a large consensus.
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