Fair warning: My job has me working at usual hours so my response time has been very slow. It will continue to be this way for the next few months

Copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta of a copy pasta since I'm just that lazy :D.

Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.

The prize: Back 4 Blood

Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.

Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.


Why you doing this?

I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for over six years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.

I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?

No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.

Can I play a MP only game?

No. It needs to have an "end" in order for me to count it as beaten, so it needs to have a campaign/story mode.

If a game was sold as a non-Steam copy in a bundle (origin/uplay/drm-free/etc), can I pick it as a choice if I own a Steam copy?

No. The reason being that those who own a Steam copy would have an extra option that would not be available to everyone who bought the same bundle. If the game was originally sold as a non-Steam copy, but Humble later provided steam keys to everyone who bought the bundle, then the game would be allowed.

Why six games?

The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.

How long are you going to do this?

Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.

This event "ends" on December 7th when the next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.

Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to go mad during Black Friday shopping.

List of eligible games: https://barter.vg/bundles/3/3/
Credit goes to PapaSmok

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Reply here once done.

3 years ago

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Made it yet again! I chose 5 short games and a longer one, BPM, fully expecting to spend a very long time on that one. That went... very poorly. Anyways, I played this six:

Timelie: Achievements "No Last Eternity".
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion: Achievements "Turnip Boy ".
Size Matters: Achievements "True Expert".
BPM: BULLETS PER MINUTE: Achievements "Defeated Nidhogg".
GRIS: Achievements "The End".
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia: Achievements "The Gates of Hell".

Thanks again for the motivation! 36 games finished thanks to your events and hopefully many more!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Thank you.

Game Bundle Achievement
Family Man Humble Choice May 2021 Beaten
Guts and Glory Humble Choice October 2021 Completed
Seasons after Fall Humble Monthly October 2017 Completed
Super Rude Bear Resurrection Humble Monthly May 2017 Beaten
Swag and Sorcery Humble Choice September 2021 Completed
Yakuza 0 Humble Monthly February 2019 Beaten
3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Hi, I'm participating for the first time, thanks for the great event!

Game Bundle Achievement
1) Bee simulator July 2021 Humble Choice The Exodus
2) Lightmatter October 2020 Humble Choice Completed
3) Milky Way Prince – The Vampire Star June 2021 Humble Choice Completed
4) The Suicide of Rachel Foster October 2020 Humble Choice Completed
5) We Were Here Together August 2020 Humble Choice Completed
6) We Were Here Too October 2018 Humble Monthly Completed
3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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  1. Size Matters - done
  2. Fight'N Rage - done
  3. Katana ZERO - done
  4. Peaky Blinders: Mastermind - done
  5. The Suicide of Rachel Foster - done
  6. The Banner Saga 2 - done
3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Completed; list here.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Done-ish. Honestly, I just finished this month just to finish it. If there are any issues with the games, feel free to tell me. I should have just enough time to settle them before the giveaway ends.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I really should stop.

3 years ago

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I'll take a break this month, but here's a bump for the cool event!

3 years ago

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Should I be attempting this challenge if I have a high chance of not being able to run the game?

3 years ago

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Game Ending Achievement Name Monthly/Choice
Styx: Shards of Darkness Revenge June 2018
Warhammer: Chaosbane For the Empire! January 2021
Iris and the Giant N/A, Screenshots: 1, 2, 3, 4 February 2021
XCOM®: Chimera Squad Heroes of City 31 March 2021
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength Synthesis September 2021
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia The Gates of Hell October 2021
3 years ago*

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I'm going to skip this month as well (the game is just not my cup of tea), but have a bump!

3 years ago

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Same here, as far as I'm aware, there's no limiting the blood/gore in here, and doubt I'd enjoy it very much.
But there's too many games I want to play, so I might not be able to resist playing some (like Turnip Boy from this month). At least some of them I don't think have a "story" so I don't have to worry about them, haha (SimpleRockets 2 and Wingspan at the very least).

3 years ago

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Another attempt!

Atomicrops (Different years are increased difficulties, beat year 1 gives victory on leaderboard screen)
Framed collection
Ring of Pain
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
Popup dungeon (Completed both of the campaigns (sweetwater/run home which are separate stories dnd style)
Fort triumph

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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I'm here as (almost) always. Cheers, everyone.

Game Month Status Achievement Notes
Lethal League Blaze September 2020 Beaten Clear Skies -
Driftland: The Magic Revival April 2020 Beaten Side to Side -
Hiveswap Friendsim October 2021 Beaten - -
Elex March 2021 Beaten Visionary I had to play ~9 hours offline because of internet problems.
Forager September 2020 Completed - -
Simulacra April 2021 Beaten You found Anna -
3 years ago*

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Just a note that Cj nixed Not For Broadcast in a previous MiaM. It's incomplete and he doesn't want to give future participants a disadvantage compared to those who played earlier so he declared it ineligible.

3 years ago

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I was thinking about asking CJ, i guess it's understandable. Thanks for the info.

3 years ago*

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I was kind of thinking of not attempting this but screw it, I may as well try, gives me a new reason to play turnip boy and commit tax evasion

3 years ago

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  1. Size Matters - done
  2. Fight'N Rage - done
  3. Katana ZERO - done
  4. Peaky Blinders: Mastermind - done
  5. The Suicide of Rachel Foster - done
  6. The Banner Saga 2 - done
3 years ago*

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  1. Metal Unit Complete
  2. Turnip boy commits tax evasion Complete
  3. BPM: Bullets Per Minute Complete Unless you want me to complete it with all characters...
3 years ago*

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I'm already done! But after playing the games, I don't know if two of them qualify, so I'll ask:

1) Size Matters: I thought it would have a campaign but it doesn't; there are several difficulty levels and such, but they can be played in any order. There's an achievement for beating the game in every location, but I don't know if that counts. In any event, I got all the achievements and, more importantly, saw that the game was approved several times in past events, but maybe you haven't played the game and don't know how it works and that was a mistake. So please let me know.

2) BPM: Bullets Per Minute: The game is an unforgiving roguelike FPS in which you are supposed to follow the tempo of the music for everything: dodges, shooting, reloading. Same goes for the enemies. I've been a professional musician for almost 20 years... and this looked like the best thing ever to me. On paper, at least.

I've never bounced so hard off a game in my life. I couldn't even get past the very first rooms, as I couldn't do anything. The music and the visuals were so out of sync which each other that playing in time registered as being out of it. The more I played in time (counting out loud, for example) the worse it got. Perhaps it's my rig; perhaps the game isn't prepared for a system with less audio than video latency, I don't know. But my options were basically to play without sound or to deactivate the main reason I had for playing the game. I chose the later, and the game turned into a very repetitive and slow FPS with enemy attacks weirdly out of sync with the music.

But it doesn't end there. I don't know what they did with the graphics but the game is presented as if everything in a single stage has only variations of just one color. There is a stage where everything is red, a stage where everything is yellow, and so on. The problem is, I struggle to differentiate between colors at the best of times, and gradients are almost non existant to me. So this was like playing blindfolded. Or like having a semaphore light instead of a monitor. Good thing I kept the sound on!

Still, I persevered. And against all odds, I managed to finish a run. One single run. It took all the willpower I had and probably lots and lots of luck... especially considering that the first time I got past the second stage I beat the game. I did that, screamed, press ALT+F4 and uninstalled the game while still screaming at the screen. Perhaps one day they'll fix the issue with the sound and add some options for people with disabilities (or, to be fair, they already have and I didn't see them) and then maybe I'll give it another go. But for now, I don't want to even be near it. My apologies for the rant, but I wanted you to know that I put a lot of effort in beating the game before asking my question.

Anyways, I did finish the game, but maybe it doesn't count in this case I mean, a roguelite is supposed to be finished more than once, right? And that's not going to happen. So... does it count? Does it not?

Again, apologies for the rant to everyone reading this. And thank you so much for the event! Unlike BPM, I've enjoyed most of what I played all this past ones and without the event I may not have had the motivation to play them.

3 years ago

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Sorry for the delay, but here are my answers:

I thought it would have a campaign but it doesn't; there are several difficulty levels and such, but they can be played in any order. There's an achievement for beating the game in every location, but I don't know if that counts. In any event, I got all the achievements and, more importantly, saw that the game was approved several times in past events, but maybe you haven't played the game and don't know how it works and that was a mistake.

This achievement is fine. So long as I can point to "ending" of sorts in a game, like the achievement in question, I am happy.

Anyways, I did finish the game, but maybe it doesn't count in this case I mean, a roguelite is supposed to be finished more than once, right? And that's not going to happen. So... does it count? Does it not?

For a roguelikes, it depends on the roguelike. Some have true endings which require multiple runs while others don't. From what I can gather, credits roll after Nidhogg so if you killed him you are good.

3 years ago

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Good to know!!! Thanks for the response and, again, apologies for the long rant.

3 years ago

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Oh, hey! Happy cakeday Cj!

3 years ago

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Thanks :D
I may have forgotten about it.

3 years ago

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Wasn't planning to join this month but ended up winning a few games that I began playing so...

Game HB Month Achievements Status
Snake Pass (idled for 2.8 hours) February 2018 2/33 Unfinished
Sniper Elite 3 (idled for ~2 hours)) February 2019 17/77 Beaten
The Shapeshifting Detective (idled for 2.2 hours) September 2020 8/21 Beaten
Size Matters May 2021 37/57 Beaten
Nowhere Prophet August 2021 4/27 Beaten
Roki September 2021 26/32 Beaten
Amnesia Rebirth October 2021 1/41 Unfinished
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion November 2021 36/37 Beaten

This month was...odd. Couldn't quite get into Snake Pass' controls and had an immensely frustrating graphical bug that made the game nigh on impossible to play normally.

3 years ago*

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Name Achievements obtained Playtime Status Month
Evergarden 21/21 12.2h completed November 2019
Warhammer: Chaosbane 25/43 14.2h beaten January 2021
Darksiders III 42/64 19.8h beaten November 2020
Niche - a genetics survival game 15/31 23.5h beaten May 2020
Snake Pass 19/33 8.4h beaten February 2018
Beyond Eyes 6/10 2.1h beaten November 2016
3 years ago*

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First time participating, I always assumed I don't have many games that would fit since I have only bought one monthly ever (and already beaten the games I activated from it). Since the game this month was something interesting to me I took a look and turns out I have 80+ that fit... Good excuse to pplay a few.
Hopefully I manage to finish all games in time.

Game Achievements Playtime Bundle Status
FRAMED Collection 18/18 1.6h September 2021 Humble Choice Completed
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion 37/37 5.3h November 2021 Humble Choice Completed
Kathy Rain 20/20 4h (+3,4h idle) November 2016 Humble Monthly Completed
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day 32/32 2,6h (+2,6h idle) October 2020 Humble Choice Completed
Figment 23/23 6,3h (+2,5h idle) September 2018 Humble Monthly Completed
198X 8/14 2,5h March 2020 Humble Choice Beaten
3 years ago*

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Saw your warning, so I figured I should be slightly early this time (plus there might be one gray area, but anyway...)

Street Fighter V (January 2020)

So this is the gray area. Since SFV launched in a rather unfinished state in February 2016, the full cinematic story mode was not added until July 2016 in the "A Shadow Falls" free DLC. There are no achievements added for this, but I do have screenshots showing 100% completion of all acts and of the credits on the story mode. I also beat the basic super-short "Character Story" for one character (Zangief, of course), which has its own achievement.
If you need to disqualify this and get an alternate game, I understand.

I wasn't originally planning on trying SFV for this, but I opened it for a promotion and the tutorial automatically played, subsequently foisting an achievement upon me. Games work in funny ways sometimes.

Capcom games are generally not known for deep or elaborate storylines, but the Street Fighter V "A Shadow Falls" campaign feels like a mismatch of cheesy dialogue and random SFV battles. While the game looks great in its natural habitat as a 2-D fighter, seeing the character models in cinematics exposes their inherent absurdity in ways that are not as apparent in the heat of a regular match. Still, the campaign is short enough that it doesn't become too much of a bother.

Penarium (February 2016)

Achievements - "Dramatic conclusion"

Despite its short length, Penarium was another game I briefly considered quitting on, but after a while I got the hang of it and even the late stages weren't as hard as their reputation suggested. Some of the controls could use a bit more reliability, especially the double jump, but overall I felt like the gameplay of quickly reacting to deadly obstacles in a controlled arena environment worked well. I do wish the music were a bit less repetitive. The small cutscenes we got were surprisingly compelling, although the ending was a bit abrupt.

Fight'N Rage (March 2019)

Achievement - "Child's Play"

I have played a fair amount of beat 'em ups in the arcade days, but I never really got good at them. With Fight'N Rage, I did feel like I was cruising along fine on normal mode until I got to the final area, which made me decide to take the L and unlock easy mode.

The gameplay is solid and I could definitely see this as an actual beat 'em up arcade machine somewhere in the late 1990s, were it not for the references to other media sprinkled generously throughout the storyline. It is surprising how many branching paths the game can take with the secret passages and decisions you make.

Youropa (November 2020)

Achievements - "Top of the world"

This game could feel irritating on my eyes with the zoomed camera angle and strong lighting effects, but I decided to come back and see it through. Some interesting gameplay is definitely here with the gravity mechanics and the emphasis on physics, but I did feel like using a guide often due to a lack of clear directions. I do wish I didn't have to kick so many dogs. 🐶

Roombo: First Blood (January 2019)

Achievements - "Christmas Miracle"

Roombo is a charming little game, which sounds odd for something that is so gory in its murder. The gameplay loop often reminded me of Hitman games and how hectic things can get when plans go wrong and enemies are chasing you. It might not be a formula that could hold up for extended periods of time, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ~30 minutes I did play.

Simulacra (April 2021)

Achievements - "A happy ending?"; spoiler warning for achievements

This was an interesting experience. I watched my friends play this on Twitch. While I was interested in seeing a different ending on my own time, I did not expect the game's eventual payoff to a promising start to feel any better. Maybe it's all the talk of the "metaverse" that is in our faces in 2021, or maybe the big reveal is a little more elaborate when getting the "best" ending, but this ended up leaving a much better impression on me than what I saw on Twitch in mid-2020. One core problem remains, which is how branching endings and major plot points can hinge on dialogue choices that do not feel that distinct from one another, necessitating the use of a guide to really explore everything in the game.

3 years ago*

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