Giveaway Public giveaway 1st private Link in public (percentage) 2nd private with text in 1st (percentage) (total percentage)
1 316 21 6,65% 14 66,67% 4,43%
2 240 25 10,42% 9 36,00% 3,75%
3 241 18 7,47% 13 72,22% 5,39%
4 1.162 79 6,80% 53 67,09% 4,56%
5 1.492 128 8,58% 55 42,97% 3,69%
6 1.071 75 7,00% 43 57,33% 4,01%
7 670 65 9,70% 36 55,38% 5,37%
8 873 82 9,39% 63 76,83% 7,22%
9 184 14 7,61% 12 85,71% 6,52%
10 228 18 7,89% 16 88,89% 7,02%
total 6.477 525 8,11% 314 59,81% 4,85%

10 public giveaways, all with a short description with a link to a private giveaway of the same game.
10 private giveaways, all with a short description including five reversed characters for a giveaway link.

Less then 10% of people who enter a public giveaway will click a link to a second giveaway of the same game.
60% of people who click a giveaway link in a public giveaway will read and reverse for a third giveaway.

Why do I post this? For science of course!

Compairing to my previous science project from august 2016 it seems reading has improved or is it the AI that got smarter?

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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maybe in public giveaway a lot of bots?
good work

7 years ago

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I guess I'm one of the rare few who will read and click.
Interesting, thanks for posting!

7 years ago

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This seems to support all those that say level 0 is full of bots.

7 years ago

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I just typed a long-ass comment and when I tried to submit it, the page went white so here's the tl;dr version:
Mine usually had a participation rate of at least 1/10 (up to about 1/2!) of the public giveaway (which also goes up with the level of the public gib), though my goal never was to gather data but more to reward people who actually read descriptions (which is why I also never hid the giveaway link at all).

7 years ago

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Aww that sucks, I would've read all of it!
Of course the point is to reward the readers and my giveaways weren't hidden either, but the science part is still fun (and very scientific!). My favorite part about it all though is reading the comments in the hidden and extra hidden giveaways :)

7 years ago

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Yeah that's true! I mean I could go back and make a neat chart just like you did but eh, I'm lazy, so I'm not gonna do it :P And yeah, those comments are always nice!

7 years ago

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Making that chart was more work than I expected it to be :(

7 years ago

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people use autojoin scripts

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's some serious science!
I like the private giveaways starting a bit after the public ones end, I'll try to remember that :)

7 years ago

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Interesting info

i made some test giveaways week ago
I put extra-giveaway link not in description, but in first comment. And guess what? Only 4-5% of level 6+ users open giveaway page 💮

7 years ago

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Well...that's even a step further...
Descriptions I'm always reading (and if a comment is asked for, mostly I'll do that too), but for public giveaways (thanks to ESGST ) I myself only go to the giveaway page if I want to write a comment there so a first-comment link I'd probably miss too. :D

7 years ago

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Done that but in smaller scale - 1/10 enters private ga.
Also I have possible answer why 2nd hidden ga have less entries. I don't know if that was yours or somebody had the same idea - but I entered fisrt private ga and left second for one hour to gather more points (it was open in new tab). I noticed that tab week later when ga was already over xD

7 years ago

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I'd be interested in seeing if perceived value of the game would also be a factor in how many/what percentage of entries you would get in the bonus giveaways. I feel like people are much more likely to read the description of/enter a hidden GA for a new AAA title than they are for something that's currently in an indiegala bundle for example.

7 years ago

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but to be fair, most public giveaway have nothing written in there. so its easy to miss the links

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7 years ago

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People don't read descriptions. This is already a universal problem on every site out there. Doesn't matter if you're on a dating site, selling shit on ebay, or giving stuff away: people click that button without reading.

Obviously in the forums people are keeping an eye out for trains and such and will typically at least skim a description, but it's far from guaranteed.

So don't take this as evidence of bots - I have no doubt there are bots out there but tests like this doesn't in any way differentiate between humans and bots.

7 years ago

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I had a puzzle train, that had 14 GA's. The very last one stated that they weren't finished yet and there was a hidden link. 9 people read this message and another 4 could have found it if they had seen it. The hidden GA had 2 people comment and only 1 of them entered. not 100% accurate but fair to say not many went looking for it.

7 years ago

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