- Why did my level decrease?
- Values are calculated based on the current USD prices of games in the Steam store. If a game lowers in price, the value of previously created giveaways will adjust accordingly, and this will be reflected on profiles and levels.
- Certain games on our site are flagged as "No Value" or "Reduced Value". This is done manually by our volunteers, and therefore there might be a delay before these values are assigned. For example, a game might be included in a bundle on January 10, 2018. If on January 13, 2018 we flag that game as "Reduced Value", with an effective date starting January 10, 2018 (the day the bundle started), then giveaways created between January 10-13, 2018 would have their value reduced accordingly.
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Was given as a gift in inventory, thats why SG marked it as free and your giveaway started 12 hours after the game was given
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True, it's not free for everyone. But according to steamspy there are 5oo.ooo-1.ooo.ooo State of Decay owners. Ergo 5oo.ooo-1.ooo.ooo free giftable copy of YOSE. That's a huge giveaway.
Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
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I was thinking that SG adding it to the free list seemed unfair, since not just anyone could get a free copy (unlike, say, a freebie from Humble). Also I nearly got burned by this one, since I was eyeing it up on Humble for a giveaway - I decided not to in the end.
But when you put into perspective like this, I can see why it makes sense.
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You clearly dont understand what is free for everyone and free for those, who purchased basic edition of this game.
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ты сам не понимаешь. есть две версии игры старая и новая. молодец что купил старую версию.
по приблизительным подсчетам старую версию продали в количестве от 500 тыс копий. новое издание подарили всем кто имеет старую версию. а теперь включи логику.
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Actually when you made GA it was already considered bundled. You don't have to make GA if you don't want to... It's not even profitable to get levels in hopes of better GA. You should make GAs for sharing instead of for levels or you definitely will be disappointed every time
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Life isn't fair on average, yet still it rolls on.
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If you gave away the games before the bundle/discount started, you should still receive full value for them.
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Thats what im talking about, steamgifts use us as money profit
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lol this comment made me laugh so hard my drink shot out my nose.
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You're hilarious. Look, if you didn't pay full price for the copy that you were giving away, why are you complaining? You're the one looking for profit in this situation. Stop caring so much about CV levels. In the end, you'll enjoy the site more.
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This is why I stopped giving away games officially on the site, only do random giveaways in SG chat instead, and no I'm not referring the complaint made by the OP. It's entitled people like the OP that made me gave up using the official system. Who the hell cares about levels when making giveaways? You should make giveaways because you're one of the lucky bastard who, in spite of the current state of affairs in the world, managed to get an extra "luxury" item and wanted to share it with others. I'd rather drop steam keys in SG chat randomly rather than risk people like these winning a giveaway I made.
Steamgift didn't fuck up bud, your mind is.
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I don't think it's forbidden to drop them in chat, as far as I know anyways. I just like to drop them and hang for a bit in chat if I feel like it. I'm aware of the orphan key thread but I figured enough people drop them in the thread anyways, I'd show some love for chat lurkers instead. Plus, you never know if you're gonna bump into a midget porn conversation mid discussion in chat and those are always fun.
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Ah i didn't mean to say that one way is better or not.
Each time i wanted to drop keys in the chat, i didn't do it, thinking that it would be considerated as spam and get me a kicked or banned?
That's why i thought you would know if it is forbidden or not, and i asked :)
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You should make giveaways because you're one of the lucky bastard who, in spite of the current state of affairs in the world, managed to get an extra "luxury" item and wanted to share it with others.
Does it really matter if one gives a sandwich to a starving man to feel good about himself, and another gives a sandwich simply help the starving man survive? The results are the same. The starving man gets a sandwich, and neither man is any better than the other to the starving man.
The same applies with making giveaways. The reasons don't matter, only the results.
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So let's say someone steals money or murders someone to get their money, which then donates to a poor. Will that matter?
Obviously that's a worst-case scenario, but generalizing is never good. There has been cases when someone stole keys to give them away on their website to gain popularity, which is not happening often, but it happened and could happen anytime.
There always has to be principles in play, especially in charity. I really can't bear with the US-way of making charity, where big names only donates when they get some popularity in return.
I once knew an US girl which was a real asshole on the internet, and when confronted with her behaviors by myself and a lot of others, she said "I'm a good person, I donate to charity!".
Or a man which posted a picture of himself letting an old man sit at his table in a bar while watching a sports match, to show his good will. Where I live, that behavior is absolutely normal, and nobody would post a picture of theirself doing it because it's not considered special.
So yeah, to me reasons are very important, because only by changing people's way of seeing things you can get the results when you need them, and not just in special occasions.
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So let's say someone steals money or murders someone to get their money, which then donates to a poor. Will that matter?
Are we really comparing murdering someone to donate their money to the reasons someone makes giveaways? And here I was wondering if my own comparison was a bit over the top ... so, in a sense, I suppose it's my fault you took it to that extreme.
Let's get real for a moment - we're not talking about people posting pictures of good deeds, or popularity, or who is a good person or why. We're talking about Steamgifts giveaways here. No one ever knows your reason for making a giveaway (unless you tell them outright), and no one really cares. How many times has a winner or entrant asked you why you're giving away a game? Or are they simply happy they won a game?
So does it really matter if someone is making a giveaway to get some CV or gain a level, or that they simply have extras from a bundle they bought, or where they bought it or how much they paid for it? Or is the fact that they made a giveaway, and someone else is going to win that giveaway (and possibly enjoy the game) what really matters?
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I expected some deep philosophical topic here. Instead I got another rant about bundling. You made me fool(
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So you wanted to give free game away and gain a couple of levels, right?
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well, technically it's not free, you had to buy old version to get this one. So it was bundled with the old one.
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it was free regardless of the condinions.it doesn't even come bundled with the game, it was given to owners years later
i probably don't meet those alienware rules to get a free game, but it was nevertheless, given for free
they should just automatically add the game to the steam library, like other publishers have done in the past
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How will you survive this injustice ? I think its time to take up arms and create a revolution, how dare they take away your precious CV points
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The only one making a fool of somebody is yourself.
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I just remember South Park episode when Cartman tells everybody that he's mom fucked him because she didn't bought him Ipad. And after that lightning struck him when his evil plan to human centipad with Kyle in the midle fails. Don't mean anything bad or offensive. Just a thing about my life and my brain.
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Are you claiming you actually paid full price and then have nothing to show for it? Because it sounds to me like you received a code for free (you already own a vanilla copy of the game) and are now upset that you got back exactly what you paid for it...nothing.
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So long story short — I gave away State of Decay: YOSE before it was bundled (when I crated giveaway it was counted as full price) and got contribution level 2. But day later i am back to level 1.
Dont you think its a bit unfair? After that, I dont want to make giveaways anymore.
Steamgifts make us fool.
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