I don't think so too.
I just use this to play Gylt because it looks great.
I do think that a cloudgaming service could work but it should be more like a game pass service.
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yeah finished little nightmares some time ago and it feels similar.
But also as sooth said, the fighting with the flashlight is some alan wake stuff ^^ and the "monsters" have a bit prey touch ^^
I played the first 90 minutes and liked it. It's not a "game of the year" but its good.
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But also as sooth said, the fighting with the flashlight is some alan wake stuff ^^ and the "monsters" have a bit prey touch ^^
Yep, that's exactly where my mind was at on it. ^.^
I also felt a lot of the atmosphere (eg, indoor/outdoor environments, respectively) recalled Prey and especialy Alan Wake, at times.
Well, I guess there's only so many games where you get ambushed by shadows on staircases or fight monsters in the woods with a flashlight, though. :P
Actually, it's a pity (to my tastes) that it's not a straight stealth(-horror) game, or I'd likely burn through it during this trial period as well. But action-horror games are ones I mostly just snack on slowly over time, rather than binge, unless they go all the way into straight FPS-shooter territory. So while it doesn't look bad, right now I'm more likely to watch a full playthrough of it before I'd manage to play such myself.
I guess I just feel that that's a hard playstyle to make properly engaging- the action pulls away from the tension, but the forced horror-stealth/etc pulls away from the action (rather than accenting it, as would the stealth in a Deus Ex or similar stealth game). Honestly, I even found the camera sections in the Fatal Frame games were offputting from the flow of gameplay, and they were a much better fit to a full horror theme [than zappy monster-slaying flashlights are].
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Thanks for this comment. I would have completely skipped over this offer without looking at Gylt. Now I think I'll sign up to play this.
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much sexy deal, Machines! purfect for these days, quickly grabbed and started playing Gylt in 5 minutes or less (registration included).
it feels, plays and streams good. really want to try something more powerful, heavy for my rig to see how it goes.
thanks so much again for the tip, afternoon is ruined :P
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I see Spain but no luck for little spain?
Thats fine, i still have psnow to play ps3 and psp titles
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ah it can take up to 48h to roll out for all they say. so maybe try again later
nvm you mean portugal... ^^
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Stadia is available to those based in the following countries:
Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
Stadia commercial: Play with anyone, anywhere! More like, play with no one, nowhere :D
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SteamWorld Dig 2
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech
Well, that's two of my top-wishlisted games, looks like I actually have to bother with this one (unlike all the previous sub offers).
But, uhm.
Don't forget to cancel the subscription directly after you logged in.
I just startet Gylt. It's a great game and I have nearly zero lag.
So we're fine to cancel right off, then?
And how exactly does it all work to setup and play?
Beyond "you need Chrome and may or may not need to install the app", it's all startlingly vague on explanations, both within Google resources and articles.
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Yes you can cancel directly.
You open the stadia page, choose the game and start directly. that's it.
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I just made a video for u ^^
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yes. and it's not even cheaper than on other services.
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You can play AAA-Games in 4k on a potato/yourphone/TV I guess
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i only played Gylt but this worked great.
I'll try grid later as this is a faster game
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I haven't tried Stadia, but I tried Nvidia GeForceNow on a Shield and had disappointing results.
I tried Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and the default graphics settings were set to medium-high, it looked a little blurry, it ran at 30 fps, no HDR support, and there was noticeable input lag with a controller.
By comparison, streaming locally to the Shield from an i5 6600, GTX 1080 PC via Ethernet let you run the game at high-max settings, it looked a lot sharper, it ran at 45-60 fps, it supported HDR, and there was no input lag.
I can see Stadia and GameStream being useful if you don't have a gaming PC, or want to play when you're away from home, but that's about it.
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Those two are not really comparable. GameStream requires you to have a PC while Stadia or GeforceNow do not. I also had a pretty mediocre experience with GameStream (on the go on an iPhone), but that more due to inconsistent internet connection.
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Oh really? Interesting. I tried GeforceNow during beta and was actually surprised about the good quality. Had 60fps with almost no lag. GameStream over internet was hit and miss. Tried it only once, on the way to a friend in the bus. Internet would fluctuate like crazy between the two cities, so the experience was not good. Heavy artifacting and horrible lag. Later at his place with wireless lan it was pretty good again.
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Just seconding that yes, it works. Depends on the individual connection though (which is why it's nice to have a free trial period first). Ping isn't always enough; needs stable jitter, too. But yes, it definitely works. Been a user for a few months now, and I mostly like it.
I'm also using Shadow (not Stadia) to stream my Steam games though (point-and-clicks on the phone are pretty neat, and I don't need to hook up a controller for those). So far, both services are keepers for me. The GeForce Now beta was good, too, but with Shadow, I don't feel a need to keep it, and Stadia is slightly more stable -- in my experience.
I don't own a console, and my PC is over a decade old*, so streaming on a less expensive rig is pretty ideal. Everyone's different though, and to each their own.
*My pc being so old, it can't keep up with the video decoding Stadia uses; I have a Chromecast plugged into the back of my monitor's second HDMI input, and run Stadia through that. Streams great through the girlfriend's MacBook though. (Both connections, and -- somewhat obviously -- my phone, are wireless.)
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"That cost the same"?
Stadia is free. Only the pro subscription and games cost money.
(And hardware, if you need it. (controller(s), Chromecast) So against that argument -- maybe for the convenience of taking it anywhere you have an internet connection. But again, to each their own. You can take Switch all over too, pretty easily.)
To play devil's advocate though, the game collections on consoles are still better (for now).
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you can play on a potato pc and that costs nothing in hardware
they will launch an android tv app later and also support chromcasts already.
you don't need the stadia controller
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I don't know about sales and knowing how google handle projects that don't work so good I would def not buy any game in this store but for the fast internet you pay anyway. With or without stadia.
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Ikr? It's not like game pass or the other sub services where you have a list of games to play "for free". So you have to pay to use Stadia and then pay for the games which you can only play with Stadia.
At that rate, it'd be much smarter to invest in a computer upgrade instead.
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2 month free , but needs hell ova net speed like 20mb download speed .. most of ppl cant use it so its no use for us ...
gonna continue playin on hard drive via steam
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Steady 5mb/s is enough. To get a steady reliable 5mb/s you need a connection higher than it, 20mb/s is a good starting point. Most cable internet connections cannot support the steady rate as its rate is dependent on local internet traffic as cable is shared in neighborhoods, and almost all cable providers lack the required upload rate.
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I wonder if the 9 free games are free to keep even after the 2 month pro trial, or if access to the 9 games are tied to the Pro subscription?
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It works like PSN+. If you cancel, you can't access the games you redeemed for free on Pro, but they are kept in your profile if you happen to renew. Stadia Free edition works on a purchase basis: if you pay for a game, you can access it "forever".
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Yep. It's like gamepass for PC, but you keep the games in your account if you claim them before they go
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I want to play Gylt, but Austria is not on the list. Tried to do the setup (https://stadia.google.com/setup) anyway, but always when I try to confirm a Stadia name it says "Error occurred, try again later"... Sigh
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Will we keep the games? I've tried with a couple games and it works flawlessly, just plug a controller and it works in Chrome like Netflix. I have a fiber connection and my PC is directly connected to my router so it couldn't be better.
I already have a very good computer so I don't think I need Stadia but maybe in the future.
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I don't think you keep the games. Don't know how subscription works, maybe the premium subscription gives you acces to some games? I don't really know how works.
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Always nice to try some free games.
Loved SteamWorld Dig 1, so won't mind getting SWD 2 for free :)
Been trying it a bit and the performance was flawless.
Don't want to pay a monthly subscription though, so immediately cancelled the agreement.
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I tried this back when it was the beta and when they allowed you to play assasin's creed odyssey and for me it was like console quality, well it fealt like only 30 FPS was a fear blurriness hear and there and it seemed the graphics quality may have been a step up from console. I ended up then getting AC free from that promotion and then when actually playing it locally on my gaming rig (never bought it, did get ac on console - didn't know it would run on my system at the time of release) it ran and looked better then the stadia.
I can see some positives from this, but for me its only useful for people that don't own a gaming rig and want to maybe play the newest games at a better quality then console. I don't think we have the infrastructure yet for these game streamings and I think they will end up going the way of onlive which last a year or two (basically that is what stadia seems to be: OnLive 2.0, you had to buy the games seperate as well on onlive and there were never sales).
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Country not supported, :/
Why are people so hateful towards Epic exclusives but I'm not hearing any complaints about Gylt being exclusive to Stadia?
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I think it's because Gylt in not on the radar for most people and the game was never announced on Steam.
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Ugh. I average 80-something Mbps download speed and something like 60 Mbps upload speed, and I still can't manage to get Stadia to run a turn-based game properly. So unbelievably unresponsive.. Meanwhile, I don't have any issues with other streaming [video] services...
Gotta wonder if the free trial offer ended up overloading things on their end, or something..
How's it running for everyone else?
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My experience has been pretty good. I've played one or two sessions each day. Most sessions have been smooth 60+ fps high graphics.
One session of Serious Sam abruptly ended with me kicked off the service.
One session of Serious Sam had lower graphics experience.
Saves on Serious Sam games were not available next session.
Gylt running great.
Destiny 2 running great. (Always wanted to try out this game!)
So far, I'm having fun trying out the service and trying out a couple games I otherwise would not get to try.
I have not seen anything that is worth a monthly fee from me.
EDIT: I have a 300+Mbps service. 4 adults in the house. 2 desktop hard connections, 1 tablet, 2 laptops, 4 phones all connected at any given time during the day. So, I suppose some of my problems could be due to distance learning and movie streaming and Stadia streaming plus other devices all happening at once.
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I have 100mps service and played trough Gylt.
Only one time I had some hickups but my better half updated some game atm so the problem was on my side.
When I played she could still play multiplayer games, stream to twitch and listen to deezer on hq same time.
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something something about internet traffic and video games
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This offer is more for people with constant STABLE internet connection of at least 24+ Mbit/s download speed, you can even have bad PC since all the processing is server side. They will get swamped with plenty of people trying for free. And remember that there will be lag depending on various things. It's remote play after all. Some internet providers have monthly caps or limiters on their data, so be aware if you gonna play non-stop.
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I'm usually against innovation. I like things the way they are. I have strong feelings against the concept of games as a service. Games should be yours after you pay for them, and not "as long as" you pay for them. That is why I've always been against this shift towards cloud gaming services. I also had many doubts about the practical side such as latency, image compression etc. I was very glad when I saw this post so that I can finally try one out and see for myself.
I immediately started Gylt and it is unbelievable. Of course, the game is fine but I am talking about how smooth the service was. I did not feel any input lag at all. Glyt so far hasn't been very action packed so maybe it can be different in competitive titles. In terms of image quality, I had doubts about aggressive compression and lossy codec implementation. I was thinking about the streaming aspect of it while the problem turned out to be that 3D rendering in the game is done in a prioritized way. It's really easy to see non-anti-alised corners or blurry and downscaled textures in the background or around the periphery. It becomes rather troublesome to read tiny texts on a paper stuck to a wall, for instance. After you focus on it and get closer, you can see a moment where textures start rendering at a higher resolution and images suddenly get sharper. Of course, rendering everything at maximum for so many users worldwide is going to be very costly for Google so I can't blame them for trying to implement an AI that will save resources.
Conclusion: Absence of lag and the image quality are pretty impressive. But I used a 60hz, not-so-great 23" TV hooked to my weak-ass laptop. If you fire it up on your high-end, low latency, gamer gear that you're used to have, maybe you can discover input lag or their rendering tactics might be more visible/annoying for you. But for a regular TV and non-gaming gear, the performance is out of this world. Recommended for those (and quite frankly, only for those) who do not already have a library of games and/or hardware that can play them.
Also, despite the whole trial aspect, it wasn't completely free for me because they charged my card 1€ twice in order to start my free trial. I'm fairly sure they charged me only as a validation but I have no idea why twice, maybe 1€ for each "free" month. Now, I don't know if they'll deduct the amount from my first paid month, or give it back in a couple of hours/days. So make sure you have a valid payment method even though it's free.
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Happy cakeday! I was a late part of the beta for Stadia, which they tested on Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. The service was pretty amazing. I also saw a fair amount of detail scaling, which was an easy sacrifice considering the fluid controls. I'm also not a subscription-gaming guy - I already own too many games to want an endless shifting menu of new ones constantly available - but it was really interesting to experience.
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I couldn't have said it better. I think control responsiveness would be the deal breaker for a huge majority of gamers. And experience-wise, I like what I'm seeing. Especially during such a time when I'm saving money to get a pc that can run anything that's made after 2014, two months of free cloud gaming was quite a treat for me.
Edit: Thank you for the celebration :)
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Bump for beating Gylt. Nice experience. The game runs smooth in most cases, except some parts of the day when the connection isn't as fast and stable as required, it seems.
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Googles Cloud-Gaming service Stadia is offering 2 months off all charges.
With this you can also play the games that are for free on stadia:
Stadia is available to those based in the following countries:
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Don't forget to cancel the subscription directly after you logged in.
I just startet Gylt. It's a great game and I have nearly zero lag.
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