Sounds like an interesting group. But MMA has never really been my cup of tea, so will leave you with a simple bump.
Best of luck in your endeavor. :)
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I'm 51XP short on being lvl15...
You could also make a group on verdictmma if you don't want to keep the score manually.
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Perhaps you should read it again. I'm not gambling and there's no money involved.
I'm not sure what the quote has to do with what you said either. I should reply to every post because I'm a junior mod? I shouldn't make a prediction group in Steam because I'm a Junior mod on Steamgifts?
My decision not to reply to everyone is to avoid "calling out" or getting into discussions about the intricacies of what a 'good' and 'bad' user is, which is subjective.
I'm sure you'll read something else from this though. Go ahead, enjoy using your imagination.
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Wasn't it you who also complained in several other events and puzzles in recent weeks?
Sometime suggesting that a puzzle would be impossible to solve, that the creator would be laughing at people trying to solve them? And accused others of cheating because they solved a puzzle within a short time of each other?
And lo and behold, you found another event to criticize with your absurdities. No idea what your problem is but it's pretty obvious that you have one. And it's becoming tiresome that you repeatedly drop the results of your personal problems here. Get some help dude. Or at least shut up.
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This shows how unaware you are of everything around you but you wanna act cool. In that same thread before I even commented there were multiple comments pointing out the exact same thing but saying how they're giving up as it's taking them nowhere. Sometime after I added my comment in there too along with a few other comments after pointing out it was still unsolvable, the OP of that thread decided to go ahead and fix the puzzle which btw was broken and admitted it was broken. So everyone else was just lying to you.
What I'm supposed to like everything and it's not ok to point out the things you don't like because it might upset or offend you? How about you get some help instead since your views show you need it much more than I ever will? I hope you realize what a dumb thing you just posted. What if I told you to shut up from now on? Eternally? Will you just take my advice? I don't know what makes you think I give a rats ass about you.
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Oh my, you are an even more hopeless case than I expected. Obviously, my point wasn't that you (or anyone else) might struggle with a puzzle, d'uh.
Instead, it was about your rampant imagination that frequently results in absurd accusations and confrontations.
See, people can struggle with a difficult puzzle and comment on that. Perfectly normal. But only a very imaginative clown would write something such as:
maybe share the invite link with 2 - 3 friends so there's not just 0 entries, then laugh at no one solving the puzzle.
The same rampant imagination also led to you accusing people who successfully solved a puzzle of cheating. You had absolutely nothing to show but you making absurd connections, based on at what time some individuals solved it.
And in this thread we once again had your rampant imagination resulting in you pointing your silly finger. You totally didn't get what smythe meant about his invite confirmations.
Instead, you imagined something quite absurd (the trend is pretty telling), about him inviting only people successfully predicting matches to boost his own bets?
Sorry, but your comments speak for themselves. You post utter nonsense, in series. You tend to expect the worst and have nothing to base it on but your imagination. Considering that this happened regularly now you simply are a tragic, toxic loudmouthed clown.
As there is only a minimal chance that you'll show any insight I won't bother to leave any further replies. The only result would be to ruin the mood in this thread even more.
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What are you going on about?
I tried to solve those puzzles for fun, since I already owned all the games being given away. I guess that's my fault too maybe. The previous puzzle I did by that user involved getting to the rockstar programming language, which for him showed up at the top of google results, while for some it showed pages deep, and so many missed the puzzle completely because of that. I said ok, it happens.
The next one had much to do with people struggling with the puzzle because at first it was UNSOLVABLE with the exception of 1 or 2 people who solved it before the puzzle broke, and then around 10-15 users commented they couldn't figure it out, including me. It was unsolvable, as said by the OP of that puzzle.
It upsets you I said "maybe share the invite link with 2 - 3 friends so there's not just 0 entries, then laugh at no one solving the puzzle." it's because it's true. You get 50 people like "damn can't solve it, maybe I'll try the next one gl to any crazy person who tries this one" and op's like "give it another 3.5 quintillion shots you're only 491 steps away!".
"The same rampant imagination also led to you accusing people who successfully solved a puzzle of cheating. You had absolutely nothing to show but you making absurd connections, based on at what time some individuals solved it."
Sure I shared my belief that was cheated, I'm entitled to it, you can believe whatever you want and I'm not gonna follow you 10 threads later to pick at you or some bs, I completely forgot about that thread already but that doesn't mean my opinion changed. The timings of the answers were around 3 seconds apart, with the next time afterwards being I don't remember, 10 minutes after, 1 hour after, and then all of a sudden everyone figured it out through magic(the magic of sharing). IMO it's just groups of people working together on these puzzles and then sharing the link or solution somewhere. This is not the first time I've seen this happen btw and I've seen invite only giveaways from puzzles or whatever being shared to groups many years ago, but I couldn't tell who the user was on that forum to report it.. Are there some legit solvers in there? Sure, I was pointing out that too many people do this as a group.
Isn't the whole point of this group to reward those that get the right prediction? My point stands then.
You already derailed like 5 times for some attempt at a troll, so I don't know at what point you thought it was beneficial of you to do so in the first place. If you had concerns about that other thread you could've either commented there or contacted me to speak in private like I suggest to many people so we don't clutter threads. You made 2 pointless comments and I still don't know what you want. Congrats.
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I'm interested :D (a certfied purple belt in BJJ myself)
What do the letters MMA stand for?
Mixed Martial Arts
Name a submission that isn't 'rear naked choke'
Triangle Choke
Name a current fighter you like / have heard of
Paddy Pimblet
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MMA Predictions
lots of punching
maybe some kicks
and lets not forget the special move
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Oh, this seems like it would be pretty fun! I'm interested
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I'm so in!
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Looks pretty interesting. Have always had an interest in mma and watch ufc fights every now and then.
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I find MMA extremely difficult to follow. Every times I watch it, it's a whole new group of people I've never heard of. The only prediction I have is that McGregor will lose his fight whenever it is.
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I agree. I've been a fan for a long time and the increase in the number of events and fighters means I can't keep up.
When it was about 1 event a month and a smaller number of fighters, it was much easier
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Oh man, I would love to join if there are still spots available! I'm an old mma fan who has experienced a bit of a waning interest lately. Too many contenders series fighters I've never heard of fighting other no names in the ufc apex with no audience is part of the reason for that. But I would love to take part in some predictions (and discussion if anyone is up for it!) Might help me to regain some excitiment for the sport. Thank you for your consideration.
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I made a few UFC prediction events in the past where users guessed the result of fights. The most accurate pickers won a Steam game. The last event was years ago, but I've brought it back with a few changes.
This is more for fun and to add something extra to watching the events rather than a group to win hundreds of games or AAA titles, so keep that in mind.
How it works:
User entry requirements:
How to apply:
Edit: April 8 2024 - Questions were revised to keep things interesting
A. No. You can make some for the group if you like, but it's not a requirement. If you do make them then no Hentai/Adult Only games, DailyIndieGame(DIG) games, or overpriced russian store games, please.
A. You don't need to know a lot but should have some interest rather than just joining to win games. Users who appear to have an interest are more likely to be chosen.
A. No. They can be expensive, on at inconvenient times, and run for hours, so there's no need to watch them. It will make the events more interesting if you at least follow the build-up before the event or watch the highlights after the event though. It will also mean you can chat with the other members about the event.
A. Not sure. Generally, the quality of fights is better than other organizations, but if it's easier for people to watch other streaming/televised events we can mix them in too.
A. If you are admitted to the group, I'll remove you from the list.
A. It's probably not personal. I'm sure you're great. Maybe you collect games rather than playing them, maybe I think you won too many games, or maybe our star signs don't go well together, there are many possible reasons. Don't fret, I don't make many giveaways anyway so you're not missing much.
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