...when you don't win any giveaway.

How often do we have approximately enter a giveaway before we win something?

My maths tell me:

With an average chance of about 0,15% to win something, we have to enter statistically almost 667 times (666 and two third times exactly) to win ONE giveaway.

Pretty disappointing to me :(.


P.S.: Maybe I should say that I haven't won anything yet, that's why I'm presenting you this "truth".

P.P.S.: Please forgive me, my English is not the best since I am German ;).

P.P.P.S.: Für die Deutschen "Nicht-Englisch-Könner": Statistisch gesehen müssen wir ca. 667 mal an einem Giveaway teilnehmen, um EINMAL was zu gewinnen. Ziemlich niederschmetternd :(.

12 years ago*

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Giveaways entered = 34

Wondering why he didn't win anything

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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^ that.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Are you assuming public giveaways?

12 years ago

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Well, yes.

I had already giveaways with a chance of 0,5% and public giveaways with a chance of about 0,01%. I assumed an appropriate average of my own giveaways (I had no chance yet to enter a private or group giveaway).

12 years ago

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An excellent observation, indeed.

12 years ago

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If it is ironic, then ... -.-.

If you are serious then thank you.

(Although I have the feeling you try kidding me ;))

12 years ago

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Oh no...something thats free wont reward me.

How many impatient, self-entitled people are on here? Powerball(a lottery game in most of the US states has a “One chance in 175,223,510” of winning. 3 people wont a jackpot of almost 3/4 of a billion dollars(was like 667mil or something) and id venture a guess to say they never bought 175,223,509 tickets, with the next one being the winner...

12 years ago

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That's not how luck works.

12 years ago

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My average isn't 0,15 % to win

12 years ago

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Group wiveaway, private giveaway :facepalm:

12 years ago

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You could have done a search. No one wins any games! This is all a lie! Just like the matrix. You are being used to learn how to mindlessly enter every giveaway you can, even though you don't want the game. There are hidden contracts within them and by entering you agree. You probably have given everything you own and will own away! You are now a slave of steamgifts. Enjoy your stay. big hug

12 years ago

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I see you method! Same questions in topic -> same copypasted answers!


EDIT: Forgot about the hug

12 years ago

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does the answer change with the person asking it?

12 years ago

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I've been here only for 2 months and got 2 games, you just don't have any luck or you don't enter too many giveaways.

12 years ago

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looks at your wins
I loled

12 years ago

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Thanks for sharing something that we already know and that has been mentioned countless times before.

12 years ago

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You are welcome :P.

12 years ago

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This cruel, cruel truth. No one ever wins games!

12 years ago

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Stop changing your avatar Watterman :\

12 years ago

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I change it every 1-2 months. Deal wit it.

12 years ago

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Your math is incorrect.

12 years ago

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+1000 hahahaha

12 years ago

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Your comment is incorrect :P.

12 years ago

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So, you've been here for 8 months, entered only 34 giveaways, and expect to win?

The raffle system is random, i won my first giveaway on my 212 entry, some have won at their 100, some at their first, stating some "truth" won't get you to win anything, keep trying and eventually you'll win something.

If you're in a hurry, i suggest you get some money and get the game yourself, people do this out of their good will.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Remember dude, this is FREE.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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By the way, this counter is not right. I'm here for about one week now.

I TRIED it 8 months ago, but I hadn't enough games already on my Steam account. Don't know why this counter is false :P.

12 years ago

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I lol'd too because now it's 16:53 PM :D

12 years ago

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I lol'd too because you have 5 hours more time than me (I live in Germany ;))

12 years ago

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Let's lol all over the world.

12 years ago

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It's a puzzle, I'm telling you it has to be a puzzle.

12 years ago

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So, additionally adding some information.

I did NOT, I'll repeat, I did NOT say that I will leave, neither I hate this site, neither I think, I've deserved hater comments.

I only thought about this part about 10 minutes ago and wanted to share it to you. I don't want to say that I've should already won something since (some people already mentioned) I didn't take part in many entries yet.

@ugblf: My math IS correct. 100% is statistically ONE win. 0,15% per entry is Statistically 0,0015 wins. We divide 100% (one win) through 0,15% (chance to win in one entry) and get the STATISTICALLY (not the real or mathematically Bernoulli result) number of entries we need :P.

To sum up, I only tried to share my opinions to you, I did not want to complain about it ;).

12 years ago

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The point is, you've entered 34 giveaways total and you are complaining about winning none of them. That's why people are flaming you. Once you get to ~300 entered, then you can start complaining. It's a free site too, you aren't losing anything by entering and you haven't' given anything back to the community.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Well then the people didn't understand the meaning of my post. I only wanted to show the maths behind the scenes. If you know, what I mean.

I already managed with the flames, since I am ignoring the flames. They did not understand my post, so they are not worth to be noticed by me when they want to insult me ;).

12 years ago

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The way you worded the post is as a complaint, not a calculation.

This will help you.

12 years ago

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Sorry if you see it like that. It may be hard for a non-native speaker to express himself in an appropriate way ;).

So, thanks for your picture. Now I see, what I did there in native speaker's eyes :D ^^.

I should talk about it:

First complaint: Introduction sentence; Not based on my own position, it's addressed to anybody feeling disappointed from the giveaways; Had nothing to do with me (or would I still enter giveaways if I think so?)

Second: Rhetorical question, no complaint, nothing special to be explained

Third complaint: Yeah, can be senn as a complaint, you are right. Wrong words for the situation. "Could be getting really disappointing to me in the future" would target the meaning better ;).

Semi-complaint: Is in my opinion the hardest complaint I wanted to tell to all of you xD. Well, maybe because I entered some giveaways with very few people and won nothing. Like about half an hour ago. That's why I added this post scriptum.

12 years ago

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C'mon. You may be a non-native speaker (so am I) this totally sound as someone whining.
Rhetorical question ? You gotta be kidding me. I'll not go further with you as you seems to justify what seems to be obviously a whining. I'm sorry. You seems nice, but what you're saying make no-sense to me.
Believe in luck and leave these stupid statistic behind you.

12 years ago

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Thanks for telling me that I seem nice :D. Makes me happy.

Yeah, I try to refute all arguments against me because I didn't want all the flame posts. Of course I were obviously a little bit whining like I already explained (the giveaways with very few people ;)).

And to get happy again, how I am again now, I postes the (stupid) statistic to, hm, let's say, show the others, who didn't need so much giveaway entries, that they were lucky. And to show myself that I have LOTS of work in front of me (which is also a bit of fun).

Well, I didn't want to create such thoughts of the others about me or my opinion :D.

Now I see what I did there ;).


12 years ago

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Random is you know, random :)

12 years ago

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Who cares about calculating the frequency of winning xD Winning is cool we can all agree on this, but the fun about this site is that you RANDOMLY win. Whether it is after one entry or after 10,000 entries.

Plus, like someone said: This is FREE!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The first giveaway I entered, I won. And no, it wasn't a private giveaway, puzzle giveaway, or ridiculously-large-number-of-copies giveaway (e.g. Faerie Solitaire).

12 years ago

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Well, some people win over 10 million euros after playing the first time in the lottery. Others never win although they played two times every week for 50 years.

And of course: Congratulations to you ;).

12 years ago

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The thing is that this exact topic comes up very frequently. Sometimes, people just post it because they think it's interesting. Other times, it's to complain about how unlucky they are and how unfair the system must be if they haven't won yet. And often the people complaining have entered so few giveaways that they really couldn't have a reasonable chance of winning.

You may see the negative response you've gotten as disproportionate, but that's because they're simultaneously replying to those many, many previous posts that are nearly identical to yours.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by michederoide.