Aloha !

One year ago, we made In my group a charity event called "postcard for Marysia", which many people took part in. Thanks to the effort that was put forth, we not only purchased cards but also collected money that was used to buy her a teddy bear.

For more information and pictures check here:

In our group:

Steamgifts community:

This year I'd like to continue this charity event with a new person. These are some of the options that we could use the money for. I would like your opinion what which option would be the Best:

  • Buy some kind of gift (such as a teddy bear) and send it to the chosen person like the last time. Thanks to that we can make sure that Your donations will get to that person, but obviously money would have a bigger value, that’s why….

  • Send collected money to a charity foundation. In my opinion this is the easiest and best option, with payment confirmation coming in the form of an online receipt.
    Please leave a comment with your thoughts.

How this works

If you have any useless items from Tf2, Dota 2, CS; Go or card games (I will not accept items from other games, because till this day I still have few items that I couldn’t sell from BattleBlock Theatre). All you need to do is gift me them through the Steam offer, and I will collect everything and change it using Steam Wallet.Then i will change it to money.

Collecting items will last until December 8-10. When the donation time is finished, I will send the results as soon as possible. From now until November 29th, I will wait for your decision on the gift choice, and then move on once the gift is chosen.

Thank you !


9 years ago*

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Closed 9 years ago by Vic88.