I'm lvl 50 on Steam and I'm not sure about that it is usuable for anything. The Steam gives 1-2 cheap booster packs monthly on this lvl.

I have got about 600 cards and thinking about sell them all on the market. Is anybody in the same situation? If I can sell the cards I can get about 30GBP. (~0.05x600=30) There is summer sale now...you know. ;)

Thank you for the advices...


I'm selling the cards on Steam...OMG...What a headache is!

8 years ago*

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The best way to use your trading cards?

View Results
Steam card crafting forever!
Sell them all for wallet money! $$$
I haven't got Steam account.
The life is too difficult.

I like the I don't have a Steam account answer :D
But seriously I normally use my cards to craft badges during sales.

8 years ago

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Cheers. :)

I see you are on lvl 114. How many times you get booster pack about?

8 years ago

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Not as many as you would expect. I think it's rarely more than the 2 per month you mentioned, 3 at max. But it also depends how many games you have that are eligible for Booster packs. It started out because in € it didn't make sense to sell cards because when I'd sell a very cheap card Valve and the developer would take 66% cut (because the smallest cut they can take is 0,01 €) and somewhere along the way I got caught up in the collecting game :D

8 years ago

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I see! Thank you for the informations. :D

8 years ago

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I think there is a wrong notion that more levels get you more boosters. My experience says More carded games in account will most likely get you more chances at packs due to quantity of choices and not levels. A mix of both can maybe increase more chances. I get a booster every 4-6 days.

8 years ago

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As far as I know you're correct. I think when a certain number of badges of a game have been crafted and Booster packs are handed out to keep the supply of cards stable, with a higher level you might have a slightly better chance to get one but the number of eligible games definitly seems to make more of a difference. Do you mind me asking for how many games you're eligible to get Boosters that you get them so often ?

8 years ago

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ATM 830. One of my friends who has 3000+ games once got 2 drops in a day.

8 years ago

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Nice :D Seems to add up... I have only 440 so double the carded games, roughly double the Booster packs.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It is! :)

8 years ago

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I do a little bit of both. Everything that sells for 0,10 and above is being sold(except of a few select games for which I wanna make the badges like Final Fantasy games, Borderlands, Disgaea, BomberZone, Blazblue etc.) and use the lower cost cards to craft.

8 years ago

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Mostly I've got cheap cards (0.04-0.07) So if I follow the rule like you I can sell about 50-100 cards and use to crafting the rest of them. Difficult mate. :)

8 years ago

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I craft and sell the extras. You can sometimes make a lot more with what you get with the badges (though sometimes not).

8 years ago

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I always sell them except when I can craft a badge without trading/buying the other cards.

8 years ago

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Sell sell sell :p

8 years ago

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yes yes yes :D

8 years ago

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Better gift me xD

8 years ago

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Sure, no cards no headache. I will think about it. It's not gonna happen! :D

8 years ago

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I sold over 2000 cards I had been accumulating before the sale. That fat wallet gives me a cozier feeling than a number next to my profile.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Oh wow, if I only think about getting buried in Steam confirmations..
This leads me to an interesting question. Is there some elegant way to automate this? Or at least make it somewhat more organized?

8 years ago

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Get a younger brother and promise him pancakes if he presses the confirmations you set up previously. Win-win :D

8 years ago

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I like you

8 years ago

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I have a younger brother actually, but only two years difference..
I'm afraid, but he won't fall for such cheap tricks xD

But I'm serious, that is currently bothering me madly right now. Handling every single confirmation manually in the Steam Mobile App? Like, seriously? They expect anyone to do that?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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I stack them up in the authenticator and approve them all at once. It's just faster that way though I agree, this system seems rather over-the-top for transactions that are usually pennies....

8 years ago

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I use one hand to authenticate and the other to sell new cards! Multitasking FTW!

8 years ago

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You can approve them all at once in the Mobile authenticator?

8 years ago

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you still have to press the confirm button on each one but with a group, it goes much quicker - of course I'm not ambidextrous like ^^ Shakeebthe1 is ^^ :-p

8 years ago

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I honestly can't figure out why people keep buying the dumb things, but I guess I'll take their money.

8 years ago

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I sell everything except the event cards - those I craft to help me remember the fun times - though this year's sale has got to be the laziest Steam minions have ever been. Sigh :-(

8 years ago

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Sell them all!
Quick tip: You can use Enhanced Steam to quick sell items and Steam desktop autenticator to auto-confirm market transactions.

8 years ago

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I got it, but I didn't even know that I can use it for fast selling. Thank you!

8 years ago

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Don't you still need to receive SMS messages with that?

8 years ago

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Only once during setup to verify your number. After that you can use authenticator without any need for SMS.
If you already have it setup on an Android phone then you can try to import your files to SDA. If it works then you can use authenticator in both mobile as well as desktop simultaneously.

8 years ago

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Good to know, thanks..
I'm currently using the Steam app for Android, but I think that you need a rooted phone to make the import work. So, not gonna happen.
I think I'll ditch the mobile app, and will just use SDA or WinAuth in the future. Whichever allows me to do confirmations in batch.. ^^

8 years ago

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There is a non root method to import in SDA (using ADB) but it has low chances of working.
You can still give it a shot though.

8 years ago

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I was selling only double cards until 15 days restrictions :|

You already have 731 games. So I would say stop buying new games and start playing this what you have already. That mean craft all cards.

8 years ago

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For now I play the game what I love. There is no time to play with all, but there are the new big tittles what everyone wants to own & play.

8 years ago

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Very true.. :)

8 years ago

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Sell them, Profitz™

8 years ago

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I keep cards to trade them for bundled games I like

8 years ago

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I do all of them, craft, trade and sell so life really is difficult :(

8 years ago

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Sell the expensive ones and craft the cheaper ones.

8 years ago

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Mostly cheaper ones, but I didn't check it well.

8 years ago

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Go check the price of your cards here, sell the ones that you get more than 0.12 usd from and if you're into leveling up your account, craft the rest (you can use steamcardexchange to trade for the ones you need). If you just want the money, either sell them all or craft the ones with expensive emoticons and backgrounds.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the advice! I'm going soon to check the site you are recommended! Cheers!

8 years ago

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You're welcome.
Btw use this one for trading if you wanted to do so.

8 years ago

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There are also people who will bulk-buy them via paypal (risky tho)

8 years ago

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I don't like this way to sell them. Paypal is not safety and it never been.

8 years ago

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tbh I'm only gonna craft them because I just NEED that burnt marshmallow badge.

8 years ago

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What I heck is that badge? I never ever heard about it. o.O

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8 years ago

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Summer Picnic Lvl 6~ Technically it's a burning marshmallow xD There are also two burnt marshies on the Lvl 5 badge

8 years ago

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When I started farming cards I crafted for a few games I like. That was pretty much enough and Im selling the rest. There is really no point In getting a high level on steam from what I know. I only yesterday crafted a summer sale badge. But that was just because I wanted to be as cool as everyone else :) Not going to level it up any more then lvl 1.

8 years ago

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Before I crafted the lvl to only like my age. After that I've changed my mind and reached lvl 50. (I'm not that old of course.) So now I've got more time to sell the all cards what I own.

When I will be 51 maybe I will change my mind and I will go up again. :)

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8 years ago

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Selling for virtual money. I lol'ed hard at life is too difficult (I wanted to vote for that one but I didn't want to look like a misfit).

8 years ago

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My gready side is keep telling me this as well. :)

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8 years ago

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I managed to get Battleblock Theater by selling a billion cards. It was fun. Pretty annoying to have to confirm it on my phone but y'know.

8 years ago

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Pretty? That's very annoying system.

8 years ago

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I used to mostly craft them.

At one point when they were worth more I wanted to buy Dayz and decided I might as well as sell enough cards to do it instead of spending cash. Only took about 250 cards if I remember correctly and would take a lot more now.

Then I got it into my head that I wanted to idle/farm all my cards before assessing what I really want to do with them. That's been happening for months now as I had so many cards to farm, and basically all I've been doing with them is accepting 1:1 trade offers with anyone who wants something. Not been crafting, not been selling, just been been idling and waiting.

Still some way to go on the idling, but I think I'm going to sell them. Using the same 0.05 figure, I'd be looking 0.05x7400= £370. If I can move that off Steam, even at 70% efficiency that's £259. Could get an Intel i5-4690k and a motherboard to put it in for that. Currently running on an AMD FX 8350 and the switch is very tempting.

8 years ago

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Wow, that's serious amount! Good luck to get a safe way to sell your cards for real money.


I've got AMD FX 8320@4500 with GTX 970 OC on 1440p. Every game runs smoothly (max settings) with no antialiasing. (to be honest in this resolution you don't need it)
I've read some article and I'm not sure about that we need to change our system yet. I was planning to get a GTX 1070 OC, but it is overpriced now and there is no good review, tests with games. So nobody knows that this CPU bottleneck for the new cards or not.

Of course I don't know why you wanna change it, this is my reason for keeping it.

8 years ago

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I mostly sell the cards, and wait for sales or heavy discounts.

I've bought +100 games doing this.

8 years ago

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Not that bad!

8 years ago

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Well in the pile are some gems, but lots of garbage too :)

8 years ago

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I used to sell all cards, but since the new system came into play it's been pretty much pointless-- I don't have a smartphone, so the prices keep changing and I just sort of gave up on it, which sucks cause I used to buy all my games with card money. These days I just gift-trade them all to my best friend.

8 years ago

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I cannot to know why don't you have mobile phone, but maybe this is better for you.

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8 years ago

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I never said I don't have a mobile phone, I just don't have a smartphone and I've no interest in getting rid of my old phone cause all I ever do with it is send the occasional text and receive/make calls.

8 years ago

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Ahh I see. Alright mate, just do the best what good is for you.

8 years ago

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I used to craft them but in this sales I have to craft them. F***kin mobile authenticator (WP user).

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by voneout.