I'm not going to buy it, this could be a simple expansion/DLC instead of a standalone game. It will have all the problems of Rome II Total War and I'm not really interested on playing Barbarians tribes... That's my opinion.
Thank you for your giveaways
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I do prefer swords actually. The guns and cannons mechanics in Napoleon and Empire is somewhat clunky. And watching those brutal melee brawls really helped my craving for adrenaline in the often boring battle parts of total war. And I also play on a laptop, so, eye-candy graphics are more of a burden to me too.
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Melee-based fighting is much more sophisticated and tactical than guns. Whenever military technology evolves the use of weapons becomes more and more simple, just compare the learning curve for a longbow to an ak-47 (a 11 year old can wield it sadly). Also modern/semi-modern warfare is more scouting/small team tactics based which would be really hard to adapt in the TW games (two masses of soldiers charging towards each other vs small groups scouting and pursuing objectives)
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I like when a game is created focusing on a historical subject that hasn't been covered in gaming. As far as I know, there aren't many games about the Huns out there. It's definitely something I'll pick up, but not on release. I'd love to see them focus on more historical subjects like this. Visigoths, Celts, Mongols, Huns, do them all! I'm bored of Rome and Greece.
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You obviously haven't played the amazing Barbarian Invasion expansion for Rome I, same thing basically. (it had huns)
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Wait until the full game comes out.... with all the DLC :P
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Currently rome II is playable and enjoyable. In my experience Rome II is different to previous total wars.
The good:
-> bigger campaign map
-> more agressive AI
-> units talk about their situation
-> some really usefull automatic animations ( units raise their shields when under fire, making them almost "immortal" from the front)
-> very good artelery animation and "feeling"- you can almost feel the impact of those rocks!
the bad:
-> lack of family tree
-> lack of a good morale system (some units route in seconds with a cavakry charged even when supported by friendly units)
-> troops are very fragile ( even with 2k trops for each side battles can end in less then 10 mins)
I think those are what i liked the most and what i hated the most. Personally i think rome II is totally worth a buy when it's on sale if you want a new total war experience.
Atilla seems to be what rome II should have been however i think the best course of action for atilla is wait for reviews and wait for the DLC. From what i understood the Huns aren't playable in Atilla, so they will probably be a DLC.
I can talk more about rome II if you which but there's probably people that know that game better then me
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My thoughts on TW: Atilla ?
DONT watch the youtube-stuff. WAIT for the release. Wait until there are reviews out from your fav. reviewers. Remember how RomeII looked at E3, long before release? much better than the actual release.
On Rome II i dont have an opinion yet, since i just bought the emporer edition a few days ago and didnt have time to play. ( i got it for about 6€ - and the reviews got quit good with emporer edition - check your russian friends at steamsale and save like 50% from the "75% off"-offer)
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This. Wait for reviews. I cannot stress this enough. After Rome II almost everyone should have learned their lesson by now. Besides Attila looks like an expansion of R2 more than anything. I really don't think it will bring anything new to the table. Medieval III would be a much better option.
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after the burn that call ... Rome 2 , i say 50% or above
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If it's priced at 10% from the current price (90% discount) I would purchase it.
The highest barrier is the price.
Probably there are some small mechanic change, a lot of cosmetic change, but the game is still the same with Rome II.
Probably will purchase once I completed/purchased other, better games
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Bought TW Atilla because I could get it at a low price.
Currently it's a large improvement overall in comparison to Rome II. But ultimately it's just them rereleasing Rome II with what should have been in the game. The old system of 4 turns per year with seasons is back. The family tree has returned. The good AI for units has returned, battles aren't just a mess between blobs now.
This is all I can pretty much say for now, haven't put enough time into it. However it's not worth the current store price, and I can't see myself enjoying the game as much as Shogun 2. That's not to mean I won't like it though.
In short, it's basically what Napoleon was to Empire.
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A bit premature to ask this at this stage of development, I know. But the videos I find on YouTube really don't impress me. I thoroughly enjoy Medieval II, and managed to play only a bit of Shogun 2. Hated Empire and Napoleon.
With Rome II got so much negative reaction, should I just skip it and go straight to Atilla? Or try to snatch it on the next winter sale?
Small gift.
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