"Behold: booze (besides black beer belated brandy, but behave, beggers!), balloons (blown by beheaded bomb bearing bastards), birthday bakings (burned by bicurious banketeer "Benjamin")". That was originally what the title was going to be, until I got the thwarting message "Title must be less than 100 characters."

This thread is of course not without special occasion. Today is my birthday, but before we get to the presents, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Inferno, also known as Just Inferno or Inferno955 (because "Inferno" is usually taken, damn you unoriginal people! (and no, this is obviously not hypocritical)). Things you have to know about me: I'm currently 23 years old, grew up with games like Commander Keen, Duke Nukem and Prince of Persia (yes, this makes me old). Currently, I play pretty much everything that looks remotely interesting. I'm studying Commercial Economics, where I'm currently graduating/writing my thesis and shit. I often refer to myself as a lazy perfectionist (still can't understand why I put so much effort into an OP). Also, Fluttershy is obviously the superior pony. Either way, today is my birthday, which is why I decided to create a puzzle giveaway. Four hidden giveaways are to be found. Are you up to the challenge?

You have 48 hours. Good luck!


Hint: This goes for both people who just started and those who are at the "second stage": Things are not what they seem.

Giveaways (everything has been sent):

  • Giveaway 1 (78 entries): Found when clicking on the I.
  • Giveaway 2 (26 entries): Found when viewing the TF2 screenshot on my Steam profile.
  • Giveaway 3 (22 entries): First letter was on the first picture (q). The second picture was found by "fixing" the link, where you found a hidden second letter (q) and a code. If you entered the code in bit.ly, you would receive a third picture (a barcode). Decode the barcode and you receive the last 3 characters: jZd.
  • Giveaway 4 (27 entries): Found by clicking on the exclamation mark on Giveaway 3.
12 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 weeks ago.

12 years ago

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It was the only one I didn't give any clue towards.

12 years ago

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I still don't get number 1

12 years ago

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I found out by realising you spelt Birthday wrong instead

12 years ago

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Btw, I used another way to the Hydrophobia giveaway. Although I looked at your screenshots, I didnt see it.
But I was messing with the bit.ly link and found http://bit.ly/InfernoBirthday that leads to it :)

12 years ago

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Ah, yes, I was originally planning to just post it on my main page as a bit.ly link. Nice find :)

12 years ago

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Same way by me.

12 years ago

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I actually like this giveaway now.

12 years ago

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very well constructed puzzle, only managed to enter Hydrophobia, but thank you a lot!
hope you had/are_having a nice day!

12 years ago

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i still cant solve the third puzzle :<

12 years ago

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Gah, got the barcode but didn't think of concatenating it with qq :/

12 years ago

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Thanks for the answers, well played! Too bad, I didn't have a lot of time to try on this one...

12 years ago

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I love alliterations

12 years ago

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Thank thee.

12 years ago

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Gosh darn it, I could've sworn I did try bit.ly on that code and didn't get a barcode. Well at least I got the other two :)

12 years ago

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How exactly do you "fix" the link? This step confused me. And damn, I actually looked at that TF2 screenshot, but didn't look closely enough, how silly of me. :D Well played, sir. Well played.

12 years ago

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You fix the link by either correcting the mistake in the URL (burthday -> birthday), or simply copying the text into your browser (http://bit.ly/InfernoBirthdayGiveaway).

12 years ago

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Ohhhh! I thought that the giveaway 1 was the fixed link already, totally didn't notice that big I it contained. Nice one! :)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Inferno955.