Craziest thing that has happened to me, I was driving down the highway, in the right lane, with a trailer on my left, on my right side there was a wall (the ones used to protect area's around from the noise from the highway).
Suddenly the trailer starts shifting lanes into my lane, not even noticing that I am right there , I try braking but before I manage to get behind the trailer, one of its rear tire's picks up my car and starts grinding it against the wall on my right.
My car quickly gets slammed back onto the tarmac, and his rear weels crush the driver side door, and then continues over my windshield and over the hood of my car.
He then continued on foreward like nothing happened, other drivers were able to catch up with him and stop him , he had not even noticed what had happened.
I don't remember much from the incident, but i got away from it without any serious injury, I do not remember the actual incident, but I remember from when I tried to get out of the car, the driver side door was totally wrecked, and impossible to open, the passanger side door was stuck against the wall, so I had to crawl out the back door.
3 weeks later, I was on my way to work again, middle lane this time, in front of me was a bus, and infront of the bus was a car with several bicycles on the roof.
Suddenly the bus starts breaking, and I start breaking aswell, barely stopping the car before I hit the bus, but a small truck behind me did not see what had happened, and crashes straight into the back of my car, cruching it almost all the way up to the driver seat, my car was smashed into the bus ahead, and my car got sandwiched between the two of them, again no serious injury, and I could walk out of the car.
Turns out one of the bicycles on the car infront of the bus had fallen off causing the bus to come to a stop.
Having theese two events happen in this short period of time was pretty intense, but it hasn't stopped me from continuing to drive to work every day. :)
Also, thank you for such an awesome giveaway.
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Thank you for the great opportunity.
In order of most to least wanted.
Tomb Raider: Underworld > Bioshock > Bioshock 2
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First of all, I'd like to thank you for your enormous generosity, that is very very kind of you.
I don't know what's the craziest thing that happened to me. Can't think of anything really, sorry. It's because only boring stuff happens to me mostly, nothing really crazy.
Anyways, I'd like to have Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC. That's all. Thanks again!
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Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Burnout Paradise
Assassin's Creed 2
The Binding of Isaac
Bioshock 2
thx so much for the oppurtonity
Ok craziest shit here hit comes (btw i just pooped.. 2 am here holidayy yes yess):
Back in the days where I was in the Elementery School in grade 6, it was break time and we played dodgeball with a ball.. then there was a play and the ball just flew over the fence (rly high and shabby one).
It was my crush's ball and I had it in me, -I- wanted to save the day and get the ball safely back :D so as stupid as yound as I have been.. I climbed that son-of-a-gun fence to get the ball back.
As I was climbing datass fence I rly didnt know how sharp he was.. so my pants got stuck in the edge of the fence (it was like hornes and shit) so there was a beginning of a huge hole in the side of my pants, me, worrying what will happend and dont knowing what to do, I continued the mission and the hole got bigger, starting a little to show my butt.. there was, me the fence, crush, friends.. laughing.
I was rly desperate and didnt know what to do, plus for that, my back was getting more showed.. like it gets more and more skin for everyone..
Just when i thought my final day has come, the school's keeper came to the rescue after noticing me.. throwing around "What are you doing".. and stuff..
He dragged me back to safety.. winking and saying "Dont tell yo mama" :D
Thats all I remember.. sorry if theres a bad grammer.. hoped that you enjoyed.. though bringing back that memory was also nice.
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PAYDAY™ The Heist, Burnout Paradise,Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition, AC2, or The Binding of Isaac those are all cool games, thanks for the giveaway
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Wow, that is an amazing giveaway! Commented on reddit aswell, would like Shadowgrounds (: Thanks!
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Interested in:
1 Assassin's Creed 2
2 Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition
3 Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (already have it, but would like to gift one to my girlfriend so we can play together)
4 BioShock® 2
Thanks for the amazing opportunity man.
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Burnout Paradise #1, and Bioshock 1 #2, and Mercenaries 2 #3. And thank you for your consideration!
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My post on reddit
Here's the text in case you are too lazy to click.
Please comment on here or reddit to enter.
This giveaway will end on July 22nd 2012 at 3pm (EST).
Either pick something from my inventory or the list below.
You can list off as many games as you want in order of most-least wanted.
You may enter for games that you already have if you want, either way I'm giving them away to someone.
What you do with the games is up to you, I would like to see the games go to someone who actually would like to play them but hey if you're that kinda guy/girl who need to make a profit go ahead.
There will be 5 winners total, if you only choose one game that you would like to win and another person does the same the first person who was chosen will receive that game, and then I will contact the other winner to ask them what they would like to receive as their prize.
I will list everything in my inventory the games/DLC with the strikeouts are not up for grabs.
If you want a chance to win, please leave a comment. If you want to make this interesting tell me the craziest thing that happened to you.
You can only enter once, multiple entries will result in disqualification.
I will be away for orientation until July 25th, but I'm gonna give a shot and use the reddit app to pick some winners.
My Inventory
Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition
Assassin's Creed 2
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising
BioShock® 2 (x2)
Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC
PAYDAY™ The Heist (x3) This gift will become tradable on Jul 21, 2012.
The Binding of Isaac
Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
The Graveyard
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Sniper Elite
Super MNC x4 (Figured I would just throw it in the list)
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4
Defense Grid: The Awakening - You Monster DLC
Shoot Many Robots
Cricket Revolution
Gumboy Tournament
Secret of the Magic Crystals x4
Keys/Giftable through email
Indie Gala VI (BTA ~$6) x2
Shadowgrounds Survivor
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Burnout Paradise
Mirrors Edge
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Tomb Raider Underworld x2
Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
Bioshock 2
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
The Saboteur x2
Supreme Commander 2
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
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