Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance > Fear 3 > Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight > Mirrors Edge > Sniper Elite
Thank you for opportunity.
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Warhamme 2 Chaos Rising
Command and Conquer 4
command and conquer 3
Kane and kynch.
Defense Grid and dlc
Mirrors edge
Burnout Paradise
Battlefield 2
(you can ignore the list after kane and lynch if you want to)
The most bizzare thing is that one day when i woke up, i heard the voice of a chicken. It may sound ok for you but i am living in a city, in an apartment, and actually on the 6th floor. The sound was coming from the balcony. When i went to check it, there was an actual, living chicken (actually it was something between a chick and a chicken, it was a young chicken) the closest window is about 15-20 meters away, i have only 1 more floor above me, and when i questioned the people who lives upstairs said they have no idea about a living chicken. This happened on april-may 2011, and it was one of the mysteries i couldnt solve. (and this is %100 truth)
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command and Conquer 4 plz, THIS IS AWESSOME! thanks! :)
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WOW! … Just WOW! … Your generosity blows my mind!!! … AWESOME giveaway!
(Reading this thread is the most interesting thing I've come across, today)
Ahem … My game selections in descending order of longing are:
♥♥♥ Thank-you ♥♥♥
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Bioshock 2 Nexuiz Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Sniper Elite FlatOut The Binding of Isaac PAYDAY™ The Heist Assassin's Creed 2.....Thank you SO MUCH You are the BEST
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Wow, this is crazy and amazing at the same time, thank you!
My main choice would be:
the craziest thing that has happened to me? one thing comes to my mind real quick.
I was 15 years old when my dad decided to take me to the city and the hospital I was born in. While driving through the city and searching for the hospital, it was the days before there were gps-systems, we got lost pretty quick. My dad was distracted looking at a map when we almost hit an car that was standing in the middle of the road with no brake lights or a turn signal on. He hit the brakes and came to an stop maybe 1-2 feet away from the car. My thought was "damn, that was close.." when I heard the screeching of a other car hitting the brakes behind us.
He slammed in our rear full frontal.
Fortunately nobody out of the three cars was really hurt, police and a ambulance arrived pretty quick and took protocol of what had happened and had a look at us and our health. Nobody had to get any first aid at the crash scene but we were advised to go to the nearest hospital just to go sure that we were fine.
Now guess what hospital we ended up at? Jup, my birth hospital. So after all those years I ended up as a patient there again. We had a good laugh, just as the hospital employees. I still have to laugh when I think about that day.
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Thank you so much for this impressive act of generosity :D
My choice would be:
Craziest thing that happened to me? Well, there were a few, but the first one that comes to mind is this one:
I was driving back home from my University and it was a nice warm perfect summer afternoon. My windows were open and I was enjoying the breeze and listening to some music on the radio until I got caught in a traffic jam. While moving at a snail's pace I would frequently pass by a black Volksagen Golf with a guy on the driver's seat and three other girls; windows open and music bursting.
They seemed to be having a blast; the guy was trying to act all cool, the girl on the front seat had half her body out the window and the other two were laughing and talking to the guy driving. They were probably going to the beach and party in some pub, since the road led straight towards it after 5 or 6 kilometers, and it was pretty clear that the guy was eager to get there since he was pushing on the accelerator and getting too close to the car in front of him.
After what seemed like ages, I finally got a green light and got out of traffic and started accelerating. The road up ahead was all downhill and you could see the sea from there; few cars up ahead and a green stop light in the distance. I started accelerating, thinking that I could get to the green light in time but, unfortunately, it turned yellow and I was forced to slow down...
...all of a sudden, while slowing down near the stop light, the same car I saw before zoomed passed me. I had just the time to think "he's crazy, the stop light is about to turn red" that the car zoomed passed the red stop light and
A car from the crossroad to the left, that had the green light, hit the young guy's Golf on rear left side and it began to tail-spin! The girl on the front seat literally flew out the window and rolled on the side of the rode while the car tail-spineed twice before crashing on the guard-rail and the other car involved in the accident (a white Fiat Punto, I believe) slowed down, with the front passenger unconscious and bleeding a lot. The girl who flew out the window was dizzy, but she miraculously managed to stand up, confused, and the guy driving the car from before and the two girls seemed shook but all right. All I could hear however was the other driver screaming "DAAAAAD!"
For something like 5 seconds (which seemed like 5 minutes) I stood there not believing what I just saw and, as soon as I could, I beaconed an ambulance to get there immediately (fortunately it was stuck in traffic just like us). I had to leave with my car in order to free up the road, otherwise it would've been even more of a problem getting more ambulances there.
I don't know what happened to the other driver's father and I probably never will, but that scene is still stuck in my head. More than 5 years have passed and I still remember accident as if it happened yesterday...
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command and Conquer 4 plz, THIS IS AWESSOME! thanks! :)
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My post on reddit
Here's the text in case you are too lazy to click.
Please comment on here or reddit to enter.
This giveaway will end on July 22nd 2012 at 3pm (EST).
Either pick something from my inventory or the list below.
You can list off as many games as you want in order of most-least wanted.
You may enter for games that you already have if you want, either way I'm giving them away to someone.
What you do with the games is up to you, I would like to see the games go to someone who actually would like to play them but hey if you're that kinda guy/girl who need to make a profit go ahead.
There will be 5 winners total, if you only choose one game that you would like to win and another person does the same the first person who was chosen will receive that game, and then I will contact the other winner to ask them what they would like to receive as their prize.
I will list everything in my inventory the games/DLC with the strikeouts are not up for grabs.
If you want a chance to win, please leave a comment. If you want to make this interesting tell me the craziest thing that happened to you.
You can only enter once, multiple entries will result in disqualification.
I will be away for orientation until July 25th, but I'm gonna give a shot and use the reddit app to pick some winners.
My Inventory
Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition
Assassin's Creed 2
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising
BioShock® 2 (x2)
Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC
PAYDAY™ The Heist (x3) This gift will become tradable on Jul 21, 2012.
The Binding of Isaac
Defense Grid: The Awakening and DLC
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
The Graveyard
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Sniper Elite
Super MNC x4 (Figured I would just throw it in the list)
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4
Defense Grid: The Awakening - You Monster DLC
Shoot Many Robots
Cricket Revolution
Gumboy Tournament
Secret of the Magic Crystals x4
Keys/Giftable through email
Indie Gala VI (BTA ~$6) x2
Shadowgrounds Survivor
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Burnout Paradise
Mirrors Edge
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Tomb Raider Underworld x2
Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
Bioshock 2
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
The Saboteur x2
Supreme Commander 2
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days
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