Sorry for my Bad English, but I'll try my best.

After my last giveaway(of a really cheap game 0,1 usd I think), one of the winners thanked me and gave me a random key ("urban Pirate"). Later he said he didn't know he as the winner of a GA (because my "Congrats and happy holidays message wasn't clear enough") and asked for +rep on ST, I refused because we didn't trade and I don't think this is fair for other traders the sytstem. From this point forward things went downhill and we're pretty harsh to each other, but I received some racism and xenophobia.

I offered to buy the game back, but he already had, I asked for his e-mail or he could choose other game(He choose GTA V -.-', my fault, I know), so thinks stopped there.

I was playing PoE with a friend, so I wasn't really calm and maybe I should have ignored everything, and I'll try to be more specific with my messages from now on, but my question still remains:

Do you think we should trade "+rep" after giveaways?

P.S: I'l provide the pics if someone wants to, I just have to hide his name first.

Grim Fandango Remastered - Level 1+

EDIT: I won't reply to everyone, but ofc I'm reading everything. Thanks for the feedback and I wish everyone happy holydays :).

8 years ago*

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Do you think we should trade "+rep" after giveaways?

View Results
No, but you're wrong
Your English is horrible, I didn't understand anything

Its a giveaway, not a trade

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Feedback in ST is only for trading.

8 years ago

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its not a trade, beasides there's a +rep system already on GA called points,

8 years ago

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there's a +rep system already on GA called points,

Received/Not Received is the feedback/rep system for giveaways (and is even called 'Giveaway Feedback' in support tickets, suspension listings, and site FAQ). Points have nothing to do with feedback/rep.

8 years ago

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As much as I'd love the trade rep, my answer is no.

8 years ago

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+rep is worthless. There was a steam group where participants gived a +rep between one another. So they can cheat this system without any problem.

8 years ago

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I agree.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Trade rep has nothing to do with Giveaways ....

8 years ago

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Do you like trade rep for free things too. I've seen one guy pull that shit.

8 years ago

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I don't, my refuse created the situation =/

8 years ago

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Well, this is steamgifts, not steamtrades as many people said... But also, the +rep in steam profiles (in case this was the +rep he wanted) is totally useless ._.

8 years ago

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He wanted the ST rep.

8 years ago

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Then i'll do what Sooth says, report. That is not "legal" it's fake rep and all that :/ Not bad, that guy seems really fishy

8 years ago

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Screenshot everything, report him to SG staff, and don't pay any more mind to something that's rather obviously wrong.
What you're describing is very typical site exploitation and scamming techniques. Don't in any way engage or encourage them, it's all manipulation to get what they want. You have no obligation to them. On the other hand, you do have an obligation to report them to SteamGifts, SteamRep, and Steam.

8 years ago

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I sent the ticket now, thanks for the answer.

8 years ago

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Just potato :3

8 years ago

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Did you really get him GTA V or did i read it wrong?

8 years ago

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I didn't, don't have the money atm and the game he gave me was ~2 usd. I said "any game" and not "any game of the same cost", so I'm wrong on this part :D. But was such a low move and my friend asked me to "stop "wasting my time" with this. So the conversation stopped there.

8 years ago

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Yeah, you don't need to give him nothing. Ofc he would ask for an expensive game.

8 years ago

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If there is no trade, then we shouldn't be obliged to write +reps.
You are doing it right, though you don't have to "compensate" them back. If you received offensive comments from them, you may choose to get support involved in the matter.

8 years ago

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I'm lost in the part that he didn't know why he was the winner of your GA. But no, +rep is strictly only for trading, not for giveaways. If the guy still harasses you to no end, screenshot your entire conversation and then create a support ticket like what Sooth said.

8 years ago

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He said my "Congrats and happy holidays" message wasn't clear and I should put "YOU WON A GIVEAWAY" instead

8 years ago

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I don't know how drunk you have to be to not know you've won a giveaway, what a guy... Not to mention his reasoning that your message wasn't clear enough :'D

8 years ago

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The space cat gif is already an obvious enough indicator that you've won a giveaway from someone. So I'm not exactly sure that I comprehend his excuse. :S

8 years ago

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and when someone send him a game directly he think this is a trade and should offer a random game ?...

8 years ago

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This one got me too. I added him to my whitelist, told about this to my friend and after the REP thing everything went south.

8 years ago

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we need giveaway rep!

8 years ago

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+Rep is for 12 years old kids - the only people who think rep stuff means anything.

8 years ago

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+rep 4 +rep???? Hurr durr +REP AWP GOD +REP KENNYS DAD

8 years ago

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Agreed. I delete that crap off my profile. It's spam.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Later he said he didn't know he as the winner of a GA

Where were you hosting the giveaway, again? Here on SG, it's pretty difficult not to notice you've won something O.o
Either way, he has no right whatsoever to demand "+ rep" from you in this case, blacklist that sucker when this whole thing is over haha :D

8 years ago

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It was here on SG. I blacklisted and reported the bad behaviour, thanks for the response ^^.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Bump for not-a-trade

8 years ago

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No, afaik it is a violation of site rules. The other guy sounds like he could use a temp ban. /grin

8 years ago

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If anyone asks +rep for giveaways you should report them for abuse of the reputation system.

8 years ago

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Totally agree with first post. Thanks for GA!

8 years ago

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