Would you start on a new steam account due to VAC?
Cheat engine has to be lamest excuse of getting banned for from a game. Worse than any other trainer. Bruh, go to elitepvpers' forums and find a proper hacking script that is undetectable and if you use any bot/trainer/script on VAC-games be ready to get banned. I only use cheat engine on games that are for single-players only and don't have VAC. Multiplayer games should be and are all about your own skills.
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Why would you buy again all of your games ? If you don't want to use this account, make an other account and use the family sharing so you can acces your games when you want. Maybe you would have access to the game where your are vac banned, idk ^^. If you don't it's better to only buy these games again than all games ^^.. And you'll have no vac ban mentionned nowhere ^^
Hope you find a soluce.
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I'm strongly against VAC in its current form and so - while it sucks that we've got a gaming environment where this happens in the first place - I like it when I see VAC-banned users who are living with it and even proud of it, and hope it doesn't bring you too much hassle. If it happened to me, I'd probably use a new account and identity for situations where it'd matter, but I certainly wouldn't be giving up my main one for everyday gaming.
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how did you relock your achievements ? i had unlocked many achievements for skyrim once (almost all of them) by entering the wrong command and even though i don't like this game it bothers me sometimes that i have those unlocked lol (and even though i don't care much for achievements overall)
whether you make a new steam account is up to you and maybe also your wallet. but the vac ban thing, who cares. people bashed me countless times for my profile picture, and my profile being set on private and for the level 0 (looks like many don't know that the level isn't being displayed on private lol). the annoying thing is that you can't play the multiplayer of that game anymore on the vac-secured servers. so yeah i don't care about all the fame bs and what stupid 15 years old kids think of it. i'm a customer, i buy and play games on steam, i'm not there to please other spoiled and shitty people. it's not facebook or whatever else bs social media and my profile is nothing of their concern. maybe you're into that and want to display something fancy. then you should think about how much it'll cost you. you could also make use of the family sharing feature and start buying games on that new account from there on ? i'm not sure how that'd work out and if there are special rules for accounts with vac bans on record but that could be a thing
i'm not quite sure that publicy displaying vac ban records, which are often related to shame or considered a symbol of such, on the profile of a customer is something right, even moreso with all the false positive incidents that could happen, but maybe it's not that dramatic. my experience with this is checking people profiles to confirm that they cheat with vac bans on record often showing that they are throwaway troll accounts or they just don't care, then i move on and don't make a big deal just because someone has a vac ban, yet indeed like you say it gives a bad impression of the person even without knowing them. and i think i already happened to see profiles with people having vac bans on record and explaining it, like some guys who tried to cheat on counter-strike 10 years ago lol. so tl:dr it's up to you
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Cheating achievements is also against rules using 3rd party stuff. In DOTA2 getting all achievements results in some gifts I believe and so is not allowed to get without playing.Also if you use same phone number now on a new account it will be flagged as your account and will get all the disadvantages of the main account now on seems. I think Valve has made change in ToU to that effect I am not sure need find this out. So yes itw as stupid. You can use bugs if its part of natural game [though it is same as cheating but here the game allows it without being externally altered] but doesn't violate rules using 3rd party stuff. Any 3rd party stuff used to alter anything including achievements is a hack. Thats going to get flagged.
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Hell no, why would you even care what people think of you in the first place?
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My question to you is, would you start over with a new account if you got a VAC ban but you had 1000+ games on your account?
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