Would you start on a new steam account due to VAC?
Well, obviously my answer is NO - I never use cheats, so I won't get a VAC, and so - I will never start a new steam account due to VAC.
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Hmmm... If I got VACed I'll probably get a new account but only for CSGO as for other games I'll keep it in my main account. There is no point spending too much money on the same game on another account.
Also I'm really curious.... VACed while playing with BOTs on an Offline server?! That's not right. Did you at least make a complain? I feel like it's not right for Valve to VAC ban you just because you play Offline with Cheat Engine running (If it's online I'll understand lol)
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Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, but I was wondering if somebody could be banned for using a trainer (godmode, infinnite ammo/money, etc) in a single player game (playing the campaign of a FPS game or a tower defence for example when there is no other chance to progress).
Some of us are the same thing playing videogames as in real life: a complete disappointment
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As far as I can tell? Nope. I've used Cheat Engine multiple times for different J/RPG games with no online/multiplayer component and nothing happened.
From what I understand, VAC bans are for Valve-made multiplayer games (so, TF2, Counterstrike, DOTA). Other game bans are from individual multiplayer games a person might be acting a jerk for and making the experience worse for other players.
Since it's you playing by yourself, not hurting anybody else... why would you be banned? There's nothing to check.
EDIT LOL: Nope, I was wrong, there is a LOT of games you can get VAC banned in. Here is the list
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Ohh I see, thanks for the clarification. Yeah things like cheat engine for example. Since I have seen so many people with VAC bans I was affraid they were including single player too. I wasn't even aware VAC only works for Valve games, so thanks for the information ^^
EDIT: xD thanks of the list, I will keep it in mind
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Yeah I see. Well I think I will try to not take any risk then, even if I am only speaking of single player cheats.
Better safe than sorry >.<
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I'd basically just keep both, but it would be nice to have a clean account for any new or VAC-required games from that point on.
It'd be like having two bank accounts, or two credit cards. Not typically necessary, but not so wrong or unusual that anyone should think you're an idiot.
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Here's the thing about VAC bans. Everyone always says that they got them offline, or while doing something completely harmless, or while they weren't even running cheats, or some similar story. VAC bans in waves. So no, people didn't get banned for the completely harmless things they were doing when the ban was issued. They got banned for something they did a week or two before it and assumed they got away with.
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I got banned twice from VAC as of now. I know why, everybody else does know why. Some try to find to cheat the system other just looking for help due to a shitty anti-cheat software. Whether is the case, don't assume that every vac banned person is a liar.
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I never said every VAC banned person is a liar. I explained how the VAC system issues bans in waves and pointed out that the things people were doing when they got banned are not the real reasons why they got banned. If you read the first post again, it should be pretty clear why I put that explanation forward.
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I wouldn't, because to my understanding the only games that get checked for VAC bans are multiplayer games - or, even more specifcally, mostly Valve-based multiplayer games. I don't play those, and I certainly wouldn't cheat on them, offline or with bots or otherwise. It's just not my jam.
Using cheat engine to, for example, beat really dumb minigames in FF9 is a whole different ballgame, though that can start it's own boring discussion.
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I'd say no. As long as your story is true - you tried to think outside the box. Don't see it as a badge of shame, wear it with proud. You just tried more than the casual gamer and didn't get away with it, even tho you hurt nobody in the process. It's not that bad. Keep on it, There is no reason to hide.
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honestly can't imagine having this problem
I don't play any vac games/fps/multiplayer games in general
but I guess I suggest you start a new account-NOT TO BUY ALL YOUR OLD GAMES BACK
keep the old one/family share as someone said and just put any new games you get on the new one.
400$ is still way too much just to rebuy games you've already bought
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I think the best solution is to keep your account with the VAC-ban and use that as your primary account, but then have a secondary account for your online games. If you really did get the VAC-ban for cheating singleplayer for achievements, that's rough. It's a black mark with a stigma that will follow you otherwise. It's a hard lesson learned but it's not worth abandoning all the games you own.
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When I got VAC banned, I created a second account. My situation was far different than yours, however. My VAC ban was in 2003, and it was because I was dumb enough to click on a link in chat, thereby enabling someone (don't know who) to hack me and install a wall-hack. I thought my game was somehow malfunctioning when I started seeing through walls, and was still trying to figure out what happened when VAC banned me. As the only thing on my account was the CS 1.6 beta, I didn't really lose anything, but I learned not to click on strange links.
While it's easy for me to say I wouldn't be in your position because I don't use cheats or hacks, let us accept the hypothetical. I would probably keep my old account soley for playing the games it owns offline, and I would make a new account for being online and doing "official" stuff like SG.
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It's normal for people to make judgements about things. That's how we try to get through life. I think your point, however, is that people should not be so hasty to condemn others, especially when they do not have all the facts. Unfortunately, not having all the relevant information doesn't seem to deter most people from condemning others. Many seem quick to speak or act despite their ignorance. P
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yes, that's what i meant. vac bans aren't 100% proof someone cheated, so it's a flawed system and thus shouldn't be used by people to judge others.
i disapprove how valve manages it by publicly shaming users with a tag on their profiles. that person is already banned from X game/s, there's absolutely no need to let others know what he did.
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VAC is unreliable sometimes. Remember I played CS-GO with a bad ping and then I got kicked from the server and VAC warning appeared. It said something like "Clear your cookies, unistall recent software". So at that point I was like "Ok must be an error" and I entered again, same thing so I stopped after the second try LOL!
Was kinda scary not to know what was activating It.
Not worth It to start from Zero imo.
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A friend and I were discussing this and it is very possible if you take this up with Gaben explaining in full detail what you did and why you did it and that you won't do it again and making it clear that you used no cheats in any type of Co Op that just maybe you can get your VAC ban lifted. We have seen it done before and sometimes it actually works so good luck to you if you go for it :)
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Well for a start I wouldn't get a VAC ban.
I'm past caring what people think. I would rather have all my games and play them than start again because of my stupidity. Worst comes to worse... make a new account for multiplayer. I dunno how VAC bans hinder online play. But I'd rather enjoy the games I own than worry about a ban...
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I never play VAC games, so I think not I will ever get a VAC ban. Even so I wouldnt start a new account. Buying 6k games again? Not really ^^
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I said that to myself too, until I played some indie game that appeared to have VAC and BAM! VAC coming from nowhere.
Admittedly, I tried to unlock some item ingame illegitimately, I had no idea this game was VAC protected.
I only find this VAC unfair, since I did not harm anyone or ruin anyone's gaming experience.
Those that do that stuff, usually get away with it and I would never do that toxic stuff, but I get labelled as one for life...
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These games claim to have VAC.
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to make a long story short
i didn't cheat, downloaded some maps that fucked up tf2 before i knew what i was doing
nobody would help
said i used things like cheat engine or sam
googled them
totally deserve that ban now
i like to finish games once and thn go back to them and see what insanity i can bring about by changing numbers in the game
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Yes. Putting it off just snowballs the amount of ground you have to make up.
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I would stop using Steam. I'm particular and a glaring red mark on my profile would drive me insane. Wouldn't bother restarting from scratch and I would just take this as a sign that I should go back to consoles (or worse, WoW).
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I would do all the above. Play less Steam games, never buy another game on the Steam store, buy more for consoles, GOG, and ehem torrents. I could not bring myself to ever give Valve another penny. If Half-Life 3 came out, even though I attended midnight launches for Half-Life 2, Episode 1, and the Orange Box, I'd find another to play it that doesn't result in Valve profiting.
PCs are multi-use tools. I use mine for more than just gaming. I'm also a developer, and I use some strange tools that I could see being hit as false positives by anti-cheat software. Discord, Overwolf, PlayClaw, FRAPS, DXtory, SweetFX, etc. I could see one being falsely detected as cheating software, and I doubt Valve would give me the time of day for appeal.
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my daughter isn't old enough for me to gift it to her
It is against the Steam ToS to give your account to anyone else. You can't let her know the password, and you technically can't even let her use it (though I assume if you launched the game and then let her take the controller that would be allowed).
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Aside from the internet "pure as the driven snow" brigade who somehow manage to avoid doing anything wrong or questionable ever in the lives they want you to believe they live, I'm sure most everybody here has done something they've regretted before and won't ever repeat that transgression
I reserve Mr Miyagi for special occasions. This is one of those.
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Well, some of us have alts for when we want to try dumb stuff. You can make as many accounts as you need/want after all, and I rather "taint" one of my two 250+ games (99% freebies) accounts instead of my 3k+ main one in which I poured a lot of money.
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My question to you is, would you start over with a new account if you got a VAC ban but you had 1000+ games on your account?
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