
My question to you is, would you start over with a new account if you got a VAC ban but you had 1000+ games on your account?

7 years ago*

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Would you start on a new steam account due to VAC?

View Results
Not sure/other

tl;dr: lol

7 years ago

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CE.... Offline.... CS:GO

This only creates more questions!!!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I could not justify spending $400 for that, so that's a no from me

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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This is too much stupidity at once .-.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago*

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You CAN be banned for achievement hacking.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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So? Some people murdered others and they are still not in jail - so that's okay aswell, I guess?
Just because those didn't get caught, doesn't mean it's okay to do so..

B2T: I am unsure. I probably wouldn't start a new account just for that, especially since I don't have the spare money xD
I mean - you already have those games - why buy them a second time and leave all the effort behind? You COULD start a new account to run besides your current one -> get new games on the new account and keep the old account to play the games you already own. If you want to play a game where you don't like others checking out your steam acc and seeing that VAC ban -> get only this/those games again.

That's probably what I'd do..

7 years ago

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Nope, if you use Steam Achievement Manager you just simply cant get banned. Used it way too many times, and nothing happened, same to my folks. Cheat Engine thing seems just like stupid excuse for cheating

7 years ago

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As far as I know valve says it's prohibited to use any kind of third-party software to mess with the game and from multiple threads I just googled in 2minutes many people agreed that it CAN get you VAC banned - but since Valve themselves didn't comment on any of this it's still unclear IF it can actually trigger a vac ban - I personally would ASSUME so.

Same thing tho...

Multiple thousands of people speed daily on the roads - "nothing" happend, even tho it obviously IS against the law.
Just because you're saying you and your folks didn't get caught, doesn't mean it's "allowed" to use it.

I hope it's clear what I want to say with this. I don't intend to start a discussion about this because, as I stated, there is no official comment from Valve (as far as I know) that referrs directly to "cheating" to get achievments.

This one is an image often referred to in previously mentionend threads:

He OBVIOUSLY cheated these achievments and got a warning from steam support - sure it doesn't has to be connected but as far as the internet goes it seems to be.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the reply. You are completely right, there is no official comment from the valve that is allowing people using achievement manager, because which company would allow people to do things easy way - the cheaty way? The thing is, you are not connecting to any game server with this tool, nor editing game memory, so you just cant get banned, unless you used the "cheat engine" or any other blacklisted programs commonly used to manipulate game memory.

First time used few years ago, last time used few weeks ago:

7 years ago

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you wont get banned for achievement hacking

Yes, Yes you can get banned for it.

7 years ago

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Yeah that's the thing I hate about VAC, it doesn't distinguish between "real" cheaters that are a pain in the butt (ie those who screw other players in multiplayer) from the old-school cheaters who just enjoy messing around with their games locally, without annoying anyone. That's the kind of thing that got me into computer science in the first place, FFS :s
I would definitely not start on a new Steam account, but I would probably limit my activity on it very much because I don't like getting scammed (and I consider VAC bans for singleplayer a scam/hostage-taking)

7 years ago

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Cheating achievements is also against rules using 3rd party stuff. In DOTA2 getting all achievemnst results in some gifts I believe and so is not allowed to get without playing.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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What you gave was not an opinion but a flurry of insults.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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tell me an acceptable reason for cheating

To have fun in a game? Game I was just playing, Star Wars Episode I Racer, has a cheat menu where you can unlock two other Podracers that can't be unlocked otherwise. Am I "mentaly [sic] weak" for wanting to try them out? I used to use cheat codes in GTA:SA on my Xbox to get all the cool items/vehicles to have fun around the city. Should I have my Steam account VAC banned for that too?

7 years ago

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Your first example is not the same thing as what op did. Your first example is an in-game feature, and if it's not obtainable any other way, then it was intended by the developers.

7 years ago

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I know it's not what OP did. Parent specifically asked for an acceptable reason for cheating. You seem to agree with me then.

7 years ago

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I disagree with your description of it being a cheat since it is intended to be used that way. As far as I'm concerned, people can cheat all they want in single player, it doesn't effect me or anyone else in any way. But once they move online with their cheating, it becomes a problem.

Cheating your way through all your achievements, not talking about you specifically, may seem like a minor offense. But once people feel those with the top, most difficult achievements cheated to get them. They stop investing as much time, money, and effort as they may have beforehand.

7 years ago

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The difference between what lext described and what OP did:

lext described the use of cheat CODES, which were obviously implemented by the developer themselves (otherwise said codes probably wouldn't have any effect ingame) and what OP described/did was the use of a cheat/third-party PROGRAM

7 years ago

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I understand the difference, I just don't consider dev implemented features to be real cheats on the same level as what the op was describing. Even more so in lext's example where the only way to access that vehicle is with a "cheat" code.

7 years ago

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I totally agree with you on that.
Best example is GTA - like honestly, who played that without ever using a cheat code..?
As long as it's not a third party program, the Dev is fine with it - as far as I see it

7 years ago

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If its legal cheat codes Devs give its not against rules. Illegal 3rd party hacks or result changers are. Some cheat codes ingame are meant to use for fun like playing in God mode, all ammo, superman mode, for testing the game, finding bugs etc..

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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you can't get banned while you play in non-vac servers. 😑

and i would keep my account, the only thing i will lose is judgemental people. not all vac-bans are because of cheating (dying light, MW3, Dark Souls) so i usually don't care at all.

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Best not to do anything funny when the game's labelled as VAC secured. Not even in SP game.

7 years ago

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Nah, only in the online portions. I did all kinds of ridiculous stuff in RE: Revelations 1 raid mode with Cheat Engine, and while it is a VAC secured game, it never bothered as I still have a zero on my co-op game counter.

7 years ago

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I'm not sure about this.
I mean I use Cheat Engine to get screenshots in Borderlands 2.

  • is that cheating?
7 years ago

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How and why not just use F10/F11?

And no, but I'd recommend to remember to close it before opening a VAC game.

7 years ago

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You can get "outside" of the character and take shots of your character (sort of) and your surroundings in a far better way.

7 years ago

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Memes ruin the life confirmed :D
Edit 1: No offence but this is the most stupid history of getting vac i ever heard :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well it is too late now i guess
Tbh i dont trust people with vac/multiple vacs
As for me who cheated once will chet twice (doesn`t matter how he got caught and what he did) so i would probably creat the new one =/
Btw i am so sorry about that ban especially if u are telling the truth about it

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Personally I would not even think of starting with a new profile even with less games. You should live with the mark.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I might pay $40 (probably not) to start fresh, but $400 - no way. There are much better things to do with this money than buy the same games a second time.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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He might be able to get approval from Support if he retires the old account. Worth looking into if he's really intent on this otherwise.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It has been done before, I believe.

7 years ago

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No, I swear. I was using CE offline vs bots. I promise! I'm serious!

I can hear the laughter of Valve Support now.

And to answer your question, no. I've invested too much time and energy into my account to give it up.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I seemed very clear that they didn't care at all about VAC ban appeals.

Correct. They are a terrible company when it comes to support of any kind. I recommend avoiding them and buying on GOG.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I probably wouldn't get a new account...but I also wouldn't get a ban in the first place.
And the reason people are so judgemental about VAC is that the story is always the same. I didn't cheat in was my brother or whatever. And your story fits that description pretty good.
I certainly wouldn't play any competetive multiplayer game with someone who got banned before.

7 years ago

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ofc, no.
You have 239 games completed 100%. Wanna start with new account? 😱 Why?

7 years ago

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You do realise that he said that he was using cheat engine to get those achievements. So they don't really mean anything.
Tho he does say he did those legitly. idk

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Do it like this. Make a new account. Use family sharing option so games from your old account appear in your new account, but are played by your new account.

7 years ago

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Use family sharing option

Not all games allow this though.

7 years ago

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yeah, but those that don't so far haven't appeared on my radar or simply don't interest me (probably because I don't play any online games) ;p I am family sharing my account with 5 people and so far no problems.

7 years ago

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Probably yes, the most worthy thing I've on steam is my inventory. Considering you sometimes can't trade cs:go items anymore it's a huge deal for me.

7 years ago

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Nope. Too many games, too much times

7 years ago

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Does it prevent you from playing the games you care about playing? I personally wouldn't bother since 90% of my games are single player, but if you are inclined to make an alternative account, ONLY replace the games affected by the ban that you want to play. Don't bother rebuying games that you don't care about or that don't use the VAC system and are thus affected by the ban.

Bear in mind that technically speaking, Valve can ban you for having more than one account. I can't say how much they reinforce this rule, but the risk is your decision.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Is it really forbidden to use multiple accounts? I mean, they even support multiple accounts on the same mobile number.

Legit question, as I never bothered reading the ToS (at least not all of it).

7 years ago

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No because I wouldn't get VAC banned in the first place anyway.

7 years ago

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and not even from cheating but because theres no way I'm touching VAC games like CS:GO with a 10 foot pole

7 years ago

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100% Orange Juice and Awesomenauts you own have VAC, just a heads up :D

7 years ago

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Waaa AAA really

7 years ago

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Yup go to the store pages and scroll down to where it shows you the games have achievements and cards and whatever else and you will also see Valve Anti Cheat Enabled.

7 years ago

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waaa thanku kitty I wasn't planning on cheating but its nice to know.

7 years ago

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Like my VAC games are:
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
DiRT Rally
Tower Wars
100% Orange Juice
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source
Left 4 Dead 2
Killing Floor
Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6

7 years ago

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Every VAC-banned person said that before they got banned ;)

7 years ago

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I don't see myself playing VAC games with any kind of cheat engine or modding tool running. Any form of "cheating" I've done in VAC-secure games was using the built in Admin cheats feature of Unturned in a LAN server. And I knew that wouldn't get me in any trouble. :P

7 years ago

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Well, admittedly I got banned on a game that I didn't even know had VAC. Any innocent looking indie game may have VAC incorporated. Do you really check the store page if the game VAC enabled for every indie game you play?

7 years ago

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No, not unless I use any kind of cheats/mods - which I would never use on a multiplayer game unless it is especially incorporated within the game itself, with expectation that players would use them as is expected (Unturned server cheats which can be enabled by server owners, on servers such as LAN).

Therefore I can't possibly get VAC banned, unless I happen to join some kind of cheating server in a game or something (is that even possible?), or do some stupid shit like leave a modding/cheating engine on while playing VAC secure games, but since I barely ever play any multiplayer games, that would be very unlikely.

While we're on topic, would you mind telling me how you were VAC banned?

7 years ago

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Used cheat engine to get an item faster in the indie game Depth.

7 years ago

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VAC, huh. That is some unreachable achievement for me.

7 years ago

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Answer: no because I wouldn't cheat on VAC secured servers\games or any other servers\games, I wouldn't mess or mod in any way games that are VAC protected and I would not use or try out any software that can trigger VAC. The safest way to play VAC protected games is to play them the vanilla way and don't let anyone other than yourself play on your Steam account.

Also beware of roommates and little brothers!

7 years ago

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Make a new account and family share to the new account.

7 years ago

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The VAC system is so horrible I'm always bit scared to play VAC enabled game. Who knows if some Anti-Virus or other program running in the background triggers it and I get a VAC ban.

Literally it'd be absolutely devastating if my account got VAC banned. I'd probably walk straight to the Valve offices and start a rant .-.

7 years ago

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Same. I try to avoid VAC games and games with Steam ban integration because it could forever mark my account. Every time I open one there is a risk of a false positive being set off, and I know Steam support is notorious for being less than useless.

7 years ago

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Nearly 14 years on Steam and Vac and never been faslely Vac banned once. Everyone who's said they've been Vac banned for nothing ain't telling you the whole story as they must have been on a Vac secured server with some third party application running in the background which gives them some sort of advantage, whether it's hacks or cheating the achievements.

Of course there has been a few mistakes with Vac bans over the years but they're usually mass bannings like what happened with MW2 and if so all bans are revoked. There's nothing to fear with Vac if you don't use something which can alter something within a game while on a Vac secured server.

7 years ago

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Agreed. 4000 hours++ into Dota 2 and yet to be banned, cuz I ain't cheatin'.

People who get VAC 'for no reason' are the most horrible liars.

7 years ago

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Pretty sure they didn't cancel the false positives.
It's happened too many times from what I've heard.

7 years ago

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There hasn't been that many mass false bans, the biggest being MW2 and they removed the ban for those people who were wrongly banned but there's been plenty of mass bans for those who cheated over the years.

I bet most of those who have said it happened many times before have been banned at some point and claim themselves to be innocent. If I had a quid for everytime I've heard that over my time on Steam I'd be a rich man. xD

7 years ago

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Exactly. I almost want to commit suicide.

7 years ago

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With my current account? Hell no.
With yours ... eh, probably still wouldn't care. But then, I only rarely give a shit what someone thinks of me.
In your case, that red mark might make a difference in that regard. I have no way of knowing.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well think of it as a hypothetical question. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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Every VAC-banned person said that before they got banned ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Arkanzor.