
My question to you is, would you start over with a new account if you got a VAC ban but you had 1000+ games on your account?

7 years ago*

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Would you start on a new steam account due to VAC?

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Not sure/other

hell no

7 years ago

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is there anything stopping you from starting a new account and then accessing the games on your old account via sharing? does a vac stop that? thatd let you make a fresh account while not losing access to your games.

7 years ago

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I just bought CS-GO, play the game normally at Cyber, and got VAC ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I'm still using the account thou
<<< this account

7 years ago

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you must have seen from this thread that the community is really toxic against the players who cheat, people don't even like when someone cheats on a single player game. But it all depends on you, there are a lot of people who have VAC banned on their account and are still using it, just gotta see how much it affects you what people say. what you can do is start a new account and get new games on that account but keep your old one too, no point in throwing away all your progress and money just because of a simple ban.

7 years ago

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It would suck to be VAC banned but I have too many games to start all over again. Besides, I don't really play online that often.

Hmm I guess I could get an exclusive multiplayer account or something.

7 years ago

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Sure, it's a blemish, but I'd say keep the account and don't start over. Plus, can't you appeal the ban? I mean, sure it's ancient and probably won't work, but if you explain that you were screwing around in solo, it might be worth a shot. Just say you didn't think much of it at first and didn't care, but over time, it's annoying you for "cheating" in a single player mode and making you look like a mass murderer with it's red ominence.

7 years ago

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1165 days here, almost 1000 games. I don't care about it at all, since I don't care about people. Just playing games with my friends.

After 2556 day it will be masked :) Unfortunately, API would still detect it :(

7 years ago

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It would be painful but i would try to live with that : +1000 games doesn't worth to start a fresh account, the important is that you can play with your games more than people opinion.
At worst, you can write shortly on your steam profile how you got VAC (some players do it), and those who want to understand will understand, especially after a long time will have passed.

7 years ago

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Sounds like you cheated but are just going to endless deny it instead of honestly confessing which is pretty cringy. With a vac no one will respect you its basically a dead account you pretty much have to create a new one regardless

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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shouldn't use cheat engine period with online games.. just seems like you are making an excuse that you were caught cheating. If you really wanted to use cheat engine with in CS GO then there are other ways to go about it. I.e run steam in offline mode.

7 years ago

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Sometimes I do use cheats myself, not because I want to get the achievements, but because I find the hacking process satisfying. As a software programmer myself, hacking games is also part of a side hobby that I enjoy doing.

However, I am very careful when selecting games to cheat, to prevent cases like yours.
I'm very careful when cheating, to make sure I won't do anything on VAC or other anti-cheating tool enabled games.

However, to answer your hypothetical question, no. I won't abandon my account. I will probably start a new account, and slowly rebuilding the new account while using my old account for games I already own.

Besides, I do enjoy collecting achievements, but I don't care too much about achievement websites.
I built my own achievement showcase.

7 years ago

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You can have more than a account on a pc, just rebuy the games that you want to play online, and keep both accounts free to access the other's games, it's no big deal

7 years ago

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Circle of useful activity: caring for achievements, but not for getting these, cheating achievements, getting VAC, caring for having VAC and for what random people think etc. Why..?

I wouldn't start new account, but certainly I would accept that there are people for whom this ban mark means.. anything. But as well any your words or actions may mean anything terrible to some random person. Someone would hate you for what you wrote on forum after breakfast, or because your profile avatar looks gayish, or you have different opinion and for any other delusional reason. Other people's reasoning works according to their experience which you don't know. Reactions on anything will be very different and there will always be these who don't like you. Even if you don't have VAC ban <3

And anyway, listen more to yourself and just do what you feel right to do. If this bothers you So much, create another account. Why do you need to buy same games? You can play games you have on this account logging to it, right? Probably there is even some family account option to play everything from this account on another. Like, you have a family with yourself <3 Btw if you regret only getting caught, you may occasionally create another situation for the same 'lessons' and in more serious way than with a game platform. Things should repeat in different form if what is driving you inside does not change

7 years ago

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Starting over with 1600+ games? Nope, at most I'd create a second account and activate any new game I buy in that one (I do have two emergency accounts in case I ever need to start over but I hope they remain as faming accounts forever, loosing my current main would be awful).

7 years ago

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Because i wasted on my account too much money allready, and didin't want start again.

7 years ago

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Considering I don't play any VAC games I probably wouldn't care.

7 years ago

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thanks for skyrim

7 years ago

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I don't play any VAC games so I also don't really care, but let's say if I did and I did get banned because I cheated then I will just open a new account because I would be an annoying little piece of shit who cannot play a game with skill alone and would need hacks or cheats to win in an online game...

But let's say I was someone who played VAC games and got banned because of an error and I didn't do anything to cheat in any way then I will fight to get my profile un banned.

Don't give me any blacklists because of this :P, it is just my opinion.

And if you agree if cheating in online games just ... shame on you!

7 years ago

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if I would ever "try" that kind of things on a VAC game, I would do in on another account dedicated to that (probably). For indie games (because no VAC), would do it directly on my account (except if I have spare keys from bundle, maybe).

7 years ago

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New account + 'family sharing' and you will have all the games without any VAC warning in your profile.
You will only have 1 game but you will be able to play all the games of your old account.

7 years ago

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Family share your games to your new account and nothing much would be lost.

7 years ago

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i would get rid of the account and get some money

7 years ago

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First of all I wouldn't get VAC banned.

7 years ago

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The most annoying thing about VAC is people.
Example, this SGTool rule : "Your account must never been VAC banned".

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Arkanzor.