There is a script that ranks games based on how many wishlists from your whitelist they are on, let me a minute to find it
EDIT: here it is
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I got this one already, thanks, but the games I want to give away aren't exactly on top of everyone's wishlist. I just need to know if they own the game I am about to give away to weigh the possible entries.
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Ha, ok.
I guess that if it is possible to make this, it's also possible to make a tool where you can enter a game and see how many people from your whitelist own it (except those who have a private profile). But I'm certainly not able to do it, I just think it's possible.
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Let's hope some scripters read this thread then. :P
Otherwise I will make a group for my whitelist or something.
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This isn't what you were asking, but I suggest rethinking that plan entirely... :)
Spending real money not to make random strangers happy, but solely to get more "Steamgifts level?" Why? :)
For the chance to enter higher-level giveaways? Is there a specific game you're trying to win? What if nobody makes a giveaway for it? Why not save your money and buy that specific game directly? Otherwise you're just gambling... :)
Now, I have seen a website people use to check group members, for wishlist games, and to see who already owns a game, but I forgot the url. :( If your whitelist people are in the same group, that might be worth a try, assuming you can find it... :)
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Spending real money not to make random strangers happy, but solely to get more "Steamgifts level?" Why? :)
He never said leveling up is his sole purpose...
If I have the choice between making people happy and not leveling up, and making people happy and leveling up, I will choose the latter for sure
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I think you misunderstood what I meant.
Of course I want to make people happy, sheesh. :D
I can't afford to give away GTAV or other games people have on the top of their wishlists, but when I buy something affordable I can't be sure if they own the game already or not. I want to reach most of my whitelist otherwise I could give a game to someone directly which I have done in the past.
I was just honest when I said that I of course want to raise my level as well. What's wrong about that? I am not trying to leech or gamble in any way.
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Yes, seems I misunderstood then, sorry... :) Oh, by the way, I think the group-checking thing was at - so for example to check DeltaBladeX's "Charitable Losers" group you would use - good luck... :)
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Nerka told me about this one and I used it but it only checked wishlists and was basically the same as the whitelist/wishlist script TempeteJoachim mentioned above.
Only difference in the makabo thing is that I can click the games and then check groups if they own the game, but this means I would have to find the game on someones wishlist.
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Wanted to check the same thing about half an hour ago and ended up checking manually
So yeah if someone could take the time and create such a script (if of course it's possible, I don't know shit about these things) it would be hella appreciated by the community
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Well it is possible to do that. I guess you're talking about the whitelist here on SG. Could think of adding a information on the create giveaway page, that checks for the selected game, and only if you select the whitelist checkbox, how many people are eligible to enter (or in other words don't own it).
Unfortunately I'm currently writing master thesis and don't have time to write this, but maybe someone else has the time to do it.
You can reply to this post in october, if nobody has written something until then. I know its a long time, but it's the only thing I can offer.
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I didn't even really think someone would consider making this at all so October sounds great actually. Good to know that this would be possible to do. I personally think it's a feature that would be nice to have and could be needed my a lot of people in the same situation like me. Whitelist threads would become obsolete. :D
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IIRC Steam api should allow that, so it's possibile.
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First of all I am just an user of scripts and don't make those. I just have a question for those who do.
Is it possible to make a script that checks if the whitelist owns a specific game? I am not really wealthy and my whitelist has most games, since I want to level up I would love to know beforehand if I get the 5 users minimum or not. Of course I could add any single one of 'em but a script would come in handy.
Is this even possible?
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