Greetings community,

I want to discuss for a moment about bundle giveaways. You see, they've been a plague on SG. No one hates them more than Loko. I sometimes remove at least 50 a day for the last few weeks, but they just keep on submitting. People have been reporting them like crazy, which is great, but I usually end up with hundreds in my reported queue, which isn't so great. So, we fielded the community for what would be fair and thought about it long and hard. We've decided on a new way to handle bundles and I really hope majority of the community is satisfied with our response.

What we were worried about the most is hurting past "legitimate" giveaways, as we have no way of filtering if you submitted Bastion before the date it was thrown in a bundle. So, consider this a heads up and we apologize for the inconvenience in advance. Fortunately, Skyrim isn't in any of the bundles, so it should only affect the people that have massively submitted bundle titles. We also have been actively suspending bundle abusers (I call them bundlers) instead of seeking out and removing hundreds of giveaways.

The admin will update with something more official soon.

This has already been a really wicked summer and I hope everyone has been enjoying SteamGifts and the latest crazy deals.

-best regards

12 years ago*

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See, this is the problem with contributor points, I said it as soon as they were introduced. If you remove these points which, let's be honest, aren't that effective at the moment anyway, the whole problem will be solved. People will be able to give away games they want to give away, people will be enter for games from bundles they missed and no profit will be made by anybody.

In order to counter the massive point increase if people still spam loads of bundle keys simply prevent games from bundles from generating points while the bundle is still in progress (and 1 or 2 weeks after) (or just ban them completely during that time if that is that hard). This will help distribute the points over a larger time scale, thus reducing the problem.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The key splitting existed before contributor points bruh

12 years ago

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But it was not for gaining contributors points.

12 years ago

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Haven't we had this thread before? lol ;p

What I suggest.

Make 2 sections to create a giveaway. One labeled KEY, and the other called STEAM GIFT. When making the giveaway before they hit submit make it saying "YOU CAN CONFIRM THIS IS A STEAM GIFT, AND NOT A KEY?" And obviously make it go the other way around as well.

I'm sure there are many ways to do this/better ways, but that's just something I have an idea about.

Edit: Realize we weren't suppose to suggest stuff.

Edit 2: The admin will update with something more official soon. How soon?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for all your hard work, loko, cg, and the soon-to-be-mods support team.

12 years ago

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So all past giveaways that at some point in time was released in a bundle will be removed? I find that unfear for those that gave away legit though. Also, would it not be possible to add a checkbox that says "This is a bundle giveaway." that voids the contribute benefits. I find that throwing keys and the like around in chat is not giving people a fair chance. I have done it myself, but it really is limiting the possible winners to those who happened to be in chat at the time. If the box is not checked, then the giveaway wont go through? Or maybe unless the game is actually IN the users inventory, the giveaway wont go through? This way we can post keys that has not been part of a bundle and keep bundlers at bay.

12 years ago

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loko has, in fact, not said what they will do, yet. Nothing in the top post talks about what they are going to do, just that they are working on a solution, and acknowledging that this has been a massive problem. This is an announcement to basically say "we know and we're going to have a solution and more information soon".

12 years ago

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In fact, they did.

"We've decided on a new way to handle bundles and I really hope majority of the community is satisfied with our response.
What we were worried about the most is hurting past "legitimate" giveaways, as we have no way of filtering if you submitted Bastion before the date it was thrown in a bundle. So, consider this a heads up and we apologize for the inconvenience in advance."

Why would they appologize for something they have not done? Also, it says "We've decided on a new way to handle bundles" so they have decided on something.

12 years ago

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"Why would they appologize for something they have not done?" If you take the time to read it again you'll see they didn't do it yet. That is why they said "we apologize for the inconvenience in ADVANCE".

12 years ago

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I don't know what to make of this. I mean there's an obvious need to stop people exploiting bundles that they've paid like a penny for. But there are a lot of innocent parties as well.

In my case I bought two spare copies of a bundle, paying above BTA. These were bought purely for the intention of gifting, and gift them I did, splitting their keys across my personal friends. Nobody needed my last Bastion, so I gave it out here sometime long after the bundle deal.

As far as I'm concerend I was being generous, but reading this I somehow feel I've done something wrong. :/

12 years ago

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I think right now, you have to pay like 5 bucks for a bundle to get steam keys

12 years ago

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That is not correct, as the price always depends on the bundle.

12 years ago

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Yeah, that's against the rules on SG, and it has been for months. But thank you for your generosity, even though it's "bad" on a technicality.

If the rules didn't prohibit de-bundling indie bundle keys, I'd probably be doing it as well since it's an efficient and inexpensive way of getting a bunch of good indie games. And I think that's why--because it just invites abusing the indie bundles, and by extension the indie devs and the charities (when the indie bundles are for charity, like HiB) involved.

12 years ago

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I can see that side of it, but again going back to my example they actually made three times more money out of me than they would have otherwise.. because I bought and activated a personal bundle, and split the other two up. I did BTA each time. You could argue I should have only bought one bundle and paid triple the amount but.. I'm not rich, and I have skint friends who I'd rather see activating games this way than other.. more questionable means.

Now I understand (more clearly) the rules I'll make sure I don't gift a spare here again, but I have to admit I am a little offended I've "broken a rule" in giving something away that I paid good money for.

I think the indie sites really shouldn't be telling people what to do with their keys, or they should give individual "do what you want" keys if BTA is met otherwise only one key (which activates all) or somesuch. That'd fix everything. :)

12 years ago

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What you "should" have done was bought three bundles and given two friends two bundles. But that's not actually in at least the Humble Bundle rules, so that's why "should" is in quotes. The site doesn't specifically say either way whether you can or cannot give away individual keys, in fact.

You broke a SteamGifts rule. I didn't say you broke an indie bundle organizer's rule.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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^ This.

12 years ago

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we all bundle j/k this awesome loko! Just another improvement on SG

12 years ago

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Haha...creepy people.

12 years ago

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Looking forward to it, as I have 8 Indiegala VI bundles to give away.

12 years ago

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as do I, when do new Bundles get added? IndieGala VI is doen already, has been for a little while.

12 years ago

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Nice, but there are those that also abuse the contributor system. That is a problem for those that are poor and can't give enough to fill the gap. Eg, a person used a whole week of savings to get a Fortix to giveaway. The person then sees a giveaway for a game that's on the wishlist(say Skyrim). However, the giveaway has a $100 contributor value to enter. You guys get it?

12 years ago

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Who's the one giving away Skyrim, the person with the copy of Skyrim or the person who wants Skyrim?

I'm not here to bash people who are poor. But if I'm going to give away a copy of Skyrim out of the generosity of my own heart, why can't I set a minimum contribution limit to reward people who have been very generous?

Now, using indie bundle keys to inflate the "value of gifts given away" score to achieve a high contributor total, that's plain abusing the system and should be punished. That is a completely separate issue than the contributor system being in place at all.

12 years ago

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The person with the copy of Skyrim.

12 years ago

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Bingo. And, having once been so poor that I was eating a meal every other day for several months, the last thing I would be worrying about is not being able to play Skyrim or something to that effect. We're talking about entertainment, after all.

But, separate from that, bundle key abuse really needs to stop, and I'm hoping that cg, loko, and co have a solution that'll work. It seems like a big overhaul of some kind, so we'll see.

12 years ago

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So is this just an announcement saying that something's in the works and will be revealed very soon?

I damn well hope it's not going to be simply outlawing all games that have ever been in a bundle, even though that's what this message suggests. I know I entered a giveaway for Gundemonium Recollection, which has been in an Indie Royale bundle, but the giver specified that it's an inventory item that he/she bought to spread the love for the game.

12 years ago

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So is this just an announcement saying that something's in the works and will be revealed very soon?

Yes. As opposed to radio silence while people bitch/etc. As for what they're going to do, we'll have to wait and see. And I don't think anyone (gifters, giveaway participants, Valve, the SG mods/admin, or the devs) would be happy if gifting Game X was flat-out banned, because at least in a small way, gifting drives sales.

12 years ago

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Gundemonium Recollection, even though included in a bundle, has never been included as one individual key. They key that was in Indie Royale was the whole Gundemonium Collection. Other than that, this is an announcement and a heads up to the people that might be affected by it.

12 years ago

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I'm just replying to let you know that I'll be providing a response to your message later.

12 years ago

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I'll be waiting. :P

12 years ago

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The possible solution going to be implemented might be using the steam API to check inventories of gifters to make sure they have the item. This would also prevent people from making fake or mistake giveaways. There were talks of a script of sorts being implemented/proposed that would verify people activated their gifts, so I dont think it would be much bigger of a step.

12 years ago

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That would restrict users from ever submitting keys from Amazon/GG/GMG and more.

12 years ago

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Please be so kind and ban the ppl that i reported a month ago via support ticket. I bumped my ticket every few days but that did help. Pls don't ignore me.

12 years ago

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I think that's a sign that the admin are handling it their way and not the way you want them to, for whatever reason.

12 years ago

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I think they are simply overhelmed.

12 years ago

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Then they should use other pieces of armor to block stuff, instead of just letting it all get to their head.


12 years ago

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Fuckin' lol'd.

12 years ago

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I hope that the decision improve the community. It wouldn't be cool to not give away unused keys from amazon, IGN etc.

12 years ago

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Alternate Suggestion:

make optional checkbox "Is it key from a bundle" if checked the user who gives away the game is not eligible for receiving contribution points, but still can give away the game. I think it's fair.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Why not?

12 years ago

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People have said it OVER AND OVER, people will "not see it" or "forget" or some bullshit and not click it.

It's as simple as that.

12 years ago

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Then, for bundled games, you have the box checked by default. And you put it in big letters.

If people want to add legitimacy to their giveaways, they uncheck the box.

12 years ago

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thats a good ideia

12 years ago

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Well, give them atleast 10 % contributor ? They still give it away ?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Any word on CG's post?

12 years ago

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I don't know but every time I see another farmed/exploited/bundled key giveaway it makes me hope it happens sooner rather than later.

12 years ago

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Exploited doesn't mean what you think it means.

12 years ago

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Says the one that made a giveaway of a farmed key.

exploit: to use selfishly for one's own ends

Yup, I'm pretty sure I knew what it meant.

12 years ago

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I thought of a solution. IF you get a bundle key. Accept it. thank the person. Take a screen cap. Activate it. report them. Mark it as not received. With someone doing 10 bundle giveaways as real ones. he will get 10 not received and be a big red target. same with people saying its; a full one and then give betas. Let them do it. who cares. follow above steps. this will discourage people from making them.

1: accept the game and activate - take a pic to prove you got a bundle key.

2: play game and wait a week

3: mark the game not received

4: profit

12 years ago

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I thought of that, but it's kinda evilish :D

12 years ago

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why? They are breaking the rules. If you think about it. Arresting people and putting them in a small cell is evil. Is it not?

12 years ago

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Thats clever:D

12 years ago

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i think thats what you're supposed to do anyway.

12 years ago

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I'm pretty sure that 95% of the community doesn't read/write/report/care about anything on this site other than winning, so even if the idea is good, it just wouldn't work due to the nature of people. For every five people who actually would report it, you get 95 others who just want to win dem gaimz. And it would take forever for those 5 people to actually win bundle stuff, or they wouldn't even enter since it's bullshit.

12 years ago

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Yea, most people get so excited they won they don't know/don't care that it's a bundle key.

12 years ago

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I think I have a better idea. See my reply on the end of first page and tell me what do you think about it.

12 years ago

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one problem of your ideia is how to know if it is a key from a bundle or from a respectful site.

12 years ago

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QUESTION, it is still allowed to give away the ENTIRE bundle as one giveaway right? But not split it up and create 5 or 6 giveaways. I believe that is what the Rules say, and I'm wanting to make sure that will still be the policy as it was with all the other IndieGala and HumbleBundle bundles. I have several complete IndieGala VI bundles (and a few with just 3 of the 8 games) and I would like to give them away even for just 6 to 8 contributor points, as that is what I payed for them with the plan to give them away here (Not, of course, to split them up).

12 years ago

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Correct, you can give away the full bundles. :)

12 years ago

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Great idea. Punish people who want to giveaway games. Wonderful example of everything wrong with this site...

You should have to decide if you want to be a "contributor" or not when you sign up. Only people who choose to be contributors can earn contributor points, and they can only enter contributor giveaways. If they want to have their "We're better than everyone else" circle jerk, then can do it alone.

Waiting for the inevitable "We're better than you" response

12 years ago

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I'm not a contributor myself yet. What if contributors decide to giveaway games to anyone? I have a few games I will be giving away here shortly as soon as the sale is over and I will probably split my giveaways half and half between open and contributor. You sir are feeling entitled today.

12 years ago

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They can give them away in chat or forum. Not in a giveaway.

y u mad tho

12 years ago

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"Great idea. Punish people who want to giveaway games. Wonderful example of everything wrong with this site..."

Omg, man, what is this bullshit? Sb wants to giveaway FORBIDDEN / BUNDLE keys? DO IT ON FORUMS. Nobody will punish you for that! EVER!

Telling that ppl who giveaway many bundle keys are nice, is just one big stupid LIE. They are doing it because of contributor points, because they want sth for themselves.

12 years ago

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What about the really deep discount sales on steam? Will those get treated similarly to bundles? I'd argue it's not too much different than a 90% off sale game. Or is it the reason for the anti-bundle sentiment more intrinsic to bundles (e.g. terms of the bundle itself)?

12 years ago

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well at least we can still get train give aways..:)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by lokonopa.