Yeah, that explanation works, unless you really think about it. A person who bought an actual 30 dollar game and gave it away won't be comparable in the amount contributed compared to someone who's giving away dota, the ship and a couple of other games they got somewhere for free.
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Yeah, that explanation works, unless you really think about it.(See what i did there?)
It doesn't stop at 30 dollar. There are of course people who abuse it and end up with the same amount of Contribution Value as someone who didn't abuse anything.
People don't contribute 30 dollars and then stop forever. Not if they want higher chances of winning through contributing(which would be the only reason why they would care about contribution value to begin with)
As it becomes easier to abuse the system, people will ask for people with more value, forcing people that want higher chances to contribute proper games and stuff.
Btw, isn't Dota 2 going to be worthless anyway? SG updates contribution Value based on what the game is worth.
Meaning: you lose value if a game you gave away gets cheaper. Dota 2 is going to be F2P.. so yeah.
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Most legitimate contributors cant keep up financially with people inflating their contribution value with things they got for free.
You assume that the OP or other people worried about contribution inflation care about their own contributor value and that's why they complain. The issue here isn't that. It's the fact that people fight for higher and higher value, clutter the lists, cause points inflation as well and overall make the site and the community less attractive.
You're the one oversimliplifying things here, no one else. I'm sorry to say that, but it's the truth.
But let's just say it's all about contributor value and how high it is. This still doesn't change the fact that in this system, someone who spent 50$ on this site has less of a chance of winning than someone who got in on four easy free games each valued at 15 points here, or possibly even an exploit to get them.
The system is seriously flawed and it wasn't well thought of in the first place. It's inherently broken and it will just keep breaking.
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Also, SentoX's statemen of "As it becomes easier to abuse the system, people will ask for people with more value, forcing people that want higher chances to contribute proper games and stuff." is a bit silly. Thats not a good thing for any legit user that wants to contribute out of pocket. If the standard for "basic contributor" is pushed up to $120 or something, then what is the incentive to start contributing? Assuming they are going for contributor value. You start edging out any potential out of pocket contributor, and devalue their contributions overall
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Easy answer: Dota 2 should be classified the same as a bundle giveaway (given a * next to its name and treated the same in calculations) and The Ship should be decreased in value to $1, same as what happened for the Ironclads Collection. The Dota 2 contribution drop should date back to the point when the value on SG dropped from $50 to $10, and The Ship should be devalues starting at the same time as the promotional giveaway began that gave out the free copies. Shouldn't be too difficult to implement as both have been done before for different games. Let me know what you think.
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No, i'm not saying they are worried about their own value. I said they are worried that their chance of winning doesn't improve by "X" percent because a lot of people get the same increase of value by just abusing the system with stuff they got for free.
I didn't simplify anything, i just replied to the OP's concern that "everyone" is a Contributor now.
Which really isn't a problem since the Ship already is counted as a Bundle Key and Dota 2 will lose it's worth once the game actually comes out.
The Ship should have been added to the "Exploited Key" list after the big Giveaway, but that has been mentioned many times before and didn't require another thread.
The contribution system is flawed, we know that. It's been discussed to death.
Less than a percent of all the Games that have been given away through this site, were actually bought at full price. But that is okay?
Sure at least someone paid something for it, but that really doesn't make it much better.
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yes legit contributors cant keep up with abusers but they can get in the group with 50 members so they have better chases to win :) and abusers get only abuser giveaways that's it, contry system kinda failed because of ship and dota 2 tho without contry system it would be worse.
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Wrong, when i first saw this system i supported it completly. 3 months later i regretted doing so and changed my mind, contribution system should be entirely removed, or at least the giveaway option. The value could remain there and people could make more groups for contributors with X value who actually gave away games that were bought and not earned for free from a promotion (eg: the ship).
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you can adjust the amount of money needed to enter
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well perhaps these people are in the same spirit that you.
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True, though DOTA 2 doesn't have that "Bundle/Exploit" status.
$30.01 would solve most of that though.
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Actually, it does now. Every Dota 2 giveaway since the 17th will be treated as a bundle game.
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It used to sell for $50 games... but still it's a free game so it should be lowered to 0.01 value and 1 point entry.
People who "bought" the betas for that and CS:GO are stupid, i've seen people trade pretty good games and expensive ones for the betas, and in the end they just loose it, totally not worth it.
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While I don't care much about the contributor value, I agree with you on this one. A simple fix would be to remove points from those giveaways. Some people that got the ship with cash (not from the free giveaway) will be hurt, but...
As long as there are rules, people will try to exploit them for their gain.
Anyway, not really much of an issue for me.
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Well it's not perfectly fair, but if one were to contribute regularly it shouldn't be a problem. There should be some disparity between the people who actually give away games here and the people who stumble on a free thing now and then for some points.
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But if the rule of thumb is increasing the minimum then the honest people that also can't spend a lot of money even on themselves get royally screwed.
Personally I'd love to spend $4 to give something here, even more in something for me. But I can't, due to several reasons.
And then there's the fact of discouraging people joining the site from contributing since you'd need ridiculously high values for it to make a minimum effect on your account.
While contributor value is a good idea in theory, it doesn't work how it's made atm. It requires a lot of constant modification to avoid abuses. It should be removed. But I'm derailing here.
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To be honest, I don't plan on ever using it. All my giveaways have been public and I don't see why I would make one contrib.
So yes, maybe it should be taken out. But the way I see it, it's working in tiers right now. The occasional $2k giveaway for the 10+ people that have it, and $100+ for people who give things away and deserve it more than leechers. I'm sure there's more in between, but anything under $100 is like, meh. I'm not saying contributions aren't appreciated or whatever, but really, what is one five dollar game to someone with hundreds of dollars. I don't think they intended for people to nitpick at the $5 here and there to determine whether or not someone was worthy.
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Imo Dota 2 should be added to the bundle list here ( ). Then it's hard for people that are abusing it to get contributor points after the first $20. ( You'll know what I mean if you know the formula for the contributor value system )
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Well, one would only have to check the winner and that should be done anyway to check that there is no regifting or anything similar.
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This is just silly. What about people who just have these copies and want to give them away. People DO want these keys, so why punish people getting rid of them. If you're really worried about free rides, up the contrib value. If you're REALLY worried about free rides, you can make it high enough that only decent contributors can enter.
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How would you advertise these private giveaways? Forums would get clogged up, and mods would get burdened by so many reroll requests.
Best solution is to just put Dota on the Bundle/exploit list, to prevent it from being exploited for Contributor value.
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Guess what? You cannot! You need to get your rule approved by a moderator, and a mod will not ever approve that. Dota2 are legit giveaways.
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Not everyone spammed that junk. I'm still a $0 lecher.
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There is a difference between a big discount, and free.
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i want to gift dota 2 because i got it for free and can not do anything else with it
idc about contributor value, if i have something i dont need and someone wants it i can give it away...
however, i think it would be fair to give 0 $/€ contrib value for dota2 and ship
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99% of the giveaways are DOTA 2 or The Ship.
Everyone is going to be a contributor now. What's the point of creating contributor giveaways anymore when all the contributors are guys who just made dota 2 and the ship giveaways?
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