Do you like Spawn?
Actually Spawn was one of the 2 comics that brought me into comics when one of my buddies gifted me his collections of Spawn and Lobo when we were 15 - 16.
Yeah, Spawn is cool but he's no Lobo or Etrigan the Demon :P
Edit: Special mentions for the Section 8 from the Hitman series and Hebus the Troll from Landfeust of Troy.
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Lobo looks good, I'm surprised I haven't heard of either of your suggestions before. Thanks!
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The character was apparently originally created by Jack Kirby as I just found out minutes ago but the series I read was written by Alan Grant, the same guy who was running Lobo at that time.
As the name implies Etrigan is a Demon from hell (who loves to rhyme) so there are some similarities to Spawn but unlike Spawn Etrigan is bound to a living human so basically like Firestorm they are two personalities in one body sometimes struggling for control, sometimes getting along pretty well. Due to his human vessel he often finds himself on the side of the forces of good yet he is absolutely no cuddle-demon and usually hatches his own sinister plans.
While the character's name is Etrigan the comic itself is just called The Demon in English so maybe you heard about it under that name.
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Thanks a lot! :D I did remember Etrigan loves to rhyme but eversince I mentioned him the other day I was trying to remember what his "catchphrase" was whenever Etrigan takes over but I just couldn't.
I picked up a complete run of the series by Alan Grant (or was it just the first 30 issues 🤔) for (figuratively) pennies at a convention but I've only read it once back in the day and that must have been almost a decade ago. I think it's time to give it another read because I can barely remember any details beside it was AWESOME and that he later runs for U.S. president xD and even wins if I remember correctly 😂
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a hero that other heroes don't like.
I was really flabbergasted when I saw an episode of Comic Book Men where they were like "But how can you like that guy? He's a bad guy." to a customer :D
Me personally I find those neurotic goody two shoes characters like the big 3 rather boring.
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The only big hero character that I enjoyed reading like that was spiderman. The quips and puns he uses redeem his good kid behavior just enough to make him worth reading in my eyes.
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I have to admit I've only read an issue here, an issue there but I think my favourite iteration of Spiderman would be in the Marvel Mangaverse where Victor von Doom never became evil and Spiderman interns for him and he builds gadgets for Spidey like Q for Bond.
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Yes 5 numbers to enter make a giveaway link. Read closely and you'll find all the correct characters for the link.
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You won't have to brute force it. There's a few things individually marked and if you take the first letter of the others you'll have the right number of characters to complete my puzzle.
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I had 4 as well and now, post hint, I have 7 but I can't seem to figure out the right 5!! : '(
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Dolphin. I like the obscure characters, And yes, I do actually have the first issue she appeared in.
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This sounds interesting. I'm actually going to see if my wife is interested in reading it. She loves ocean settings and she is an American Sign Language interpreter.
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Well, she wasn't in very much. Just a few stories here and there. But she is still obscure enough that I like her. Hope your wife likes her too.
And I'd also like to add in Detective Chimp.
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Best backstory. Criminally insane. Taught martial arts by an animal god badger named Myrtle.
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Wow, Badger does look like a fun read! Thanks for the suggestion.
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Nice suggestion, I like the fact that he uses his intellect and some stealth. I will give this a read.
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I like his design too, but that's a small reason. I like Todd McFarlane's style in almost all of his work.
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I've read a lot of batman. He has some of the best villains I've read about.
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Conan the Barbarian is my favorite.
The Punisher & Judge Dredd are a close second.
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I've tried to get into Wolverine a few times, but never stuck with it. Which of the series would you recommend if I try again?
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I haven't read any of the Phantom, I'll have to give that a look.
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I used to be a HUGE fan of Spawn, and collected the series for many years. I think I stopped collecting them around issue 140 or so. Used to have posters, action figures, statues, etc. and still have multiple copies of the first issue.
And yea, the movie was a travesty. I saw it in theaters and was shocked at how bad it was (still own a copy of the soundtrack CD though). Didn't like the animated series either, but I do think it did a better job then the movie.
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I haven't gotten into collecting much of Spawn stuff. I just have a few things that were gifted to me over the years. Spawn's design makes for some of the nicest action figures I've seen though. I read the comics through the end of the first Metamorpheses by borrowing from my Uncle's collection.
The movie soundtrack was really cool. That's the only thing they got right.
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I read Venom: Seperation Anxiety and enjoyed that.
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Oh boy, a looooooooooot of 90s kids here, it seems. =D
Mine is Rogue from the X-Men. Tragic backstory, vulnerable personality inside a very tough shell. Thank heavens they finally removed Remender from doing anything relevant and Marvel decided to do something decent with her in the past years.
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I never really got interested in any of the X-Men. Rogue is my father's favorite character too!
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I might be talking complete bullshit here because it's been a while since I read it but isn't she the one who has a brief trans-universe romance with Batman's sidekick Robin after the two have to fight each other in the Battle of the universes that is the conclusion of the (first) Amalgam series?
I enjoyed that :D
Still pissed off though that Wolverine wins against Lobo. Not in a million years. Only happened because Wolverine has more fans.
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Riiiight, the last page of that duel was a bar brawl... I wouldn't have complained if Wolverine had outsmarted Lobo like Hitman did (and also Superman on some occasions if I'm not mistaken) but in a bar brawl my money would be on Lobo 7 days a week.
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well, I love Marvel DC and such, I'd say someone from Marvel but I grew up in Italy in the '90s so I think I'm forced to say Dylan Dog, hoping someone knows him =P
it seems that there's something in English too, the wiki page mentions English versions of these comics =)
I still remember I saw Spawn at my local cinema back in 1997 and I liked the movie, but I don't know that much about the character =\ (by the way Spawn's Italian voice actor is the same who voiced Hugh Jackman through all his career haha)
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Thanks for recommending Dylan Dog. I love horror stories and this looks like a fun read for me.
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I'm really happy to hear this =) I used to read that comic so much back in the days and I loved the characters and the plots, it's really interesting and I hope the non-Italian versions are as great as the originals! you'll love it!
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Tintin, Gaston Lagaffe, along with Asterix/Obelix were my favourite characters for the longest time, as they are my childhood. I spent lot of time with Asterix (but Obelix was my favourite of the duo) and I loved Tintin, but I think my favourite has always been Gaston Lagaffe. His lazy incompetence never got boring. :D
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Thanks for that link. Best thing I've ever seen on youtube.
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But I also really like Jesse Custer.
Gotta have some love for the Preacher. Although the TV show doesn't come close to the brilliance that was the comic. Still like The Boys a little bit better though when it comes to Ennis work.
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I've enjoyed most of Ennis work too.
I haven't read Sandman though I'd like to!
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My favorite comic character is Spawn.
He was a highly decorated killer for the US secret services before his return as a Hellspawn. The film released in 1997 didn't do his character any justice.
Spawn's story is my favorite because he hesitated to get involved in adventures. He seems the most human of all the comics that I read. I relate to his ambivalence.
I played the 1995 game for hours on end as a kiddo. The PS2 game Spawn: Armaggedon was good and I would love to see a new game using Spawn's story.
What's your favorite comic character and why? I'm looking for new comic series to start and maybe you can influence my next read.
Edit 11/30/2019
A few more hours to go for those of you interested in solving the puzzle. Read the comments if you're looking for a hint.
Edit: 11/30/2019
Thanks all for the suggestions. There's a lot of content that I haven't read before that was mentioned. I'm looking forward to reading Sandman and Dragon Age comics next.
The giveaways have ended, but here is the sadistic puzzle I made if anyone wants to try it.
460 pieces
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