pls, kid, dont make me laught
stop spam on my profile
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what exactly against? any link, kid profile or something else ?
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Problem with Payday 2 is you need to unlock achievements of paid DLC to unlock the content you paid for, and some of those are a pain in the ass. Banning people for using SAM is absurd.
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thx for links, but i will not do this stuff
this game dont cost this, i ll rather use some unlocker to open all dls i dont have yet
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and another one
Banned for cheating? Follow these rules.
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You deserved it. More games should have zero tolerance towards any kind of cheating, including unlocking achievements with applications such as SAM. Heck I think people should get VAC banned for it.
Only time where I'd see it acceptable is getting multiplayer achievements in a game that almost nobody plays online anymore, which is definitely not the case with Payday 2.
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In this case not. I usually really don't care about such small things, but here he got some items from unlocking those achievements (items that can be used in multiplayer). And the rules of the forums specifically state that unlocking achievements with programs like SAM is not allowed. He got caught for breaking the rules and got punished for it.
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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but PD2 doesn't have a PvP multiplayer.
Having a teammate with better mods than you doesn't negatively affect your gameplay, in fact, you could argue that it makes things better for you, as your missions are marginally more likely to succeed (and therefore give you their completion rewards).
Even in those situations, the differences between a teammate who unlocked them through time and perseverance and someone who shortcutted them is zero. The mods function the same. Your own investment of time is the same. Unless one of the DLC mods is incredibly unbalanced or offers a unique function-changing ability, the deciding factor in a successful heist will remain HOW your team (or that one achievement-cheater) plays, not the fractions of stats on your gun.
Their advantage is not your disadvantage, and should you play with them, it is more likely to be in your favor than not.
Even then, the advantage is not something outside of the game's intended design, as they can be unlocked normally.
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Then achievements have been worthless since day one.
Even if you only derive entertainment from achievements based on comparison of who does or does not have them unlocked, I imagine the number of people who cheat their achievements to be very low (whereas the number of people who glitch, abuse or bargain their way into completing them are far far higher). Again, perspective.
In my own opinion, so long as achievements aren't heavily saturated by cheaters, it's a non-issue. Then again, I'm weird in that I enjoy the process of unlocking them, and don't believe other people's profiles or stats are any of my business if they don't influence my games.
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You can't compare it directly to singleplayer, since the point of achievements is to show accomplishments in a multiplayer environment, namely through your Steam profile and other sites linking to it. Even for a single-player only game, if it has Steam achievements attached, your cheating will practically affect a multiplayer environment. Of course you can't compare it to a multiplayer cheat either, since that is something that directly affects other people's gameplay negatively where here it affects their statistics negatively (by devaluing their legitimate accomplishments).
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Hmmm. You do have a point here, though I don't feel it warrants the level of song and dance it has received.
Banning on a forum for cheating on achievements seems almost... petty, given they're two different things. Forums are used for association with the community and for tech support, after all. Suspension and a deletion of the subject as to prevent spreading awareness of the achievement program seems like more of a rational response, but that's just me. It would be better if there was a way for the devs to flag a user for achievement 'demotion' of some kind, but I suppose that's a perfect world approach. There is a thing on their forums saying that you can get unbanned if you follow a process to reset your progress, but that resets everything to absolute zero in a game that is already heavy on the grind. It just irks me that people are treating this kid like he's spitting in people's faces when this can barely be said to effect anyone but himself.
I even understand how frustrating it can be to see scoreboards saturated with impossible, obviously hacked scores (I recall Mirror's Edge record times of 0:00:00.1, heh), but I have a hard time understanding the degree of animosity (and revelry at his punishment) here. If it influenced other people's gameplay? I'd totally get that. Just not this.
Heh, not that his attitude is exactly exemplary, looking at his replies. The entire thing just stinks wall to wall, as is normal when groups of people start flinging poop.
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I agree that the punishment is very strange, especially seeing as banning him on the forums does nothing to prevent whichever benefits he got from cheating the actual achievements. It looks like they are trying to coerce him into resetting his achievement progress, which would be a reasonable consequence, but I don't understand why they don't just force the issue (resetting achievements should be the default punishment for cheating them anyway). Maybe the devs can't reset them without permission from Valve? I'd still think it'd be easier to cooperate with Valve than random offenders.
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Yeah, but that would require submitting tickets per every offender, which would be a bit of a labor given they might just immediately re-offend on top of Valve not seeming to have many live staff on hand. It's like there's no winning move in these kinds of situations.
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yeah yeah yeah, yesterday i cross the street on red light, and cops try to shoot me, this world it 2 cruel
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u think using aimbot on FPS MP shooter and use SAM to open some achivements its same ?
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There's that totally misused word again : "deserved".
While SAM does risk a potential VAC ban, cheating to unlock achievements hurts nobody. When you consider that the content you are paying for in a DLC is locked behind achievements, surely you can see why someone might do this.
Banning from the steam forums for a game will not prevent that person from using SAM, it just stops them from discussing the game. Would you consider this a suitable punishment for people who would... say... alter their system's clock so they can see easter-eggs for playing at specific times and dates? It's a similar premise.
Of course, the ban may be a blessing in disguise as it could prevent them from getting VACbanned (any third party software can potentially trigger it), but it's still pretty heavy-handed IMO.
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Some people spend a lot of time and effort into getting achievements, so it's unfair when someone like OP gets those same achievements with a couple of mouse clicks.
It's a shitty thing to do, and should be condemned, and I don't mind if people doing something like that get punished for it.
Altering system clock in order to get events that happen at specific times and dates is something I wouldn't consider cheating.
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It's not really "unfair" when the same method is available to all people. While I think it's totally hollow to cheat achievements (there's no fun in it, and those completed marks mean nothing), it doesn't subtract from other player's own experience. How exactly is it a shitty thing to do? How is it possibly hurting anyone but the person cheating the cheevs?
Also, why don't you consider it cheating to alter the system clock to trigger events, but you consider it cheating to slip past content hurdles in a DLC pack? It's still cheating the intended system, and both don't effect anyone but the single user using it.
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it does not need to substract from other people experience for it to be cheating. The thing is whether it is fair to noncheating users and it's not. Let's say you're having a math exam. You have to study hard for weeks to prepare for it. Then there comes an OP, he never studied for exam, when you were working hard he was wasting time partying, on exam he makes a photo of all questions, sends it to his friend who is math teacher and he sends him an answers. You studied and worked hard for weeks to pass this exam. He did nothing and got a perfect 100%. Is it fair? By your definition it should be totally fair - after all him cheating did not subtract from your "math experience".
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Never said it wasn't cheating.
"Fairness" is a bit of a non-factor in this, and the constant parroting of that word is starting to remind me of youth who claim everything that doesn't go their way is 'unfair'. It's strange, all this false concern over fairness is pretty transparent when nobody spares a thought for the disconnect between the crime and the punishment. If you were really concerned about fairness, you would scrutinise the whole thing. You didn't.
There is no moral basis at the foundation of locking game content behind achievements in a paid DLC, so treating 'fairness' as such a purple-faced serious topic is a bit odd. By a similar token, should we consider forum bans for people who ask each other in CS:GO or TF2 to help them get achievments, because "it's not fair" to those who earn them legitimately? Should we gather to sneer and mock if they suggest that the punishment doesn't fit the crime? This person cheated the achievement system to unlock the content quicker, they got punished. I'm disputing is the nature of the punishment and people's over-eagerness to treat the achievement shortcutter as some kind of high-grade criminal. Perspective. :P
It's like throwing a house-party because someone got vote-kicked for teamkilling, or saying that someone deserved to have their account reset because they used profanity on a server that auto-censors it. The exact nature of a punishment and the scale of reaction is my focus, but now so is the misuse of the word 'deserved' and the self-righteous self-elevation that people are all cashing in on..
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for me fairness is a big factor.. And no - here we don't have a simple childish "you have something I don't have, it's unfair!" situation like you described. Here we have what I described - person A works hard to achieve something while person B cheats to get it with no effort for free. You think calling it unfair is childish? So what - if I don't like person cheating on the exam in my example I am childish? If so then in my opinion you're the childish one here.
Ofc there is a basis to lock part of contrent you paid for behind something that requires some work, especially in an online game. Think MMO games for example - they do it all the time. If you buy the newest expansion for World of Warcraft does it mean you are entitled to get all the best gear from all raids/dungeons wityhout playing through them? No you are not. When purchasing expansion you are well aware taht what it gives you is some of new content and ability to get even more if you prove yourself.
Also no - I don't think your comparison to us " throwing a house-party because someone got vote-kicked for teamkilling" is valid. We are not celebrating or anything. We are just stating an opinion that punishment OP got was well deserved. Heck - he got treated lightly - he can still play the game with all the items he cheated to get, only thing he cannot do is to write on forums. In many games, especially MMOs I mentioned early, if you cheated to get an item from end of raid/dungeon you would get permabanned from the game alltogether and noone sees it as a bad thing. Here OP cheated to get what other players work their asses for, he got it for free thanks to cheating and he still can use it freely and enjoy his game with cheated items. If anything OP got treated too lightly, not too harsh.
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No, what I'm saying is that the fixation on 'fairness' when it comes to such a total non-issue as unlocking mods in a DLC, then it reminds me of the kneejerk "it's not fair!" response. I wasn't actually calling you childish, but that's on me for not wording myself better, my bad. A serious lapse in tact on my part?
It's more that the parroting of 'fairness' over and over without a sense of perspective reminded me of it, and I wanted to highlight that hiding behind the concept of 'fairness' doesn't really work unless the advantages and disadvantages are anchored in more than a PvE videogame, when the individual doing it is utterly and completely detached from your own play experience and therefore not a moral issue, nor something that lends your opinion any stake or gravity in the matter. Again, I likened this to a singleplayer cheat given how utterly disconnected it is from other people's experience. So strongly making 'fairness' an element and presenting it as a moral failing is a gross exaggeration, and just mystifying to me. Whether someone feels it 'unfair' or not, that opinion ultimately doesn't matter a lick provided it doesn't effect their game. The example of an exam isn't very good, given those actually have gravity to them. MMOs are a whole different beast to PD2, if only due to server hosting, interaction scale and player scale.
And yes, people were revelling in the fact he got punished. I mean, I get it. Catharsis is normal, but after a certain point it just makes me quirk a brow. For how small the issue, people were awfully quick with the barbs and in no small number. Then again I suppose his attitude and language barrier really didn't help things there. It turned into a poop flinging contest pretty quick, only one done with the assistance of a bad translation guide, heh.
The punishment he received was a forum ban, but the crime was an in-game infraction, which is a weird mismatch. It's like banning someone from trade as a punishment for insulting a moderator on the forum. It just doesn't align that great. Like you said, in it's own way it's too light. This is why repercussions need to be properly considered. I'm not even saying he shouldn't have to deal with some form of punishment, or that what he did is 'good' or 'okay', just that it's not something worth blowing so far out of proportion, nor having such a song and dance about how 'deserved' it was. A more 'deserved' punishment would be to penalise him in some in-game manner, on a scale fitting the 'crime', not to mute him from the steam forums. Delete the mods he cheated to get and make him do them legit, maybe even scrub his achievements or roll back his characters a few levels, whatever. Dropping a forum ban and saying the only way to get back in is to totally erase ALL your progress in a game that is already so badly designed as to require power-grinding, and is heavy on the DLC syndrome to boot? That's a pretty weird way to go about things, IMO.
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Point taken about "fairness", while I still see it in realms of acceptable limit to call such thing "unfair" but not "childishly called unfair" ;)
On the other hand I cannot agree with your comparison to singleplayer cheating. I'm for one totally fine with people's right to cheat in SinglePlayer (heck, I wouldn't even count times I cheated SP games myself, all the tanks dropped from heaven in GTA3 so I could wreck havoc in the streets, all armies cheated in HoMM3 so I could make epic scale battles with thousands of dragons against eacho ther without hours of farming these and so on andf on), but for me cheating stops being acceptable the moments the game stops being single player or cheating is not kept to private while not being disclosed (for example posting a score attack result or speedrun timer got with cheating would no longer be fine, even in single player game)..
While I can understand that exam metaphor may not seem too good to you (I wasn't using it in a matter "it's the same level of crime", was rather using it only to show that something that does not affect you directly in any way nor substract from your experience can be still seen as unfair), I still do believe that MMOs comparison is a perfect example here. Especially if you consider PvE only MMOs/servers. First of all - then you have the same case - OP owning better items does not affect you directly in any form, you may still use your own items in the same way to beat mobs in PvE whether OP cheats to get better items or not. Another reason I see this comparison fitting is that it perfectly deflects the argument "I paid for the DLC, I am entitled to all of it's content, noe of it should be locked". And to neither of these arguments MMOs scale, servers costs etc does correspond. It doesn't matter for the case discussed what scale the game has or what are costs of servers. These things has nothing to do with cheating. What does correspond is that there is player interaction, there is a locked content even in DLCs you paid for, that this locked content can be unlocked via farming/skill and whether cheating to unlock this content without any time investment or skill is fair or not. I see these similarities as way than enough to make this comparison valid.
I, same as you, find the punishment he received strange. But I can understand why he got such a punishment, not something else. The thing is - game developer does not have rights to edit your Steam profile information, they cannot roll back achievments you unlocked. And if in-game item aquisition is bound to unlocking an achoievment, if they rolled his progress back he could simply chet it again and get an item again. On the other hand, people behind PD2 may like you yourself see peraban on the whole game too harsh punishment for the crime. In such a case there have pretty limited options. They cannot just roll his character back, because he will be able to eqasilly cheat it again. They do not wanrt to permaban him, because they see it as too harsh punishment for such a cheating. They do not have many options left - but community ban is one of them, so maybe that's why they used it. For me perfect solution here would be what games like GTA5 or Dark Souls does. If you're caught cheating you are not permabanned from the game. but you are soft-banned. These games has dedicated servers for cheaters only. Caught cheater can still enjoy his game, but only play online with other cheaters, not with fair users. But having such a system would require PD2 devs to first develop and implement it into the game (new matchmaking system differentiating between cheater and non-cheater players, separate servers to host cheater matches etc), so at the current moment, when they don't have such system implemented this solution is out of option.
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Any third party software that interacts with Steam could potentially trigger a ban. No, I'm not familiar with the innermost workings of the VAC system, but there is a certain risk when using tools like this that people should be aware of, even when the risks are low. Thankfully Valve seem to be pretty good regarding certain tools (think back to when people used third party idler software for TF2 drops).
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Any third party software that interacts with Steam could potentially trigger a ban.
That's not true. Only software that goes against the ToS of steam can trigger a ban. As long as nothing is done that is against their ToS, you won't get banned.
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VAC Bans are automated, and have been stated to ban for certain 3rd party software [intended to fix game issues, not cheat] in the past.
Replace 'can' with 'should' and 'won't' with 'shouldn't' and your comment would be appropriate.
The concern is that even if you shouldn't get a ban, that you may get one regardless.
How likely that is, not sure anyone could say, but then, Uroboros said 'potentially', and thus seems rather firmly correct in his statement.
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Using third party software that tinkers with a game or it's steam-integration mechanics is against their ToS, at least the last I was aware.
Again, pointing back to the TF2 server idler as an example. Valve made a point of underlining that such programs are against their ToS, but instead of having people banned, they simply reset their inventories (this was back when only the first waves of hats were introduced and TF2 inventories were new).
All I'm saying is that when you use programs like that, you're taking a bit of a risk. Valve are usually pretty cool about it, but you're gambling against your steam account. Even with amazing odds of not being banned, that's still a risk that you take. It only takes an oversight in a patch to potentially make this go sour. If you get nailed with a ban, trying to convince them it was just a soundboard program you use for playing audio clips might not be enough :P
Consider how many people already line various multiplayer forums swearing that it was an innocent program that triggered the ban. Sure, a good number of those will be legit cheaters, but it makes you wonder which ones really did get poked as a false positive. Again, the odds might be good, but there's still that tiny chance.
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When you consider that the content you are paying for in a DLC is locked behind achievements, surely you can see why someone might do this.
So, if a MP game has skills unlocked at certain experience levels, it is okay to hack yourself to a high level as well? After all, those game elements are in it, you paid for them, surely you don't have to get the the intended way, neh?
Using SAM in SP, I can understand. Using it to unlock MP awards one doesn't want to work for is just sad and pathetic.
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Lol thats a bit overkill, not that i care about these people, having mostly a console background im a big fan of competing for achievments which is something i cant have fun with on steam
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Attitudes towards cheating vary. Using exploits in single-player modes is usually considered to be simply another form of exploring the game's content unless the player's accomplishments are to be submitted competitively, and is common in single-player games with a high difficulty level; however, cheating in multiplayer modes is considered immoral and harshly condemned by fair players and developers alike
Payday 2 = Multiplayer game
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omg, u know what makes SAM ? google it and than comment
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and u must be a part of it ? after my cheating u ll stop sleaping at night or its gona be global warning?
i think its called only local warming someones asses, and yeah its rly scarry
i cheat at first time when try to pee at toilet not in urinal
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strange, but even google translate cant read this, maybe redard is you?
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They still have their mods though? They are totally unaffected by this.
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if you buy a bread from a shop and your neighbour steals it from a shop, you still have bread. does that mean that yur neighbour is not a thief or does that mean that it is not unfair that you have to pay for the bread and he keeps stealing it?
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That's an idiotic analogy and you know it.
The store is actually losing a product. Nobody at all is losing anything by someone using SAM to unlock achievements.
Also, quite a few of the mods that are achievement locked in PD2 are part of DLC, so this would work better if you your neighbour bought the bread and then the baker said 'Haha. Nope, you still have to grind away for your bread'
Then your neighbour steals the bread they paid for.
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What is idiotic about it? I've not been talking about the store. I've been talking about how is it fair compared to people who got an achievment fair and square.
But fair enough - want a better analogy? You have a math exam. You study hard for few weeks to prepare for it and it pays off - your hard work let you pass. And there's this douchebag who didn't take a second to study. While you were working your ass off learning, he was partying and gaming. Then on the exam takes his smartphone, makes photos of all questions, send to his math teacher friend, receives solution back and scores the perfect 100%. Are you fine with it? After all you yourself lost nothing - you still got a score coresponding to your knowledge, so why would you care that some arsehole got even a better score partying in the time you were studying? Heck, let's take it to another level. You are looking for intership (to relate to Payday you're looking for dedicated team), but this cheater arsehole want to get into the same intership as well. You don't get in, because this arsehole scored perfect 100% on the exam he cheated while you scored only 80% (you were able to get only 4/5 achivs due to your skill, he no mater what noob and noskill he is got 5/5, he gets into the team, because compared to him you're just a noob who cannot get the 5th achiv).
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Your analogy falls apart because in the internship he'd have to demonstrate his skill, likely proving proficiency before getting it.
So does he, and all other players, prove their skill at the game to merit having any achievements?
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strangely enough you keep avoiding the main question. picking up on whether metaphor feels right to you por not. The question is - do you think it's fair that person XYZ gets the actual reward (and not some imaginary achievment noone can see, we're talking actual in-game items here) doing nothing, cheating, while all the other fair users has to actually work towardsgetting the reward?
Well, considfering how much you avoid answering the question is enough of an answer in itself.
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As I mentioned, person XYZ paid for that "reward" and was then told to do an endless grind to get items they pay for.
Also, people who don't just use SAM to get the achievement, will still have their achievements and the items they unlock for them.
How are they being shortchanged? They had the same opportunity.
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First of all - still no answewr to the question.
Second of all - XYZ did not pay for the reward but for the opportunity to get it among other things. Let's say you buy an expansion pack for your MMO game. You paid for it - does it mean you are entitled to all the loot from end game raids and bosses without actually fighting and beating them? By your definition you should, after all you paid for the expansion. In reality you pay for an expansion/DLC/whatever which lets you unlock additional items if you meet certain criteria. Beat the boss, earn an achiev etc. It does not mean that since you bought the content you are free to cheat your way to these rewards. If you cheat in MMO to beat the boss you will be banned from the game, no matter that you paid for the expansion. So why should it be free to cheat in PD2 simply because you bought the content that let you unlock loot?
Last of all - how are these fair users being shortchanged? Because they hat to actually work, grind or show a skills to get a reward. The one who did not didn't get a reward at all. While OP gets the reward without need for any work/grind or skill.
But as I said in 1st sentence - still avoidingf actual answer for the simple question "do you think/say it's fair". The reason you keep avoiding it is very simple. You know that objectively speaking it is unfair, yet you cannot say so as you keep defending something you know is not fair. So I will leave the argument wight here as it is. No point in speaking with someone who is not capable of answering a simple Yes/No question simply because it would not fit his agenda ;)
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I think its fair. In SP or Coop games anything the player does is fair. Let them enjoy their game how they want to enjoy it. If they want to hack the game to get all the end game loot and blow thru the game easily, who cares? It doesn't take away from your experience. Some games I play on easy, some games I cheat, some games I play on the hardest difficult and purposefully find ways to make it even more difficult.
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To answer your question, again, it is neither fair nor unfair.
Also, how can you even begin to compare this to an MMO?
If you buy an expansion, you are paying for gameplay.
PD2 DLCs specifically list the masks and mods that are unlocked via achievements as actual content in the DLC packs.
Here are masks I paid for and then grinded away to unlock.
Weapon mods, in a weapon mods DLC, that I had to complete dumb achievements for.
Users had to work hard to get their achievements? The 2014 Safehouse Nightmare achievement in PD2 was easily cheesed through by lots of people when it was discovered that the enemies didn't shoot at you if you didn't look at them.
I Want to Get Away
Jump. Unlocks the "Funnyman" mask.
They pressed space bar. It's not an achievement. Should someone be banned for using SAM to unlock that?
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i think everyone who post here comment dont understand a thing about SAM
people, pls use google and than try to judge me, ok ?
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I think you don't understand that by making a mockery of people's effort to get achievements the right way you lose respect, so people won't even try to help you.
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Yes, what others have put hours, coordination with a team of players to achieve, you have done with a click of a program.
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if i klick one more time and lock all - u l be satisfied ?
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It's not about me being satisfied, it's about you marking yourself as a black sheep by doing this. That's how social norms work, if you are proud of something that is below the norm, most of the players won't like you even if they don't know you. You make a bad impression for yourself.
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dont warry about me, tell me how i can help YOU personally !
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I'm just telling you what happened and why you were denied help, you would help me personally by actually reading what I write so you can put things in perspective and look further than your nose.
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Look mate, you are the one with the problem, that's why you created this topic. I answered all the things to you, but you don't seem to care about reading the answers.
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I Want to Get Away
Jump. Unlocks the "Funnyman" mask.
Oh, how ever will we live knowing we worked hard to press space bar and Gagarinace didn't.
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You are right, what was I even living this far for. Knowing this now, life truly has no meaning, there is no other choice but to suicide now, isn't there?
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yeap, my achevments make me immortal and give me infinite ammo
read this topic about grass and meat
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Payday 2 has turned to shit anyways, move on and play something else.
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you cheated, got caught and punished
stop complaining
edit: wrong word
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You unlocked every achievement on Feb 18th, 2:57pm. Most ppl grind for their achievements. You took a shortcut, so you got banned.
Imagine that you just finished 4 tough years of college, but some random guy got his degree in 1 day cuz he's friends with the would you feel?
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when i finish college i got knowlenge - it have some price and got diplom - pease of paper - it dont cost a cent
your comparison is a little strange, try another one
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Well hopefully when you " finnish college " lol then you won't be 8 years old anymore and hopefully you'll be able to read and write in english properly....and hopefully think before you write posts and topics.
They should give you a Game Ban so you can't play anymore imho :)
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kid, how many languages u know besides or your mother language ?
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I'm 25 you fucking authistic prick stupid sqweaker typical cheating kid and to answer your question native language PLUS 7 OTHER LANGUAGES.
Watch out who you call names you kid noob . Your familiy tree must be so proud of your braincell since you surely are first in it to have more than half a braincell.
One day ,your lack of braincells will get you killed ;) hopefully you'll grow the fuck up and realize it before it happens ^^
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what 7 ? u dont know even your own language, take one more try
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You've just won yourself a free advertising ticket towards Payday2 devs and mods & admins with a GameBan suggestion for SAM cheating and more ranting about them.
And to VALVE support see how they think your use of SAM is their problem for your Steam not updating your game anymore :) , i remember something long ago in the subscriber agreement & terms of service about them reserving the rights to terminate your account if you try to hack it/modify it which you did .
And btw you don't even know which my native language is. Not that your judgement on english language (which isn't my native btw ) ,should be listened to, since you most likely believe everybody should read & write how you do it lolz...
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Well, Tz and ambi and Mul i knew you guys to be nice ,out of the peeps replying to me :) (no ideea who the others are sorry bout that,small world but not so small :D )
I still love you guys nevertheless ,but i never would've expected YOU THREE TO ENCOURAGE SOMEBODY TO TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE :) I don't take it from anyone least of all an ignorant kid who makes a topic to complain bout beeing banned because of SAM and then calls others "kid" and what not :) other subtle insults he uses, check this whole topic and see said leecher talk trash to most people in this topic, everybody who does that should be perma banned imho but whatever :) ,i still like you three but i don't agree regarding on this topic :) , i usually ignore tarded kids who call me kid but in some cases it tends to pile up so yeah i might've reacted a little too much :) by some people's standards ( not by mine though, it was too little ) .
In fact ,the OP deserves the Payday2 devs and admins and mods to know bout people who bash their game &forums in other places when they get banned lol. Also i think VALVE can terminate accounts of people who cause trouble with SAM, because if they can't update their game anymore it's their own fault of hacking Steam account, i read the subscriber agreement a while ago but from what i remember VALVE writes something like we don't own the accounts nor game licenses we have but instead rent them,correct me if i'm wrong :)
I knew there was 100 % chance of me getting suspension xD when i was raging ,but why are some cheating leeching kids allowed to trashtalk to others without permaban in the firstplace?? Check the topic see how big a percentage of people posted/replied here and they were trashtalked to by OP :)
I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
Admins here imho, SHOULD BE IMPARTIAL, AS A JUDGE, Trashtalking OP's shouldn't be allowed to do it in the first place but whatever :)
Edit: Moreso when some people refer to shady programs like SAM which are (if you're lucky) in the gray zone from VALVE's view ...
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Yeap i've been told that i never seem to get the quantity right hmm sometimes i use too many sometimes not at all :D
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Well, Tz and ambi and Mul i knew you guys to be nice ,out of the peeps replying to me :) (no ideea who the others are sorry bout that,small world but not so small :D )
I still love you guys nevertheless ,but i never would've expected YOU THREE TO ENCOURAGE SOMEBODY TO TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE :) I don't take it from anyone least of all an ignorant kid who makes a topic to complain bout beeing banned because of SAM and then calls others "kid" and what not :) other subtle insults he uses, check this whole topic and see said leecher talk trash to most people in this topic, everybody who does that should be perma banned imho but whatever :) ,i still like you three but i don't agree regarding on this topic :) , i usually ignore tarded kids who call me kid but in some cases it tends to pile up so yeah i might've reacted a little too much :) by some people's standards ( not by mine though, it was too little ) .
In fact ,the OP deserves the Payday2 devs and admins and mods to know bout people who bash their game &forums in other places when they get banned lol. Also i think VALVE can terminate accounts of people who cause trouble with SAM, because if they can't update their game anymore it's their own fault of hacking Steam account, i read the subscriber agreement a while ago but from what i remember VALVE writes something like we don't own the accounts nor game licenses we have but instead rent them,correct me if i'm wrong :)
I knew there was 100 % chance of me getting suspension xD when i was raging ,but why are some cheating leeching kids allowed to trashtalk to others without permaban in the firstplace?? Check the topic see how big a percentage of people posted/replied here and they were trashtalked to by OP :)
I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
Admins here imho, SHOULD BE IMPARTIAL, AS A JUDGE, Trashtalking OP's shouldn't be allowed to do it in the first place but whatever :)
Edit: Moreso when some people refer to shady programs like SAM which are (if you're lucky) in the gray zone from VALVE's view ...
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I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
If you're used to taking shit from anyone, forgiving them, good for you mate, same thing does not apply to all of us .
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I don't take shit from anyone, but I also don't start calling them every offensive thing that comes to mind. And nice edit.
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:D if i were to call him every offensive thing that came to mind ( ++++ the ones i had already invented, i would probably have to make a giveaways train too to apologise because reading it would take around 10-20 pages of this topic lol ...And i would be okay with the giveaways ,heck i'll even do some soon, but it's against the rules so oh well ).... You can read what i wrote to other nice people i knew ,up/down , the longer post, see my full opinion on this ,i knew i was gonna get a suspension ,when i raged, caz yeah i was raging for good reason, why are leeching cheating-trashtalking kids not banned in the first place??sure the leeching is irrelevant, though not according to some friends who also decided to blacklist OP , but trash-talking and cheating? AND REFFERING SAM which is not allowed by VALVE From what i believe?:) since you are hacking/modifying your own account if you decide to ever use it, which,in turn, can lead to VALVE deciding to use their reserved rights of account termination. Mods should be impartial ,like judges, and here i'm not saying i didn't deserve the suspension,i'm saying this topic and any others like this shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place , this ain't Steam support nor Payday2 support and especially not the place to promote gray-area shady programs like SAM which could get lots of people in trouble, heck long ago i think someone posted that people shouldn't give medication advice on the internet lolz , so yeah,there's stuff that should exist on forums like our dear SG and tehre's stuff that shouldn't...
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Well, Tz and ambi and Mul i knew you guys to be nice ,out of the peeps replying to me :) (no ideea who the others are sorry bout that,small world but not so small :D )
I still love you guys nevertheless ,but i never would've expected YOU THREE TO ENCOURAGE SOMEBODY TO TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE :) I don't take it from anyone least of all an ignorant kid who makes a topic to complain bout beeing banned because of SAM and then calls others "kid" and what not :) other subtle insults he uses, check this whole topic and see said leecher talk trash to most people in this topic, everybody who does that should be perma banned imho but whatever :) ,i still like you three but i don't agree regarding on this topic :) , i usually ignore tarded kids who call me kid but in some cases it tends to pile up so yeah i might've reacted a little too much :) by some people's standards ( not by mine though, it was too little ) .
In fact ,the OP deserves the Payday2 devs and admins and mods to know bout people who bash their game &forums in other places when they get banned lol. Also i think VALVE can terminate accounts of people who cause trouble with SAM, because if they can't update their game anymore it's their own fault of hacking Steam account, i read the subscriber agreement a while ago but from what i remember VALVE writes something like we don't own the accounts nor game licenses we have but instead rent them,correct me if i'm wrong :)
I knew there was 100 % chance of me getting suspension xD when i was raging ,but why are some cheating leeching kids allowed to trashtalk to others without permaban in the firstplace?? Check the topic see how big a percentage of people posted/replied here and they were trashtalked to by OP :)
I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
Admins here imho, SHOULD BE IMPARTIAL, AS A JUDGE, Trashtalking OP's shouldn't be allowed to do it in the first place but whatever :)
Edit: Moreso when some people refer to shady programs like SAM which are (if you're lucky) in the gray zone from VALVE's view ...
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Two wrongs don't make a right, and anyone a "quarter of a century old" should probably know that. Besides, some of the things you said were just repulsive. You're certainly not going to make any friends on these forums calling people autistic or retarded - those are real disabilities, and not to be made light of or used as insults.
Rather than using your age as an excuse to say things like that, use your age as proof of wisdom and refrain from saying things like that. Just my two cents, of course.
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Well,i was raging :) so it happens sometimes in cases exactly like this, from tiem to time :)
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I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
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maybe you should work harder on those insults. Seriously after reading this mess, who can blame anyone for trying to give you an age
The insults shared in this thread reminded me i might be a bit too old to spend my time on a game related site, then again i might be younger than both of you
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I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
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I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
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Hey, I just said that it looked like you over-reacted there. Calling someone a kid is not really an insult many people would be that mad about, you went a bit overkill with that guy. I'm not defending him, he's a prick, but the internet is populated by that kinda assholes. There's nothing too terrible about what he said, I've seen much much worse.
Also you're only 25, you're still a kid for some older people. Not me tho, I'm just 26.
As others said, you might want to check those anger issues.
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:) Said person still deserves the Payday2 devs and mods & admins to know about his ranting & bashing elsewhere after their forum ban and suggestion of the promotion from said forum ban to GameBan :D .
And perhaps VALVE's support too ,to know about his usage of SAM and stuff and see if they decide to terminate his account since SAM makes a modification ,hacking the steam accounts ,regardless of the reason being only for achievements ,it's still an intrusion in VALVE's eyes :)
And,since he kept asking people how this affects them ,his usage of SAM , theoretically speaking,there are the GLOBAL Steam Achievement stats so some people might be affected by his hacking of achievements which he got unfair,instead of the old school,the old fashioned way,by playing the damn games wtf lol xD ..I myself don't give a damn about his sad need of achievement hack because of maybe incompetence to win @ gaming, what i am pissed off about isn't even his "skills" on the english language,it's the fucking trashtalking to nice people on this topic *& calling them kids,when he is most likely a kid and as some firends pointed out to me ,he's a leecher too lol...
I usually ignore stupid kids who call me kid and what not ,subtle insults in their feeble attempts to bypass said games/forum rules, usually i ignore them but it does pile up from time to time :) .
Besides, i really did mean that if said person's familly hasn't taught him manners & common sense & politeness to begin with ,if moderators/admins/ somebody don't do something 'bout it,his big mouth will most likely get him killed someday :) ,that assuming he talks trash in real life too,unless he thinks he's a badass on the internet only lol ^_^so you see,i ain't all bout raging,it's "constructive criticism " too heh. He deserved far worse words& expressions & sayings from me imho but since it's SG Forums i refrained ,only raged a little bit :) .
Read nearby to some long replies to 3 nice people i knew that replied me in the first place, you'll find out more info on what i think of OP and more important the reasons why.
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I'm a quarter of a century old , 25 and if an ignorant kid calls me "kid" ,i consider it an insult, maybe a subtle one to bypass these forums's rules ,pff :)....
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i try to update game - its stuck, i create topic with problem and get banned,
and no one still dont help me with update
i dont care on forum, i just neet fix update
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you don't need to personally cheat him to be cheating. Let's say you steam some money from me and Diyova calls you a thief - will you go dfefending yourself "you cannot call me a thief, I never stole from you, I only stole from zelghadis!"?
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ow i understand : i steel something from you
tell me what exactly it is and i ll try to send it back
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not, you clearly don'r understand. It was metaphor, comparison. I am not calling you a thief. I am callling you a cheater. And yes - you are cheater even if you didn't cheat me personally - you cheated the whole community, getting adfvantage over fair players via your cheating, because these were not just achievments you unlocked - you also unlocked mods other players had to work to obtain.
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dont use metaphors, just tell about this particular case. if i cheat comunity - tell me how, what change after that?
so if u like metaphors - i ll give u one. U wathing TV, drink beer, eat meat - u deserve preason, no matter u eat meat at home or u kill human kid on central street and start eat him
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I told you how. Fair user needed to spend X time to get these achievments and to get items they award. You cheated and spent 1 second cheating your way into them. Fair user spend hours to get an item. You cheat and get the same item for no effort. You see nothing wrong with it? Then you asre an idiot. But that much I guessed already reading through your other replies, so well, eot for me. You got banned and I believe it was well deserved.
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u go to shop and bye bred - u cheater, coz people dig the earth, plant the wheat, making flour and bread.
u cheat and got same bread for a sec. You see nothing wrong with it? Then you asre an idiot. U dont get brains already I believe it was well deserved
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One person pays for bread with his work, another pays with his money, In your actual example - one person pays for achievment and item it gives with his hard work and another cheats. You didn't buy the bread. You stole it in your metaphor :>
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if u play pd2 u must be know that game give u safe and drill when i unlock achievement
what the difference how i get drill, opening acheivment or unlock it by SAM ? ( i dont choose what exactly acheevment need - i just unlock all)
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there are was some events when u can get free safe (cant sell it)
to get this safe u have to unlock some achievments,
Goat safe and other one, dont remember
thats the story
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Imo this game is really fun to play but watching how they making a lot of useless dlc's that make my disc suffer :P and those drills and safes make me sick, that thing should be free (sry for any mistakes, my english is not very good) game is amazing but Overkill kill their own child
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Umm.. Just wondering.. How many BL you got after create this thread ?
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Probably dozens. He's doing a piss poor job of not reinforcing Russian online gamer stereotypes too.
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That's a shame, because cheating to unlock achievements (so you can quickly use the content you PAID for in a DLC) is a huge difference from cheating other players or game limitations. It's still shortcutting and risks his account getting a VAC ban if the third party software trips the system, but it doesn't effect other players.
I'm all for disagreeing with what he did, but the amount of people lining up to shit on him for what amounts to a lingual disconnect and a want to shortcut to content he paid for? That's just as harsh as a forum ban for an achievement shortcut.
I don't agree with what he did, but I agree with peoples comically exaggerated self-righteousness even less.
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No, not what he paid for, but what he has to earn through the contents his paid for. If you buy a lottery ticket, it doesn't entitle you to alter the ticket to win prizes. Same with Payday 2 DLCs: you buy the DLCs, they provide you with contents, and offer you rewards if you can use the contents they provide to get achievements. You don't need to earn the achievements in order to use the DLCs, at all.
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so, u try to tell me that i got ban for acheivments from DLCs i dont have. And i had unlock acheivments only from main game?
yeah, your logic is brilliant
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Some DLC give you content only AFTER you do achievements.
For example AK/CAR mods DLC give you mods after you get some achievements. Some are fun, other are tedious, one was somewhat brokenish, not always unlocking.
My friend after seeing that said "fuck it, I want to mod my AK" and started SAM for first time, just to click those achievos.
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The game won't get you VAC banned specifically, it will just brand you as a cheater instead, and the only way that can get you VAC banned is if some little bitches report you, but the majority of the Payday community just do not give a shit and just exploit that they found a hacker.
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:P Maybe they ran out of points ,dem leechers lol.
I raged at OP because i hate it when stupid kids calls me and many others kid.
Same as the russians in DotA 2 & CS:GO & other games when they think all servers are russian and they call you hamburger because they think you're from US even though we are on Europe servers,etc lol....
Some things are just,freaking outrageous :)
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Madonna is making a tribute to Prince at the Billboard Music Awards. Very excited about that!
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i just create some topic this shitty game and got banned for using SAM
rly? its easyer ban people than help them ? coolstory
p.s. seems moderator delete original steam topic,so, here is the problem:
i try to update PD2 in 2 PCs, 2 of my friends cant udate it too
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