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yes you will get suspended for a while first time.
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Lol He saw the Steam price of CK2 and started to see Dollar signs everywhere.
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He claims he got the game from a friend, though as of right now he's not on the friend's list of the giver. Looks like he always knew what he was doing. He just wanted to come in here and pretend like his entire intention was to activate it but that he gave it a 'friend' (though we suspect he does not mean what he should mean when he uses that word) out of the generosity of his heart and ignorance of the rules.
Good thing I'm not admin. I'd permaban. A trickster who thinks he can pull a fast one.
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Steffke, the greatest detective live on this side of SteamGift street
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fuck off you don't know me
The only hate comment in this thread belongs to you
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After the way you behaved and lied about the friend- no wonder, though it wasn't really necessary to call you names. You lost quite a lot of sympathy at the point you started swearing. Just take it cool - I mean, simply admit you made the bad thing, "deal with it". Then don't do it again. :)
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You're right, it definitely wasn't necessary. I just have no interest in sugar coating or hiding my opinion. Why bother?
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At least by opening a topic about it you'll speed up the suspension.
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I'm not that gullible.
edit: You might think he is sincere but I don't buy it, especially not after he got caught in a stone cold lie.
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I was not going to blacklist him at first, but this and his reaction to it made him a permanent addition to my blacklist. And instead of owing up to it, he is doing what the Pirates guy was doing, only he seem to be even more aware of the fact that what he did was wrong.
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You can just buy the same game as you won and activate it on your account. Then you'll be safe. You did a mistake, but you still can fix it.
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Everytime there is a friend to blame, take the responsibility like a real man.
The steamgifts community is special thats why im addicted to it, you can't hide your lies even behind a monitor.
Blacklisted to secure my future.
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You do admit being a jackass and yet accused someone after he called you the same thing.
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I like how much you keep telling us you made a mistake. You really are selling your horseshit story hard, aren't you.
You always knew that you had to activate the gift. You are not friends with the giver, yet you lied about the origin of the game in your trade thread. Why? Because you knew you couldn't say "I won it on SG."
Then you came here trying to sell a story about how you gave it to your friend out of the generosity of your heart, he just wanted it soooo badly. You posted a H/W, and I doubt you traded with your friend. It's all just a pre-emptive (fake) admission of ignorant guilt so that maybe you'll get a lesser punishment than the punishment you will inevitably get as a giveaway-winner who didn't activate a gift.
Nice try. I hope the admins permaban you, and your children, and your children's children.
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Indeed that is the reference but loggylizard doesn't embiggen the site, and his story isn't cromulent. Or it is cromulent. Depends on your usage.
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In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, Steamgifts will be reorganized into the first Galactic Blacklist … for a safe and secure society!
So sayeth Darth Delicious Palpatine.
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+1, can confirm he pretends really good & gives good Elder Scrolls advice.
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i don't know anymore and i can't find the thread which made me blacklisting you, but i don't blacklist without a reason. there are 9 people now on my blacklist, and everybody for reasons...
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Lol, I was wondering if anyone would actually blacklist me for that. Guess those are the chances you take when you joke about touchy subjects :P
Well, I'm gonna blacklist you back. Nothing personal, I just think it's fair that if I can't enter yours you can't enter mine :)
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to me it wasn't funny at all. in my opinion it was a troll thread showing a way to violate the rules. there are enough people doing that.
i'm fine with being blacklisted :)
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Lol. It showed a way to violate the rules that is completely impossible and makes no sense at all, but hey - everybody has a different sense of humor and not everyone gets mine, that's fine :)
Also, nothing counts as a "troll thread" if it has a private giveaway in it! That's, like, how it works :o
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I actually liked that thread and completely understood what you were trying to say. xD
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Didn't share wine - Blacklisted.
Do your tags look something like that? :P
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So much drama over what unfortunately will only result in a month suspension
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If you hadn't lied about what you did with those games this might not have escalated this fast.
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Nope. You'll only know if you visit the person's giveaway page.
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sid meier's pirates is also getting really popular around here
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why, so we get suspended for using vulgar language? No.
Dear loggylizard, you're a poor liar with obvious emotional issues. It's sad thing to say, but I don't tink we will be missing you in your time out. May we suggest instead that we dearly hope that you would use this extra free time to seek for professional help? Best wishes, your fellow SteamGifters.
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I did blacklist you, but I do not believe in using vulgarities or insulting people even when they ask me to. You honestly should just close this thread as I'm pretty sure you might just be getting yourself into more trouble.
(This thread actually caused me to start a blacklist.)
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The warnings are listed in the Rules, which can be found under the FAQ tab - click on Guidelines
If you wish to avoid being suspended, you must buy the games you won quick and activate them. However I doubt that will happen before someone has reported this thread and you are on the mods radar.
You have already done enough damage with this thread, your trade thread and the comments you've posted. With the amount of blacklists you have found yourself on, it may just be best to walk away.
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I do not own any nice.
Please, go back to whatever forum you crawled out of and do not return. You are wanted as much as herpes.
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