I was 1.97 at the start of SGv2 .... went to 2.12 (for some reason idk) made 1 giveaway and got to 2.56 ... 2 days passed went to 2.18 ( wtf? ).... made 1 more giveaway went to 2.20 (tnx i guess? ) .... now im 2.05 , ok then what the hell is going on here ?

Is contrib lvl value fluctuating for inactivity or some other unknown reasons for me?

10 years ago

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Bundles. The newest bundle games are only just now being added to the bundle list, and their value being recalculated has resulted in levels changing for users.

10 years ago

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when SGv2 started there were several issues.

1st: because of API bug some games were returning 0$ price, so they were giving 0$ value. When it got fixed you may have gained value.

2nd: Number of entries required for game to give value got reduced from 10 to 5. Your GAs that had les sthan 10 but >= 5 entries addet to your value.

3rd: From the start of SGv2 Bundle Games List was not updated, only few days ago Shobo gained his bundling abilities back. So if you gave any bundle games in the meantime that were not on the list they got now retroactively added, and their value decreased by 85%.

10 years ago

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I'm guessing you made your Star Wars giveaway before the game got added to the bundle list but after the beginning of the bundle. You got full value for it at first but that was fixed when the bundle list was updated.

10 years ago

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Lets say 2.56 back too 2.18 is valid point on bundled game recalculation then 2.18-2.20 valid 0.02 for low tier (bundled game) but 2.20 back to even lower then the 2.12 start at a womping 2.05 is justified how ?

10 years ago

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Your real CV is 26.2$, so exactly lvl 2.05.

Nothing is wrong with level system and there is no bug.

10 years ago

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well that's a nifty little calculator that will help in future ... i just hope this wacky back and forth in my contrib stops already at a REAL final base cv .

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by MasterXtrem.