you can't be addict after 2 days
but it can have sideeffects
read the label, every drug should have a list of sideeffects
and yes, talk to your psych about it ;)
feel better
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I mean... Not addicted, but dependant on it (As in, taking less and less amounts of the drug each day to prevent withdrawals...)
Right now, I just feel slightly shaky in my hands, with some illness around my stomach...
For now, I hope my psych tells me to stop taking them... I really hate to use drugs to get myself better :/
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sometimes you need it.
and it might be that your body is adapting....
again, read the label, it should say what to expect and what to do in case of
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You are having an anxiety attack about your anxiety attack, likely. Keep yourself occupied to avoid the placebo effect of a new drug. Or do the opposite, just trust that your doctor didn't spend years in med school and risk his job and livelihood by prescribing something that wouldn't help you with your problem and think that the drug is calming you down.
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Well... I just have anxiety when going outdoors. I'm completely fine when indoors.
But I'll try and call him when possible, of course.
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But a new drug is pushing you out of your own comfort zone. Your issue now is not that you are in an unfamiliar place but in an unfamiliar state with something new inside you. Act like as if it has been in your daily routine for quite some time and you'll be calming down fast.
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Check in with your doctor ASAP, and don't listen to random "experts" on the internet. He/she will advice you on what to do. It's possible it's a side effect from it but since we're talking about elevated anxiety its also possible it's psychosomatic. Either way call the doctor that prescribed them.
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5:44 a.m here.
I have to wait a little bit longer, until I can call him... For now, I just feel myself shaky... But still, it's kind of horrible to feel this way...
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I know the feeling, have been on anti-depressants and anti-anxieties for years, some of them don't agree with everyone. Had some side-effects too with paliperidone and clonazepam. For the time being just try to keep yourself occupied with something, if you feel you can concentrate enough maybe watch a movie or listen to some music or whatever relaxes you till he's in the office.
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But makes no sense... It didn't happened on my first day of taking them...
What just happened back there? :/
Am I getting already used to the pills?
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It's not exactly an allergic reaction type of thing, sometimes it might be months before something brings side-effects. Don't forget this kind of medication alters the normal state of your brain chemistry so there's some adjustment to it.
And I know you are scared right now but don't forget there's a good chance that this is caused exactly by that fear, subconsiously sabotaging it and making you feel like you have side-effects you don't actually have. Just try your best to take your mind off of it(I know it's much harder than it sounds but you gotta try to) and wait till you can get a professional opinion on the matter.
The one thing I can tell you for certain is don't worry about becoming addicted/used/dependant to them right now, 2 doses is not nearly enough for that, it's just in your head now.
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I agree with Wolfedood. But don't worry ... if this drug isn't the one for you, there are a TON of antidepressant products out there. One will suit your needs. And that's in the case that this drug isn't working for your body. As others have said, could just be you worrying.
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Well... The chill just started out of nowhere as I was feeling ill in my stomach, as if I wanted to puke... Then I started feeling chilly, very cold...
My mother told me I might not be covering myself... (I'm even using a jacket...).
I wasn't nervous at all at that moment, but after the cold... I feel a soft electric feeling in my hands, and still illness...
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You can also call the pharmacist (at least in the US). They know all about the drug too.
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If you just started taking that medicine prescribed by your psychiatrist, it is a bit early to take conclusions or make any assumptions. This kind of medicine has often secondary effects that change from one person to another. You should talk to your psychiatrist about all the effects you are feeling or those you'll eventually feel, good or bad. Always go through your psychiatrist. And never, never, change medicine or dosage on your initiative. In this kind of treatments this is crucial, because even small changes in dosage or suddenly stopping taking it can have devastating effects.
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Try to listen to this, it helps me sometimes:
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How's this one?
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I dont know if you a woman or a guy, I dont even know your age, but
if you having a anxiety attack before going out, take a cold bath, seriosly it helps alot.
I dont find myself having anxiety attacks today, but when I was younger that was the
solution I found.
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Was those chills an anxiety attack?
I really never had them before... Maybe... I don't really remember, sadly... Just felt generally ill, after having an upset stomach...
I might fear that I might have triggered tachycardia or something...
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Please don't stop taking your prescribed medication of your own will. Antidepressants need to be taken for a certain time until they start having their desired effects. It can take from 2 weeks to 2 months.
The side effects you talk about should wear off in a few days or weeks, it depends on the person taking them. I know how ugly it is, because i have switched to a different type of anti depressant drugs 2 months ago and the first 2 weeks on my new meds were absolute hell. I wasn't able to function normally at all. But the side effects are gone now and i'm feeling better.
Ring up your doctor and tell him/her about the problems you're having.
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I would probably consult my psychologist if I were you. Such medicines are not to be taken lightly, and any side-effect IMHO should be treated seriously. Whatever you do, consult with a doctor beforehand.
anyway if you need someone to talk to, im here to listen ^^
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Yeah as Wolfedood said you should rather consult with your doctor instead of talking to random internet "experts", yet I'm going to join them as I'm on AD treatment for around 7-8 years, suffering from clinical depression and anxiety disorder so I can relate and advise. You are definitely not addicted and you won't be, as SSRIs are not addictive by nature. What you felt today was most probably side-effect which is very common for patients who started their treatment. Even though this is probably nothing, I would definitely contact the doctor who made the prescription as he will know more. He might change your dosage or prescribe different paroxetine based medication because every brain is different and it might take a few tries before you find SSRI that is ideal for you. So for now keep calm, there is nothing to be worried about, but inform your doctor as soon as possible. Good luck and feel free to add me and contact me on Steam if you want to talk to fellow traveller ;)
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The only good advice I could give you is to have a talk soon with your doctor.
Unless you are facing a (quite rare) problem of strong side effect, I'd bet that your are "just" facing an anxiety attack. Antidepressants are a middle-term medication: you have to take them for, I'd say 2 or 3 weeks, before you can feel the effect. And you're likely not to become dependant after 2 days (but keep in mind that, after some weeks of usage, you musn't stop them brutally, and lower the doses over time instead, as your doctor probably already told you).
There's another kind of medication that has an effect on anxiety (short-term medication: you take a pill, you feel better for a few hours). Maybe that would help you now. But once again, you have to talk to your doctor.
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Antidepressants generally take at least two weeks to have any effect on you, positive that is. Negative side effects can occur on day 1. If you think it's unbearable then talk to your doctor and try something else. Tthere's a shitload of antidepressants out there and it takes a while to find the one that suits your needs. I have taken probably over 20 different meds to find one that remotely helps. Just to give you a perspective.
Also Antidepressants won't make you addicted unless you're taking benzos or sleeping drugs. Dependant, yes, maybe... but not addicted.
Oh and a bunch of doctors will tell you about the first worsening (couldn't find a proper translation), which basically means that often times you'll feel worse when taking antidepressants before they have any good impact on you. But as I said, if the side effects are unbearable, don't do it and talk to your doc.
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Same here! Now that I know. The ones I'm taking at least make me sleepy in the evening but that's about all they do for me, which is good, because if I forget to take them I'm up til 5 in the morning. :D
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I'll be honest that I don't know anything about anti-depressants or their side effects...
I'm only going by personal experience so take this with a grain of salt.
What you described sounds a lot like when I get really worried over something. It might be that you are panicking over the possibility of side effects or the possibility of getting addicted (since those are the stuff you mentioned in the OP). The only advice I can think of is either to lay down and try to calm yourself or to distract yourself with something that takes up your attention away from the subject that is making you panic.
Then when your psychiatrist is available later on ask them to clarify all the stuff you are worrying about so that your imagination wouldn't be filling in the blanks and making you worry.
Either way thinking too much about it right now will just make you feel like crap, so do try to calm down.
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I have experience with using antidepressants in my family :)
So basically - we have no idea how most of them work - and getting the right one for you might be long process because it's always trial and error method. So best advice would be to contact with your doctor.
And stay calm - some of them have side effects but usually it's nothing dangerous - sometimes those effects can disappear after few days. Or your doctor should change dosage/add another drug that will reduce that additional effect.
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I take anti-depressants for almost a year now, and I remember the first 2 weeks to be quite ... weird. I feld really strange, mainly, I didn't have any emotion at all. The list of possible side-effects were long and I felt like I had some of them.
Then, after precisely 2 weeks, it all stopped. Almost no side-effects.
I don't know your medication, and it most certainly effect people differently, but my guess is, that this could be a side-effect that's hopefully gone in a few weeks. But I would suggest that you just speek to your doctor you feel like there is something wrong.
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As many already said before, never stop a treatment brutally without consulting your therapist first. Lots of antidepressants have side effects. Just contact your therapist ASAP and they'll usually switch to another medication. I had to go through a lot of them before settling on one that didn't have atrocious side effects, and some of them were literaly unbearable like feeling an electric current through my nerves 24/7 or sleeping for entire days.
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You need to ask the psychiatrist who prescribed the drugs, that is always the right and the first course of action when in doubt and when you are just starting new drugs.
But....also bear in mind: all drugs have side effects and it takes your body about 2 weeks to adjust to new drugs, so the advise is often to try and continue and see if side effects wear off.
But.....there are cases where a drug is just not right for you and the prescribing physician will want you off asap.
Random advise on the internet is ALWAYS tricky: what sounds the same isn't always the same!
Someone might say: "ooh yes I had that too when I started that drug but that was only the 1st week"
But did she/he really feel the same? impossible to say!
Ask your psychiatrist! He/she will be able to judge this far better than we do!
Whatever he/she says: keep up your faith, there are so many drugs, one will work eventually! And maybe that will even be this one.
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My opinion is you or your mother should call the psychiatrist immediately to ask about side-effects. Please don't rely on us. I want the best for you, but I don't know your case history.
Your nervousness about the trembling and chills is well-founded. I'd be scared too. But it could be normal in the ease-in period, so you want the prescribing physician's opinion.
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as someone with experience in this matter i absolutely aggree.
As somebody with experience however please allow me to leave this:
I had the same problems myself with a different drug while being treated ( still am ) for similar problems ( depression, general anxiety, sociophobia ). It took me about 1 week to get used to it and around 5 weeks to get over it. It was the worst in the morning and after taking the pill ( 2h before bed - and that's because the pill would knock me out ). Through the Day I was a little bit dazed but nothing major. But it worked, I'm still on the medicine and while I'm still struggling it at least allowed me to try.
I was in a clinic at that time, was being monitored and my doctor told me about these nasty sideeffects.
If your doctor did not tell you about it. Talk to him asap! If you think think that something is terribly wrong. Talk to him asap!
Generally it's ok to talk to people AFTER you have talked to your doctor, because his guess will be a lot more accurate than ours.
Until then - I know this is easier said than done - try to stay as calm as possible and sleep ... best way to pass time
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Side effects most likely. You need to take anti-depressants for quite a while before they take effect and only then will you suffer from withdrawal. Side effects can be temporary or not. It's best to contact your psychiatrist about it though.
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I think you should definitely talk to a doctor and decide what it right for you. A lot of people have opinions on what would be right, but professional help is slightly better then online help.
I wish I could help since I'm a fellow anxiety sufferer, but I don't take medication so I don't know :/
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you shouldn't ask people on internet on doses as only doctor should know what is best for you.
As from mine experience dose for start is pretty big, i think most people start from 5 and than going up if needed.
But side effects in those drugs are pretty bad for most so it's perfectly fine, you can have them for 2-3 weeks or even more and that chilly effect arounf spine i had for almost whole time from time to time.
Stary stron it really helps in long term
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...I've been on my second day with them (Taking 10 mg every 24 hours).
Right now, as I am writing, an hour ago, I woke up, then started to feel chilly... Like if a cold when all over my body, around my spine...
It was kind of terrifying, even my legs were trembling when going down the stairs to my room, I asked my mother if I had any fever, which she said I hadn't...
Maybe the drug (Paxil) is not the right one for me... This is what I was fearing for... Now I want to stop taking them, but I'm not sure if I'm already addicted or something :(
I'll talk to my psychiatrist about it, but I want an opinion on the matter...
Should I stop taking them since I just started it? Or continue with a lower dosage?
Thank you for your answers.
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