what is your % of sg wins played?
I don't wan't want to install a random extension to my browser, can you check for me? I'm not looking to get into the giveaway, just curious where I am at.
I imagine it's in the range of 0-10. I feel like I give away humble games, and get back bundle trash games. Most of the bundle games aren't worth playing.
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I assumed it was pretty low, I think the only game I won on my backlist is naruto.
Script seems a bit off now that I am looking at my games played.
Played: Akihabara, rochard, Poker Night, Frozen Synapse (this would show not completed because it gives you both prime and the older one, and the older one is better)
But yea, I knew I would be low. I'm all about going nuts on badges and cards when sales happen. When summer sale occurs I'll use all of my cards, but a lot of the bundle trash are just not worth playing other than cards.
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I've only won two games (lol) but I've played and 100% cleared them both. I only really enter in giveaways for games I have on my wishlist.
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I plan to at least try to play all my wins from this site. I currently only have one. But I love the game so much! I just currently am sick with a cold so have a hard time focusing. I plan to play it more once better. I also only try to go after games that seem like they would be fun to play.
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My current amount of wins played isn't that high. I simply don't have much uninterrupted time on my hands these days.
I just recently won "Scrap Garden" and have already finished it. It was a lot easier and shorter than I thought it would be.
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Fun little game, Scrap Garden. It was one of my (5 1/2 yo) son's favorite games. If you just can't get enough Scrap Garden, there's also a free to play (and short) Scrap Garden, the Day Before.
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87.5% (7/8) with playtime, 83.3% (5/6) with ≥1 achievement
Average Playtime: 4.4 hours per win, 5.0 hours per played win
Total Playtime: 35 hours
Average Achievement Percentage: 41.7%
Not bad :) Mostly entering games that are on my wishlist helps.
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welp just won something the other day so I'm no longer 100% but it shouldn't be that long before I play it and fix that again...
its alot easier to have a high percentage when you haven't won much I guess
entering only games I want to play also helps
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4/5 is 80%
I'm actually getting shocked with the average percentage's people have what the hell have you done you've opened pandora's box and things will never be the same
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I'm gonna be honest - nowhere near enough.
I intend to play every game I win, but then shit happens:
As of right now, Won 81 games, played 24, so approximately 30%. There are two more that I should be playing as soon as possible, one in particular that I'm really happy with, but don't have time to sink my teeth into for a few more days.
I do feel bad sometimes, but I do intend to play every game I win, and only enter games I intend to play. But my backlog is pretty big, and some games are just so good they suck up a lot of time
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80.6% (87/108) with playtime, 74.4% (58/78) with ≥1 achievement
It's a work in progress. (Joining BLAEO helped a lot!)
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i was hoping it was a website not a userscript. oh well, calculated it myself and have 22.2% played (not counting the one i only idled for cards so far)
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i counted 6/27 with playtime, but that was ignoring stellar impact because i only idled that one for cards. some of my wins are dlc so it could be counting that as well as counting packages separately maybe? does it show what the 44 (or 46) games are?
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No I'am sorry, it show only 4 new lines on your profile :/
Average Achievement Percentage 57.1%
Win Counts 15.2% (7/46) with playtime, 20.0% (4/20) with ≥1 achievement
Average Playtime 2.5 hours per win, 16 hours per played win
Total Playtime 114 hours
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My first win was the reason of my then born addiction to The Binding of Isaac and roguelikes.
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Does that take into account people who play their games offline though? I normally don't play offline these days, but there probably are some SG members that play offline or have the Steam overlay disabled (which iirc is how steam tracks whats been played / achievements).
I've disabled the steam overlay before on games it caused visual glitches for (none of my wins though).
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some games cashe achievements so even if they were played offline as long as they were connected at some point to the internet afterwards they will show up.
only thing is this screws up stats sometimes I played through the magic circle offline and got 100% of the achievements but only had like 10 minutes of playtime...it looked like I was cheating so I idled it a bit to look better.
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That mod icon is hilarious. I haven't played the game yet, but maybe I'll keep this mod in mind... ;-)
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I found SOMA really nice on it's world level, but I'll use the AI-turnoff mod for a different reason - I really didn't feel the enemies scary. They are scripted in smaller areas and just pad the game.. it's not helping that if they cripple you you better off dying than limp with headbob D:
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Same, I got jumpscared by teammates in csgo xD But it was really like something broke in me when I realized I'm better off dying in the game and continuing from checkpoint than if pushing on :( It's a wonderful sci-fi story and setting, but gameplay wise I find it very flawed *some headscratching at review score*
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I don't have many wins, but I was curious about my % of sg wins played:
100.0% (5/5) with playtime, 50.0% (2/4) with ≥1 achievement
I don't plan on winning hundreds of games, just a few entries here and there (and maybe a win if I'm lucky :P) so I think I can manage to keep a nice % 😁
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My stats
77.3% (245/317) with playtime, 8.16% (20/245) with ≥1 achievement
Not so surprised as when I started using SG I joined every giveaway in front of me (the same era where I bought every bundles in my sight too, sorry, I'm new to bundle stuff at that time).
Also, even now, I join the giveaway I'm interested in, even I do not intend to play it ASAP too.
Something to note though is that since the script doesn't check the legitimacy of achievement, it is possible that one could cheat the script by using SAM to unlock achievement is just mere second. (or SAM is not a thing anymore? I don't know.)
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I've been there myself, so I know how you feel. If you wanna try doing something, I suggest joining BLAEO. It's great to find people that will help and encourage you to play your wins.
You're right about that, but there is nothing I can do about it :/
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I'm aware of BLEAO and I think it's nice concept. But personally, I think most games are supposed to entertain the player. And I don't feel like forcing myself to play game I don't want to. So I didn't join till now.
But maybe in the future my perspective will change and I'll join the group someday. :)
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The script doesn't take into measurement those games that do not have achievements. Only the ones that have them are counted.
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It seems the most impressive is not entering a single giveaway.
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After reading this thread and seeing a comment about people that don't play their wins, I thought it would be fun to use Kelnage's Do you even play, bro script to see how my whitelist was doing and then I found stuff like this:
7.72% (20played/259wins) with ≥1 achievement
4.62% (19/411) with ≥1 achievement
4.29% (13/303) with ≥1 achievement
But it kept getting worse and worse
2.62% (5/191) with ≥1 achievement
1.34% (5/372) with ≥1 achievement
0.952% (1/105) with ≥1 achievement
When I thought it couldn't get any worst, I found these:
0.254% (2/786) with ≥1 achievement
0.00% (0/43) with ≥1 achievement
0.00% (0/67) with ≥1 achievement
0.00% (0/220) with ≥1 achievement
0.00% (0/242) with ≥1 achievement
Don't get me wrong, I only have ~47% of sgwins played, but some of those numbers got me depressed. While doing some cleaning I found 2 people that have played 100% of their sg wins and they have inspired me to celebrate people that play their wins.
If you have at least 25% of your sg wins played (I'm using the games with ≥1 achievement as a valid stat, just use Kelnage's script to check) and would like to get a copy of Dead Cells Since sgtools don't have this option yet, leave a comment below and I'll send you the link to the GA manually. lvl1+ proof (the GA is actually lvl 1, not lvl 3). Dont forget to say that you want to participate or not. Thanks!
If you have more than 50% of your sg wins played, let me know and I'll wishlist you for an extra chance. proof
Thanks for reading and let me know if you wanna participate!
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