Edit: It looks like the Jigidi cheating may have been stopped.
Is this going to be the same as last year where you have to complete Jigidis every day to get points? If so I think I will have to pass. I did them all last year and it was pretty stressful trying to find hours every day to complete them with other family stuff going on. Then I found out that people were cheating somehow with automatic solvers. A few people got 1 second solve times because they didn't understand how to use the software and let it solve instantly. They tried to say there was an error with the site and it didn't record their times correctly.
I don't see the point of trying to beat other user's times when you know there are people cheating. Even if you are just doing the Jigidis for fun and don't care about the giveaways, it's not fun if all the users on the top of the list always beat you because they can pick any time they want. That is also why this thread stopped putting giveaways behind Jigidi puzzles.
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I was just reading through the comments on the thread I linked and apparently Jigidi was detecting who was using the script and banning them. The script creator would update the script to prevent the detection, but it seems like they are in a back and forth battle. I don't know if people are still able to cheat or if it has been stopped for now since those comments were from months ago.
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tl;dr: At the moment the jigidi website is safe, but it can change again anytime
Had Jigidi threads for over 3 years here, so i am keeping an eye on the autosolver development:
Only the first versions of the auto solver forced the script user to logout and it was only to keep a low profile. After the first bans, the creator said "let's spam them with our times" and auto solver users could be logged in. For example: https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/bo6gswsw/just-for-fun-no-giveaway/?id=BO6GSWSW
The Jigidi website upgraded their detection after that and ip banned all auto solvers users (so router reset fixes the ban). The users used for months a complicated workaround with multiple login and logouts during the solve and in the end you had to be logged out for it work. This workaround worked till august. Then a new script which used browser dev tools came out. Since the end of september the new script get detected as well. At the moment scripts are not working, but they are still trying to find a way. The script had slow solve versions to stop the script anytime to finish the puzzle manually. Btw it's the fault of the geochaching community that the scripts got created in the first place
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Thanks for the detailed infos. I hadn't the newest ones.
It's sad to see how they still try to cheat and i can't trust jigidi that it is now "constantly" safe. They try what they can and i respect that but i will not invest time to make some jigidis with GA's.
So some "§$"$"§$ destroy it for the honest ones.
Ps.: Each one that would be seen complaining on the cheaters site, that the cheats don't work anymore, should be banned everywhere that they have a account [And yes i know that will be forever a dream and sadly not happen...]
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I believe jigidi.com managed to stop the cheaters. The web page of the cheaters is full of people constantly complaining that the cheat doesn't work anymore. And every time they update, the owners of jigidi are constantly checking that page and counter the cheat.
I have seen other people recently making some jigidis, and checking all the times (well, the top ten fastest) , they are all perfectly normal
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Hi. Christmas time and Advent is coming pretty soon, so I will have an Advent event, similar to this starting December 1st.
To get in a mood for that, I have created a trial run jigidi that will land you some extra boost points in that event.
To get those extra points, you have to solve this jigidi (obviously), take a screenshot like this or something similar where you can clearly see your SG username and solving time, and than post link to that screenshot in giveaway that is at the end of jigidi.
Only submissions that are posted before giveaway end counts!
jigidi: https://www.jigidi.com/jigsaw-puzzle/zkm2ipx9/ozoxmas-preparation/
game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/633060/Orwell_Ignorance_is_Strength/
level 2
end: 23.11. 12:00 PM UTC+2 why?
mood music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPdHkHslFIU
please bump
Event will be available for users of Level 1 and above. So even if you can't enter this GA, you may still want to solve this jigidi if you are Level 1
As always, remember I have this long train running now. In there you can also find bunch of songs I have created and I would appriciate some support with views, likes and subscribes to my channel.
Please proofread this years thread and tell your thoughts. Is it understandable? Anything to add? Full rules will be added on website.
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