Following the line of a former thread, I'll do a private giveaway for the game Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Complete Pack, worth 54 dollars.

Rules are the same:

  • You need to accept my friend request before november 25 (delayed due to SG database problems) to be declared a contestant;
  • You can't have any of the Street Fighter IV game or addons (I'll check after adding you);
  • Don't leak the giveaway.

This time, the 7 chosen contestants will be the 7 with the coolest comments below (please, one comment per person). So, impress me :P

Se você for do Brasil, conheça nossa comunidade Brasileiros no S. Gifts.


Thanks everybody!

12 years ago*

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I would love Street Fighter 4. Why? So I can play with my best friend and beat the crap out of it cause he's a nub at fighting games. Bwahahahahaha!!!

12 years ago

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Dave works hard at the plant and spends most evenings bowling or playing basketball at the gym. His wife thinks he is pushing himself too hard, so for his birthday she takes him to a local strip club.

The doorman at the club greets them and says,' Hey Dave, how ya doin?'

His wife is puzzled and asks if he's been to this club before.' Oh no,' says Dave.' He's on my bowling team.'

When they are seated, a waitress asks Dave if he'd like his usual Budweiser. His wife is becoming uncomfortable and says,' You must come here a lot for that woman to know you drink Budweiser.'

'No honey, she's in the Ladies Bowling League. We share lanes with them.'

A stripper comes over to their table and throws her arms around Dave.' Hi Davey,' she says,' Want your usual table dance?'

Dave's wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club. Dave follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her and she starts screaming at him.

The cabby turns his head and says,' Looks like you picked up a real bitch tonight, Dave.'

12 years ago

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I wanna kick you down in this game :D.

12 years ago

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Be sure to listen this while you read that.

This! is what i call a cool comment ... now just close your eyes, open your ears and enjoy the epicness of your life.

12 years ago

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"Щас ты пизды огребеш гном" (С) Fyodor Dostoyevsky

12 years ago

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Entering the preliminary round! :)

12 years ago

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i hope OP knows what i'm talking about

12 years ago

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Akuma's rage. Beautiful to see.

12 years ago

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i'm more than satisfied then. speaking more in that language i mean

12 years ago

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nice goal from federer to argentina in the tv spot lol


12 years ago

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This is a pretty neat topic. Almost as neat at nature!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I like cats!

12 years ago

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Hermione's the best. Hands down. I'm cool. Heh.

12 years ago

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I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum!

12 years ago

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I found out how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood! A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck until Chuck Norris got there. Are you impressed?

12 years ago

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This will be good. (:

btw, i have SFIV. (:

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Awesome giveaway. I remember, way back when, I played the very first Street Fighter on a Turbografx-16 at a Jumbo Video. This was the kinda place where you could get free popcorn while you browsed movies and games. Every one mainly played Ryu VS Ken, since that was the only multiplayer going in that game, but every once in a while, someone would play through long enough to get to Mike. That was a big deal back then. They would shout, "That's Mike Tyson! He's gonna kill ya! He's gonna bite your ear off! He headbutted your ass. Damn!" Once, someone beat Mike, and the gang got quiet. We watched silently as this guy took down Lee, and barely beat down Gen. Birdie, with his crazy rushing headbutts, finally took the guy out. Capcom always said that Birdie was white in the first game just cause he was sick, but the guy playing that day said, "That punk-ass bastard is on crack!"

12 years ago

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I own Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting Edition on a JAMMA board !
nuff said :D

12 years ago

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I think Brazil has a good chance in the 2014 World Cup. If you're a gambler, the bookies are definitely giving Brazil the best odds. I think Argentina will be a major threat, provided Messi is able to convert his club success to the World stage -- something he's been unable to do for some reason. I have to admit, I am rooting for Germany, but I just don't think Germany's in the same class. Every time I watch them play, it feels like they're the underdog. Maybe it's to total lack of speed and athleticism.

12 years ago

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Congratulations to the winner AtomicWoodchuck. Hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed giving it away!

12 years ago

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Lets see if a story will enter your "Cool" meter:
When I was younger, I was a Manager at a restaurant. A customer was described as being "difficult" by a server. So I decided to take the food to the table myself, and make sure the food was as fresh from the kitchen as possible.
So, I give everyone at the table their food. To one gentleman I gave Burger + Fries. The "Gentleman" looked at the plate, and within 10 seconds, pushed the plate toward me and declared "No way, the fries are cold!". To which I replied "No sir, they're not. I brought them straight from the kitchen myself". He then picked up a fry between his thumb and Index Finger, saying "They're cold, see?", he then squeezed the fry to break it in half. He yelped in pain, as his finger were burned. I immediately addressed the rest of the table, with a big smile on my face, and said "Can I help you with anything else?". No one said anything, and I walked away.

One of the most satisfying days of my life.

12 years ago

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If the context were still opened, you'll be one of the contestants for sure. I love such stories :-)

12 years ago

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Haha, oh well.
This thread was fun either way. Cheers mate ^_^

12 years ago

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Hahaha. Nice.

Also a big thanks to Tiagocesar for organising this, and an equally big "woohoo!" since the Steamgifts fairies chose my name out of the hat for this awesome game + DLC.

Glad I renewed my premium subscription when the "+5% chance" offer was running :D

12 years ago

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Gotta love that SG Premium! (⌐■_■)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by tiagocesar.