Following the line of a former thread, I'll do a private giveaway for the game Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Complete Pack, worth 54 dollars.

Rules are the same:

  • You need to accept my friend request before november 25 (delayed due to SG database problems) to be declared a contestant;
  • You can't have any of the Street Fighter IV game or addons (I'll check after adding you);
  • Don't leak the giveaway.

This time, the 7 chosen contestants will be the 7 with the coolest comments below (please, one comment per person). So, impress me :P

Se você for do Brasil, conheça nossa comunidade Brasileiros no S. Gifts.


Thanks everybody!

12 years ago*

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hmmm...impress you eh? well, one time my mum gave me vegetables, and they looked disgusting, but i manned up and ate it. I eat vegetables everyday now. True story.

12 years ago

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Food is never disgusting. We should think about some ppl eating sand right now. Cool story bro.

12 years ago

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We may know who is entering, we may know who will win, but what we don't know is this: WHO WAS DOG????

12 years ago

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One comment per person you say?

12 years ago

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And what if I were to refuse?

12 years ago

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Nah, ignore that rule :P

12 years ago

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But but. Without rules this community is nothing. How are we to survive without rules in this cruel cruel world. The end of society as we know it is nigh so hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife.

12 years ago

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Well, everyone is wishing for the zombie apocalypse anyway

12 years ago

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It'll happen eventually, just you wait. But first the titans will rise from their prisons.

12 years ago

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I really want this game:D

12 years ago

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Hello Ty i bring u pie the flavors is pie flavor

12 years ago

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hmm, let it be....

12 years ago

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True/disturbing fact: Your piss is cleaner than your saliva.

12 years ago

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That is why I drink my own piss. Now THAT'S disturbing.

12 years ago

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Well I would hope you don't...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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We have to gather the Dragonballs and ask Sheng Long to add it on Youtube.

12 years ago

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You want to hear impressive? I beat Chuck Norris in a staring contest.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Did someone just say.... Sssstreeeet Fighta??

Grab a chair and siddown. Let me tell ya something, son. Guys like me, we ain't goin' around looking for a fight. That ain't the way it works.

IT'S DA FIGHT THAT COMES TO US. ( / slight pause while I take a gulp of beer and light a Marlboro)

And the fight always comes. At da bar, on da bus, hell, even at home when I'm with my ex-wife, my ex-kids, and my ex-pets. But all that ain't nothin' compared to what happens on dem mean streets of this Suck City (i.e., my PC). I've been in more (em... virtual) fist fights than you've taken licks from that ice cream sundae you holdin', kid. I don't need no make up, I've got real scars. (You know, real digital scars). You bet I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

So Super Street Fighter, eh? I'll be waitin' in the corner here...

Waitin' for the fight...

12 years ago

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Why can Guile never reach his full potential?
He's always holding back.

12 years ago

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This is the coolest comment because it just has the word cool in it. Oh and I ate a bowl of nails today with no milk!

12 years ago

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well lets try 7 random facts to impress;

  1. Blood is made up of three major components: plasma, platelets, and red blood cells

  2. Macau, China is the gambling captital in the world

  3. Pirate did not drink grog for enjoyment, rather for the vitamin C it provided

  4. ninjas did not wear black, but instead dressed and geisha's, servants and entertainer's to infiltrate/protect their targets

  5. the famed lord of the rings writer, J. R. Tolken, served in WW2

  6. Phenomenon is the most mispronounced word in the English language

  7. in Sonic 1 their were only 6 Chaos emeralds, the 7th one was latter added in on Sonic 2 for and undisclosed reason

12 years ago

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Hakan for president

12 years ago

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The man was tired, cold and alone. He wandered aimlessly. He felt as if he had no point in living anymore.

He went about his day.

While he did good deeds, as he always did, as it was his duty, for that was the reason he joined the Paladins, he though of which had transpired the recent week. He thought of the rejection that he had feared, and it had come true.

He went about his day.

He was sad that he was forced to leave the small group he had so came to love and enjoy their companionship. It was a sad day. But minds could not be changed. He would travel alone for the rest of his life, or so he told himself.

He went about his day.

12 years ago

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Really cool comments ppl :-) I'm going to sleep now, gotta pick the lucky 7 before 11/25

12 years ago

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You know what's impressive? That Brazil is the 2014 world cup location. They've practically won it with home ground advantage

12 years ago

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You are a credit to your country for doing this, good sir. Many Brazilians are exceptionally rude gamers and spew vile anti American drivel in game and chat. To see you do something this cool is more cool then anything I can come up with, so kudos to you!

Also, I'd simply like to add, Brazil has had the most consistently excellent soccer/futbol team in the world for as long as I can remember. Always a threat!

12 years ago

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Thanks man, I'm sad with the fact that 90% of the brazilians are as*holes.

12 years ago

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Why does Snoop Dogg always carry an umbrella?

Fo' Drizzle.

12 years ago

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Sagat is teaming up with Apple to unleash his new clothing line, iPatch.

You after reading this

12 years ago

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the lucky 7 sounds a gay musical group

also, OP is a fag

dont fag is a joke dont joke is a fag

12 years ago

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Coolest comment you say?

tiagocesar is the coolest thing I can think of.

12 years ago

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Earth is the largest planet in the world. Prove me wrong.

12 years ago

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Great! I was thinking about what comment to post while driving a car.
Then i hit squirrel...So i guess i should stop ...

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by tiagocesar.