LCD and LED are not different things, most modern LCD monitors are LED
LCD is the screen technology, of the pixel groups and LED is the backlight technology, behind the LCD screen... Then are most LCD of the VA type (that often give best black, but work also best if you sit right in front of the screen) and many are of the ISP type, that not give very deep black (except some from Sony) but instead work fine even from an angle...
what you should be looking into is panel technology, VA, IPS, TN and Samsungs own panel tech
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so... i¡m lost now......if i understand well the VA type if i move a bit left or right or up and down i will see more black some zones of the monitor????
and the ISP type i will see the colors the same way even if i move to right or left or up and down???
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IMO there are 3 mains things and 2 small things you should go for in a monitor. Depending on your budget you might have to sacrifice some to get others.
Major stuff:
1) screen size -> First You should decide on the size of a monitor, bigger is more expensive. It is usually described in inches, Like 27'. This is the diagonal size of the screen.
IMO you should choose the size you prefer as longa s your budget allows.
2) Resolution -> this means the ammount of pixels the screen displays. Higher is better but it is also much more taxing on the GPU. It should be represented by the number of vertical pixels; for example 1080p, 1440p and 2160p. Unfortunalty most laymen found it complicated so brands use key words for those numbers: full HD=1080p; 4K = 2160p.
IMO due to your GPU being on the weak side I'd recomend a 1080p monitor;
3) refresh rate -> this means the number of images the screen shows per second. The higher the number the more natural movement will be on screen. Most monitors use 60Hz, 120Hz or 144Hz. DO note that many TV screens and some monitors say they have 1000Hz, it is a lie. You should always use an independent site to verify what the manufacturers says.
IMO it all depends on the games you play. Consoles render games at 30 FPS so a 60Hz monitor is enough for those types of games. IF you play twitch shooters going for a 144 Hz might be interesting.
Small stuff:
1) variable refresh rate -> G-sync is a technology that stops screen tearing. It highly increases the prices of a monitor but it might be for you if you play games with a high variance in their FPS
2) Contrast/colors -> some panels have better contrast/colors then others. If you work in art it might be interesting to take this into account. If it is just for gaming i'd use the other parameters to choose the monitor.
Most other things that are on the box don't directly affect gaming. for example angle vision is meaningless for us since you are probably right in front of the monitor.
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Ok that's what i was looking to know.
so for what you say i have some things in mind but before i need to know one thing about 4K monitors. imagine we have 2 monitor with exactly the same specifications but one it's HD and the other 4K (the price it's 100$ for HD and 130$ for 4K). now i have this questions:
1-if i buy the 4K monitor i can use the 1920x1080 resolution without problems or i will hurt the monitor for run it with lower resolution??? (i ask that because who knows if in 3 years i will want to play at 4K some future games etc..., if i buy a monitor maybe it's worth to buy a 4K even if i only use 1920x1080 resolution)
2-If i have some games that use 4K mods if i use the 1920x1080 resolution monitor i will watch worse than if i use the 4K monitor??
some other questions:
before i want to say that i only use PC for play videogames, watch films, series, music and for few more things (nothing profesional, so 80% of time it's for play games)
3-what time of answer i should aim???? (people recommended me the 1MS but for example if i buy a 5MS will be very bad to my eyes??? i will see any diference???)
4-talking about G-sync it's not necesary to buy it no?? i mean it will affect my FPS??? with that i mean if i buy a monitor without it i will have for example 50 FPS in one game?? and if i buy with it i will have 180 FPS in the same game??? in your toughs how worth is this G-sync thing????
5-colors...... well what i should aim for gamming??? 1 million?? 16.5 millions???
6- and last question can you explain me a bit what's that angle vision thing??? i should get a monitor with 180ª??? or if i get a 160ª angle vision and if i move to the left or right i will watch strange????
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1) You can totally buy a 4k monitor and use a 1080p resolution in it but, IMO it is not worth it unless you are upgrading your GPU soon. The reason i say this is when you probably upgrade your PC in 2-3 years there will be better monitors; maybe there will be 8k? maybe there will be new amazing features? who knows? i don't think committing to a 4k monitor now when we know the future holds better is the right choice.
2) Generally speaking yo ucan use 4k mods it is just you aren't going to see a massive difference because of your resolution. Do note that the 1050 has only 2 GB. 4k textures usually require a GPU with at bare minimum 6GB.
3) Personally I would use the display lag (the 5ms-20ms) to buy a monitor. Most gaming if not all gaming monitors have a very reduced display lag. This is important if you are buying a TV, TV makers have a lost of post-processing stuff which increases lag. That said many TV makers have a game mode for their TVs that reduce significantly the display lag. I'd focus more on the refresh rate then the display lag for a monitor.
4) G-sync works by synchronizing your GPU with your monitor. So what does this mean? It means that if the game you are playing is varying from 70-80 FPS the G-sync makes sure all images are correctly displayed. In non g-sync monitors these variations make a line in the screen (called screen tearing). This is a very expensive feature that is useful for people that like to play at maximum graphics in high demanding games. An example: in a total war game where you have 1000s of entities fighting zoning in on the action will reduced your FPS, having g-sync makes that transition smoother.
5) read Tzaar comment
6) the angle vision is just how far left/right you can be from your monitor and see the image. As long as you game and watch stuff with your monitor directly pointing to you then it is useless to consider
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1)going to buy a new PC in 2-3 months (in fact i wanted to buy a full new PC , mouse, sound etc...... but but... the monitor just said enough 3 days ago... so i'm force to buy a monitor first and wait until have more money to change my full PC, i aim to buy a 6GB graphic card, i think they cost like 300$)
6) so if i'm a guy that don't watch the monitor exactly at the center when watching films etc... i should buy a monitor with more angle of vision?? (so for me will be better a 170ª angle vision than 150ª???)
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1) if you are buying a new PC IMO it is best to budget accordingly. If i remember correctly, a 300$ GPU can do 1440p but will struggle at 2160p. If you can afford it search for 1440p monitors.
6) you don't need to sit rightly at the center. Higher angle vision is better (in google search monitor viewing angle to see pictures of the definition) that said unless you have a really long sofa or play far way from a monitor you shouldn't need a "special" viewing angle.
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1) ok i will stay to Full HD for now then, i will skip the 4K and wait for the 8K (actually i think they started talking about it and the 4K it's getting "obsolete" talking about future invest etc.... of companies i mean, or i think i saw a documental in TV about that)
6)yeah thanks for that tip now i understand what means angle of vision (i tought another think totally diferent, so that helped a lottttttttttttt)
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1) If you can get a 300$ GPU you can probably push for a 1440p monitor, this resolution is above full HD (1080p). I think, yes, it is better to skip 4k (2160p) for now since your next GPU will probably not render modern games well at 4k (2160p).
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TN < VA < IPS (panel type) for color quality. I've used all three -- TN colors look washed out compared to the others. VA is better, but a good IPS panel will give you the best color experience. I'd recommend heading to a shop that sells the various panels and check them out for yourself so you can see the difference. If you do any sort of photo/video editing at all, a good IPS is the way to go.
1MS or 20 MS (response time) -- lower is always better. It's how fast the pixels can change color. The higher the response time, the more likely you're going to notice "ghosting" in moving images. VA is the compromise here. You get the good color quality and can get a 1ms monitor, whereas IPS is usually 4-6ms or higher.
this monitor have 150º angle vision and this 180º -- Viewing angle is fairly irrelevant if you're the only one using the monitor and using it head-on. The least meaningful spec, imho, and really only useful when purchasing a television (which would be more likely to be viewed from different angles).
this monitor have HD 2K and this have HD 1K -- Resolution -- again, higher is always better but (and this is a big but) -- don't get a monitor your graphics card can't push. 1080p (1k) is pretty standard, but 1440p (2k) is becoming more usual now, and 2160p (4k) if you have a powerful graphics card.
One spec you neglected is refresh rate, and it's one of the most important. In layman's terms, it'll end up being the maximum framerate you'll get when gaming. 60Hz (which translates to 60fps maximum) is most common, but 120 or 144Hz is preferable for the best and smoothest experience when gaming.
Size - bigger is better. 24-27 inch is pretty common these days.
Last bit of advice -- splurge more on your monitor than you might on your other components. Chances are your monitor will be around for a while, sometimes much longer than your other components, so get one that you won't mind looking at for a few years.
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So if i understand well from you and the guy of above i should get someting like this:
1- Full HD or 4K (the problem with 4K it's i will see the icons in desktop and internet webpages ultra mega low.... so i will destroy my vision after 10 minutes watching it.
2-IPS (if not posible then VA, i really should avoid the TN)
3-angle of vision around 170ª (because i usually don't stay in the center of the monitor (specially when watching films etc... or while i play Rocket league xD) i usually a bit to the left or right
4-refresh rate of 120 HZ (how i can know what refresh rate have the monitor if the specifications don't say nothing??) (also... i can get more than 60 FPS if i have a 60HZ monitor???) (seems that i can't find searching in internet models with 120HZ, i just find 60HZ)
5-talking about size i will go for a 24" (my actual monitor it's 21" and i feel that 27" will be too bigger for me)
7-HDMI for my 1050 graphic card and my future 1070 or 1080 i still need to choice my future PC (i'm going to change it all)
8- the millions of colors are irrelevant so basically any will work.
so.... something like this.
<------ monitor 24" / LED / IPS or VA / 60hz or 120 hz / Full HD with at least 1 entry of HDMI / around 170ª angle vision / 1 to 5 MS ??? (then any other strange word like senseye etc... will be an extra that don't hurt me to have it??? ----------->
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and i feel that 27" will be too bigger for me
Until you actually use it. Then you'll want even bigger. :3
In your case, and given your future graphics card purchase (and assuming you use your PC for gaming more than anything else), I'd go with a 2k 27 inch 1 ms VA panel
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You can use tv as monitor. Depending its connections (hdmi is relatively common these days :P).
You could take look if your serious about it.
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4-refresh rate of 120 HZ (how i can know what refresh rate have the monitor if the specifications don't say nothing??)
If it doesn't say the refresh rate it is 60Hz in 99% of the cases. To be 100% sure just "<monitor name> specifications", it has to be listed somewhere.
(also... i can get more than 60 FPS if i have a 60HZ monitor???)
Depends on the game. Some will lock FPS to the monitor refresh rate, some are just locked at 30 or 60 FPS for shits and giggles, some let you set your max FPS to whatever you want and some will let you have as much FPS as you can possible get. But you will never actually see more than 60 FPS on your 60Hz monitor because the monitor just can't show more than that.
(seems that i can't find searching in internet models with 120HZ, i just find 60HZ)
From my experience 144Hz is a bit more common that 120Hz so you might wanna take a look for those. And once you go 144Hz you can never go back without your eyes bleeding <3
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So finally after all your help i have an idea of what i should buy. and i will try to aim for that
-Price 150-200$ Euros spain price
-VA (not IPS because my budget don't have for a good one, and the user of above told me is better VA than a "crap" IPS)
-angle of vision 160ª +++
-color --> idc anything will be good isn't something too relevant, at this point any of 150$+++ will have enough colors for gamming
-size of 24" (not 24.5",or 23"... nope!!!! will be 24")
-Full HD or HD (it's the same) i will skip the 4K (that will give me more movement when i buy my new PC and more duration at max graphics when new games come out)
-HDMI (my graphic card use it and i will need one so.....) actually i'm using a convertor of signal to make it run with my obsolete broken monitor (who knows if that convertor killed faster my monitor xD maybe that convertor it's a killer monitor!!!!)
-60HZ (if i see at good price something better like 144HZ i will get that but i don't see any of 144HZ lower than 250$)
thanks to all the help guys!! now i understand a lot better how to buy a good monitor. so i expect to buy something how i told, even if the shop don't have any similar at least i can improvise a bit now!!!
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LED vs LCD is a confusion due to marketing. LED is LCD, so I wouldn't worry about that distinction.
IPS isn't crap. IPS gives you the best color reproduction and viewing angles (such that the colors are the same if you move your head up and down and side to side, and even looking out to the corners of the screen). VA can be faster, and can have better contrast (it can get darker than IPS), at the cost of color reproduction and viewing angle. Decide if you prefer blacker blacks and higher refresh rates or better viewing angles and more accurate colors. Personally, after getting IPS monitors I don't want to go back.
Don't worry about the angle, that's marketing nonsense. Panel technologies all have about the same viewing angles, so each IPS panel will be about the same, each VA panel will be about the same, and IPS will always have better viewing angles than VA.
Rather than HD or Full HD, just look for the resolution number. It should state 1080p or 1920x1080. And if it's cheaper, a 23" or 24.5" will likely be just as good.
You can also convert from HDMI output to DVI or DisplayPort input by just changing the cable, in case you find a monitor that meets all your other needs but doesn't have HDMI.
And if you're getting a VA panel, I would look for one that goes above 60Hz. It doesn't have to be 144Hz, you could find something in the 90Hz or 120Hz range that would still be an improvement if you do any kind of FPS gaming (and your PC can handle it).
If you have an AMD video card, I would splurge to try to get a monitor with FreeSync. If you have an Nvidia card, G-Sync monitors are likely out of your price range.
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here are the best monitors for the prices, divided by features
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This is the continuation of my other post (my monitor it's almost dead, every day cost more to turn on (today i was need 20 try, yesterday just 12 try... so i expect the dead in a few days or soon)
how the things that the other guys recommend me, i doubt i can get them for cheap (can't use credit card etc... and i need to go to the shop i don't want they charge me some extra money for that buy, plus probably they don't got any of the models they recommend me)
so i need to know what i should look for my new monitor, for explain better i will create this situation.
imagine you are an absolutely noob on PC monitor that don't know what means the words they use etc... and you go to a shop to buy one.
The shop have the specifications etc...
then you look at them and you think... ok this monitor it's LED or LCD
this monitor have 150º angle vision and this 180º
this monitor have 1MS or 20 MS
this monitor have HD 2K and this have HD 1K
this monitor have 1 million colors and this have 1000000 million colors
i want the best i can get!!! so what's the best vision angle i should get??? LED or LCD??? how many MS i should aim?? etc.... full HD obviously (senseye????) all that strange words what i should avoid?? what i should look??? it's worth pay 10$ if the monitor have "senseye" or 190º angle vision instead of 170º???
basically i need a simple guide for when i go to shop look for specific things and avoid all the monitor that don't have that things even if they cost 1000$ money.
i need a little guide for don't get scammed.
for finish say that i'm going to spend around 150$ (Euros, spain country) and i'm going to change my full PC in 2-4 months depending in the price i need to win some money first in my work.
EXTRA INFO, just for the curious people
my actual PC:
-I5 750 2.67GHZ 2.66GHZ (4 CPU)
-8GB RAM DDR 3 i think
-MSI Nvidia Gforce GTX 1050 2GB (bought like 4 months ago, i regret it....)
-motherboard P55-US3L
-mouse --> G5 (pretty old mouse i think more than 10 years old, but very good quality on duration, it still works as it was the first day)
-keyboard --> a shit one (logitech) of 10 or 20$ xD (don't like gamer keyboard of 150$)
-my actual monitor --> benq senseye+photo LCD 21"" (have like 10 years old or more xD) (i don't even know what do that senseye+photo thing)
just to make it clear i don't want a recommendation in this thread, i want to know what i should look when i go to a shop to buy a monitor of PC
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