So why do you like making cv and private giveaways? I think that making them available for EVERYONE is the best!
I haven't made a single private glveaway. Even this one. It is public one without cv or group restricitons (or is it :o)

10 years ago*

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Barmp for funny puzzle.

10 years ago

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Private Giveaways allow you to limit the field to make the chances better. Same with Group GA... as for CV. If you set CV to $30.01 in order to enter you had to have given away at least 1 non bundled game...this keeps the leechers out.

10 years ago

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CV giveaways are made to thank those who are contributing to the site. When I'm giving away steam keys, I'm almost always using CV to weed out those who don't understand how the site works.

Private giveaways, usually, are meant to reward those who are active in the community and at least spend some time in the forums.

Group giveaways are done either as requirements from various groups, or simply to share with a specific group of people.

10 years ago

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Not giving my hard earned money to leeches, simple as that.

10 years ago

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I add CV's to my giveaways because I like to reward those who have also contributed to the site and avoid rewarding leechers who contribute little to nothing and try to win free games. At least that's the way I look at it.

10 years ago

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I like private (and group) giveaways because I have control (or knowledge) of who can enter and although I don't want anyone to feel obligated to play the games I give away, I do want the people who want to play a certain game I'm giving away to be the ones who win, the best way to do that is to be selective in who I invite to a giveaway.

cv..I only do public giveaways now in lieu of CV, I wish the CV system would be removed, personally.

10 years ago

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Why elitism ofc! We are just better than everyone! Or is it?

10 years ago

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I guess this says a lot about my thoughts on it...

Guys, how do I make a clicky, I forgot?!

10 years ago

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Oh, well... YOYFF


10 years ago

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[text](link goes here)

10 years ago

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I've got it!

Thank you very much! :)

10 years ago

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At the moment, I only created 2 giveaways, but I like CV giveaways because, like many said, the winner knows the rules and create a bundle giveaway costs nothing. And I like private giveaways because puzzles are entertaining to solve and people in the forum are nice. Thank you, puzzle makers !

10 years ago

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I enjoy puzzles and stuff but have never made one with fear it would be too easy or way too hard. I sometimes put the 30.01 cv on my non-bundle giveaways to avoid the people that don't understand how the site works. Everytime I give a cd key I worry the person will tell me the key didn't work to try to get two copies out of me.

10 years ago

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Better odds. What do you want? A GA with 2000 people entering, or 200?

10 years ago

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I like 200, but what is the change to you as a creator?

10 years ago

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I do want GAs to have some minimum CV to join, to get better odds. I can't control other's people GAs, but I can control mine. So if I want GAs with better odds, I should create my own that way. Well, I only used a $0.01 CV in my last GAs, but that already cuts out a lot of people and betters the odds for whoever can join.

And, in the end, it might prompt people into actually creating some GAs. Which is good for everyone.

10 years ago

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I don't normally do CV giveaways, but I just do Private giveaways cause I like giving to the people in the forum. I used to do Public Giveaways, but I stopped after several unpleasant winners.

10 years ago

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my "check" box isnt working... too bad =/

i've not made many GA yet, but i prefer to ask for a low CV so that only ppl who have given something back to the community get rewarded

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by PainFoinmr.